A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 695 Clean up the portal!

After Miss Hong learned about the relationship between the two and Chen Pi from Hua Twelve, she couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Originally, she was filled with indignation and anger when she saw that man acting like a bully. Unexpectedly, she became a That bully's elder.

At that moment, there was a quarrel with Hua Twelve:
"How does your junior brother Hong discipline his disciples? He is so domineering outside and will kill people if he doesn't go his way. People say it is the fault of a son not to teach his father, and it is a laziness of a teacher not to teach strictly. I don't think your junior brother Hong is the same. What a good thing, and you, a master uncle, why do you think I have fallen in love with you!"

Hearing that these girls started to implicate the nine tribes, Hua Twelve had a black line on his head:
"What does this have to do with me? I've only known him for a few days. In addition, my junior brother Hong is indeed lax in his discipline, but he is not such a person. And haven't we two had a wedding yet? If you regret it now, it's too late. !”

Of course, he just said that with a mean mouth. He admired Miss Hong for being so jealous of evil.

When Miss Hong heard what he said, she sneered again and again: "We have already worshiped heaven and earth in front of the brothers in Changsheng Mountain. You are irresponsible when you say this now. Look, what I said is indeed right. You really are not." What a good thing!”

Hua Twelve: "."

Well, Hua Twelve remembers someone telling her before that you should never quarrel with a woman when you are in love, because you can't win at all, just do it directly.

There are two big mouths right now!

Ahem, of course he won't be that scumbag, but this fantasy scene is still quite enjoyable.

After promising to clean up the tangerine peel, Miss Hong calmed down. The latter also knew that Hua Twelve had suffered a terrible disaster, so she calmly apologized to him.

Hua Twelve snorted and pointed at his cheek.

The red girl's face turned red and she raised her toes to give him a stamp.

Hua Twelve pretended to be frightened: "Why are you taking advantage of me!"

The red girl was startled: "You didn't ask me to"

"What did I ask you? What I meant was that you should think carefully before you lose your temper in the future. Don't apologize after losing your temper. You will be embarrassed for nothing. In the end, you took advantage of me. You are shameless, bah!"

He couldn't help but laugh after he finished speaking.

Miss Hong didn't know that she was being tricked. This guy took advantage of him and acted like a good boy. She couldn't laugh or cry, so she was so angry that she stepped on him hard.

The two of them were not really angry to begin with, but their feelings for each other increased even more.

Hua Twelve was not in a hurry to return to Changsha. He knew that after the Hongjinpen washed his hands in February, Chen Pi took over the power of the Hong family in the world. He was afraid that Chen Pi and his men would come back to seek revenge. If they left, the boatman would be unlucky. .

I want to wait here to see if Chen Pi will come back. If he really comes to seek revenge, he can just get rid of him. With the evidence just recorded, he can be considered as having an explanation with Junior Brother Hong.

As a result, Chen Pi did not come, but the boatman came back. The boatman almost drowned people, so he couldn't bear it. He called dozens of fellow villagers, all holding hatchets and poles in their hands, obviously coming to ask Chen Pi for an explanation.

As a result, I didn't see Chen Pi, but I saw Hua Twelve and Miss Hong. After asking, I found out that the evil man had been beaten away by the young man and woman. Looking at the flying knives nailed to the trees around him, the boatman knew what they were doing. It's true, it seems that a fierce battle did take place here.

In order to thank Hua Twelve and Miss Hong for venting their anger for him, the boatman directly gave them a basket of crabs. Miss Hong wanted to give money, but they refused to accept it, which made the latter sigh:

"What a good person! That tangerine peel is really nothing. He can bully such a simple person!"

After waiting for a long time, the tangerine peel didn't come. Hua Twelve told the boatman to be careful in the past two days and not to incur revenge. It would be fine in two days.

The reason why he said it would be fine for two days was because he didn't think Chen Pi could survive until that time.

They found a restaurant nearby and paid the shopkeeper to cook all the crabs in the basket. After Hua Twelve and Miss Hong finished eating, they were satisfied and rode back to Changsha.

Back at the Hong Mansion, everyone in Xi Lucheng was in a state of shock. The great master brother went out for two days and brought back another one. They all came out to see the beauty.

Miss Hong didn't show any signs of shyness in front of outsiders. She showed all her strength to be a thief on Changsheng Mountain and gave everyone a fist in the air:

"Brothers, please invite me. My surname is Hong, and I am known as Miss Hong. I am your senior brother's new concubine!"

Er Erhong, Duan Xiaolou and others were all stunned. This woman was pretty, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the aura of the world came to their faces. They all returned the salute with fists clasped, saying in unison:

"Hello, fourth sister-in-law!"

Feng Chengcheng looked at Hua Twelve with clear eyes, and the resentment in his eyes almost overflowed. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning was obvious. We have only been getting better for a few days, and you have accepted another one.

Hua Twelve coughed lightly and touched his nose a little.

The red girl was in the world and had a lot of experience. She could see at a glance between Yatou, Bai Niu and Feng Chengcheng that the latter must be the third aunt that the man said.

He immediately stepped forward to greet her and said, "You must be Sister Feng, and don't blame Twelve. Speaking of which, the two of us are actually destined in the past life!"

Feng Chengcheng looked surprised: "Ah, are you also destined to be in the past life?"

"Also?" Miss Hong noticed this word and asked with a strange expression: "He won't show you the photo too, right?"

"Yeah, why do you have photos too?"

Hua Twelve turned around and left. When he and Feng Chengcheng were in love, he also showed off the photos of Ma Chunhua and Cheng Huaixiu several times, deceiving the other party that they were fate in the past life, and naturally what he got in exchange was a lingering and flying enjoyment. , but who would have thought that the car would overturn so quickly.

Feng Chengcheng and Miss Hong shouted at the same time: "Stop, don't you want to explain?"

The two of them were very angry when they thought that this guy had used that photo to take advantage of them. Although the red girl was still perfect, he was not honest during the ride. When she was shy and refused, the guy was very angry. She lost her destiny in her previous life in a daze, and your destiny in her previous life is so worthless!

Hua Twelve was stopped, turned around and said with a smile: "There are so many senior brothers here, why are you talking about this? Besides, in ancient times, it was normal for three wives and four concubines to have more fate."

After saying hello to his brothers, he left, saying that he was tired from the journey and wanted to drink some tea first.

The two women also knew that it was not the time to settle accounts, so they could only watch him run away in a hurry.

A group of junior brothers gathered around Hua Twelve and went to the flower hall. Er Erhong's wife, Yatou and Bai Niu all came over to talk to Miss Hong.

As soon as everyone entered the flower hall, Yue Erhong was about to greet the servants to serve tea and snacks. Miss Hong, who was talking to the other three women over there, suddenly said loudly:
"Junior brothers, let me ask, which one is February Red?"

Hua Twelve slapped his forehead. Is this girl so direct? He had already guessed that Miss Hong was going to attack her.

Er Erhong hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Sister-in-law Fourth, I am Er Er Erhong!"

Miss Hong had already had a problem with Er Erhong because of the tangerine peel matter. Now she saw that he was a man wearing red, and she became more and more displeased with him. She opened her mouth and asked, "Junior Brother Hong, how do you discipline your apprentice?" ?”

Er Yuehong let out an 'ah' sound, and immediately thought of Chen Pi, and asked: "Sister-in-law Fourth, what wrong did Chen Pi do?"

"Humph, of course it's a wrong thing. Not only a wrong thing, but also an unscrupulous evil thing!"

When Miss Hong said this, the girl became a little nervous. Just when she was about to speak, she thought of what Hua Twelve had reminded her before, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​interrupting. She felt that it was better to leave the matter to Er Erhong. She had to pay attention. Keep your distance from tangerine peel.

Er Erhong said seriously: "Fourth sister-in-law, although Chen Pi is my apprentice, if he really did something unscrupulous, I will definitely clean up the family and give an explanation to Fourth Sister-in-law!"

Hua Twelve sighed and asked Feng Chengcheng and his fellow disciples to stay away for a while, leaving only Er Erhong and his wife. Then he took his cell phone and played the video of Chen Pi trying to drown the boatman after failing to buy crabs.

Although Er Erhong was amazed by the magic of the mobile phone, he was still concerned about what Chen Pi had done. Although he didn't know how it got into this small box, he knew that it was absolutely correct.

Hua Twelve sighed and said: "Look at Chen Pi's demeanor when doing things. Obviously this is not the first time he has done such a thing!"

The girl's face was a little pale and her body was trembling a little. She loved crabs the most in the Hong Mansion, so Chen Piqiang must have bought the crabs for her.

She felt sick to her stomach when she thought about the crabs she had eaten before and how many of them were as sinful as the ones she was looking at. They might have been stained with the blood of innocent people.

The more I thought about it, the more painful and guilty I felt. The more I thought about it, the more disgusted I felt. I covered my mouth and ran out all the way. I vomited as soon as I left the flower hall.

Er Erhong hurriedly went to check the situation and waited until it calmed down a bit before helping the girl to come in and sit down again.

Er Erhong said to Hua Twelve and Hong Yatou: "Senior brother, fourth sister-in-law, Chen Pi hasn't come back yet, but don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

Judging from his serious look and murderous eyes, he was probably going to clean up the house.

The girl also heard what he meant and wanted to plead for Chen Pi, but thinking of what the latter had done, she had nothing to say.

Hua Twelve nodded to Er Yuehong: "As long as you know what you're doing, you taught me this skill. Don't let him use this skill to do evil again!"

Er Erhong nodded, called the servants, and asked them to go out of the house to search for the location of the tangerine peel. If they found it, they would bring them back immediately.

After the others were sent out, Er Erhong asked Hua Twelve to sit down and talked about what happened in the past few days since the latter was away.

First of all, on the third day after Hua Twelve left Changsha, news came from the Songhu front line that the Japs had launched an attack on Songhu. The national army resisted to the death, and the war was not optimistic.

Just yesterday, the young marshal from Xining sent a telegram, saying that all the machines had been installed and debugged, and the first batch of steel had been produced at the steelmaking plant. He urged Hua Twelve to send the drawings quickly so that he could start producing arms and support. front.

Hua Twelve nodded and decided to send the blueprints over with Yu Jian in the evening. By the way, he asked the young marshal about the front line. The little devils are starting a war now, so the battle of tactics mentioned before should have results. This matter cannot be reported in the newspapers. But with the Young Marshal’s connections, he probably knows the outcome.

Er Erhong talked about the performance again, saying that if they had continued the performance as planned during the war, they would have felt like a businesswoman who did not know how to hate her country. Not only would they not have received good reviews, but they would have been easily criticized.

February Red means that the performance will continue, but in other words, it should be changed into a charity performance for the Anti-Japanese War, and all the proceeds from the performance will be donated to support the Anti-Japanese War, killing two birds with one stone.

Hua Twelve nodded. What Er Erhong said was exactly what he wanted. He immediately said: "Okay, one more thing. In addition to donating all the income, I personally and Xifucheng will donate 50 to the Anti-Japanese War, a total of 100 Wan Dayang!"

Er Erhong immediately said in admiration: "Okay, senior brother donated generously to the Anti-Japanese War. As a junior brother, I can't be content with others, so I will also donate 50 yuan!"

After talking about business, Er Erhong talked about the mine again. The girl is now in good health and he has nothing to worry about, so he has agreed to Zhang Dafo's invitation to help go into the mine to find out what's going on and see if it's a child. Is there an experimental base for Xiaoli in the Japanese conspiracy?

Hua Twelve's heart suddenly moved. He naturally knew that the tomb of Qingwuzi was under the mine, but he did not tell it, but he also thought of going together.

Qingwuzi's meteorite copper is a good thing.

There are many opinions on the Internet about the meteorite copper in the original plot. Many people say that the meteorite copper can emit electromagnetic waves and cause hallucinations. Some people say that the meteorite copper can create a virtual spiritual world.

But Hua Twelve doesn’t see it that way!
In the TV plot, Zhang Dafoye, Er Erhong and his party entered the world created by Meteor Copper physically, not spiritually. This fact was not seen on the Meteor Copper Platform after Chen Piao and his men caught up with them. The body can prove it.

Therefore, Hua Twelve is very suspicious that the world created by Meteor Copper is not a spiritual virtual world, but is most likely a mirror world similar to the one created by Master Gu Yi in the Marvel movies.

If his guess is true, then this meteorite copper is definitely a good thing comparable to the legendary magic weapon.

Thinking of this, Hua Twelve immediately made a decision. He would go to the mine with Zhang Dafoye and Er Erhong to collect the meteorite copper.

While he was talking, there was a noise outside, and someone shouted: "Second Master, it's bad, Chen Pi is injured!"

Then two servants walked in quickly, supporting Chen Pi, who was pale and staggering.

Chen Pi's right chest was covered with a large bandage, and red blood was seeping out. He looked very weak.

As soon as Chen Pi came in, he said bitterly: "Master, someone wants to kill me, you have to avenge me."

He knew that he was no match for Miss Hong, so he came back this time to find Er Erhong to vent his anger on his behalf.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Miss Hong sitting in the flower hall, and his voice suddenly stopped: "You, why are you here?"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "Are you surprised or surprised?"

Miss Hong snorted coldly: "I have told Junior Brother Hong about the evil things you have done. You are throwing yourself into a trap when you come back this time!"

Er Erhong sighed: "Chen Pi, if master didn't teach you well, you will be the one in the next life."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Pi suddenly threw away the two servants, threw a throwing knife with both hands, turned around and ran away.

Hua Twelve didn't know when he had a pistol in his hand, and he took it back as if nothing had happened.

Chen Pi flew directly outside the flower hall. After landing, he reluctantly turned over and touched a big hole in his chest that was bleeding in disbelief. The next moment, his arms hung down softly and there was no sound anymore.

Er Erhong stared blankly at the flying knife in his hand with a complicated expression. He did not expect that when Chen Pi ran away, the flying knife actually shot at him.

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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