A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 624: So excited!

The imperial mausoleum in the eastern suburbs is the place where Suchahar can cosplay Dongfang Bubai and fight against the iron clothed Yan Zhen Dongjia Liuhe boy.

Said to be the eastern suburbs, in fact the Dongling Tomb of the former Qing Dynasty was not in the suburbs of the capital, but in Beizhili, more than 100 kilometers away from the capital.

In later generations, a distance of more than 100 kilometers could be covered by a car in more than an hour on the highway. However, this era is limited by the speed of cars and uneven road conditions. When Chen Jiuliang drove away from the capital, the sun was still high in the sky. In the sky, by the time we arrived near Dongling, it was already filled with stars and moon.

Hua Twelve could have flown to Dongling with his sword, but firstly he didn't know the way, and secondly he thought that Yueerhong was a plot character in the first place. Even without him, the danger would have been saved, so he simply didn't worry, and sat in the car with peace of mind. Keep your eyes open.

But the closer we get to Dongling, the night outside seems to be getting darker, and there are more dark clouds in the sky, covering the originally full sky of stars and the waning moon.

The sound of muffled thunder came from far away, rumbled across the sky, from far to near, making people feel an inexplicable sense of depression.

Hua Twelve opened his eyes. He felt something was wrong. With his strength as a great master of Chinese martial arts and a master of the innate realm of internal strength, he would actually feel depressed. However, Chen Jiuliang, who was concentrating on driving in front, didn't seem to have any discomfort, which meant that he must There was something going on that he didn't know about.

Wanting to find out the reason but being unable to find it, Hua Twelve had to cheer up and prepare to deal with all emergencies.

Looking out the window, I saw a car speeding along a dirt road, with dark and dense woods on both sides. Except for the car's headlights, there was no light at all.

Hua Twelve asked Chen Jiuliang: "How far is it?"

Chen Jiuliang was now very frightened of Hua Twelve. He had already driven more than ten miles out of the capital, and Boss Cheng sat silently in the back seat of the car.

He didn't even feel the car door open, and he really couldn't figure out how the other party caught up with the car and got in.

Such unpredictable methods made Chen Jiuliang, a ferocious red dog, have no other thoughts when facing Hua Twelve, only full of awe and deep fear.

At this time, when Hua Twelve heard the question, he quickly replied: "We are still a few miles away, but the intersection past the boss has been blocked by men named Sun. What do you think we should do?"

A glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes, and he thought that it would be best if this one greeted the young marshal well. He thought that the man named Sun would not dare not give the young marshal face.

Hua Twelve said calmly: "Drive directly over. If anyone blocks you, just hit me!"

Chen Jiuliang's eyelids twitched and he wasn't sure if the other party was joking, so he could only say haha ​​and continue driving in silence.

But the car drove for another three and ten minutes, and the dirt road ahead was still there, as if it had no end.

At this time, even Hua Twelve felt something was wrong, and asked Chen Jiuliang: "Didn't you say there are still a few miles away? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Chen Jiuliang slowed down the car and looked back and forth: "Yes, we should have arrived a long time ago. Even if we haven't arrived, we can still see the imperial mausoleum, but why are there still woods around here!"


Hua Twelve didn't know what was going on, but he still asked Chen Jiuliang to stop the car.

Chen Jiuliang immediately stepped on the brakes, but when he applied the brakes, the car not only did not slow down, but suddenly accelerated and rushed out.

The dirt road was already rugged. With this sudden acceleration, the wheels seemed to press against the depressions in the road. The whole car bumped. Chen Jiuliang shook his hands and the steering wheel suddenly tilted. The car suddenly rushed out of the dirt road and plunged into the woods on the right. passed.

The rear door was kicked open by Hua Twelve, and he grabbed Chen Jiuliang's shoulders and pulled him out of the driver's seat. Then he just lifted him up and jumped out of the speeding car, landing firmly on the ground. on the ground.

Just when Hua 12's feet landed, the car hit the trunk of a big pine tree with a bang. There was a branch protruding from the trunk three feet above the ground. It was thicker than a goose egg. The car It hit and penetrated directly through the windshield and out the rear window.

If Cai Twelve was just an ordinary person and couldn't jump out of the car immediately, then he and Chen Jiuliang would have already passed through that branch.

Chen Jiuliang's shoulder was in splitting pain. It was caused by strained muscles and bones when Hua Twelve was pulled out of the driver's seat. But at this time, he couldn't care less about the pain and was only filled with fear.

He wanted to thank Hua Twelve, but the next moment he saw Hua Twelve flying up, his feet on the branches one after another, soaring up like a big bird in the night sky.

In the blink of an eye, I reached the treetop about ten meters away. I stepped on a pine treetop as thick as my thumb with one foot. The branches trembled and swayed slightly in the wind, but the man was steady.

Chen Jiuliang's eyes almost popped out of his head. He had also practiced Qinggong, running and jumping with a weight on a sandbag. After more than ten years, he could jump up a five- to six-foot-high low wall, fly over eaves, walk on walls, and run on tiles. Able to make no sound.

But this is the first time I have seen something as exaggerated as this. Thinking about all the things before, I feel more and more admired.

He was about to greet Hua Twelve, but in an instant the figure floated down and was already standing in front of him. Before he could speak, a hand had already grabbed his belt and lifted him up:

"Tell me, what exactly is this place and why did you bring me here?"

Judging from Hua Twelve's demeanor when he asked, it seemed that if Chen Jiuliang didn't tell the truth, he would just throw him to death.

Hua Twelve had just used Qinggong to climb high and look far into the distance. Although the night was like ink and the sky was dark, he could still see clearly with his eyesight. The area within his sight were all trees and jungles, and there was no trace of the imperial mausoleum.

Chen Jiuliang said quickly: "Boss Cheng, I don't understand what you are talking about?"

Hua Twelve threw him to the ground casually and stepped on him with his feet: "You are still not honest. I have looked around and there is no imperial tomb at all!"

Chen Jiuliang had a confused look on his face: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. This is the only way to get to the imperial mausoleum. Ordinarily we should have arrived a long time ago. Even if we haven't arrived, we shouldn't miss it!"

Hua Twelve looked at his expression carefully and saw that he didn't seem to be faking, so he let go of his feet and asked, "How do you explain the surrounding people?"

Chen Jiuliang stumbled up and climbed up the tree trunk without believing anything. After a while, he jumped down from the tree with a look of horror on his face: "It's gone, it's really gone!"

Hua Twelve's backhand was a big showdown: "Young master, you said I can't understand. What's going on?"

Chen Jiuliang came to his senses after being slapped, and said with a wry smile:
"Boss Cheng, those of us who are natives are extremely sensitive to terrain. As long as we take a look at a place, we can remember [-]% to [-]% of it based on the surrounding terrain."

"How about it?"

Chen Jiuliang's lips were trembling as he said word by word: "This is Dongling!"

Hua Twelve frowned and said in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Chen Jiuliang pointed at the feet of the two of them: "Judging from the terrain, the place you and I are standing on now should be the Dongling Tomb of the previous dynasty. We should be in the cemetery, but now you look at it, it's all gone. "

Hua Twelve could feel that Chen Jiuliang was not lying when he said this. It could be seen from his panicked expression that this was genuine fear, but he could not accept what the other party said.

He pondered for a moment and asked: "I heard that among your tomb robbing business, some people can determine the location of the tomb on the ground from the stars. Can you do this?"

Chen Jiuliang smiled bitterly and said: "You are talking about the art of star feng shui. How can we, the local masters, know that? Besides, even if I know it, there are no stars now!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the sky. Hua Twelve looked up at the night sky with dark clouds over the city, feeling more and more depressed. But strangely, the muffled thunder from before could no longer be heard.

He asked Chen Jiuliang again: "Is this a ghost breaking a wall? I heard that a boy's urine can break a ghost's wall. Are you a boy?"

Chen Jiuliang looked at him in confusion, and the two of them suddenly stared at each other.

Hua Twelve is so worried: "I asked you a question and you just said it. What do you think I'm doing?"

Chen Jiuliang said with a bitter face: "My son is six years old, how can he still be a boy? On the contrary, I heard my second grandfather said that Boss Cheng, you are only ten years old this year. If you want to be a boy, you must be you." "."

Hua Twelve's eyes twitched: "Change the topic and think of another way!"

The two of them had no idea what to do. Chen Jiuliang could only take Hua Twelve to the Ding Dong Tomb of the old witch according to the location of the terrain in his memory.

There was an eerie silence in the woods at night, not even the chirping of birds, only the rustling of two people walking through the weeds.

After walking a stick of incense, Hua Twelve suddenly said: "Stop!"

Chen Jiuliang stopped immediately and saw that Hua Twelve seemed to be listening attentively to something, but there was no sound of wind and it was extremely quiet.

After a long while, Hua Twelve said: "Keep walking!"

The two of them moved forward again. This time within 3 minutes, Hua Twelve suddenly grabbed Chen Jiuliang. The two of them immediately stood on the same spot, and he began to listen again.

After another long while, Chen Jiuliang asked: "Boss Cheng, did you discover anything?"

Hua Twelve rarely became serious: "I heard the footsteps of the third person!"

Chen Jiuliang looked left and right, and saw that everything was dark and there was nothing but woods. However, he had seen Hua Twelve's abilities before and knew that such a capable person would not miss the mark.

For a time, even though Chen Jiuliang was a local master, a tomb robber, and had encountered many strange things, in this atmosphere, when he heard Hua Twelve's words, he still felt a little creepy.

Hua Twelve grabbed Chen Jiuliang's arm and said, "Don't struggle, I'll take you away!"

After saying that, he followed the old witch Chen Jiuliang pointed out to the direction of Dongling, and walked away with big steps. Judging from the lightness of his steps, it didn't look like there was someone clamped on his arm.

This time no sound was heard except his own footsteps.

Hua Twelve walked away for another stick of incense in one breath and stopped suddenly. Chen Jiuliang's eyes showed a look of horror in his hand. The reason was for no other reason than that, just a dozen meters away, a car was stuck on the branch.

It was the vehicle driven by two people.

In other words, they walked around in circles for a long time and returned to their original position.

There is no need to think about this, it must be a ghost attacking the wall.

Later generations have many theories about ghosts breaking into walls. Some say it is caused by magnetic fields, and some say it is caused by the smell emitted by certain plants around. In short, they are all caused by external means that interfere with human perception.

Hua Twelve put Chen Jiuliang down, and the two walked to the car. Sure enough, they could still see their footprints on the ground when they left.

"What, what should we do?" Chen Jiuliang was really anxious. His second master was still waiting for help.

Hua Twelve said angrily: "You are a tomb robber. In such a situation, would you be interested in asking me, an opera singer?"

As soon as he finished saying this, he heard someone laughing.

Chen Jiuliang was furious instantly. He was sure that the sound was definitely not from him and Boss Cheng in front of him. In other words, there were other people here.

He asked sternly: "Who is there? Don't hide your head and show your tail. Have the courage to speak out!"

The next moment Chen Jiuliang shouted, Hua Twelve suddenly turned around and looked at a big tree ten steps away: "Come out, you were the one who followed us before, right?"

Suddenly someone coughed twice behind the tree, and then a figure slowly turned out.

Seeing this man, Hua Twelve and Chen Jiuliang shrank their eyes. They saw that this man was thin and withered, with chicken skin and gray hair. He looked seventy years old, but his eyes were glowing green, and he was actually wearing the clothes of a eunuch from the previous dynasty.

Chen Jiuliang's shoulders shook slightly, and Hua Twelve noticed an iron pill falling into his hand along his sleeve, and heard him ask:

"Old sir, who are you? Aren't you afraid of scaring people in this suit of clothes in this wilderness?"

When Chen Jiuliang spoke, his spine arched slightly, like a frightened big cat, obviously ready to attack at any time.

Even though he was squashed and rounded by Hua Twelve's hands, when it came to the job of being a local master, how could he do it without some skill on his hands?

The old man in eunuch clothes was hunched over, with a strange smile on his face. His green eyes scanned the two of them, and finally his eyes fell on Hua Twelve, turning a blind eye to Chen Jiuliang, who was ready to go. .

"Brother, look at me, do I look like a human being or do I look like a god?"

Hua Twelve hadn't done anything yet, but Chen Jiuliang's hair stood on end, and he kept winking at the former.

Hua Twelve rolled his eyelids helplessly, and said that he felt that the old man's aura was not right, and he was in trouble for a title, which meant that this old man... was not a human being!

I'm quite excited when I think about Hua Twelve. After so many plots, I finally encountered something a bit mythical.

He pulled away Chen Jiuliang who was winking at him, with a bright smile on his face:

"Where does the old man practice on weekdays and what techniques do he practice? Why don't you take it out and take a look at it in detail?"

The old man's smile froze on his face. What's going on?He has never encountered this kind of situation!

However, the frozen expression turned into a smiling face in an instant: "It's easy to talk, anything is easy to say, as long as you answer my question, little brother!"

"Look at me, old man, do I look like a human being or do I look like a god?"

Hua Twelve was helpless. He couldn't get around it, so he asked, "Do I have to answer this question?"

The old man smiled and nodded.

Hua Twelve's smile faded: "I think you look like an old Wangtou collecting night fragrance!"

"Old..., Old Wangtou?" The old man looked confused.

Hua Twelve nodded and said: "Yes, that old man smelled all over his body. In the end, he was beaten to death because he was so smelly that he inhaled people!"

As he spoke, all of his energy and blood suddenly burst out. He stepped on his foot, and with a bang like thunder, he punched out suddenly.

At this moment, the old man screamed in horror. The young man in his eyes was completely different from before. Before, he looked like a child from a wealthy family who had studied in school. He had a bit of elegance and nobility, at most. I have practiced some martial arts.

But in an instant, the young man's energy and blood exploded. The power of energy and blood in the old man's eyes was like a bright sun. He felt uncomfortable even before he got close. He wanted to escape, but found that even with his many years of practice, he could not avoid this. One punch.

This is a great master of Chinese martial arts with blood as strong as mercury!
In the end, the old man could only watch the seemingly slow but fast punch hit his face, and heard a "bang" in his ears, and then nothing happened!
Hua Twelve looked at the corpse whose head he blasted, gradually turning into the body of a small beast, and couldn't help but spit:
"Damn it, you're so excited, what can you do without fighting like this!"

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger from the Demon World, and brothers Xiao Mingwang for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, and thanks to the brothers who read and collected the books. Thank you very much.

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