A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 628: Jinjing in the underground palace!

Discovering that the person lying in the coffin was Er Erhong, Hua Twelve grabbed it with one hand and used the Dragon Capturing Skill to directly grab it out.

Chen Jiuliang rescued Er Erhong without seeing what Hua Twelve did. At this time, his hands and feet had already recovered from the pain and numbness of the binding. He quickly came to help regardless of Huo Liao's injuries.

Seeing his anxious look, Hua Twelve handed Er Erhong into his hand.

Chen Jiuliang hugged Er Erhong and placed her on the ground. He called the second master several times, but the latter did not move, as if he was asleep.

Hua Twelve glanced at the piece of golden brocade on Er Erhong's body and said with some disgust:

"This thing is a shroud, please tear it open quickly so that I can check your second master to see if he has any hidden injuries!"

Chen Jiuliang said quickly: "Don't tear it. This is not a shroud. This is a 'Dhara Sutra' woven with gold thread. The words on it are the mantras and mantras of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas written in Sanskrit, as well as the words of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Vajra Warriors." A name of merit!"

"It is said that this thing has incredible power of mighty virtue and blessing. It can eliminate karmic obstacles, protect the deceased from sin and happiness, and avoid all enemies and evil obstacles in the past world. This thing is priceless!"

Hua Twelve's eyes lit up: "Why does it sound like Tang Sanzang's brocade cassock? What is this thing used for?"

The Nadhara Sutra was wrapped around Er Erhong. Chen Jiuliang helped his second master take it off and replied:
"It is used to cover the corpse to protect the deceased in the afterlife. This sutra quilt should be the one on the fake old witch above. Although the old witch is a substitute, this sutra quilt is the real thing!"

Hua Twelve suddenly lost interest: "After talking for a long time, it's still a shroud, it's bad luck!"

Chen Jiuliang was a local master and had no taboos on burial objects. Not to mention a shroud, he dared to play with the jade plug plugged into the back door every day. He also knew that ordinary people had taboos on such things, so Don’t argue, just work honestly.

It's an evil thing to say. As soon as Chen Jiuliang took the sutra off of Er Erhong's body, Er Erhong's eyes opened in a blink of an eye.

Chen Jiuliang was overjoyed: "Second Master, are you awake?"

But at this moment, Er Erhong's pupils suddenly expanded, and in an instant his eyes turned black. He raised his hand and grabbed Chen Jiuliang's neck.

The incident happened suddenly. Er Erhong's attack was as fast as lightning. Chen Jiuliang had no time to react and had no intention of blocking or dodging.

Hua Twelve felt something was wrong from the moment Er Er Hong opened his eyes. At this time, he kicked Er Er Hong's palm away, and then pulled Chen Jiuliang over.

Er Yuehong grabbed the empty space, suddenly turned over, fell on the ground with all four limbs, and roared at Hua Twelve with bared teeth like a wild beast.

Just when Hua Twelve was about to take action, Er Erhong suddenly giggled: "Little brat, he is the one you want to save. If you ruin my ethics, I won't let you get your wish!"

After speaking, his limbs suddenly kicked off, and the whole person shot towards the Jinshui Bridge. The person turned around in mid-air as nimbly as a civet cat!
"It's that old yellow guy!"

Hua Twelve heard the voice immediately, and immediately flew after him:

"If you want to run, go dreaming!"

He reached out and was about to use the Capturing Dragon Technique to catch him back from the air, but at this moment, he heard a 'pop' sound, and a stream of yellow smoke spewed out from behind Er Erhong.

The yellow smoke was extremely thick and extremely fast, shooting out like an arrow.

"I rely on!"

Hua Twelve didn't want this yellow smoke to stick to his body. The gas emitted by Huang Pizi was not a good thing without even thinking about it, and it was sprayed so fast. What if Wan Li had a daddy in this smoke? .

Immediately, he fell backwards in the air and turned back. When walking in the world, 'caution' comes first. Zhuge's only word in his life is 'safety'. Well, there seems to be something wrong with this, but when faced with this kind of unknown gas, he ran away. correct.

But unfortunately, Hua Twelve was originally leaning forward, but this time he flipped upside down in the air. Although he came back, he was not fast enough, and he was about to be overtaken by the yellow smoke.

Fortunately, Chen Jiuliang was also chasing Er Erhong, and happened to run over. Hua Twelve used his foot to push on his shoulder, and he was shot backwards, just in time to avoid the disgusting gas.

There is no reason to say that this thing has a good life.

As soon as Hua Twelve avoided it, Chen Jiuliang was the unlucky one!
This guy also chased after him, and when he saw the smoke, he wanted to run back, but unfortunately, for some reason, there was a force on his shoulder, pushing him forward, and he plunged into the yellow smoke. , blurted out:
"It stinks."

As soon as the words came out, his eyes turned white and he fell to the ground with a plop. He immediately foamed at the mouth and his body twitched. He didn't know if he was poisoned.

In just a moment, Er Erhong had already kicked up her limbs, ran across the Jinshui Bridge, and entered the stone gate on the other side of the bridge that looked like a city gate.

After Hua Twelve landed, he didn't rush to chase him. Instead, he fired seven or eight air-splitting palms to completely scatter the yellow smoke. He let Chen Jiuliang smoke a cigarette before he went over to check. That's it. It also felt extremely smelly.

Fortunately, there were a lot of things in his storage space. He held his breath, took out a can of air freshener from the space, and sprayed it on the surroundings and Chen Jiuliang. Only then did the smell disappear and he felt less. I checked Chen Jiuliang's condition after feeling sick.

After taking a quick look, I found that the problem was not serious, it was probably just that I fainted from the stench.

With a thought in mind, Hua Twelve took out a bottle of cooling oil from the storage space and poured it directly on Chen Jiuliang's face.

Three seconds later, Chen Jiuliang covered his eyes and jumped up, howling.

Hua Twelve was a little embarrassed. He didn't pay attention when he poured the cooling oil and got it into the other person's eyes. He quickly stun the person with his finger and then took a bottle of mineral water to clean the other person's eyes.

While helping to rinse, he sighed. He really wanted to catch up and rescue Er Erhong quickly, but his teammates were not able to do their best. It was too slow. First, he was hit by Huangpizi's yellow smoke, and then he couldn't even handle the cooling oil that got into his eyes. Come on, you said this is delaying things, can you blame him?

When it was almost done, Chen Jiuliang was relieved of his acupuncture points. As soon as the latter woke up, he shouted: "Who poked my eyes out!"

Hua Twelve comforted him with kind words: "Your eyes were broken by your second master's fart. You try, maybe you can still see!"

This guy is so dirty!

Fortunately, they were rinsed in time. Apart from redness, pain, tears, blurred vision, and double vision, Chen Jiuliang's eyes were fine.

Hua Twelve asked with concern, and suddenly felt envious. Chen Jiuliang's eyes had developed special powers after such an experience.

And this ability is even better than his slow vision. For example, when Chen Jiuliang looks at him now, he has multiple shadow clones. In two words, he is domineering!

Hua Twelve didn't know what to say except congratulations, but he was not the kind of person to compliment others, so he held back his congratulations.

Such character!

The 120 eight-carrying coffins were still burning, with heat waves surging and flames blazing, illuminating the underground palace.

Hua Twelve didn't know if this thing would burn out the oxygen in the underground palace, so he quickly jumped onto the Jinshui Bridge and waved to Chen Jiuliang:

"Come on, rescue your second master, let's get out of here quickly!"

Then he watched helplessly as Chen Jiuliang passed by three Jinshui Bridges and rushed directly into the underground river under the bridge.

Hua Twelve stomped his feet. What a fool, he forgot about the eyes of the other party's multiple shadows.

As soon as Chen Jiuliang fell into the water, he jumped back, but he only fluttered for a moment before he saw water rolling around him. Then the guy screamed: "Boss Cheng, save me!"

As soon as he shouted, the water around Chen Jiuliang began to turn red.

Hua Twelve quickly used the Capturing Dragon Skill to catch Chen Jiuliang from the air, and directly grabbed Chen Jiuliang from the water and dropped him on the bridge.Chen Jiuliang continued to scream, tearing and scratching his body with his hands.

Hua Twelve took a look and said, "Hey guys, this guy has seventeen or eight palm-sized fish on his body, with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, and he doesn't know what species they are with white eyes and black phosphorus."

He slapped Chen Jiuliang's body, and the force was transmitted through it. The seventeen or eight fish that bit the latter were instantly shocked to death and flew backwards.

Hua Twelve took a look at the wound for him and saw that the wound was full of bright red blood, which proved that at least the fish was not poisonous, which was a blessing in misfortune.

He tapped a few times with his penis to stop the guy's bleeding. He picked him up and rushed into the stone door.

There is also a huge underground palace behind the stone gate. This underground palace is not dark. There are hundreds of luminous pearls inlaid on the top like stars, making the light of this underground palace look like dusk. Although it is darker, it does not require strong flashlight lighting. .

What is really shocking is not these night pearls, but the Qianqing Palace standing in front of them!

That's right, it's a palace that is exactly the same as the Qianqing Palace in the Forbidden City, or a one-to-one replica.

Not only the Qianqing Palace, but also the East and West Nuan Pavilions on the left and right when viewed from the front.

Between the Qianqing Palace and Hua 12 is a square similar to the one in front of the Qianqing Palace in the palace.

The difference is that this square has hundreds of white marble stone beds, and there is a corpse lying on each stone bed.

Why do you say it's a corpse?Because Hua Twelve did not feel the breathing, body temperature and heartbeat of these people.

In his extraordinary perception, these lying bodies were just lifeless corpses.

These corpses were all wearing official uniforms or armor from the former Qing Dynasty, and they looked like civil and military ministers buried with the old witch.

What's just creepy is that every corpse has a cinnabar charm affixed to its forehead.

Chen Jiuliang's voice trembled: "Aren't these the same as the previous ones? They are big rice dumplings. It looks like there are thousands of them."

Hua Twelve glanced at him in surprise, and instantly understood that this was the function of the eyes of multiple shadow clones.

He didn't have anything to fear: "Let's kill him together. It's not like we haven't killed him before. Let's find someone quickly!"

His eyesight was astonishing, and there was enough light at this time. He glanced over and found that Er Erhong was not on these white marble beds, but he frowned slightly because he found that two of the hundreds of white marble beds were empty.

Thinking of the big rice dumpling from before, he probably ran away from here. So the question is, where is the person, or rather the corpse, on the other white marble bed now?
Hua Twelve glanced around and found neither the whereabouts of the body nor anything unusual. He simply ignored it and focused his gaze on the Qianqing Palace opposite. The door of the Qianqing Palace was wide open. He was moved in his heart and said:

"Let's go and have a look inside the palace!"

After saying that, Chen Jiuliang didn't let him go by himself, for fear that he would bump into those white marble beds, so he grabbed the opponent and performed Qing Kung Fu, and after a few ups and downs, he reached the entrance of the main hall of Qianqing Palace.

Seeing the scene in the Qianqing Palace, Hua Twelve knew where the body on the other white marble bed had gone!

A former Qing general wearing silver armor, with a scimitar at his waist and eyes closed, stood in the center of the Qianqing Palace. His thick and long braids trailed from the back of his head to the gold bricks at his feet.

Hua Twelve did not hear the general's breathing and heartbeat, nor did he feel his breath of life, but he sensed a faint dangerous aura from him.

Putting down Chen Jiuliang, Hua Twelve walked straight into Qianqing Palace.

When both of his feet were on the ground, the general with closed eyes suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with blood.

Chen Jiuliang quickly clasped the iron gall in his hands and took a defensive posture. Hua Twelve was about to deal with the silver-armored general when an unexpected scene happened. The silver-armored general actually shouted:
"Why didn't you kneel when you saw this king?"

Hua Twelve didn't expect that this thing could actually talk. He sounded like a Manchu prince. He immediately asked out of curiosity: "Which prince are you?"

The silver-armored general's eyes were bright red: "This king, Seng Gelinqin!"

Hua Twelve said in surprise: "Are you Seng Gelinqin? Didn't you die in Caozhou? Why are you here? And you actually have your own consciousness?"

Chen Jiuliang couldn't help but asked curiously: "Of the nine of you, who is Seng Gelinqin?"

Hua Twelve: "."

Seng Gelinqin: "."

Hua Twelve quickly reminded: "Who is that? You'd better put the iron gall away. It won't be good if you hit me again later!"

Seng Gelinqin did not answer any of the questions, but murderous intent surged from his body like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

This breath alone made Chen Jiuliang, who was injured, unable to bear it and sat down on the ground with a plop.

However, this person has a bad character, but he is also a tough guy. His unyielding willpower made him fall to the ground the moment he fought hard to fight out the iron courage in his hands.

This was the first time he made a move tonight. Two iron galls flew past Senggelinqin's left and right sides, hitting the two copper incense burners at the foot of the throne behind him, making two loud clanging sounds.

Chen Jiuliang seemed to have lost a lot of strength. After the attack, he was out of breath: "I didn't expect that all nine of you are masters, and you can dodge so quickly!"

Seng Gelinqin: "."

Hua Twelve had a black line on his head. At this time, he felt that Chen Jiuliang must have more than just his eyesight. It is estimated that the fart that Er Erhong was possessed by Huang Pizi affected this guy's IQ.

Seng Gelinqin raised his hand and drew out the scimitar from his waist. His arm was dancing with the knife without any stiffness. His hand movements were colorful and he said:

"As a martial arts practitioner, he deserves to die under my sword!"

As soon as Senggelinqin finished speaking, a hole the size of a fist appeared on his forehead, which penetrated directly, leaving blue-black blood on the wound. He raised his head and fell, hitting the ground with a bang, and then there was no movement.

"I've turned into a zombie and still want to challenge someone to a duel. The Qing Dynasty is dead, and now the world is dominated by firearms, Monk King!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he blew the muzzle of the M500 and sighed: "This demon-breaking attribute is so useful, zombies can be killed with one shot!"

He turned to look at Chen Jiuliang who was sitting on the ground: "Are you waiting for me here, or are you going to find your second master with me?"

Chen Jiuliang struggled to get up and said to the empty seat next to Hua Twelve, "Boss Cheng and I will go together!"

Hua Twelve grabbed his shoulders and took him around the Qianqing Palace quickly. He didn't find anything. He wanted to check out the Nuan Pavilion on the left and right, but suddenly saw from the back door that there was another palace behind the Qianqing Palace. .

In the mission world, he had lived in the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and he recognized the style of the Chuxiu Palace in the Forbidden City at a glance.

Chuxiu Palace was the place where the old witch lived during the draft, and it was also her retirement home. Hua Twelve wondered if the old witch's real body was in Chuxiu Palace.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed, and Hua Twelve saw a dark hole on the floor tiles between Qianqing Palace and Chuxiu Palace:
"That's the underground palace Jinjing!"

I heard Xiao Huang say before that Lao Huangpizi's body was trapped here. Now Er Erhong was saved!
Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

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