A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 683 Kuixing moves mountains!

Chapter 683 Kuixing moves mountains! (Please order in full!)

Er Erhong saw that Chen Pi was disrespectful and disrespectful in front of her senior brother. She originally wanted to teach this scoundrel a lesson, but her wife stopped her. Thinking of the girl's body, she couldn't force herself, so she could only say angrily:
"Why don't you get down and reflect on yourself? If you dare to be so rude next time, I won't spare you!"

The girl said to Chen Pi: "Let's go, I'll clean your wound. Don't make your master angry like this next time!"

That tone was like coaxing a child.

Chen Pi just accepted this trick and showed no disobedience to the master's wife. He nodded: "I understand, master's wife!"

After saying that, he stood up despite the abdominal pain caused by Er Erhong's kick and was about to leave the flower hall.

"Wait a minute!"

Hua Twelve suddenly called out to Chen Pi who was about to leave. The latter suddenly turned around with an angry look on his face: "What else do you want?"

Not only Chen Pi, but everyone thought that Hua Twelve, the junior uncle, wanted to teach the junior a lesson.

The girl quickly said: "Brother, Chen Pi is not sensible. Brother and I will definitely educate him!"

Er Erhong also said: "Yes, senior brother, calm down, and I will give you a good beating just like you used a knife to beat us juniors when we were kids!"

The second half of the sentence is just a joke to make Hua Twelve happy. At the same time, it is also telling Chen Pi about his relationship with Hua Twelve. This is the master who can even draw him February Red. Who are you, a junior? How dare you do this? Being rude in front of my uncle.

As soon as Er Erhong finished speaking, Xi Fucheng's senior brothers in the flower hall all laughed. Who here has never suffered from Senior Brother's sword? Especially the most naughty ones like Duan Xiaolou and the others. Hit it on the face.

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "You have all misunderstood, as if I want to argue with the younger generation. Am I such a narrow-minded person in your hearts?"


The brothers said in unison, and then laughed loudly.

"Where's my knife blank!"

Hua Twelve also laughed. Thinking back, he seemed to be very small-minded. If he had changed places and changed his identity, Chen Pi would definitely be in trouble if he dared to rush over and wave his fist at him.

But this was a guest at Er Yue Hong's house. How could he hit his apprentice as soon as he arrived? It couldn't be justified logically.

Didn't the young marshal's father have a saying, the world is not about fighting and killing, but the world is about human relations.

Chen Pi was ignorant and had to be taught a lesson by Er Er Hong. As a junior, he wanted to beat Chen Pi in front of Er Er Hong. That would be overstepping his authority and losing the face of Junior Brother Hong. It was not impossible to do that, but it was too late. At that time, they were too embarrassed to live in Hong Mansion.

So Hua Twelve has no intention of doing anything to Chen Pi now. He has another thing to say.

After everyone had laughed, Hua Twelve pointed at the tangerine peel and said, "Take off your coat and show me?"

Chen Pi was also stunned. He was ready to be taught a lesson, but he didn't expect that the man asked for his coat when he opened his mouth. While he was stunned, Er Yuehong said angrily:
"Niezhang, didn't you hear what your uncle said? Why don't you bring me your coat?"

Chen Pi quickly took off his coat and handed it to his master. Er Erhong knew that his senior brother would not make mistakes, so she brought the clothes in front of Hua Twelve:

"Brother, what's wrong with these clothes?"

Hua Twelve took over Chen Pi's clothes. At this time, the pocket of Chen Pi's coat was already wet with the broken medicine. He moved closer to the pocket, smelled it with his nose, and then confirmed his guess. He turned to Chen Pi and asked:
"Is this the ugly Chinese medicine you got for your wife?"

Chen Pi said angrily: "Of course, if it weren't for you, my wife would be using it now. After every injection of this, my wife's illness would be relieved, and I would all blame you!"

"To shut up!"

Er Erhong didn't give the girl any face this time, and she said loudly when she walked over:

"Give me a sigh!"

Chen Pi did not dare to disobey and knelt down, but his waist and neck were straight, as if he was obedient but refused to obey.

At this time, Er Erhong also guessed that there was something wrong with the medicine. She didn't care to teach Chen Pi any more, and turned around and asked:
"Brother, is there something wrong with this medicine?"

When Hua Twelve was a drug police officer in the 'World of Dragons and Snakes', he was familiar with all kinds of drug addicts. Just now when the potion was broken and the smell leaked out, he noticed a problem. Now he recognized it and it was indeed the case.

He immediately said: "There is a problem, and it is a big problem!"

When Chen Pi heard this, he immediately quit: "Nonsense, my wife has an effect every time she uses it!"

Er Erhong turned around and kicked him to the ground: "I told you to shut up!"

Seeing that he was really angry, Chen Pi didn't dare to speak anymore, and even the girl didn't dare to persuade him.

After Er Erhong taught her apprentice a lesson, she anxiously asked Hua Twelve, "Brother, what's wrong with this medicine? I've already used a few, so it won't be any harm!"

Bai Niu also said: "Senior brother, please stop showing off and tell me if you have anything to say!"

Hua Twelve is so angry and funny. You are really a family. When did I betray you? Did you give me a chance to speak?

He also knew that this person was showing concern for his relatives and was a little impatient, so he didn't feel dissatisfied and said truthfully:
"If I'm not mistaken, this medicine should be morphine!"

"Morphine?" Looking at Er Erhong's eyes, you can tell that he is relatively unfamiliar with Western medicine!

Feng Jingyao knew about this medicine and immediately interjected: "If it's really morphine, it's like drinking poison to quench thirst!"

Hua Twelve nodded and explained to everyone:

"Morphine is a drug extracted from opium. It acts as an analgesic. This is why the girl feels that her symptoms will be relieved after injecting this drug!"

Duan Xiaolou asked in confusion: "If it can relieve the pain, wouldn't that be great?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "How can the things extracted from opium be any better? This stuff is actually purified opium. Not only does it not help the disease, but it will become addictive if used too much, and other symptoms will appear in the body. You have all seen the symptoms of those who smoke heavy cigarettes. What kind of virtues do they have? This thing is usually used for terminally ill people. Those people are going to die anyway. Use this to make them less uncomfortable before they die!"

Er Erhong turned her head and glared at Chen Pi: "You evil beast, look at the good deeds you have done!"

Chen Pi was dissatisfied and said: "Master, you can't just say what he says. Who can prove that this is morphine!"

Of course Chen Pi and Hua 12 believed in the latter, and after hearing this, they would teach this ungrateful villain again.

The girl quickly stopped: "Brother, didn't you say that Brother Chen asked you to take care of Chen Pi when he was dying? Chen Pi was also kind-hearted, he must have been deceived!"

Hua Twelve nodded and said to Yue Erhong: "You calm down first and ask what's going on!" At this time, Hua Twelve also recalled such a paragraph in the original plot, which seemed to have made him famous in his childhood.

After hearing this, Er Erhong quickly asked Chen Pi about the cause of the matter, and the latter told him honestly. Last time, Xiao Nippon came to the door and said that he wanted to cooperate with Er Erhong, and said that he had medicine to treat the girl.

At that time, Yue Erhong didn't even listen and just served tea to see off the guests.

Later Chen Pi spoke to Xiao Ri for the sake of the medicine in Xiao Ri's hands, but Er Erhong believed that Xiao Ri was ambitious and still refused, and told her apprentice about the powerful relationship.

But Chen Pi didn't care about any country or nation, and he wasn't afraid of Xiaori's ambition. He just wanted to cure his wife's illness, and finally helped Xiaori do something, and then through Xiaori's introduction, he invited an ugly man. Chinese doctors used this new medicine that is said to cure all diseases.

After hearing this, Er Erhong was furious and gave her apprentice a big showdown:

"Did I tell you that I was not good-hearted in my childhood? You took their things and gave them to the girl. Do you want us to be traitors and frame me for injustice? And what did you do for them? What did you do for them? Let me make it clear!"

"No, it's nothing, I just helped them lay a few graves!"

Chen Pi lowered his head and evaded his eyes, obviously not telling the truth. In fact, he helped Xiao Ri steal a document from Er Er Hong about the secrets of the mine, and also helped Xiao Ri find out about the injury to the first Buddha of the Nine Gates. Only then did Xiaori invite the Chouguo doctor.

Although Chen Pi avoided the important and took the easy, Er Erhong was still furious: "Didn't I say that you are not allowed to go to the grave? You still help Xiaoli, you evildoer!"

He still wanted to take action, but was stopped by Hua Twelve, who asked Chen Pi: "What is the name of that ugly doctor?"

Although Chen Pi had some objections to Hua Twelve, he still hummed:

"Call Jude Kao!"

Hua Twelve nodded slightly. Sure enough, it was this person. The root of everything in "Tomb Robbers' Notes" was this Ugly Chinese. This guy was originally a cultural relic dealer who made a fortune by reselling Chinese cultural relics. Later, he came into contact with some things about immortality in ancient China. He indulged in it, stirred up troubles and troubles for the sake of longevity, and caused a lot of right and wrong, which involved generations of people from the nine families.

With a thought in his mind, he thought that it would be a good thing to get rid of the foreign devil right now, and there wouldn't be so much right and wrong in the Old Nine Sect.

He immediately said to Chen Pi: "Can you call this person over?"

Chen Pi shook his head: "He said he had to leave Changsha for something, but he just left this pill behind!" His expression was still aggrieved when he spoke, and he was obviously still worried about the problem of the potion.

Hua Twelve nodded and said to Er Erhong: "I'll beg Chen Pi for a favor, and this matter will end here. The morphine matter is all the fault of Xiao Ri and the ugly countryman. He is also an ignorant person." It’s not a sin!”

Er Erhong was a little surprised. When did his senior brother become so easy to talk to and even started interceding for others? But he was his apprentice after all. Thinking of Chen Jiuliang's entrustment, he didn't want to teach him too much, so he nodded immediately:
"Since you opened your mouth, Senior Brother, let's forget it this time!"

Turning to Chen Pi, he said, "Thank you, uncle!"

Chen Pi was reluctant, the girl glared at him, and then said: "Thank you, uncle!"

"It's okay, go down and heal your wounds quickly!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand, and Er Erhong thought that his senior brother didn't want to see this evil disciple, so he scolded: "Hurry up and leave!"

The girl said to Hua Twelve: "Brother, I will go and bandage the tangerine peel, and I will ask you for diagnosis and treatment when I come back!"

Hua Twelve frowned slightly. Who couldn't bandage wounds? There were so many servants in the Hong Mansion. He wanted to give her a compliment, but seeing so many people around him, this was about a woman's reputation, and it was not easy to say. Smile slightly:
"Okay, sister-in-law, you don't have to worry about this illness for a while!"

When the girl went down with the tangerine peel, Er Erhong was about to speak, but Hua Twelve said to Boss Cha: "Brother Cha, I have to trouble you about something!"

Boss Cha smiled and said, "It's up to you whether it's troublesome or not!"

"Looking at Chen Pi's character, after he learned from me that the medicine was morphine, even if he didn't believe it, he would find someone to argue with him. Follow him secretly. No matter if he is a young man or a Chou countryman, he will be arrested. That’s it!”

Boss Cha did not shirk: "Okay, leave it to me!"

Er Erhong frowned and said, "Senior brother is suspicious."

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "I'm not doubting, I just want to kill them!"


Er Erhong smiled bitterly: "Senior brother is still the same temper!"

When the girl came back from bandaging Chen Pi, Hua Twelve began to check her pulse again, checking the boss and Zhou Xiyu, and then exited the flower hall. Er Erhong saw them and knew that they had gone with Chen Pi.

Waiting for Hua Twelve to check his pulse, Er Erhong asked anxiously: "Senior brother, how are you doing? Can you treat it?"

Hua Twelve said unhappily: "What you said is that I can't cure it. Who in the world can cure it?"

Er Erhong was suffering from hypoxia due to the heavy breathing. She was angry and funny and said: "Good senior brother, please stop teasing me. If you can, cure it as soon as possible!"

"Why are you so anxious? This girl's illness is because she was born with a weak foundation, and she got a serious illness when she was young. The root cause of the disease is revealed."

As Hua Twelve told, Er Erhong kept nodding, because Quan Zhong:
"Just because this girl is weak and can't see the cold air, I don't do any of the traditional crafts in my family!"

What he is talking about is the ability of a native master. If he goes to the tomb, the evil spirit from the tomb will be on his body and the things he brings out. If the girl is with him, the latter's body will not be able to bear it at all, so she will simply use the golden basin. Wash your hands.

Hua Twelve nodded: "It's no shame to throw away your craft. If you have something you want, just play with it. If you do this for a living or for your hobby, you can't do that!"

Er Erhong knew that her senior brother looked down upon tomb robbers, so she nodded immediately.

Hua Twelve said again: "Speaking of the girl's illness, on the one hand, it is her own physical problem, and on the other hand, it is a man-made disaster. She was poisoned, and just recently, the pulse showed that the poison did not go through the spleen meridian, then It’s probably not caused by food, I guess the girl must have been injured recently, and the toxins entered the body through the wound, damaging the lung meridian!”

Er Erhong quickly asked the girl, who looked confused: "I haven't been injured recently!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "If I say there is, there must be, but there is no rush in this matter. Just think about it slowly. I will prescribe you a prescription to detoxify and strengthen the body first, and then I will give it to you after you take it for a few days." Treatment, otherwise your body is too weak and you may not be able to withstand my methods!"

Feng Chengcheng was pinching him at the side. These are all nonsense. That's what you told me in bed. He blushed and looked at others. Fortunately, others didn't know.

Er Erhong asked someone to prescribe medicine, and also ordered the kitchen to hold a banquet to welcome her senior brother.

But before the banquet started, three people came to visit. They asked to see Hua Twelve and Er Yuehong by name. They were two men and one woman. They paid ten thousand yuan in Jianghu and asked the servants of the Hong Mansion to bring in a sentence:

"To pick a star, you need to ask the master of the star, move the mountain instead of Changsheng Mountain, burn the incense of dragon and phoenix, and drink the five lakes and four seas."

 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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