A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 712 Terminator technology and Caesar!

When he learned that the Akamanra gold medal could grant the user immortality at night, Hua Twelve was extremely happy.

He can make his body immortal through stem cell technology, but fatal injuries to his body can still be fatal.

Now I heard what the Pharaoh said, if you use the power of this Akamanra gold medal to bless your body at night, you can be immune to any physical attacks and also have strong resistance to magic attacks.

He felt that this immortal body was exactly what he needed now.

Hua Twelve's current strength can be said to be strong or average. In short, he is in an embarrassing situation where he is not as good as his superiors but more than inferior to his inferiors. If he meets any masters from the fairy world, or high-level mutants from the science fiction world, he will be in an embarrassing situation. Starmen, such as Magneto, Bald Professor, Thor, etc., he would most likely have to go around.

But with this immortal body, he can compare with these strong men at night.

First, I took the Pharaoh and his family of four to the Washington Museum using any door, and put the stone door that can open a different space to summon an army of eagle-headed humans into the storage space.

Although the eagle-headed human legion was a bit useless, it still had some combat power. It was still very useful against ordinary people in the cold weapon era. Besides, it took no effort to put away the stone gate, so they simply took it away.

As for what will happen if the museum loses its stone gate? That's none of his business!

After taking the stone door, he opened any door from the Washington Museum and returned to the New York Museum of Natural History. Before dawn, Hua Twelve used the spell taught by the Pharaoh to activate his immortality.

At this time, Hua Twelve was full of expectations.

But the next moment, when he looked at his immortal body in the mirror, his heart felt so cold!

In the mirror, there was a mummy wrapped in a shroud.

Is this the immortality the Pharaoh said?

What a piaoer!

Hua Twelve is so worried. Think about the scene where you are facing off against a master. When you can't beat him, tell him to wait a moment while I turn into a mummy.

Damn, this is either scaring your opponent to death or making him laugh to death!

More importantly, Hua Twelve wondered whether his appearance was like floating or jumping.

Matilda was shocked: "Hua, can you still change back like this?"

The Pharaoh on the side explained: "Of course, you just need to cancel the transformation!"

Hua Twelve looked at the Pharaoh angrily: "Your ancient Egyptian aesthetics are too..."

The Pharaoh hurriedly stopped: "Be careful, the image of the mummy under the crown of the moon god Kongsu is the image of a mummy. This immortal body relies on the power of the moon god, so it is naturally the same as the image under the moon god's crown. If you want to use the Akamanra gold medal , you cannot be disrespectful to the Moon God, otherwise you will be punished by God!"

What else can Hua Twelve say? Let’s not say that the appearance is not good-looking.

Anyway, he had made up his mind to use this form of immortality in the future unless it was absolutely necessary. Otherwise, he would not use it if he could. Looking at the form in the mirror, he felt cautious and panicked. He couldn't believe that it was him.

Let’s put the styling issue aside for now. Now that we’ve transformed, let’s test the effect of this immortal body.

Let Matilda shoot him with a pistol. The combination of Desert Eagle and steel-core armor-piercing bullets is a perfect match for an iron shirt, and it can pierce him with one shot.


The bullet hit Hua Twelve's shoulder, immediately tore the shroud, entered the skin, and embedded itself in the bones.

But the next moment, his body flashed with silver light and seemed to become illusory. The steel-core warhead originally embedded in the bone fell directly to the ground. The internal and external injuries healed instantly, and even the shroud became intact.

Matilda was originally worried about hurting Hua Twelve, so she shot her shoulder. Seeing this scene, she immediately felt relieved and emptied the magazine directly, focusing on the heart, brain and other vital points.

Seeing Matilda's fierceness, Hua Twelve wondered if this girl had wanted to do this for a long time.

I carefully felt the feeling of being shot by a bullet in the mummy state. The pain is there, but it is very slight. The injury will heal almost instantly, not much faster than Wolverine's self-healing speed in the X-Men movies.

It turns out that the so-called physical immunity is this. Although it is not the physical immunity of Superman as Hua Twelve imagined, it is still acceptable.

The test of magic resistance is also simple. Although Hua Twelve did not use the gold medal to resurrect any magicians, but in his mind, electricity is also a magic element, so he directly performed a mummy poke on the electric gate for everyone.

What a miserable result!

The shroud was on fire, and the Pharaoh shouted loudly: "What are you doing? Electricity is the nemesis of mummies."

Damn it! Why didn't you tell me earlier?

When Hua Twelve came back, his skin was darkened and his hair was curly, like an African chicken. Now he feels more and more that this immortal body is useless. He is actually afraid of electricity, let alone It’s Thor, the god of thunder. It’s the shape of Thunder in Uncle Jiu’s palm.

The next morning, the director of the museum couldn't help but laugh when he saw him: "Everyone else has a tattoo, so what does it mean if you have a black tattoo?"

Listening to the fat director's teasing, Hua Twelve was not angry: "I met Piao'er during my night watch. You have to pay more!"

He took the director to the Egyptian Pavilion. Originally there was only one coffin, but now there are four. The three extra coffins contain mummies. There are also some ancient Egyptian guards attached to the back of the coffin.

"The Egyptian ghost that haunted me last night made me like this. Should it be considered a work-related injury, right?"

The director stared at all this with his mouth open, and finally believed Hua Twelve's statement that he bumped into Piao'er.

Returning to the office with the director, Hua Twelve took the time to wash his face and regain his handsome appearance.

After everything was sorted out, the director pointed at the TV and said, "We are in trouble!"

Hot news is being broadcast on TV. The Washington Museum and the British Museum both discovered that their respective Egyptian antiquities exhibition areas were stolen, and several mummies and cultural relics were lost.

The director picked up the phone and took the initiative to call the police. An hour later, not only the police but also the FBI came and recorded a confession for Hua Twelve. The latter bit Hua Twelve to death and said he had hit an Egyptian ghost.

The final result of the investigation was that it was inconclusive and the matter was classified as a mysterious incident.

The FBI asked him to sign a confidentiality agreement with the museum director. Hua Twelve showed his hands and said:

"You guys are too late. I have already sold this news and a cell phone video to the TV station for $50,000. There is no other way. I am such a financially savvy person. If you want to sue me, please contact my lawyer. !”

FBI: "."

The director pointed at Hua Twelve with an angry look on his face. The latter said disdainfully: "Stop talking, what's wrong with me making some extra money? Strictly speaking, I met Piao'er while working here. I want to sue the museum and blackmail dozens of people." A million dollars is nothing!"

The director immediately smiled and said: "You misunderstood me, I mean, you make extra money without me!"

Staff from the Washington Museum arrived in New York that day, and people from the British Museum arrived at the museum ten hours later. They confirmed that the extra mummies in the New York Museum were the items lost by the two families.

Two days later, Carmenra's mummy was transported to Washington, and the coffins of the Pharaoh and his wife were flown back to London.

After the museums in these two places re-exhibited the mummies, Hua Twelve took the time to run through any door at night and got them back. He promised to reunite the family, so he had to keep his word.

After several times in a row, the Washington Museum and the British Museum gave up. After all, each air transport cost a lot of money. However, the New York Museum simply asked for it because of the sudden increase in tourists due to the legendary reunion of the Pharaoh and his family. The proceeds from the tickets were shared, and the respective mummies were kept in New York on a loan basis.

When Hua Twelve heard the news, he sighed several times. He used the corpses of his family to make money, and he even wanted to share the dividends when his family was reunited. It was shameless!

In the following days, Hua Twelve continued to study NZT-48 during the day, and had new research projects at night. The benefits brought by the Akamanra gold medal are all based on the power of the moon god on the gold medal. This power loses its effect when the sun rises, making this power not eternal, but more like a temporary power.

Hua Twelve wanted to transform this temporary power into real benefits.

He first resurrected the Leo Gold Saint Aiolia through the Akamanra Gold Medal, and then asked Matilda to pretend to be Athena and ordered Aiolia to pass on the method of understanding the small universe to him.

This idea seemed very feasible at first sight, and when it was put into operation, Hua Twelve was not angered to death.

Aiolia didn't hide anything. He just told Hua Twelve that if he does a thousand push-ups, a thousand pull-ups, and a thousand sit-ups every day, he will naturally understand the small universe over time. This is his memory. The method of understanding the small universe.

Hua Twelve thinks this is bullshit. What is the difference between this and One Punch Man's training method of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and then running 10 kilometers?

He used this training method for several Saints. Hua Twelve finally gave up and bought original Harry Potter series character figures from the UK and started learning magic at night.

I spent a few days building a good relationship with Harry Potter and other magicians, but it turned out that the magic was the same as the spells in the movie, and I chanted like a fool:

"Except your weapons!"

The result is that other magicians can use it easily, but Hua Twelve cannot.

In the end, Hua Shiyi analyzed that these characters have their original abilities after resurrection, which should be the effect of the power of the moon god. They can use the characters' unique powers, but they obviously know it but don't know why.

Whether it's a saint or a magician, what they teach him doesn't even include meditation. It's obviously not a real method of cultivation.

In order to prove this, he bought a figure of Hua Yingxiong from the Chinese Heroes. They are fellow villagers who are more talkative. Through friendly communication, Hua Yingxiong agreed to teach Hua Twelve Kung Fu.

Then he saw Hua Yingxiong holding a sword and telling Hua Twelve how to use the Chinese Proud Jue.

But what Hua Yingxiong taught him was only the stance. As for how to use his skills and how to practice, the resurrected Hua Yingxiong didn't know anything about it.

He can use that state whenever he wants, but if you ask him how he cultivates, he will just stab him with his sword, and then tell Hua Twelve of course:

"That's how you practice!"

Hua Twelve was speechless. In the end, he simply gave up the idea of ​​obtaining the mysterious side benefits through the power of Akamanla's gold medal.

Shift your focus from cultivation to technology.

At first, Hua Twelve asked Jarvis to write the source code of his own artificial intelligence into a disk he prepared.

But Jarvis directly said that it couldn't be done because Tony Stark had added an anti-leak program to its source code. Once Jarvis's artificial intelligence source code was at risk of being leaked, it would immediately start a self-destruct program. The formatting operation on artificial intelligence can be completed in an instant.

Hua Twelve is so depressed. If it were the real Jarvis, he would recognize it, but if you do this with a model, how disgusting is it?

Jarvis couldn't get it, so Hua Twelve didn't believe that he couldn't get anything else. Didn't Iron Man's armor also have a miniature 'Ark Reactor' on it? Hua Twelve asked Jarvis to get this thing out.

Sure enough, it was successful this time, and Hua Twelve successfully obtained all the technology of the 'Ark Reactor'.

The great cause of plagiarism finally made a breakthrough. With this first success, Hua Twelve opened up his mind. He bought two 800:1000 ratio Terminator figures, one is the T and the other is the T all-metal liquid robot. .

In the evening, after Hua Twelve resurrected the two robots with the Akamanra gold medal, Jarvis began to analyze the technologies of the two robots.

With the help of Jarvis, in three days, Hua Twelve saved the technical information of the T800 and T1000 on the disk. With this information, he could produce Terminator robots by himself.

Hua Twelve did what he said. The next day he wanted to buy parts and cutting-edge instruments for making robots. But when he looked at the price, he could only pay a fraction of the price with his money card.

Well, Hua Twelve has a desire to make money in this world.

Before Hua Twelve could implement his money-making plan, trouble came to his door.

Today, Tianhua Twelve has made a breakthrough in his research on NZT-48. He changed the traditional thinking and used methods to adjust the efficacy of the drug to achieve the purpose of reducing side effects.

After taking the original NZT-48, no matter what you do, your brain will be running at full speed, which is a bit wasteful.

It's like when you're studying, researching, or memorizing, your brain is running at full speed. Although this will improve the efficiency of doing things, the efficacy is reduced to 70% or 60%. In fact, the same effect can be achieved, but not yet. Can cause damage to the brain.

Hua Twelve's idea is to make the efficacy of NZT-48 increase and decrease with the activity of brain cells like a CPU, instead of blindly letting the brain run at full speed regardless of the situation. This is a complete solution. Brain cell breakdown caused by long-term high-speed brain operation.

Of course, this is just a preliminary plan. Hua Twelve also plans to add some brain-nutrition drugs to the medicine, which can replenish the brain with energy when the brain is running at high speed and reduce the damage caused by high-speed running.

While Hua Twelve was immersed in the experiment, Larry rang the doorbell of the laboratory. When he looked over, Larry motioned to him through the tempered glass that someone was looking for him.

Hua Twelve walked out of the laboratory, Larry came closer and said:

"Boss, there is a man named Eddie looking for you. I think he looks like a homeless man. If there is any trouble, I can drive him away immediately. You know I have recently signed up for judo and boxing courses. I feel that I am getting more and more. I'm getting used to the job of a guard. You can always trust Larry."

When Larry reported the situation, he did not forget to express his efforts to improve his professional skills.

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Don't worry Larry, it's a friend of mine who's here, there won't be any trouble!"

As he spoke, he saw Eddie Morley, who had scars on his face and was quite embarrassed, standing awkwardly in the corridor.

"Eddie, come over here and talk!"

After Hua Twelve greeted Eddie, he glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost time to get off work. He got off work early for Larry so that he could pick up his children from school.

After Larry thanked him, he said hesitantly: "Boss, I have one more thing."


Larry said with some embarrassment: "The boss is like this, I want to take an hour off at noon tomorrow to take my son Nick to see Caesar's performance!"


Larry was about to explain when Eddie Morley walked over and interrupted: "It's a chimpanzee in the zoo. It's very famous recently for its super high IQ. Many children go to watch its performances!"

Hua Twelve nodded. It turned out that he was going to see the animal show. He immediately smiled and said:

"No problem, I won't go out at noon anyway, so I'll give you a day off tomorrow afternoon so that you two, father and son, can have a good time!"

Larry said gratefully: "Thank you boss!"

After Larry left, Hua Twelve took Eddie to the office, frowned and asked, "Eddie, how did you end up like this?"

Eddie said in frustration: "Mike, I messed up. Can you please give me some more NZT-48? Please, I will definitely pay you back the money later."

Hua Twelve ignored what he said, but suddenly frowned and said: "Wait... just now you said that chimpanzee is called Caesar?"

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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