A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 639 God’s will is like this, you deserve to die!

Hua Twelve asked Peng Ganwu to get it, with a smile on his face and a harmless look. If he dared to give up, it would depend on whether the other party dared to take it, but he guessed that the other party would probably not dare.

Peng Ganwu made a secret move against the young marshal, wanting to control the time when the dark energy exploded in the young marshal's body, so he did not use all his strength, or even only used a small part of his strength.

But Hua Twelve was different. Although he didn't use his full strength because of the young marshal, he still had [-]% of his strength. This made Peng Ganwu, who was unprepared and found it difficult to respond hastily, suffer a hidden loss.

Didn't you notice that the old guy's neck was turning red from the backlash?

Now the old guy's energy and blood are probably surging in his body. Even if he is not injured, it will take a few hours to calm down his energy and blood.

And the strength shown by Hua Twelve has already shown that he is a master. Unless that "Nine Dragons Combine" is really that awesome and can allow Peng Ganwu to exert his full strength even when his energy and blood are unstable, otherwise this old gangster I won't take this risk.

Sure enough, Peng Ganwu's face turned green and red, and then he suddenly laughed:
"We in the martial arts world are the most disciplined people. There is an old saying that goes well, a gentleman should not take what others like. This gold watch is a gift from the emperor. It is so precious that you can see it. I just took a look at it. Now After reading it, just return it to the commander!"

After saying that, although there was a smile on his face, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he took a few steps back and came behind General Yang.

Hua Twelve nodded when he heard this and said jokingly: "Master Peng is not only highly skilled in martial arts, he is also upright and upright. I admire him!"

After saying that, he didn't look at Peng Ganwu, turned around and handed the gold watch to the young marshal.

The young marshal smiled slightly: "There is no reason to take back what I gave away. Since Master Peng doesn't want it, I can't force it on others, so just keep it twelve!"

Hua Twelve is not polite. He has many expensive watches, but not many pocket watches. It was a gift from the last emperor in history, and it can be considered a good thing.

In particular, the last emperor gave it to the young marshal, and the young marshal in turn gave it to him. After being passed on by the young marshal, the fourth son of the Republic of China, it became even more valuable.

He tied the gold chain of his pocket watch to his tunic, then put the gold watch into his upper pocket, and then said with a smile:
"Thank you so much, Marshal, Master Peng, for accepting the offer!"

He said 'concession' was a pun. On the surface it was talking about the other party giving up the pocket watch, but in fact it was also telling Peng Ganwu that you just lost half a move!


Peng Ganwu snorted coldly and stopped talking.

The young marshal gave Peng Ganwu a faint look, then turned to General Yang and said, "Now that the matter is over, I will take my leave!"

General Yang did not stop him this time, but said with a smile: "Congratulations, young marshal!"

On the way back, Hua Twelve played with his pocket watch and seemed to like it very much.

The young marshal looked at this scene with a smile, his eyes were like an older brother watching his younger brother playing with the gifts he gave him.

Hua Twelve also noticed the young marshal's look, and was helpless. He just looked young, okay?

He was just thinking about whether he should speak and ask him to stop looking at him with that hateful look. He wanted to be a brother just because he had a pocket watch?How about I give you a car tomorrow?

But before Hua Twelve could say anything, Mrs. Gu next to the young marshal snorted:
"It's just a gold pocket watch. I really don't understand. Boss Cheng, a well-known Liyuan actor in Beijing and Tianjin, pays a sky-high price of ten gold bars for one appearance. How can he be so short-sighted? You also want a gold pocket watch. This is The young marshal gave it to Master Peng in public, and you want it back again."

"If you do this, those who know it will win, but those who don't know will think that we are handsome and stingy, and we want to take back what we gave to others!"

This Mrs. Gu has a small mouth and a Jinmen accent. She speaks a series of words without saying anything, and she even criticizes her. In the end, she even tries to sow discord.

"To shut up!"

Before Hua Twelve said anything, the young marshal couldn't keep it off his face. He didn't care about teaching his son in person or teaching his wife the rules behind his back, so he just scolded him.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Gu was still full of energy and said aggrievedly: "You yelled at me for an actor. Did I say something wrong?"

The young marshal is handsome, middle-aged and elegant. He rarely gets angry with his family, but now he was really angry. He raised his hand and slapped Mrs. Gu, who was stunned. The corners of her eyes were blue and the corners of her mouth were bloody. She couldn't believe it. asked:

"You hit me?"

The young marshal said coldly: "I haven't settled the accounts with you for coming to the Northeast without authorization before. I told you that Twelve is my brother, and you have repeatedly stirred up trouble. Do you take me as your husband seriously?"

"And your best friend, I told you a long time ago that I won't let you associate with her. Don't you know that her man and I can't deal with each other? You stupid, brainless bitch, get divorced when you get back, and then you go back to Jinmen. go!"

Mrs. Gu immediately stopped beeping and started chirping.

After beating Mrs. Gu, the Young Marshal became less angry and felt quite comfortable. He regretted that he could have just tried it again with a backhand, but now it has been suspended. There is no reason to continue.

Turning to Hua Twelve, he asked: "Twelve, when I was shaking hands with Peng Ganwu in Yang Mansion just now, you suddenly stepped forward and patted me. Is there something wrong?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "That guy named Peng is not a good guy. When he shook hands with you, he wanted to use his secret power to harm you!"

The young marshal was taken aback: "You are so bold, how dare they openly harm me?"

"Of course they don't dare, so they use their secret power to hurt you. The injury won't show up at the time, and it will show up in three to five days, or ten and a half months. By then, they will be able to get rid of you without anyone noticing, even if a famous doctor is by your side. I can’t save you, and if I diagnose your illness, it will definitely be caused by fatigue and injuries, and your internal organs will be damaged!”

"At that time, outsiders will think you are sick, but you will die inexplicably, and they will have achieved their goal!"

Hua Twelve said with some pity: "There were too many people just now to kill him. I don't care. I'm afraid it will hinder your overall situation. However, I predict that this person named Peng is a narrow-minded person who must repay his flaws. He will definitely come back when he comes back." It’s not too late to kill him then!”

The young marshal nodded when he heard this and said: "Twelve, you have considered it well. This is indeed the case. If you turn against Yang and Chang on the spot, the morale of the army will be unstable, which will be harmful to the change of flag!"

At this time, Mrs. Gu, who had transformed into a monster, was standing by as if she had read a book from heaven. What secret power penetrated her body? Three to five days, ten days and a half, five toils and seven injuries. She didn’t believe it at all and screamed:
"Young Marshal, you see he is just deceiving the public with his evil words. Don't be deceived by him."

Hua Twelve asked weakly from the front seat: "What, can I hit her?"

The young marshal said with a black line: "Wait until I get divorced. It's so embarrassing for me to hit her now!"

Mrs. Gu: "." She now feels that these two things are not human beings and they are beaten by women.

In fact, both of them were joking. The young marshal just taught this ungrateful woman a lesson, so Hua Twelve didn't bother to argue with this stupid woman, otherwise he would definitely make her suffer.

And when the young marshal said that, he also knew that Hua Twelve couldn't really fight him and was just teasing him.

The journey here was uneventful, and when we returned to the Marshal's Mansion safely, the banquet at Yang's Mansion also ended, and all the guests left one after another, leaving only General Yang and his family, and Master Peng, as well. The distinguished guests sat aside.

Seeing that there were no outsiders, General Yang asked with a smile: "How about Master Peng, how long can that kid live?"

Kujiro Hayashi was sitting on the sofa, leaning forward after hearing this, waiting for the answer with a smile on his face.

Master Peng shook his head: "I didn't succeed!"

At this moment, everyone present had smiles on their faces.

Hayashi Jiujiro said angrily: "You, you need to give me an explanation. We have sacrificed the lives of several samurai in our childhood."

Master Peng's eyes widened: "Are you questioning me?"

For a moment, Lin Jiujiro felt as if he was being stared at by a wild beast, and it was difficult to breathe. He felt that the person sitting in front of him was not a little old man, but a brown bear or a tiger.As long as the other party doesn't go his way, he can be killed like an ant by squeezing him to death.

Click, click, click, the marble coffee table in front of Lin Jiuzhiro began to crack like spider webs without any external force touching it. This incredible scene made everyone present feel their Adam's apple twitching.

Hayashi Jiujiro really could take it up and let it go. As the highest administrative official in the north during his childhood, no matter what he thought in his heart, whether he would have time to take revenge or not, at this moment, in the face of life and death, he stood up quickly and bowed ninety degrees. Apologize:
"I'm very sorry, Your Excellency. It was me who was impulsive. Please forgive me!"

General Yang quickly smoothed things over: "Master Peng, if you didn't do what we agreed to do, there must be a reason, right?"

Peng Ganwu snorted coldly:
"I am not responsible for this matter. There is clearly a problem with your intelligence. Who is the young man next to the young marshal? He is a master no less than me. When I secretly attacked the young marshal, he passed Pat the young marshal on the shoulder and attack me secretly!"

"I was careless and didn't dodge. I was knocked back by his secret force. My blood was boiling at that time, so I didn't continue to take action!"

When he said this, everyone understood what was going on. General Yang said:

"That man is an opera singer. I never heard that he knows martial arts!"

Lin Jiujiro frowned, remembering something: "No, he should be able to do kung fu, but we didn't think of it before!"


Peng Ganwu became interested: "Do you know anything?"

Lin Jiujiro didn't hide anything either: "I heard from Ttech that this boss Cheng Dieyicheng is the son-in-law of Gong Yutian, the head of the Bagua Sect!"

Peng Ganwu suddenly realized: "He is Gong Hou's son-in-law. This old monkey has finally found a good son-in-law!"

He was originally confused as to where the master Hua Twelve came from, but now he was relieved when he heard that he was Gong Yutian's son-in-law. Since he was Gong Hou's son-in-law, he probably came from Baguazhang.

Not to mention such a young man, even if Gong Yutian comes in person, he can use the Nine Dragons Combination to overwhelm the opponent.

In an instant, Peng Ganwu felt that he could do it again, and immediately said with a smile: "Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. Don't worry, find an opportunity for me to see the young commander again. This time I am prepared in my heart, and the junior can't stop me!"

General Yang, Chang Yinhuai and other confidants discussed it with Lin Jiuzhiro for a few days, and finally nodded:

"Okay, wait a while, find an excuse and I will take Master Peng into the Marshal's Mansion!"

The young marshal kept his word and published a newspaper the day after he returned to the marshal's residence to terminate his marriage to Mrs. Gu. He did not change his words despite Mrs. Gu holding his legs and pleading with her in every possible way. His attitude was extremely resolute.

Sometimes a man's tolerance of a woman is not unlimited, but it does not reach the bottom line. Once a woman's behavior touches the bottom line of a man's heart, there will be no room for maneuver. It's just that many women don't understand this. Mrs. Gu is the best example.

Mrs. Gu left in tears, but the young marshal was not completely heartless. He asked someone to buy a small building for her in the British Concession in Jinmen, and gave her 10 silver dollars as living expenses.

Of course, on the one hand, these are the previous relationship between husband and wife, and on the other hand, the Young Marshal also has requirements for divorce. He asked Mrs. Gu not to use the Young Marshal's name to show off, and she can remarry, but she cannot become a prostitute.

Mrs. Gu's divorce was caused by being a monster in history. Now that she is targeting Hua Twelve, this time has been advanced by two years.

Time passed quietly through the last month of this year, and the wheel of history moved forward to 1929.

On January [-], the Fengjun high-level meeting discussed the change of flag again. Chang Yinhuai, the governor of Heilongjiang Province, also came to Fengtian from Heilongjiang Province again. At the meeting, Governor Chang had a tough attitude and asked the marshal to immediately remove Lu Ronghuan from the post of supervising the Middle East Road. And holding a pen and paper, he threatened the young marshal to approve immediately, and he was very arrogant.

General Yang who was present at the meeting turned a blind eye to what Chang was doing and drank tea and smoked leisurely. However, several old-school generals from the Fengjun army who fought with the young marshal's father to conquer the world had ambiguous attitudes, which made the young marshal very angry.

In the end, it was Adjutant Cui who slapped the gun on the table and stopped the farce.

On January [-], at about five o'clock in the afternoon, General Yang took Chang Huaiyin into the Marshal's Mansion to meet with the Marshal to discuss the establishment of a Railway Supervision Office.

When the people below informed the young marshal, he was having dinner with Hua Twelve. Needless to say, the food in the marshal's house included braised bear paws, steamed snow clams, fried flying dragon, braised venison, and more than a dozen dishes on the table. They are all flying in the sky and running on the ground.

Hua Twelve sighed while eating, who said Northeastern food is not good? It is obviously very bad.

When the young marshal heard about General Yang, he was a little surprised: "It's already dark, why are you here at this time?"

On a winter day in Fengtian, the sun sets around 04:30 in the afternoon. Isn't it already dark at this time? It would be extremely unreasonable to disturb us at this time unless there is an urgent military situation or urgent official business.

Hua Twelve took a bite of roe deer meat and asked the orderly who reported the news: "How many of them are here?"

As the young marshal's number one secretary, everyone in the marshal's house now respects Hua Twelve. After hearing this, the man immediately said:

"There are several guards accompanying him, as well as a male secretary named Zhao Xinchuan."

When Hua Twelve heard the name 'Zhao Xinchuan', the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he asked the orderly to go out first, and then he said:

"This Zhao Xinchuan is Peng Ganwu's apprentice. As expected, they will attack you again today!"

Hua Twelve's advice to the young marshal was to cut through the mess quickly, but the latter was guilty of placing too much emphasis on friendship and being indecisive.

The young marshal believed that both Yang and Chang were his father's brothers. He was somewhat unable to be ruthless and hesitated between arresting and killing them.

Hua Twelve thought of an interesting thing the young commander said when he watched the young commander's interview in later generations, and immediately said:

"How about it depends on God's will. How about you take out a silver dollar and kill him head-on?"

The young marshal looked confused: "Isn't it a little too casual?"

Hua Twelve said nothing and looked at the other party with a smile.

"Okay, let's give it a try. General Yang himself is also very superstitious!" The young marshal said, taking out a silver dollar and throwing it on the stall. The silver dollar bounced and turned upside down.

Marshal: "I'm just saying it's too casual. Throw it like this three times. If it's all heads, then kill it!"

I threw it twice more, both heads.

The young marshal picked up the silver dollar and looked at it carefully: "I think this matter is unscientific. Otherwise, let's try tails instead, and if it's tails, we'll kill you!"

One minute later, three negative results finally made the young marshal make up his mind.

God's will, this is the man who deserves to die!

Hua Twelve and Fengtian Police Chief Gao Jiyi walked into the brothel with a few guards. At this time, Yang and Chang were sitting on the sofa next to the two Siberian tiger specimens in the Tiger Hall, talking.

Seeing Hua Twelve come in, General Yang asked: "What are you doing here, where is the young marshal? We have government affairs to discuss, why doesn't he come out to see me!"

Hua Twelve ignored him and said to Zhao Xinchuan, who stood aside and looked exactly like Bruce Lee:
"You shouldn't have come. Where is your master? Let him come out!"

After saying this sentence, Yang and Chang's expressions suddenly changed.

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, Du Shuren, Book Friends 20170726180339000 brothers for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, and thanks to the brothers who read and collected books, thank you very much.

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