A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 689: This guy is here to feel superior!

Chapter 689: This guy is here to feel superior! (Please order in full!)
PS: Yesterday, a brother made some comments. Xia Tian slightly modified the ending of yesterday's chapter. You can read it again.

Two flying knives were shot at Partridge Whistle, who stretched out his hands and grabbed it easily. He was not angry with Hua Twelve, because he knew that the other party understood his abilities and knew that the flying knives could not hurt him, so he dismissed the flying knives. I was just joking here, so I didn't care.

On the contrary, Partridge Whistle had a problem with Miss Hong. Boss Cheng was very capable. Two throwing knives would definitely not hurt anyone, but you woman don’t know. If you throw flying knives, you are really going to hurt people’s lives. Especially for Partridge Whistle, Hua Twelve was both a teacher and a friend, so he was naturally a little unhappy.

From Partridge Whistle's point of view, there isn't much conflict between the two parties. You bitches have gathered in the forest of Xiaoshan to turn into bandits. The village is full of thieves. You haven't heard any dirty talk. Boss Cheng is serious about proposing marriage. , you didn’t even say a single curse word, and you just killed me?
Although I think I want to marry a concubine, why do you still want a first wife despite your background?

Besides, if you don't want to, just say you don't want to. No one is forcing you. It doesn't matter if you hurt someone with a flying knife.

Especially since the two families are still friends and are here to cooperate. If you do this, you will not give him face as the leader who moves mountains and slap him in the face.

I saw the partridge whistle saying to the red girl with a cold face:
"The sword has no eyes, so please use it with caution, girl!"

After saying that, he shook his hand, and with two swishes, two rays of cold light were inserted in front of the toes of the red girl's shoes, but they were the two flying knives.

Only then did the red girl react and step back subconsciously. The next moment, her face turned pale, because if someone wanted to kill her, she would be dead now.


Miss Hong originally had a good impression of Partridge Whistle because he was tough and handsome, and he was the leader of the Bishan lineage, but now her good impression was gone.

The two people who were supposed to have a good impression of each other during the visit to the tomb are now having an unpleasant quarrel when they meet for the first time, and it is not known whether sparks will fly.

When the bandits in Xiling saw that Miss Hong had suffered a loss, they immediately took action.

When Chen Yulou saw that both sides were starting to fight, he quickly stood in the middle to persuade them to make peace, saying loudly: "Stop, everyone, we are all our own!"

After everyone calmed down, Chen Yulou gave Hua Twelve and Partridge Whistle a fist in the air:

"I'm sorry, you two. Miss Hong has a fierce temperament. She was forced to marry by bullies in her early years and harmed her parents. After taking revenge, she swore never to marry. That's why she overreacted when my brother proposed marriage just now. I'm sorry!"

Hua Twelve really wants to ask, which 'strong' are you talking about?But considering that this girl is always throwing throwing knives, he still doesn't want to irritate her anymore. When Partridge Whistle said it was okay, he said that he sincerely wanted to marry him, and since the girl didn't want to, he just gave up.

Just now, he showed his ability to deflect two flying knives with one finger. In the eyes of everyone present, this was simply a miraculous skill. No one will look down on him anymore because he was born in a troupe. Miss Hong's impression of him Some changes also occurred. When I heard him say that he was sincerely asking for marriage, he just snorted coldly, but it didn't happen.

Luo Laowai knew that Hua Twelve was the young marshal's brother, so he wanted to please him. Although the marshal was out of office now, the Northeastern Army was still there, and his influence in the army was still there. He, Luo Laowai, was a small officer, so for this Those with thick legs naturally want to fawn over them.

At this time, he quickly stood up to smooth things over and said with a smile:
"Wouldn't it be better if the misunderstanding was solved? We all came to Pingshan for the same purpose. If there is a riot, wouldn't it mean that the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple and our own people have beaten our own people? Come on, this is not the place to talk. We Go in and talk!”

Chen Yulou also said to Hua Twelve and Partridge Whistle: "I was about to talk to the two brothers about what happened in the past few days!"

Immediately, he asked his subordinates to make a quiet room, and invited senior brothers Hua Twelve, Partridge Shao, Hong girl, Luo Laowai, Hua Maguai and others to enter the quiet room together and talk about what happened in the past few days.

Hua Twelve felt that something was wrong before. When Chen Yulou told what happened, he suddenly remembered what was wrong.

According to the development of the original plot, when the Partridge Whistle returned from the tomb of King Yelang, Chen Yulou had already visited Pingshan twice, and both times he went to the tomb he lost his troops. Huamaguai and Kunlun should both be dead at this time, but now Shi is standing here alive.

After listening to Chen Yulou's story, Hua Twelve understood that it was his little butterfly flapping its wings that slightly changed the development of things.

In the original plot, Chen Yulou was arrogant and arrogant. When he visited Pingshan Mountain for the first time, he suffered a loss due to his carelessness. .

Now it is different. Ever since Chen Yulou saw with his own eyes Hua Twelve’s extraordinary method of killing Li Zijing with his invisible sword, his pride has weakened a lot. He understands what the ancients said, there are people outside the world, and there are mountains outside the mountains. principle, so I became more cautious in doing things.

In this way, the first visit to the tomb was not like the original plot, where he blindly asked his brothers to go to the tomb in large numbers, so he took a dozen brothers down with him who were agile and agile.

Although the subsequent plot was the same as the original plot, which alarmed the poisonous insects and the six-winged centipede in the ancient tomb, because Chen Yulou acted cautiously this time, he only killed five or six brothers, but he himself did not escape the attack. The fate of the six-winged centipede flying into the sky took a turn for the worse, but it was lucky enough to escape and ascend to heaven.

With this lesson learned and his pride frustrated, Chen Yulou did not listen to Luo Laowai's instigation to explore the ancient tomb again, but was determined to wait for Hua Twelve and Partridge Shao to return. He believed that with these two capable people , coupled with his unloading method, the danger of the Pingshan Tomb will be minimized.

After listening to Chen Yulou's story, Hua Twelve had to admit that this guy made a wise decision and changed the fate of many people.

After Chen Yulou finished speaking, he added: "I think the biggest difficulty now is the poison in the ancient tomb. These poisons ate the elixir dregs in the mountain that were used to make elixirs for the emperor. Each one is extremely poisonous. Once bitten by the poison, it will be fatal in the blink of an eye. It will turn into thick water, and the six-winged centipede is like a monster, very powerful. If we want to steal this ancient tomb, we must solve this problem!"

Huamaguai, Luo Laowai and others nodded at these words.

The red girl was not big-hearted. Perhaps she still remembered what Cai Twelve and Partridge Whistle had done to offend her, so she immediately said to them:

"One of the two is superb in martial arts, and the other is a mountain-moving leader. I wonder if there is any way to restrain that poison!"

Chen Yulou smiled bitterly and said: "Dealing with these poisons is not something I, the director of Xiling, can do. Next, it's up to you to move mountains!"

He said this, but he was not optimistic about Hua Twelve, and placed his hope on the Bishan lineage. After all, in Chen Yulou's eyes, Boss Cheng had the best martial arts, but he was from the Liyuan. The so-called specialization in martial arts, this tomb Naturally, the danger depends on the partridge whistle.

The Partridge Whistle muttered: "Mr. Chen is very polite. I think that in order to steal the Pingshan Ancient Tomb, moving mountains and unloading ridges are indispensable. However, when it comes to this poison, I have some concerns. My ability to move mountains and separate armor is different from other people in the world." Although any alchemy is designed to achieve individual restraint, it does not come from the principle of restraint among the five elements in the Book of Changes. All things in the world, if they are strong, must have a system. Strength and weakness create restraint, that is, The art of moving mountains.”

He believed that all things are interdependent and restrain each other. As the folk saying goes, there are hundreds of poisons in the world, and there must be an antidote within five steps. If the poison is causing trouble in the ancient tomb in Pingshan, then there must be something restrained in the Pingshan.

Therefore, Partridge Whistle suggested that we first search to see if there are any natural creations near Pingshan that can restrain the poisonous substances in the mountain.

When everyone heard what he said, they all nodded. Miss Hong's eyes showed approval, and she turned to look at Hua Twelve teasingly:

"The method of moving the mountain leader is good, but it is a bit time-consuming. I wonder if Mr. Hua, the boss of Cheng, has any ideas. I think you are handsome and elegant. You are not just an embroidered pillow with a belly full of straw bag!"

Hua Twelvexin said that women are just petty. I just want to marry you and be my fourth concubine. Are you so vindictive?

However, one of the purposes of his visit this time was the six-winged centipede. Naturally, he could not let Partridge Whistle find the Angry Chicken and kill the six-winged centipede like in the original plot, so he said:
"There's no need to look for any restraint. I have my own way of dealing with poisons. Just let me show you off for a while. Then you'll know by looking at it!"

When Chen Yulou heard this, he looked at Partridge Whistle. The two were old acquaintances, and they were both leaders of the same lineage. They had clear minds and knew what the other meant with just one look. This was the former asking the latter whether Hua Twelve had this. ability.

Partridge Whistle shook his head, indicating that he didn't know clearly.

Miss Hong sneered: "What you said is true, don't blow it!" It's not just Miss Hong who sees it this way, in fact everyone in the quiet room sees it this way. There are thousands of poisonous insects in the Pingshan Ancient Tomb. There is a six-winged centipede, how can it be so easy to do? If you say you can do it as soon as your upper lip touches your lower lip, your credibility is really low.

Hua Twelve smiled faintly: "The girl opened her mouth to talk about embroidered pillows, but she is full of straw bag. She shut her mouth and just boasted. This is treating me like a silver bullet. I want to know if I am of any use. Why don't you give it a try?" Got it!"

Hearing his frivolous words, everyone had weird looks on their faces. The more Miss Hong heard this, the more she felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't really explain what was wrong, so she could only stomp her feet in anger, her face flushed with anger.

Chen Yulou was afraid of another fight, so he hurriedly said: "In this case, let's make two preparations. First, follow the instructions of the leader who moved the mountain, and look for something that restrains life and restraint. If we find it, we will use a two-pronged approach. If we don't find it, we will follow the instructions. Here’s Brother Hua’s method, no matter whether you find anything that can defeat you in two days, you’ll start on time on the third morning!”

Everyone nodded at the same time: "Yes!"

There was a smile on Hua Twelve's lips. He knew what the six-winged centipede's killer was, which was the phoenix-type Angry Chicken in the original book. But at this time, he was already thinking about how to eat the Angry Chicken. It's also good to eat it stewed, wrapped and fried, or chicken hotpot.

Well, from this point of view, he and the Six-winged Centipede are in the same group.

After everyone agreed, Chen Yulou, Hong girl, Huamaguai and Kunlun, and Partridge whistle, Lao foreigner and Hua Ling divided their troops into two groups and went to the nearby Miao village to look for things to kill. Hua Twelve was too lazy to do so. I moved around, got a chair, and basked in the sun at the gate of Yizhuang.

Luo Laowai served tea and cigarettes, deliberately flattering and trying to please others. Hua Twelve never refused his kindness, and occasionally even took out a cigar and threw it at him, making the old soldier flattered.

Everyone who went out at night came back and found nothing. When Miss Hong saw the twelve old gods Hua drinking tea, she became very angry and sarcastically said:

"We are all running around, but there are some people who are destined to be rich and noble. They are ready-made. It's true that we have the same people but different fates!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Hey, girl, you are talking about me, but you are wrong!"

Miss Hong and Chen Yulou searched for nothing for a whole day and were simmering with anger. Seeing that he, an idler, dared to answer the conversation, she immediately put her hands on her hips and said:

"Yes, this girl is talking about you. Please tell me which part of what I said is wrong. Brothers are all busy out. Are you here drinking tea, smoking and enjoying your leisure time?"

Hua Twelve had a smile on his face and said without thinking at all: "It's right to enjoy your leisure time. But first of all, you are the ones who want to visit the tomb, and I have no idea about the treasure in the tomb. Secondly, I said that I There are ways to deal with poisons, and you have to prepare yourself, so who will blame you?"

"You didn't come here to rob tombs and make a fortune?"

When the red girl heard this, she was startled and didn't understand.

Hua Twelve chuckled and asked with disdain: "Get rich by robbing tombs? When I sang on stage a few years ago, I received ten gold bars. If I didn't sing for a year, I would end up with [-] gold bars. You guys?" How much do I earn from tomb robbing?"

The group of bandits in Xiling suddenly felt bad. Miss Hong said in disbelief: "Go on stage and sing a play. If you get ten gold bars, isn't that a robbery?"

"Yes, it's much better than robbing. There is no risk and the harvest is guaranteed despite droughts and floods. Now you know how important it is to learn a skill!"

"Then why did you get involved?"

"It's fun, and you will learn a lot, and see how the green forest hero risked his life for three melons and two dates. It's so hard to remember the sweet things. After seeing you, I feel that I am living a very happy life!"

Pooh!I co-authored this article to feel superior.

The red girl turned around and left. She thought she would be angry to death if she continued talking to this guy.

The next day, they finally had a harvest. When everyone came back, they were overjoyed and brought back a big rooster with a blood-red comb and colorful feathers. It was the phoenix-creeping angry chicken that was said to have the blood of the phoenix.

Hua Twelve drooled just looking at it. This chicken is quite big and you can try many ways to eat it.

On the third day, everyone set out at dawn and walked until close to noon. With the red sun hanging high in the sky, the group finally climbed onto a cliff in Pingshan Mountain.

I looked down into the deep stream at the foot of the cliff and saw that the depths were filled with white mist, making it difficult to fathom its bottom.

Chen Yulou looked up at the sky, but saw that the sky was clear and clear, without a trace of clouds, and a red sun hung high in the sky. He couldn't help but said with joy:

"God is good, it's a good day to deal with those poisons!"

At this time, everyone unanimously focused their attention on Hua Twelve. Chen Yulou cupped his hands and said:

"Brother Hua, should we look at your ability first, or the methods of my Xiling and Moving Mountain lineages?"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "I'll do it. You all stay back, at least ten feet away, and spread out a little, so that I don't hit you with my power!"

Everyone is speechless. If you want to fart, just say so, and you will do it!
Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle both nodded, and hesitantly told everyone to retreat and disperse, leaving a large open space beside the cliff for Hua Twelve to work on.

Before Miss Hong retreated, she said to Hua Twelve with a half-smiling smile: "You guys should do what you say, don't just talk the talk and make me, a bitch, look down on you!"

Hua Twelve suspected that this girl was also driving, but he had no evidence, so he blinked:

"How about a gamble? I can handle the six-winged centipede myself, and you can be my concubine!"

The red girl had already withdrawn ten feet, and she chuckled when she heard this: "Girl, I'm not interested. If I become your aunt, I can still consider it!"

The others burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Hua Twelve shook his head and laughed, no wonder he was wearing red, he turned out to be a little pepper!
After everyone had retreated ten feet and spread out, Hua Twelve took out a six-inch-tall wooden tripod from the storage space.

This wooden tripod is dark yellow in color, firm and moist like jade, with faint red threads in the wood. It was when he obtained the Golden Snake Sword from the Ten Thousand Snake Cave of the Five Poison Sect in the 'Swordsman of the World' that he accidentally obtained it. That 'Sacred Wood King Cauldron'!
Putting the 'Sacred Wood King Cauldron' in the open space, he took out a box and opened it. Inside were several pieces of yellow, black, purple, and red spices.

Put the prepared spices into the cauldron, light it with fire, and then close the lid of the cauldron. Suddenly, a strange fragrance comes out of the wooden cauldron.

After a while, everyone heard the sound of rustling, and following the sound, they saw countless colorful snakes, insects, and ants gathering in the gaps between the rocks on the cliff, gathering towards the wooden tripod from all directions. , because there are too many and they are so densely packed that it makes people’s hair stand on end.

 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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