A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 634: An iron-clad man and an undying evil spirit!

After killing a group of Japanese soldiers with a flaming knife, Hua Twelve activated the 'Eastern Invincible Card', which looked like a ghost and disappeared instantly.

With a clanging sound, bullets from all around hit the tin carriage behind him. The wounded Fengjun soldier who was not afraid of death to watch the fun was killed by bullets directly at the door of the tin carriage.

The wounded soldiers in the car also had guns. When they saw the Japanese starting to kill people, they immediately fought back. Wounded soldiers from Fengjun in other cars also joined the fight. Someone shouted:

"I'm missing an arm, and I'm still disabled even when I'm alive. I'm going to have to fight against that kid!"

In an instant, the bloody courage of these wounded soldiers who had retreated from the battlefield was aroused.

On and off the train, the wounded soldiers of Fengjun and the Japanese soldiers started a fierce battle.

When Hua Twelve took action, Adjutant Cui was dumbfounded. He only had one thought in his mind. Is this a human being?
Now the battle between the two sides started. After he reacted, he remembered Hua Twelve's words and pulled the young marshal deeper into the carriage, then pushed him to the ground. He even lay directly on the young marshal to prevent the latter Wounded by stray bullets.

There were constant gunshots outside. At first it was the sound of single-shot rifles and pistols, and later the sound of grenades and machine guns was heard. There was also a constant clanking sound on the iron carriage, and there were many bullet holes punched by bullets.

The fighting was fierce outside. In order to surround the train, a total of [-] soldiers from five squadrons were gathered.

Hua Twelve ran as fast as he could, killing the little devils without mercy. He didn't even need his M500. He was so quick to grab 12 rounds of bullets per second.

He holds a handful of embroidery needles in each hand and shoots them out continuously. When they are gone, he takes them out of the storage space. There are millions of embroidery needles in the space that can be accessed at any time.

What is a little red in the Central Plains, what is a rain of flowers in the sky, what is a heavy rain of pear blossom needles, what is a big flower. As soon as I walked past, the little devils on both sides had a red dot between their eyebrows. Even the helmets couldn't stop him. Hua Twelve said it!
The Japanese soldiers fell down one after another like wheat, killing people just like cutting grass!
This kind of lethality soon made the little devils regard Hua Twelve as the main target of attack, but no matter how they shot, not a single bullet could touch him. Often, as soon as the shot was fired, someone else would appear in the next place.

Several machine guns fired at Hua Twelve, but he leaped forward and dodged left and right in the air, and he was even more agile than the big bird.

Hua Twelve's Qinggong is a culmination of the world of Jinwu, Lingbo Weibu + Divine Movement Hundred Changes + Spiral Nine Shadows + Snake Walking and Lifan + Tiyunzong + Jinyan Gong + many Qinggong. After this combination, on this battlefield , it’s simply not too fun.

Bullets can't hit his side at all, and when he leaps into the air, lotus flowers appear at every step. He moves in the void, left foot stepping on the right foot, right foot stepping on the left foot, up, down, left, and right, moving as he pleases.

His Qinggong, using the game controller to input, that is, up and down, left and right, BABA, Rambo cheats are not as powerful as him.

From the start of the battle to the end, in less than 15 minutes, five military police squadrons, 100 to 100 little Japs, plus more than [-] traitors and Japs who came to cooperate with the Japs, dozens of military doctors and Japanese nurses who were pretending, plus more than [-] The wolves and dogs were all killed, leaving no one alive.

On both sides of the railway, there were corpses everywhere.

Fengjun's wounded soldiers also died here, and there were thousands of wounded soldiers in several carriages. More than 100 people died in this battle, and dozens more were injured.

Of course, this is because Hua Twelve killed quickly and attracted most of the firepower of the little devils. Otherwise, the wounded soldiers in the carriage were full of old, weak, sick and disabled, and a grenade could be thrown in to kill them all. In this battle, the whole army might be annihilated.

Adjutant Cui was shot in the leg, but the young commander was still intact under him.

When the young marshal and the limping Adjutant Cui got out of the car, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. They actually annihilated more than a thousand Japanese soldiers with old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers.

The wounded soldiers in the Fengjun army rejoiced. When fighting in the pass, one's own people fought against one's own people, and they were not very happy when they won. Now, they are fighting in a small way. A wounded soldier who was shot in the chest and was about to die heard that The tearful comrades told him the news, vomiting blood and laughing at the same time:

"Damn it, my life is worth it!"

Different from the joyful atmosphere of Fengjun's wounded soldiers, the young marshal calmed down after being happy, with a sad look on his face:
"So many people have died this time, so the little devil must use this opportunity to cause trouble. Nowadays, there are internal and external troubles, and troubled times. Although this battle is a great victory, it may not be a good thing!"

If someone else had helped the young marshal so much and killed so many little people, they would probably curse him if he behaved like this. However, Hua Twelve had experienced the Republic of China several times and knew a thing or two about the situation, so he could understand his considerations.

Just like the two subsequent "Fengtian and Marco Polo Bridge" incidents, when I was young, I would still create troubles on my own and use them as an excuse to make trouble. What's more, this time so many people died and suffered such a big loss.

At present, the warlords in the pass are fighting, the commander of the Fengjun army outside the pass has just been killed, and the young marshal has not yet taken over the military power. The country is really not ready to experience this storm, so the young marshal's worries are not unfounded.

Hua Twelve pondered and said with a smile: "Wouldn't it be better if they can't find the body? You guys hurry up and leave first. Leave the matter here to me. I have a way to make the little devil live without seeing anyone and die without seeing the body." , As long as these wounded soldier brothers keep their mouths shut, the little devil will not be able to find the people and bodies, and naturally there will be no excuse for him to get angry!"

After saying that, he added: "Don't worry, I'll catch up after I finish it here. We'll meet again before you get to Fengtian!"

When the young marshal heard Hua Twelve say that he could solve it, he couldn't help but be half-convinced. He visually inspected thousands of corpses and saw how one person could solve it. However, after thinking about this powerful man's broken hand, he became more convinced.

I still wanted to give a few instructions, but Adjutant Cui on the side urged: "Brothers from the He family, if you have anything to do, we can talk about it later. We can't stay here for a long time!"

There was no guarantee that the gunshots from the battle just now would not alert the nearby Japanese garrison. It would be really dangerous to stay any longer.

The young marshal took a deep look at Hua Twelve and said, "Thank you!"

Adjutant Cui asked the young marshal to get on the train, and he went to find the conductor. After a while, the train started slowly. When it was getting farther and farther, the young marshal stood at the door of the opened carriage and waved to Hua Twelve:

"Take care, Yuzhu!"

Obviously in order not to reveal the identity of these people, the young marshal still called him by a pseudonym.

Hua Twelve had a black streak on his head. It was better not to shout. It sounded like he was being taken advantage of.

When the train was far away, Hua Twelve immediately took action. He flew around the whole place with his sword. Every corpse he passed by was put into the storage space, including people and equipment, even those wolves and dogs.

In the end, even the motorcycles and troop transport vehicles left behind by these little devils were taken into his space.

Relying on the speed of the flying sword and the magic of the storage space, in less than 10 minutes, there was nothing but blood stains on the scene.

Originally, Hua Twelve planned to release all the corpses, gather them together, and use corpse powder to uniformly destroy all traces of the corpses, but he thought about how it would take an hour or two to dissolve so many corpses.

Don't let him leave by then. Although Xiaozhi's reinforcements arrived, they couldn't find the body, but it would be troublesome if they got the yellow water after the corpse was turned into a corpse. When it dries, it becomes corpse powder. Don't let Qi 31 take advantage of it. Yes, that would be troublesome.

After thinking about it, I decided not to rush. I just put the body in the space first, and then destroy the body and eliminate all traces when I have the opportunity in the future.

At that moment, he rose up with his sword and followed the railway line to catch up with the train in a short time. He first landed on the carriage where the young marshal was. After putting away the flying sword, he jumped directly from the carriage.

Suddenly someone came in, startling the wounded soldiers in the carriage who had not yet rested. Adjutant Cui, who had been shot in one leg, drew out his pistol alertly, but when he saw it was Hua Twelve, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

When the other wounded soldiers saw this comrade who was showing off his magical powers coming back and wanted to come over to talk, they were scolded by Adjutant Cui and pushed back. They could only look at this comrade who was as powerful as a swordsman with respect.

Seeing Hua Twelve chasing after him so quickly, the young marshal thought that he was unable to dispose of the body. He immediately stood up and gave the latter a hug and comforted him:
"If you can't do anything, it's okay to come back."

Hua Twelve smiled calmly: "Don't worry, it's all done. No one will be seen alive, and no corpse will be seen after death!"

The young marshal and Adjutant Cui were startled when they heard this. It wasn't that they didn't believe it, but that this matter was beyond their knowledge.

Regardless of whether they believed it or not, Hua Twelve looked at Adjutant Cui's injured leg and the Fengjun soldiers who were injured in the battle in the carriage. He said:

"Brother Cui, I have some medical skills. Come over here and let me help you look at the gunshot wound on your leg." In thirty-two minutes, he used a dagger to complete a surgical operation, picking out the bullet from Adjutant Cui's wound, and then pretended Take your needle and thread from your pocket and sew quickly.

Then Hua Twelve was no longer idle, and gave simple treatment to the wounded soldiers who were still in the carriage.

The young marshal saw that Hua Twelve's surgical techniques were more skillful than the Western medicine doctors in his marshal's house, and he couldn't help but sigh, the master is really good at everything.

When the sky was getting brighter, the train arrived at Huanggutun. When it passed the old crossing, there were three steps, one post, two steps and one sentry. A large number of soldiers were under martial law here. It can be said that it was basically safe here.

The attack on the commander's train had already spread throughout the country through newspapers, so although these wounded soldiers did not know that their commander was dead, they also knew that the commander was attacked here.

At this time, all the injured Fengjun soldiers in the carriage, those who could move, crowded at the door of the carriage and looked out.

Hua Twelve and Adjutant Cui were guarding the young marshal in the middle. The three of them stood in the first row and looked towards the railway next door. They saw that half of the bridge piers had been cut off and the rails were twisted into twists. The special float train used by the witch was now beyond recognition. The entire carriage was opened and it was still parked there crookedly.

The young marshal's eyes filled with tears. He was afraid that he would lose his composure, so he turned around and stopped watching after a while.

The train passed Huanggutun on this side, and the little devil on the other side finally realized something was wrong.

Yesterday, Ttech received intelligence that Marshal Feng Jun was on the train transporting wounded soldiers, and then the gendarmerie stationed in Jinxi dispatched three squadrons to arrest him.

In the middle of the night, I heard gunfire from the battle coming from the railway line, but it disappeared after a while.

The captain of the Little Japs stationed at Jinxi Military Camp didn't care. They had dispatched three squadrons with well-armed weapons. If they encountered a large-scale battle, they would not be able to finish it so quickly.

The colonel here must have discovered traces of the young marshal, and then the Fengjun side resisted slightly. Now that the gunfire has stopped, it is estimated that his own people have won the victory.

But when the fish belly turned white on the horizon, the three squadrons had not replied yet, and the Special Higher Education Department called to inquire about the results.

The colonel felt something was not good and sent people to investigate. The news was that there were traces of fighting at the scene and a lot of blood on the ground. However, the three squadrons, including the weapons and equipment of the one thousand and five hundred soldiers, were all missing, and Couldn't get in touch at all.

At this time, the Japs were anxious and sent a large number of soldiers to start a blanket search centered on Jinxi Station. As a result, they searched all the surrounding villages but could not find any clues.

Until daybreak, news came from Tekong that the train transporting wounded soldiers from Fengjun had arrived in Fengtian.

On the other side, the train entered Fengtian and stopped at Xibianmen. Here, Brigadier Huang Xiansheng of the First Brigade in Fengtian had been waiting for a long time. He was a direct descendant of the young marshal. He was absolutely reliable as a patriotic general in the future. At this time, he picked up the young marshal. Shuai, Hua Twelve, and Adjutant Cui immediately took the car back to the Marshal's Mansion.

Everyone in the car was silent. They entered the Marshal's Mansion and went straight to the Xiaoqinglou. When the car stopped in front of the Xiaoqinglou, the Young Marshal told others to take Hua Twelve and Adjutant Cui to put them in place. He went in to see the Marshal's body himself. .

After escorting the young marshal back to Marshal Fengtian's mansion, Adjutant Cui's mission was successfully completed. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. Hua Twelve's mission was only half completed.
He will also protect the young commander for a while until the latter completely takes over Fengjun.

As the saying goes, dumplings are on the bus and noodles are off, after the Marshal's Mansion arranged a rest room for Hua Twelve and Adjutant Cui, he asked the kitchen to get two more bowls of hot soup noodles for the two of them.

The hot hand-made noodles are topped with several large pieces of beef. There is also a poached egg in the noodles. They are sprinkled with chopped green onions. The noodles are fragrant and come with two heads of garlic.

Adjutant Cui was also very hungry. He didn't care to burn his mouth, and immediately started to eat a mouthful of noodles and a mouthful of garlic.

Hua Twelve took a bite and felt that it was not to his taste. He simply took out a bottle of medicinal powder from his pocket, actually from the space, sprinkled some on the noodles, took a mouthful, then nodded with satisfaction and put the bottle aside. , wait until it is not strong enough, then add more, and then start to eat.

Adjutant Cui, who was having a warm meal next to him, didn't think much when he saw this scene. He picked up the medicine bottle and poured it into his face.

Hua Twelve quickly reminded: "This stuff is too spicy. You can't handle it. Don't eat this bowl. Ask the kitchen to send another bowl!"

Adjutant Cui laughed loudly and thumped his chest:
"I'm a tough guy. I'm not afraid of bleeding or losing my life. Am I still afraid of spicy food? Secretary Hua, don't underestimate me. When I was in the capital, I ate all the Sichuan restaurants. Spicy is good, but it's not good at all. I feel a little uncomfortable when having a bowel movement!"

Hua Twelve grinned. Since the other party was willing to die, he was willing to bury him:
"Then take it easy!"

"It's okay, this is nothing!"

Adjutant Cui poured some more powder into it, then took a chopstick and put it into his mouth.

More than an hour later, the young marshal walked in with red eyes. Just as he was about to greet the two of them, he was stunned the next moment. He saw that Hua Twelve was still fine in the room. Adjutant Cui had disappeared, replaced by a long-haired man. A fat-headed monster with a sausage mouth.

The monster looked like a humanoid, but it had no eyes, its face was red and swollen, and it looked like a big-headed doll. It was just that the two big sausages hanging under its nose were very ridiculous, just like Ben Bo Ba in the play.

Seeing the young marshal come in, this "Ben Bo Ba" immediately pointed at Hua Twelve and babbled, slurring his words and not knowing what he was talking about.

"This is..., which great immortal?"

Hua Twelve held back his laughter and said, "This is Adjutant Cui, a tough guy, but he seems to have gone a little too far. He's even swollen from the beating!"

'Ben Bo Ba' blushed even more when he heard this!
The spicy powder that Hua Twelve added to the noodles was not chili powder. Due to his physique, ordinary chili peppers were not spicy enough for him, and he did not get any devil peppers. He usually likes to add some 'red scorpion' when he eats noodles. Powder' in.

This 'red scorpion powder' is a common poison recorded in the "Poison Classic". Let alone eating it in the mouth, ordinary people will feel like it is on fire even if they come into contact with their skin.

Hua Twelve had eaten the Five Treasures Honey Wine from the Five Poison Sect, which was immune to all poisons, so he used it as chili powder to feel satisfied.

But Adjutant Cui insisted on showing off, and as a result, he became what he is now. No, it was even worse than this just now.

This is what it looked like after Hua Twelve detoxified him. Of course, the poison was detoxified and the swelling would have to wait until tomorrow.

When Hua Twelve explained the matter, he only said that it was a very spicy condiment. The young marshal was quite sad at first, and he couldn't laugh or cry because of it. His soldiers naturally knew what kind of temper they were, so they shook their heads and said:
"Foolish show off!"

Adjutant Cui is so frustrated. Who would have thought that this chili powder is so exciting!

From that day on, Hua Twelve lived in the Marshal's Mansion. The Marshal's body was still parked in the Xiaoqinglou, and no mourning was made to the outside world. The Marshal handled military affairs every day and began to take back Fengjun's military power, so he continued to serve as a secretary. , responsible for personally protecting the young commander's safety.

The next day, Xiaoli revealed the disappearance of three squadrons in Jinxi. However, because the lives and deaths of these people could not be determined, they were still in the investigation stage and there was no reason to get angry.

A few days later, Mrs. Gu took a train to Fengtian to attend the funeral for the Marshal without the Young Marshal's permission. Based on this, the outside world inferred the fact that the Young Marshal returned to Fengtian, and further concluded that the Marshal had died of serious injuries.

Newspapers in the early days even said that the young marshal was returning to Feng like his wife, saying that the commander-in-chief of Fengjun would definitely die in Huanggutun.

The young marshal was furious and had a quarrel with Mrs. Gu. A few days later, he had no choice but to announce the marshal's death and also announced that he would take over Fengjun.

Time passed by a few months ago, and it was already the winter of 1928. The pro-ghost faction in the Fengjun army opposed Yi Zhi. Several unpleasant talks took place during this period, but Marshal Yi Zhi was determined not to change.

Xiaozhi saw that he could not change the young commander's decision, so he decided to attack the young commander again before changing his flag.

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, and du book brothers for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who cast monthly votes and recommendation votes, and thanks to the brothers who read and collect books. Thank you very much.

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