A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 648 Goodbye Cao Yun!

Chapter 648 Goodbye Cao Yun! (Please order in full!)

Hua Twelve felt a little apologetic after hearing what Douziniang said. After all, he had taken on the identity of someone else's son, but he didn't even know the family background of his mother and had never asked about it. It was inappropriate to say so.

"Dam Girl, tell me about Grandpa Bean's house!" She said as she poured a cup of hot tea for Dam Girl.

Yanhong was a little happy to hear that her son cared about her family background, thinking that this represented her son's concern for her.

She thought for a moment and recalled: "Actually, I don't remember many things. I only remember that when I was a child, there were eldest brother, eldest sister, little brother, father and mother in the family."

"Then one year there was no food at home. An old man named Han fell in love with my sister and offered to give her 15 yuan. My parents cried for a long time and finally agreed. That night, my eldest sister hugged me and cried, saying that she didn't want to go. , but when I woke up the next day, my eldest sister was gone and I haven’t seen her since.”

"After a few years of peaceful life, Uncle Liu, who was pulling a cart with my father, told him that rice was expensive in the capital, and there would be wars in the future. If he stayed here, he would starve to death, so he might as well go to the Northeast to dig gold mines and work there for five years. Not only were they given wages, but they were also given ten acres of land."

"I remember that it was the second year of Xuantong. My father sold the house and took the whole family to the Northeast Pass with Uncle Liu and others. As a result, there was a plague there and there were dead people everywhere. Dad, mother, eldest brother, My younger brothers all fell ill and never got up, and in the end I was the only one left in the family."

"Uncle Liu took me back to the capital, but the house was gone. Uncle Liu sold me into a house and took away three oceans. Before leaving, he said to me, baby, don't blame uncle, you are here At least there is food in there to survive!"

When Yan Hong said this, she had already burst into tears. Hua Twelve held her hand and didn't know how to comfort her. He was an optimist and always liked to read happy things and disliked sad stories.

But now after hearing about Bean Girl's past, I feel like my heart is heavy. I can't be happy no matter what. I sigh, what a damn world.

After finishing speaking, Bean Girl came back to her senses from her memories. Seeing her son holding her hand, Yanhong smiled again, wiped away her tears, and said with a smile:

"The fortune tellers at Tianqiao said categorically that my mother has no relatives or friends to rely on, and that she will not live to be 25 years old. But my mother is almost [-] this year, and you have such a promising son. Who said that my mother has no relatives or friends to rely on? I must go to the overpass next time, spit in his face, and smash his ironclad sign!"

Hua Twelve didn't see it that way. He remembered the movie Mileage. After Dieyi grew up and became a horned child, he never saw the bean sprouts again. He was a person who valued friendship, so it couldn't be justified. The only explanation was that he could not be found or died. Gone, or gone.

If you think about it carefully, people in the hall can't help themselves, and it's not so easy to leave. If he hadn't intervened in this world, Bean Girl's fate would have probably gone according to the ironclad words.

Hua Twelve wanted to make Bean Girl happy, so he pondered for a moment and said:
"Douzi, I don't know if my aunt is doing well now. If not, how about taking her back to the capital to live with us. If there are family members, we can also take her over. Your little Douzi, he can afford to raise her! "

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Bean Girl smiled like a flower, grabbed his hand and said:

"You know my beans are the best, but your aunt is living a good life. This letter says that a few years ago, her man died in a battle with others, leaving a lot of business behind, and she asked me if I wanted to go there. I’m living with her!”

At this point, Beanzi Niang said with a smile: "Mom didn't tell your aunt Cheng Dieyi that he is my son. When the time comes, tell her and scare her!"

Although the actors in this era were low-class actors, the word Cheng Dieyi already represented the leader in the troupe business. With ten big yellow croakers on stage once, the low-class actors became high-class actors. Beanzi Niang was proud of him.

Hua Twelve and Dam Zi Niang said that after Er Er Hong returned to Changsha, he would accompany her to Jinmen to see her eldest aunt. Dam Zi Niang was very happy after hearing this. In the afternoon, she took Gong Er and Xiang Yun to the street to buy gifts for her eldest sister. I went, for fear that it would be too late and make Hua Twelve dumbfounded.

Hua Twelve went to the wing room across the hospital to check on Brother Haonan. Hua Twelve looked at the treated wound and found that it was not inflamed. He knew that the other party was fine.

Looking at the wounds that were sutured after the operation, Hua Twelve couldn't help but admire:
"What a brilliant surgical technique, what a beautiful stitch. Every stitch is an art. I wonder which Xinglin sage is so good and can perform such an operation!"

After saying that, he looked up to the sky and thought, and suddenly said: "It turns out to be me, hehehehe."

Halfway through his narcissism, he suddenly stopped smiling:

"I am the master of Xinglin and the leader of Liyuan. This sounds like a fruit seller."

There was a coughing sound from the side, but it was Brother Haonan who was startled by his voice and slowly woke up.

Brother Haonan lost a lot of blood yesterday. Although Hua Twelve gave him healing medicine, his face was still a little pale. After opening his eyes and coughing, he said weakly:
"Please, I'm hurt, I can't laugh!"

"The fact that you can still joke proves that you won't die. You'd better sleep a little longer!"

Hua Twelve estimated that Brother Haonan would not wake up until night. It was not yet evening. Wouldn't it be shameful to spread the news? He stretched out his hand and poked Brother Haonan. He fainted again. Within two hours Can't wake up.

In Brother Haonan's situation, sleeping more would be good for his injury. Well, that's it. Hua Twelve will never admit that he did this for his own sake.

Humming the tune of "Su San Qi Jie", Hua Twelve walked out with three steps and three steps, and went to his own lounge chair in the yard to bask in the sun.

In the evening, after making a bowl of lean meat porridge, Hua Twelve and Gong Er came to the cross-yard again.

He walked into the side room and put the hot porridge aside to dry. He looked at his pocket watch: "Well, it's time to wake up in ten seconds. Ten, three, two, one!"

As soon as the word '一' was spoken, Brother Haonan slowly woke up.

Gong Er was a medical student in the 'World of Grandmasters'. When he saw this, he was so shocked that he could not help but admire:

"My husband, your medical skills are getting better and better. Yesterday you said he would wake up at this time, and it turned out to be true within seconds!"

Brother Haonan opened his eyes and said weakly: "What are you talking about? Hey, wasn't it still daytime just now? Why did it get dark so quickly!"

Hua Twelve clicked his tongue and said: "Typical disturbance of consciousness caused by excessive blood loss, this is all hallucinations!"

Gong Er nodded repeatedly, with a look of deep understanding.

"No, I'm not hallucinating. I'm very awake. It was indeed daytime just now."

Brother Haonan suddenly remembered something, struggled to get up, and began to touch his body. When he touched his lower back, he let out a sigh of relief.

Hua Twelve put the porridge bowl in Brother Haonan's hand:
"Don't worry, we didn't touch your things. If you're hungry, drink this porridge, and then tell me about you, so I can decide what to do with you!"

Brother Haonan didn't eat last night, and he was injured and had a lot of blood. Now he was hungry. Hearing this, he picked up the porridge bowl and ate it.

I drank a bowl of porridge in a few mouthfuls, and then praised: "It tastes really good, do you have any more?"

"No, it's not that I don't want to give it to you. It's just that you have lost too much blood and your spleen and stomach are weak. Eating too much will increase the burden on your internal organs and is not good for your health. If you want to eat it, wait until tomorrow morning!"

Hua Twelve didn't care whether smoking was good for the wounded or not, he just lit a cigar, sat on a chair beside Gong Er, and said calmly:

"Tell me, what happened to you yesterday, and how can I prove your identity? If you can't explain clearly, don't blame me for handing you over to Marshal Cao!"

Brother Haonan looked embarrassed and hesitated to speak.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Yesterday you said that you were an intelligence agent of the people's government. With my relationship with the Northeast Army man, even if I knew some secrets, I would not tell them. Besides, you have no choice now. If you can't prove it, His identity, don’t say that he was unforeseen!”

Brother Haonan looked confused: "I went to a Western school. What do you mean by the next sentence?" Hua Twelve was helpless: "It's just that you can't explain your identity. When the time comes, I will hand you over to Marshal Cao, don’t blame me for not telling you in advance, it’s terrible to be uneducated!”

Brother Haonan rolled his eyelids: "Who is uneducated? I can still speak foreign languages, can you!"

Hua Twelve raised his middle finger: "Fake Squid, is this sentence in foreign language?"

Brother Haonan: "."

Gong Er said in a funny and angry tone: "You two, hurry up and talk about business!"

Hua Twelve knocked Brother Haonan: "Speak quickly, or I'll cripple you and hand you over!"

Brother Haonan sighed: "Okay, considering your relationship with the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Army, I can tell you!"

"My name is Ning Beihai, and I am indeed an intelligence officer of the people's government. We suspect that Marshal Cao betrayed intelligence to Xiaori and endangered the safety of the Guo family. That's why I took advantage of the dinner at Cao's residence last night to sneak into Marshal Cao's study and steal the Evidence that Marshal Cao colluded with Xiaoli!"

After Ning Beihai finished speaking, he said with some excitement: "Now the evidence is on me. I hope Boss Cheng can find a way to send me out of the city. This evidence must be sent back to the people's government as soon as possible!"

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand and said, "I'll take a look at the evidence first!"
"This" Ning Beihai hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "Forgive me for not being able to obey!"

Hua Twelve's face suddenly turned cold: "Then how do you prove that what you said is true!"

"If you can prove it, go to Chunhe Ban to find a steward named Uncle Tong. He is also one of ours and can prove my identity. You can also inform him and ask him to arrange for me to leave the city!"

Gong Er's eyes moved at the side: "Chun Heban, isn't that Bai Niu's father's theater troupe?"

Hua Twelve shook his head towards Ning Beihai: "Now Marshal Cao has sealed off the capital, and the streets are trembling with noise. I won't take the risk of contacting your people. You'd better think clearly. I will take you in for three days, and you won't give me up after three days." If we look at the evidence and cannot prove your identity, I will hand you over to Marshal Cao!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to poke at Ning Beihai, who also practiced boxing. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to block Hua Twelve's wrist, keeping his fingers away from him.

"How about that, me too."

The smile that Ning Beihai showed just now froze on his face: "You obviously didn't touch me, but why can't I move my body?"

Hua Twelve raised his finger and shook it with a smile: "Who said nothing will happen if you don't touch it? You are too happy too early!"

Naturally, he would not tell Ning Beihai that he used a Yang finger.

When he left the wing and walked out of the courtyard, Gong Er muttered: "I feel there should be no problem with his identity!"

Hua Twelve nodded. Having seen the original plot, he knew that Ning Beihai was fine, but he shook his head again:
"This kid should be from the people's government, but I always feel that he is hiding something. Let's take a look at this matter first. I have a feeling that this is a big trouble!"

Gong Er nodded and said nothing more.

In fact, now that they have restrained Ning Beihai, the two of them can take out the information directly from him. But firstly, the two of them disdain to do so. Secondly, if Hua Twelve really does that, it will be equivalent to taking the initiative to find it for him. A big problem.

His current plan is to confirm the identity of the other party. If it is true, he will send the other party away safely. If it is false, then he will also send the other party away. As for how to send him away, it is very different. .

What Hua Twelve didn't expect was that this incident got worse and worse. The inspection team ran rampant in the city, biting whoever they saw like mad dogs. However, because of his relationship with the man from the northeast, the inspection team was currently So far, I haven’t dared to come to my door to cause trouble.

I just didn't expect that Marshal Cao's inspection team was really capable. In less than three days, they managed to take out Uncle Tong from Chunhe's class.

The result was that everyone in Chunhe's class was arrested by the inspection team and tortured.

After Hua Twelve and Er Erhong got the news, they asked Wang Shuangquan to drive straight to the inspection team.

After arriving at the inspection team, the captain also knew Hua Twelve and said with a smile: "Boss Cheng, Boss Hong, what kind of wind has brought you two here!"

Hua Twelve didn't say much: "What did Chun and Ban commit? Why are they arrested?"

The captain's smile froze: "This... is a matter of confidentiality. I can't say anything about it. Please forgive me, Boss Cheng!"

Hua Twelve took out a five-hundred-silver-dollar bill and said, "Stop talking about it being useless. What's going on?"

Being an official for thousands of miles is just for money, let alone the chaotic era of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. The captain quickly collected the banknotes, then took the two people aside and whispered:
"There is an outside intelligence agent in Chunhe's class. We are not sure who it is yet. When the person was arrested, he fought back with a gun and was killed on the spot. Only the radio station that transmitted the message was found!"

Er Erhong interrupted: "Since that person has been beaten to death, the others should be let go!"

The captain smiled bitterly and said: "Hey, Boss Hong, you are putting it lightly. Who knows how many accomplices that person has, so we can only arrest them all and torture them one by one!"

Hua Twelve also knew that it was impossible to rescue everyone, and the person in front of him couldn't take the decision.

He immediately said: "Bainiu, the daughter of class leader Chunhe, is the unmarried concubine of my junior brother Hong. Anyway, you should release Bainiu first. She is a teenage girl and cannot be a spy. Tell the commander , just say that I will guarantee her!"


Seeing the captain's hesitation, Hua Twelve said nothing more and took another banknote.

The kid is difficult to deal with. If there is not enough supply for this kind of person, if any means are used on Bai Niu, it will be too late to kill him by then.

The inspection team leader immediately called the Marshal's Mansion and explained the situation. After receiving the money, he naturally said a good word. On the phone, he also said that after investigation, there was nothing wrong with Bai Niu. Marshal Cao then asked Hua Twelve to answer the phone and said a few words. He promised to let him go if he said these words. In fact, he just said these words as a favor.

After Bai Niu was released, she saw Er Erhong and threw herself into her arms. The latter comforted her.

Knowing that she was rescued by two people, Bai Niu cried and begged Hua Twelve and Er Erhong to save her father and others in Chunhe Ban.

Hua Twelve nodded: "Let's talk about it when we get back. This matter needs to be considered in the long run!"

Taking Bai Niu back to Nanluogu Lane, Hua Twelve saw an unexpected person at the gate of the County Prince's Mansion, Cao Yun, the daughter of Marshal Cao.

After getting off the car, he frowned and asked, "Miss Cao, why did you come to my house?"

 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Little Tiger in the Demon World for your reward, thank you to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, and thank you to the brothers who read and collected books. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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