A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 637: In my childhood, I helped Hua 2 become famous. What kind of fame did he do?

No one is a fool. When the young marshal and Hua Twelve heard that Xiaotian was talking about performing swordsmanship, their eyes narrowed slightly and they thought of an allusion: "Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is meant for Pei Gong!" '

But Hua Twelve then thought about it, it would be easier to handle if this was the case, but would he really use such a bad trick in his childhood?

Over there, Lin Jiuzhiro saw General Yang nodding, smiled and said a few Japanese words to the people around him. The latter stood up and bowed suddenly: "Ha Yi!"

Then he left quickly, and soon five young ronin wearing Japanese samurai uniforms came in, each with two long and short Japanese swords stuck in their waists.

The five people walked up to Lin Jiujiro and bowed: "I have met your Excellency, sir!"

Lin Jiuzhiro nodded slightly: "Today is the birthday of General Yang's father. Everyone here is an elite from all walks of life in Fengtian and even the north. Marshal Fengjun is also here. You should practice the swordsmanship of our childhood. Yang My swordsmanship is famous"

The five young people bowed at the same time: "Hai!" The five people spoke at the same time, the sound was like thunder, and the momentum was amazing. The wine glasses on the dining table that were closer were buzzing with the sound, and the foreign wine inside All ripples.

For a moment, the elites from all walks of life present in Fengtian were startled, and then they realized that these young ronin warriors were probably all people with some abilities.

One of the ronin looked around and said:
"It is said that Chinese martial arts are the best in the world. In fact, they are completely wrong. The swordsmanship of our childhood was the best in the world. When China was still the Ming Dynasty, we had more than 50 warriors, fighting from Shaoxing to Jinling, and we were invincible. Today we will let everyone see what is the best swordsmanship in the world!"

There was an instant uproar as soon as this sentence was said. Those Chinese people who had no good impression of Xiaoli didn't look good, but those who loved Xiaoli all clapped their hands enthusiastically and applauded.

What people didn't expect was that the young marshal's concubine, Mrs. Gu, smiled as brightly as a flower and clapped her hands in praise.

This scene was seen by others, some frowned slightly, while others looked at Mrs. Gu, then at the young marshal, and then showed a meaningful smile.

The young marshal's face turned dark, and he felt as if he had eaten a fly. Was he blind at first? Why did he find such an ignorant and brainless woman?

General Yang's face didn't look good either. Although he was cooperating with Xiaori, he mainly wanted to compete for Fengjun's power. He also had national pride and self-esteem in his heart. When he heard the other party disparaging Chinese martial arts, his face darkened. Come down.

Although Lin Zhijiurang saw that General Yang was dissatisfied, he didn't care, because he was just a tool to him. Even after General Yang came to power, he was still a dog in their childhood. Only dogs come to please their masters, and their masters don't. To accommodate a dog, if it disobeys, then kill it and eat its meat, and then replace it with another one.

Not only did he not care, but he was very satisfied with the ronin warrior's speech and said with a smile: "Yo Xi, you are worthy of being the sword master of my childhood. Then, please start your performance!"

When Hua Twelve heard this line, he thought, well, it's really not a good thing. Why don't you turn around?

The five ronin samurai immediately began to perform, drawing out their samurai swords, slashing horizontally and vertically, hey hey haha. I didn't see how powerful they were, but they occupied a neat and uniform position, and their momentum was like a rainbow.

After the routine is completed, it is time to perform splitting the straw mat, rolling the grass into a roll, and standing it up for a young ronin to hold tightly in his hands and stretch out his arms.

On another small day, the ronin stood calmly in front of the straw mat. He suddenly pulled out his sword and heard a "choking" sound. A cold light flashed in the hall. Looking at the sword in the ronin's hand, it was still in the scabbard. The ronin still maintained the posture of drawing the sword, as if the sound and cold light of drawing the sword just now had never happened.

Just when the ordinary people present were wondering if they had just hallucinated, the straw mat in front of the warrior shook slightly, and then broke in the middle. The end was as smooth as a mirror. Only then did everyone realize that he had already chopped it with a sword. It was just too fast, not only did the people present not react, but even the straw mat himself didn't react.

For a moment, there was thunderous applause, and the palms of those who were pro-Children from all walks of life in Fengtian were almost broken.

The young marshal began to memorize the faces of these people, planning to find an opportunity to deal with them all. Well, he is so small-minded!

After the ronin samurai chopped one straw mat, he performed another performance of chopping off two, three, and finally cut off eight rolled-up straw mats with his sword before stopping the performance.

At this time, the ronin samurai who was so arrogant before stood up and spoke again.

The general meaning is to explain to the people present that splitting straw mats with a knife is a relatively professional thing. It is not as simple as it seems. For those who have not practiced and have no skills, it is difficult to split even one straw mat with a knife, let alone eight straw mats. Not to mention it could be done as cleanly and neatly as the one just now.

After this man finished speaking, he was afraid that others would not believe him, so he invited the guests present to come forward and experience it for themselves.

A young man in his 20s who came to the banquet with his father stood up and said proactively: "I'll do it!"

Afraid that the young marshal wouldn't recognize him, an old man at the same table said: "It's funny, this is a dog, and he doesn't let me worry about it day by day!"

The person speaking was a banker who opened a bank in Fengtian City in partnership with the foreign devils. He had a good relationship with the Marshal and was rich and powerful, so he was able to sit at the same table with the Marshal.

The young marshal nodded and said with a smile: "Tiger father has no dog son!"

The old man waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, if this kid can cause me less trouble, I will burn incense!"

The young man stepped forward, and the ronin samurai who spoke handed him the Japanese sword in his hand, and then personally held a rolled up straw mat for him to chop.

The young man also imitated Xiao Zhi's example and suddenly took out his knife, but this time the knife only cut half of the straw mat. Xiao Zhi cut eight straw mats with one knife, but he didn't even cut off any of them, and his face turned red. In front of everyone, He fled back to his seat in laughter.

The young wanderer laughed loudly: "Who wants to try?"

He looked around, and just when a few dissatisfied Chinese were about to stand up, the man pointed at Hua Twelve and said, "Come and try!"

Hua Twelve sat still, as if he was not the one he was talking about.

Lin Zhijiurang said at this time: "We also heard about Boss Cheng's reputation when we were young. I heard that Boss Cheng's martial arts skills are very good. I wonder how many straw mats he can cut off?"

Hua Twelve frowned slightly. He didn't know why Xiaoli was targeting him. Could it be that they knew about Jinxi Station?

After thinking about it again, I thought it was impossible. One thousand and five hundred people from three squadrons were missing. If they were not sure that he had done it themselves, but were just suspicious of it, they must have sent someone to assassinate him, or used various methods to assassinate him. It's a trick.

He couldn't figure it out no matter how much he thought about it. In fact, the problem with Hua Twelve being missed in his childhood was not with him at all. It was with the people from Ttech and the Black Dragon Society in his childhood in the capital who had eaten a lot of food in his house in Houhai. Unfortunately, he was destroyed by Gong Er alone.

This is forging a grudge. There is a rumbling wind in the capital, and the little ones are flying. The power of Xiaozhi cannot compete with the stationed Fengjun, let alone the father and daughter of the Gong family sitting in charge. This will be hard to find for a while. came back.

You must know that both T-Tech and the Black Dragon Society are small-minded organizations and cannot cause trouble for Gong Er. Therefore, Fengtian's revenge set its sights on Hua Twelve.

When I was young, I thought that the Gong family father and daughter could fight, but your actor son-in-law couldn't fight, so they took this opportunity to take revenge on Hua Twelve.

Those five ronin are the samurai under the Black Dragon Society. Their plan is very simple, which is to make Hua Twelve make a fool of himself on the stage. Then the samurai will use this opportunity to crazily belittle the Chinese martial arts in front of everyone present in order to promote it. The kendo of their childhood.

If they want to put Hua Twelve on the fire, then the major newspapers in Fengtian will report it, ignoring the identity of the actor, and say that Cheng Dieyi, a famous martial arts student, lost to Xiaori, proving that Chinese martial arts is inferior to Eastern martial arts.At that time, one can imagine that as soon as the news spread, Cheng Dieyi's name was as loud as it is now, but it was as bad as that at that time. He was a complete national sinner and a street rat.

He thought well in his childhood, but could Hua Twelve be manipulated by them? Of course not, he was too lazy to stand up, shook his head and said:

"I'm sorry, I used to be an opera singer and now I'm the secretary of the Marshal's Mansion. I have never practiced chopping wood. This is hard work. You have to find a woodcutter!"

As soon as he said this, the compatriots who were holding their breath burst into laughter.

The little boy's face darkened: "Baga, if you admit that Chinese martial arts are not as good as Eastern martial arts, and not as good as the kendo of our little boy, then don't come up. After saying so much, you don't dare to come up!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Chinese people present turned ugly.

Someone among the guests shouted: "Boss Cheng, go up and teach them a lesson. Don't embarrass our countrymen!"

Hua Twelve looked over and saw that the person calling had already changed positions. It was obvious that the person calling was unkind.

At General Yang's table, the people headed by him were sarcastic and looked disappointed. Some people said:
"Boss Cheng is so embarrassed this time. Everyone is calling him by name. He seems like a normal person. It's better to be famous than to meet him!"

Mrs. Gu added insult to injury on the side of the female family members: "Boss Cheng, you have gained such a good reputation for nothing. No wonder he is also proficient in female roles, but he has the same temperament as a woman!"

The voice he said was not low enough for Hua Twelve to hear.

The young marshal turned around and glared at Mrs. Gu so hard that the latter did not dare to say anything.

When he turned back, the young marshal glanced at Hua Twelve again, and his eyes turned into concern and expectation. On the one hand, he was worried about him, but on the other hand, he wanted him to go up and teach the other party a lesson.

"All right!"

Hua Twelve stood up with a smile: "I said I couldn't do it, but you still rushed the duck to the shelf. If something goes wrong and I can't chop well, don't blame me!"

He said this while looking at Linjikuro, who smiled like an old fox:

"Yo Xi, don't worry, Boss Cheng. Even if you are not as good as a young warrior like me, it is normal. No matter how you chop and chop, none of us can blame you."

Including the five young ronin warriors, everyone else nodded, and many of them smiled as if they were watching the fun.

This time, Xiao Tian was going to deal with the young marshal. He had no intention of dealing with Hua Twelve. He just knew that 'Cheng Dieyi' was present and there was animosity between the two parties, so he suddenly took it upon himself to do so.

The purpose was not to embarrass Cheng Dieyi on the spot, but to take action in the public opinion later. So when Hua Twelve said don't blame him if the split is not good, they agreed very happily, because when they wanted to come, Cheng Dieyi As long as you agree, you will fall into their trap.

Hua Twelve walked to the front and took the samurai sword from the hands of the mean-mouthed young samurai. The latter held up the straw mat with a joking look on his face:

"You, you can start now. Let's see who is better at martial arts, you Chinese, or our little ones, ah, ah, ah"

Before he finished speaking, he started howling miserably. Hua Twelve became upset after hearing his insistence, and he immediately took out the knife and slashed the little boy's arm with one knife, cutting off both wrists.

Hua Twelve also threw away his samurai sword with a cry of "Ah" and complained: "I blame you all. I said I didn't practice, but you insisted on letting me cut it. If I cut it off, you must be responsible. I tell you this." ."

The old birthday boy who was watching the show was quite happy at first, but when he saw that the little devil's hands were cut off and blood spurted out for free, he was shocked and swooped over, foaming at the mouth.

When Hua Twelve saw this, he hurriedly said: "Old guy..., no, it was the old birthday boy who blew bubbles."


General Yang was shocked and rushed over to check. The scene suddenly became chaotic. Fortunately, a foreign doctor came to the scene to attend the banquet. He quickly helped with the examination. After working for a long time, he woke up the old man and hurriedly sent him to the back to recuperate.

The Ronin's hands were also treated that day. Now he doesn't have the skills to reattach the severed hands, so he can only stop the bleeding and explode. Finally, he saved his life before the blood dried up. However, he will not be able to practice kendo in the future, so he can practice King Kong instead. pestle.

Lin Zhijiulang and General Yang walked up to Hua Twelve angrily: "Boss Cheng, you have to give us an explanation!"

Hua Twelve said to General Yang: "Yes, I think I should give the old birthday girl an explanation when I was young. I said I wouldn't cut it, but they had to let me cut it. They also said they didn't blame me if there was a problem. You all heard it before, right? , the result is good, but something went wrong and scared the birthday girl, they have to be responsible for their little life!"

People around him started talking about it. After all, what happened just now was what Boss Cheng said just now.


Neither of them expected Hua Twelve to be waiting here.

Lin Zhijiurang is disgusting. Don't even think about it now. As long as the news gets out, the Chinese people will not think about whether Boss Cheng made a mistake. They will only think that Boss Cheng has ruined their lives.

At that time, the headlines of newspapers in the south will definitely be "Boss Cheng cuts off the hands of Japanese pirates and boosts the national spirit". In this land, it is the rhythm of becoming a hero. In their childhood, they used their hands to help others become famous!
The young marshal also stood up and said: "Boss Cheng did say that he didn't want to participate just now. This matter ends here. If something like this happened today, I think we can forget about this banquet."

As soon as they saw that the young marshal was about to leave, Lin Zhijiurang and General Yang looked at each other and immediately gave up their plan to cause trouble for Hua Twelve. Their purpose today was to deal with the young marshal. How could they do it if the real master escaped.

Lin Zhijiurang said quickly: "Commander, wait a minute, there is one more thing today that needs to be witnessed by the commander, that is, we, the young warriors, want to challenge the masters of Chinese martial arts to break the false legend of Chinese martial arts!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone except those who loved Xiaoli frowned. Many people couldn't bear it for a long time, and even yelled and cursed at this time.

Lin Zhijiurang chuckled: "Is it considered a friendly exchange? Anyone here who has practiced martial arts can challenge us warriors. In addition, General Yang was also dissatisfied and specially found a master of Tai Chi to fight against our warriors. Marshal Please stay and be a witness to China and Xiaozhi Wulin!"

Before the young marshal could say anything, General Yang shouted from the side: "Please invite Master Peng Zu Tai Chi and Peng Ganwu to come out to shock me with the power of Chinese martial arts!"

Many people started chirping when they saw the excitement.

The young marshal and Hua Twelve were both a little confused. They looked at each other and wondered, isn't Xiang Zhuang dancing with his sword? Why is there something wrong with the plot? What are these two people doing?
Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, and du book brothers for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who cast monthly votes and recommendation votes, and thanks to the brothers who read and collect books. Thank you very much.

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