A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 642: Nine Dragons and Baojiaxian!

PS: It has been modified, sorry again.

At Boss Cheng's family dinner, the guests and hosts had a great time. After drinking a cup of tea, Er Erhong talked about how they would perform on stage together and took the money from Guanghe House. It was always not good if he didn't support the scene, so he set a schedule. He stood up and said goodbye.

Hua Twelve did not force him to stay and sent him out of the gate. When leaving, he said that the two families would live close to each other in the future and they would have to come here often. Er Erhong agreed with a smile.

Back in the yard, Damian Niang and Xiangyun had already rested. Hua Twelve took out a book of miscellaneous notes that he had not finished when he left last year, sat on a deck chair in the yard, and read under the moonlight.

It was early spring, and the night in the capital was quite chilly, but it had no effect on him. At his level, summer singles and winter cotton were just for others to see.

Gong Er brought him a cup of hot tea and put it at hand, then without disturbing him, he turned around to get the Gongbu sword and practiced the Jade Girl sword technique in the yard.

Feeling the sword energy flowing freely, Hua Twelve raised his head and saw a beauty dancing a sword under the moon, which was pleasing to the eye.

After the Jade Girl sword dance was completed, Gong Er held the work cloth and looked at it from side to side, unable to put it down.

Hua Twelve stood up, hugged Gong Er from behind, and whispered in her ear: "Do you like it?"

Gong Er nodded and hummed slightly.

"Keep it if you like it!"

Hua Twelve hugged Gong Er's slender waist and whispered softly: "Originally, I also wanted to get you a good sword, so that you could breathe it in and refine it into a flying sword, but now Junior Brother Hong has given it to you, isn't it? Just right!"

Gong Er's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Okay!"

She has also practiced the method of spitting flying swords, but she has never been able to take advantage of the sword. She uses ordinary flying swords made of gold and silver alloys. The spirituality is too poor, so the progress is slow. Now that she has this famous sword through the ages, it is just right.

Hua Twelve reminded: "It's just that this sword is designed to kill capable ministers and generals. If there is anything wrong with the flying sword, stop it immediately. Then we can just find another sword!"

Gong Er was a warrior and had heard the allusion of Gongbu sword. He knew that Wu Zixu and Wen Zhong both used this sword to hang themselves, so they had the idea of ​​killing capable ministers and good generals. Knowing that her husband was caring about himself, he immediately nodded in agreement.

Thinking of practicing flying swords with work cloth, Gong Er couldn't wait and wanted to go back to vent his feelings, but Hua Twelve showed a funny expression and held him back.

His wife, from the day we met, she looks like a calm and cool lady, but in fact she has a girlish heart that doesn't match her appearance. It's still the same after decades. Well, he likes it very much. .

Gong Er was pulled by her husband and did not speak, but gave a questioning look.

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "You said you wanted to go back to spit out Feijian, but it reminded me of something. This time I went to the Northeast, I learned an interesting kung fu from my opponent!"

He said and turned around: "Come on, rub my spine!"

Gong Er's eyes moved, and he stretched out his hands and fingers and began to stroke down Hua Twelve's spine. He felt that the muscles around the spine were constantly squirming. This was the direction of force in the body.

After a while, Gong Er raised his eyebrows and his eyes flashed: "Is this Tai Chi?"

She didn't say Tai Chi, but Tai Chi. This was because she felt the core of Peng Zu's Tai Chi from the strength of her husband's spine movement.

As long as you master this kind of strength, the result will be Tai Chi.

Just as Peng Qianwu's boxing techniques are mainly feminine, while his apprentice Zhao Xinchuan's moves are fierce, but both of them are practicing Peng Zu Tai Chi, and they are inseparable from their origins, and the root lies in this strength.

"Yes, it's Tai Chi. Don't move. There's something fun to do!"

The next moment, Hua Twelve looked motionless on the surface, but under his clothes, his spine started to twist very slightly like a big dragon.

Gong Er immediately noticed the change, and moved his hands along his spine towards his torso, including the big tendons in his arms, the big tendons in his legs, the big tendons in the front of his neck, the big tendons behind his ears, the big tendons in his armpits, plus the big tendons in his chest and back, a total of nine The big tendons trembled slightly as the spine twisted.

The power trembling from the nine big tendons created an unexpected resonance in Hua Twelve's body.

"The spine drives the nine big tendons to achieve resonance. Is this?"

"This is the core secret of Pengzu Tai Chi, the combination of nine dragons!"

Hua Twelve turned to the Eight Immortals Table in the yard. His back shook slightly, and he flicked Gong Er's fingers away. Then he stood on his shoulders, made a starting position similar to the Turtle School Qigong with his hands, and suddenly pushed towards the Eight Immortals Table.

The next moment, the air in front of him trembled. Gong Er could clearly see the distortion of the air. The next moment, the Eight Immortals Table not far away suddenly shattered into powder.

Gong Er looked incredulous: "It's not internal power, but the power of martial arts released outward. How is this possible?"

It wasn't that Gong Er was unusual, but the scene in front of her was beyond her comprehension.

In the understanding of martial arts at the Gong Er Grandmaster level, only internal strength can hit that far, while in national martial arts, only those with strong strength above Bao Dan can hit an inch in the air.

Hua Twelve used pure strength to blast the Grand Master's chair a few steps away into powder. This was simply unbelievable to Gong Er.

"This move uses the nine big tendons in the body to generate powerful resonance, and then releases this resonance. This resonance acts on objects through air conduction, and can affect dozens of unexpected objects. This is similar to the later generations. It’s almost like ultrasound, it’s also an energy wave caused by powerful resonance!”

What Hua Twelve said was concise and concise. Gong Er, who had added a lot of modern knowledge to the 'dragon and snake world', instantly understood the meaning.

He nodded immediately and said: "I don't know who invented this method of transporting energy and exerting force. He is really a genius!"

As cold as Gong Er, he now has some difficulty in making a choice. He is confused whether to practice the 'Nine Dragons Combined Stone' tonight or to refining chemical cloth.

Hua Twelve was troubled by his wife, but he did not care about burying her. He told Gong Er that he wanted to go out. In a flash, he was on the eaves of the house. He waved to Gong Er in the yard, and in a flash, he Disappear.

Gong Er watched her husband leave, angry and laughing at the same time. This man had made himself entangled, but he was fine. He just threw away his hands and left like a normal person.

She was not worried about whether her husband would be in danger if he went out so late. Gong Er had absolute confidence in her man. She felt that it was dangerous to meet her husband, and that it was dangerous.

She went back to her room and drew lots to decide which technique to practice first. Hua Twelve flew over the eaves and walls all the way, turning into a wisp of smoke under the night and heading straight to the Forbidden City.

On the Xinuan Pavilion, a yellow-skinned man stood up, worshiping the moon with both hands. Suddenly, it turned its head humanely and saw an additional figure on the side of the Qianqing Palace, waving to it.

Huang Pizi's eyes showed rejection, but when he looked at the chicken legs that the other party took out, he sniffed lightly, well, he smelled the authentic smell of Daokou roast chicken from such a distance, and he reached the person in a flash. around.

Hua Twelve threw the chicken legs to Huang Pizi and said with a smile: "You go and pad your belly first. When I finish practicing, I will treat you to a drink later!"

I missed Xiao Huang a lot after not seeing him for half a year, so I came over to say hello on my first day back in Beijing.

Xiao Huang took the chicken leg in his mouth, nodded, and jumped a few feet away with a single movement. He squatted on the bracket of Qianqing Palace and began to feast on it.

Hua Twelve raised his head to look up at the starry sky and identified the direction of the Xuanwu Seven Constellations in the north. He stepped on the Gang and chanted incantations to attract the Beidou Gangsha into his body. He neutralized it with the Divine Gang within his body and slowly finished the work after half an hour.

Turning around, he saw Xiao Huang's eyes widening, looking at him for a moment.Hua Twelve walked over with a smile and sat on the bracket: "Don't think about it, you won't be able to practice it even if you look at it. This is the Xuantian Shenglong Dao, the method of the Sanyin Demon-Slaying Sword. This thing is specially designed to restrain demons and monsters, but it is your nemesis. Woolen cloth!"

Xiao Huang rolled his eyes and made a gesture of holding a bowl with his two front paws, meaning you wanted to invite me to drink!

Hua Twelve took out a wine jar and two wine bowls from behind and placed them on the bracket. He also took out an oil paper bag from behind. After opening it, there was a lot of braised meat, pork head meat, soy sauce beef, and a complete dish. Roast chicken.

Xiao Huang's eyes were full of doubts. He ducked behind Hua Twelve, but he couldn't figure out where he took out these things.

"What are you looking at? I just hid it in my crotch. If you don't like it, don't eat it!"

Xiao Huang's figure flashed, and he sat down opposite Hua Twelve again, blinking his eyes, looking like I believed you were a ghost.

It stretched out two paws to grab the wine jar, but Hua Twelve put one hand on the wine jar and asked with a smile:
"I have wine, do you have a story? I want to know your story, or the story of your droopy grandson in Ding Dong Tomb!"

Xiao Huang blinked his eyes, acting extremely cute, as if he didn't understand what Hua Twelve was talking about, but the cunning flash in his eyes betrayed the fact that he was just pretending.

Hua Twelve was helpless: "Stop pretending and speak quickly!"

Xiao Huang spread his paws and shrugged his shoulders, indicating that I really don't understand what you are saying.

Hua Twelve was so angry: "You're smarter than a human being, and you're still trying to show off to me. If you keep pretending, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xiao Huang didn't say a word. His two hind legs, including one of his paws, secretly reached for a piece of pig head meat in the oil paper bag in front of him.

Hua Twelve laughed angrily: "Then let's just have some fun!"

The next moment, he reached out and grabbed Xiao Huang.
Xiao Huang's figure flashed across more than ten feet from Qianqing Palace to Xinuan Pavilion. He held a piece of pig head meat in his two front paws and ate it, looking at Hua Twelve with provocative eyes.

"Robbing meat, right? You asked for it!"

Hua Twelve's body flashed and appeared on the Xinuan Pavilion. Such speed really startled Xiao Huang. It reacted and immediately turned into a ray of yellow light. It jumped from the Xinuan Pavilion to the Qianqing Palace and took the opportunity to try to get the wine jar. Take it away.

But as soon as it stretched out its paws, it felt a strong wind blowing behind it. It had no choice but to give up the wine jar and ducked to the Dongnuan Pavilion.

One beast and one man, chasing and escaping, walked around the Forbidden City in a dozen breaths. At this time, there were still eunuchs staying in the Forbidden City. When a eunuch went out to pee, he felt a strong wind whistling above his head. When he looked up , two black shadows flashed past, and then shuttled like lightning on the tops of several palaces.

The eunuch said "Oh my God" and ran back, not caring about the wetness between his legs.

Hua Twelve's light kung fu was superb, and he was faster than Xiao Huang. However, the latter's body was small, but he was half a step ahead in agility. You chased me for a long time, but you didn't catch up.

In the end, Hua Twelve lost his patience and directly released the flying sword. He pointed his hand and a sword light shot forward, passing by Xiao Huang's scalp, directly turning Xiao Huang into the Mediterranean Sea.

When Xiao Huang saw Feijian, he immediately stopped, turned around and bowed repeatedly, using his mental power to imitate human voices and spread them into Hua Twelve's ears:

"Great Immortal, please spare my life, why don't I accept it?"

Seeing that it was convinced, Hua Twelve felt very satisfied: "Are you still pretending?"

Xiao Huang acted stupid and cute, shaking his head: "I won't pretend anymore!"

Hua Twelve then put away his flying sword and said, "Let's go have a drink!" After saying this, he put his feet down and used Qinggong to go towards Qianqing Palace.

Xiao Huang turned into a yellow shadow and followed Hua Twelve.

Sitting opposite each other again, Hua Twelve patted the sealing wax on the wine jar, poured rice wine for himself and Xiao Huang, and then said:

"I'll buy you a drink and you tell me a story. It's fair and reasonable!"

Xiao Huang smiled bitterly: "What does the Great Immortal want to know?"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Don't call me a great immortal, I'm just an opera singer. Didn't I tell you something about you and your grandson? I'm just out of curiosity!"

He said and handed over a whole roast chicken and placed it in front of Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang's throat twitched and his stomach rumbled, obviously because he was greedy for the roast chicken.

It picked up the roast chicken and took a bite, then said:
"It's a long story. We, the Huang clan, originally lived and multiplied in the White Mountains and Black Waters. We were born with the ability to worship the moon and practice. Some people with extraordinary talents can develop spiritual intelligence. But after all, we are aliens. Even if we become famous, our life span will be difficult. century!"

"More than 200 years ago, I stayed with an old fox on Changbai Mountain, absorbing the moonlight and practicing every night. One day, the two of us went out to play in the mountains, and by chance, Li Chengliang rescued Nurhaci!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "Wild boar skin?"

"Yes, that's what you Han people call him!"

Hua Twelve’s eyes were unkind: “As a Han Chinese, I think you should be killed!”

Xiao Huang's body trembled: "You Han people have lost the Ming Dynasty. That is because the Ming Dynasty is rotten. There are no wild boar skins, wild donkey farts, and bison skins. How can you blame me!"

"Okay, let's continue!"

Hua Twelve naturally knew the truth, took a sip of wine, picked up a piece of pig head meat and ate it.

Xiao Huang said with some sigh: "Who would have thought that that barbarian could really achieve something. After he achieved it, he would not forget to be grateful and made me and the old fox the guardian immortals of the Aixinjueluo family. I also benefited from this and have lived successfully for so many years. !”

"The old fox will be called Hu Santai Gong from now on, and his dojo will be in the Immortal Cave in Shengjing, the place where the dragons will flourish and protect the Manchu people!"

Hua Twelve nodded. Shengjing was Fengtian. When he was in Fengtian, he and the young marshal went to the Immortal Cave. Inside, they worship Grand Duke Hu and Grandma Hu, and they are very popular.

Xiao Huang continued: "I was given the name Huang San Taiye. Later, when the Manchus entered the customs, Bai, Liu, and Hui and I were Taoist friends and entered the customs with the Aisin Gioro family. The Taoist temple was in the palace. Temple of the Four Gods.”

Hua Twelve knew about the Temple of the Four Gods, but he had never been in it. The place was quite famous. When Tagore came to China to meet the last emperor, the two of them took a photo with the Temple of the Four Gods in the background. Unexpectedly, Baojiaxian was enshrined in it.

Hua Twelve couldn't help but pouted: "Wild boar skin is not interesting enough. The Temple of the Four Gods is just an octagonal pavilion. It is a few square meters for the four of you to use as a dojo. I have been to the Immortal Cave. It is much more elegant than your pavilion." !”

After he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that there were four Baojiaxian in the Four Gods Temple. In addition to Xiao Huang, there should be three more, and he immediately asked:

"By the way, besides you, what about the other three?"

A trace of loneliness flashed in Xiao Huang's eyes: "We are all dead. I thought that by following the Manchu Qing into the Pass, I could be protected by the dragon's energy. But I never thought that the Qing Dynasty only used us as formation eyes to use in the Eight-Armed Nezha in the Forbidden City. Drive a nail into the formation."

Thanks to: brothers 08a and ☆Golden Scale☆ for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, and thanks to the brothers who read and collected books. Thank you very much.

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