A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 626 Big Zongzi!

Chapter 626 Big Zongzi! (Please order in full)

The reason why Hua Twelve felt something was wrong was because a team with so many people appeared just as he lowered his head to light a cigarette. However, he didn't feel anything strange beforehand. This was absolutely impossible.

Unless these people are all innate masters like Dongfang Bubai, as long as they appear within a hundred meters of him, it will be impossible to escape his perception.

He took Chen Jiuliang and squatted in the grass beside the dirt road, told him to wait and see what happened, and then waited for the arrival of the team.

As the team got closer and closer, the surrounding temperature became lower and lower. The weather in early June seemed like late autumn. Because they were all wearing thin shirts, Hua Twelve didn't feel much himself, but Chen Jiuliang was a little nervous.

The procession was getting closer and closer, and gradually the outline could be seen clearly. To the surprise of the two people in the grass, in front of the funeral procession was a group of light cavalry riding tall horses and holding long spears. They were all wearing the uniforms of former upright officials. , wearing it on top of the head, with a clear braid on the back of the head.

It's just that each of these cavalrymen's faces were pale and expressionless, and the horses under their crotches walked without even the sound of horse hooves, as if they were watching a movie with mute on.

"Boss Cheng, look at their faces, they all look exactly the same!"

Chen Jiuliang also discovered some clues and whispered in Hua Twelve's ears.

Although he spoke in a whisper, the cavalry in front of him all stopped.

Hua Twelve made a silence gesture and took out the M500. He felt that if these things in front of him behaved abnormally, he would still have to use his magic-breaking pistol.

Both of them lowered their bodies and held their breath. Fortunately, the cavalrymen continued to move forward after a pause.

Hua Twelve discovered that Chen Jiuliang was right. These cavalrymen were all carved from the same mold. The more he looked at them, the more he felt that these things were not human. They felt like...paper figures!
Just like the paper figures and horses placed in the paper man Zhang's shop at the alley in Xi Lucheng Guan Jia Ban, he had the same feeling, but they were more three-dimensional.

After the cavalry, there was a team of ponies in hand, dressed as former Qing guards, all with pale faces and expressionless faces.

The escort team was followed by a team of hundreds of people wearing scarlet satin clothes and yellow feathers on their hats. In the middle of this team, dozens of people were carrying a hat like the one used by the emperor to travel.

The row of shafts was wrapped in yellow curtains and had a golden top with a golden ball the size of a watermelon on top.

Behind the carriage, two groups of cavalry were guarding the side. One group of cavalry held spears tied with long red flags, and the other group of cavalry wearing gray military uniforms with red edges held spears.

After the cavalry escort, there were rows of people in clear uniforms. These people wore official clothes and held flags and banners in various colors such as green, red, purple, and yellow.In fact, these are soul-calling flags and soul-inducing flags, which have the function of leading the souls of the dead to follow the coffin to the grave.

He turned his head and looked at the scroll with yellow curtains. There was a calling flag. Doesn't that mean that the thing was not a scroll but a coffin? There was probably a coffin inside the curtain.

Thinking of Xiao Huang telling him that he could find the old witch's Ding Dong Tomb by following the funeral procession, Hua Twelve couldn't help but have many guesses.

Hua Twelve didn't know how long the funeral procession was. He only knew that he couldn't see the end. In the end, he and Chen Jiuliang squatted in the grass for a full hour before the entire funeral procession completely passed.

When the team walked a hundred meters away, Chen Jiuliang sat down on the ground with lingering fear, his legs were numb from squatting, and his lips trembled a little as he said:

"The Yin soldiers borrowed the way, this is the Yin soldiers borrowing the way"

Obviously, he had seen some tricks just now and knew that the entire team was not alive.

"Stop talking nonsense and follow me quickly!"

Hua Twelve felt that this distance should be a safe distance now, so he stood up and walked onto the dirt road to follow.

Chen Jiuliang grabbed him and said, "Boss Cheng, you can't go. The underworld soldiers are taking advantage of this and will take you away."

Hua Twelve was upset when he heard this. This guy was so talkative. He kicked him over, staggering him, and scolded him in a low voice:
"If you want to save your second master, come with me. Don't talk nonsense!"

After saying that, he didn't care about this guy, turned around and followed the funeral procession.

Chen Jiuliang had a tangled look on his face, but in the end he endured the pain caused by his injury, gritted his teeth, stood up and quickly followed Hua Twelve's footsteps.

The two followed the funeral procession for about two miles, and the surrounding fog became thicker and thicker. At this moment, not to mention the woods on both sides, they could no longer see the dirt road under their feet and the way behind them.

The team was moving faster and faster, almost disappearing in the thick fog.

Hua Twelve secretly screamed, no one knew what would happen if the team disappeared into the thick fog, so he immediately grabbed Chen Jiuliang and quickly chased him forward.

But what surprised him was that with the strength of his feet, he fell further and further behind the procession. In the blink of an eye, the funeral procession disappeared, and he and Chen Jiuliang were really trapped in the thick fog, with thick fog coming from all directions. He quickly gathered up and quickly approached where he and Chen Jiuliang were.

Chen Jiuliang was too shocked to speak at this time.

Hua Twelve also regretted a little. If he had known earlier, he would not have hidden his strength and just fly with his sword.

Seeing the thick fog approaching quickly, he simply broke the can and fired the M500 Demon-Breaking Pistol into the thick fog ahead.

There was a gunshot and brilliance bloomed.

I don't know if it was due to its demon-breaking properties, but the firelight from the bullet actually tore a hole in the thick fog, revealing a different scene.

Hua Twelve grabbed Chen Jiuliang and rushed out of the opening. The moment he came out, the original thick fog around him disappeared instantly. It felt like he had gone from one space to another in an instant.

The place where it is is a slope passage, all the way down, with stone walls on both sides. There are torches inserted at regular intervals on the wall. The torch is still burning at this time, allowing people to see clearly the scene in the passage.

Above the head is a stone arch shed more than three meters high. The ground is in a mess, with a lot of broken stones and tiles scattered around.

Chen Jiuliang came back to his senses and immediately said: "I know this place, this is the tomb passage of the old witch Ding Dong's Tomb, and if you go forward, you will find the tomb chamber.

Hua Twelve put Chen Jiuliang down, and the latter said, "Boss Cheng, wait for me for a moment. I'll go see if Sun is still there!" After that, he ran up quickly.

I ran to the end of the tomb passage and looked out. I seemed to see something. I ran back quickly and whispered breathlessly: "Boss Cheng, the man named Sun hasn't left yet. There are all soldiers outside the tomb passage! "

Hua Twelve nodded: "Ignore him, let's save your second master first!"

Chen Jiuliang nodded: "Okay, I'll lead the way!"

The two of them walked down the tomb passage, passed through a stone door with cornices and brackets, and entered a small tomb chamber.

The tomb was also illuminated by torches, and it was also in a mess. In the middle was the tomb platform, with the coffin on it completely open and empty inside.

The corpse of an elderly woman is in the northwest corner of the tomb. Her upper body is naked and her lower body is wearing shorts.

Chen Jiuliang pointed at the female corpse and said: "That is the old witch in the coffin. She is still alive after so many years of death. I was shocked at first sight. I was originally going to re-coffin, but she was discovered by the eunuch of the former Qing Dynasty. It’s not the old witch herself, but compared to the real thing, the cinnabar mole on her neck is missing for a moment!”

Hua Twelve took a look and said, "You grave robbers are quite ruthless, you won't even leave a shirt for others!"

Chen Jiuliang curled his lips and said: "This old woman wore three shrouds, each with gold thread and pearls and jade. She made these things to attract thieves herself, and who is the one to blame? By the way, she didn't do it voluntarily, she gave it to The old witch has prevented the disaster!" As he spoke, he walked to the tomb, stepped on a few floor tiles with his feet, and pushed the coffin with both hands. He heard the sound of the coffin, and the entire tomb moved to the right, revealing a hidden structure underneath. entrance of the cave.

"Boss Cheng, this is the underground palace. There is no place to borrow any force. The second master used the gecko wall-walking technique to get down. It is said to be about two feet deep!"

As soon as the entrance to the cave was revealed, a cold air surged up from below. For a moment, the torch in the tomb began to flicker, and it almost went out. It took a while before it returned to normal, but the torch still flickered, flickering on and off.

In Hua Twelve's perception, this cold aura was very dangerous, which made him secretly cheer up and be vigilant.

Chen Jiuliang walked aside, took down a torch from the wall, walked to the entrance of the cave and said to Hua Twelve: "Boss Cheng, I'll go down first to explore the way. Just follow me!"

Without saying much, Hua Twelve grabbed Chen Jiuliang's shoulders and led him to jump directly from the entrance of the cave.

Sure enough, as Chen Jiuliang said, after falling two feet, he stepped on the ground.

Under the light of the torch, one could clearly see that this was also a tomb passage, surrounded by mummies. At a rough glance, there were hundreds or even thousands of them.

It's just that these mummies were all dressed in Qing dynasty clothes, and most of them fell under the surrounding walls. They had different shapes. Some were lying down, some were curled up, some were sitting under the wall, and most of them fell down while holding the wall with their hands. Look. It looked like he was trying to climb up the wall.

Chen Jiuliang looked up and said: "These mummies should be the craftsmen who built the underground palace, or the coffin bearers who placed the old witch's real coffin. There was supposed to be a ladder at the entrance of the cave, but someone removed the ladder and was trapped. Die here!"

Hua Twelve looked at the hole above his head: "The hole is three feet square, how did the coffin be transported down?"

Chen Jiuliang is an expert in this regard. He explained: "There should be an entrance elsewhere. After the coffin was brought in, the dragon-breaking stone was put down, or the tomb door was sealed with tapstones. This road should have been promised by the Qing government at that time. There is no way out for a craftsman or a coffin bearer, but this is just a cover!”

Hua Twelve nodded: "Go inside and find your second master!"

The two of them walked forward holding torches. Chen Jiuliang was very cautious along the way, for fear of being caught by some trap. But it turned out that he was a little careless. The two of them walked forward, covering a distance of more than 200 steps, and everything went smoothly. At the end of the tomb passage.

At the end of the tomb passage is an open stone door. The door panels on both sides are carved with full-length statues of Buddha. Inside the stone door is a huge underground palace. I don’t know how big it is, but under the reflection of the fire, I can’t see the end at a glance.

The walls of the underground palace are carved with scriptures in Manchu, Han and Mongolian languages. They are densely packed all over the walls and are extremely spectacular.

But at this time, neither of them was in the mood to look at the scripture inscriptions on the wall, because not far in front of them, a fresh corpse lay bloody.

Only the upper body of the body was left, and it disappeared from the lower abdomen. The internal organs were scattered all over the place. It seemed that it had not been dead for a long time.

Chen Jiuliang quickly stepped forward with a torch, and saw that half of the corpse's face was covered in blood and flesh, while only the other half of the face was still intact. He looked carefully and suddenly made an 'ah' sound:
"It's Liuzi!"

"you recognize?"

Hua Twelve also walked in to take a look, and saw that the man had several scars on his body that seemed to have been scratched by sharp claws. They were green and black, and the bones were deeply visible.

"This is the little brother from the Red Gate, he just turned 17 this year!"

Chen Jiuliang's face was expressionless when he said it, and he was obviously not very sad, but when he saw the wounds, he was shocked and said:

"The wound is blue and black. This is corpse poison. There are rice dumplings in this underground palace!"

Hua Twelve didn't care much about the rice dumplings and immediately greeted:
"Let's go and see if Junior Brother Hong is still alive!"

He stepped further into the underground palace, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Yueerhong, your senior brother, I'm here to save you, just say something if you're still alive!"

Chen Jiuhao didn't hesitate to fall down, and whispered: "Boss Cheng, you can't scream, there are rice dumplings in this tomb, they are zombies!"

Hua Twelve continued to shout: "Zombie, where are you? Come out and take a few steps!"

Chen Jiuliang: "." He suddenly felt that it was definitely a mistake to find this boss Cheng.

In fact, he didn't know that Hua Twelve was eager to get in touch with extraordinary creatures. As a top surgeon, he also wanted to see if he could catch a big rice dumpling as a specimen for study.

Hua Twelve strode inside, taking about as long as a stick of incense, and encountered several mutilated corpses, most of which were unrecognizable, but not surprisingly, they were all brought by Er Erhong into the red door. people.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, there was no corpse of Er Er Hong among them, because Er Er Hong was younger and slightly shorter than these corpses. Moreover, he was dressed in red, and the clothes of these people did not match. This made the two People breathed a sigh of relief again.

After walking forward for a while, I saw shadowy figures, as if there were many people standing there. Hua Twelve walked towards the front, and Chen Jiuliang followed closely with a torch.

But the next moment, Hua Twelve stopped walking. Chen Jiuliang didn't understand what was going on at first, but when he took a closer look, his hair stood on end.

They saw that the shadowy figures in front of them were paper horses and paper figures. They were clearly the team they had lost in the thick fog.

In the procession, the coffin surrounded by a yellow curtain was clearly among them.

"Isn't this the old witch's real body?"

Hua Twelve didn't quite understand this, but he felt that there was no danger in the curtained coffin, even if it was probably dead.

Chen Jiuliang said: "No, the underground palace has been built, so the coffin must have been placed. It won't just be hanging in the coffin, being carried by paper figures!"

It seemed that footsteps were coming from the right side. The two people quickly turned around and saw a pair of pale hands stretching out from behind a stone pillar.

There was another sound, and a man wearing a full-green official robe and a flower feather jumped out from behind the pillar. Under the firelight, the man's face was sunken and gray-white.There was a fierce and violent light in his eyes, and a hint of scarlet was looming in the center of his pupils.

Chen Jiuliang subconsciously took two steps back: "It's a big rice dumpling."


A roar like a beast came from the mouth of the big rice dumpling. When it opened its mouth, two obvious fangs protruded from under the upper lip.

The strange thing is that although the sound is not loud, there is a slight vibration under the feet.

Chen Jiuliang pulled Hua Twelve and pulled him back hard, while shouting loudly:

But Hua Twelve did not move at all. He grabbed Chen Jiuliang with his backhand so that he could not run away. Then he asked the roaring zombie with great interest:

"What do you say?"

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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