A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 721 Mission accomplished, cross the river and burn the bridge!

The military base was attacked, and the murderer was identified as an Asian man, Mike Hua, who worked the night shift at the museum. However, after that, no trace of the man was found and he disappeared.

After many years of searching, even though the intelligence agencies of Ugly State dug all over the world and spent a lot of manpower and material resources, they could not find any trace of the other party. Over time, this matter gradually became dusty.

The metal arm was sent to Area 51 and kept under strict protection. Military scientists also conducted reverse research on it. Based on the independent chip in the metal arm, they perfected the most advanced artificial intelligence currently and developed the prototype of independent artificial intelligence consciousness.

This research plan was named ‘Skynet Project’ by the military! ’

The military hopes to use Skynet to establish a fully automated defense network system to avoid insufficient execution caused by natural flaws in human character.

However, after Skynet's self-awareness was awakened and improved, it judged humans as a threat to itself, and then launched a nuclear war to eliminate most of humans.

After the nuclear war, all major human cities were accurately struck by nuclear bombs and destroyed, causing heavy human casualties.

But the house leaked and it rained all night. In the primeval forest near New York that had not been affected by nuclear bombs, a chimpanzee named "Caesar" led his group out of the forest.

Caesar has a higher IQ than humans. After analysis, it believed that Skynet was invincible, so after leading the tribe to achieve certain results in the war with humans, it immediately surrendered to Skynet and knelt down to swear to it. Allegiance.

The surviving humans at that time formed a resistance army, fighting against the robots produced by Skynet under the leadership of John Connor.

John Connor has extremely high tactical literacy. Under his leadership, the resistance army advanced with great success and successfully captured Skynet's Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado.

Skynet realized the huge threat posed by John. On the one hand, it accepted the surrender of the ape clan, and on the other hand, it sent out the T1000 liquid metal robot, hoping to use the time machine just developed by Skynet to return to the time when John Connor was a child. Eliminate threats in advance.

The orangutan was also ordered by Skynet to send manpower to assist the T1000 in returning to the future to complete its mission.

The rebels at the Cheyenne Mountain base intercepted the communication between the apes and Skynet through the base's original system. They knew that they had to stop Skynet and the ape-men's conspiracy, otherwise John Connor would be killed in the past. Without the leadership of the commander, mankind will be beyond redemption.

After research by John Connor and a group of senior rebels, Dang even decided to use the time and space machine in the Cheyenne Mountain base to send the captured and reprogrammed T800 robot back to the past to stop the T1000 and protect the teenage John Connor. Accept.

Because the Cheyenne Mountain base contains all the information about Skynet's past and present lives, the resistance army also obtained information about Hua Twelve, knowing that this was a person suspected of possessing alien technology and could destroy a military base with one person. Strong man.

Therefore, in the T800's mission, in addition to protecting John Connor, there was also the task of finding Hua Twelve and asking him to help destroy the metal arm obtained by the Ugly Country's military to prevent the birth of Skynet.

The name of this mission is called by the resistance forces - Reversing the Future! ! !

The T800 returned to New York after the alien war. When the T1000 was about to kill the young John Connor, he appeared in time to save him.

According to the information obtained at the future Cheyenne Mountain base, Mike Hua, also known as Hua Twelve, left the Upper East Side to live in a factory in a remote suburb after the war with aliens broke out in New York.

At present, T800 took John Connor with him, went through several chases, and successfully found Hua Twelve's factory in the suburbs of New York, and rang the doorbell.

Things seem to have fallen into a cycle here, more like a man-made cycle.

Well, the instigator of all this was Hua Twelve who went berserk that day, destroyed the ugly army base, and killed Caesar on the fifteenth floor underground.

At that time, before Hua Twelve was about to kill Caesar, he thought about the time paradox.

He was thinking that if according to logic, since he did not complete the task in the future, then it would be impossible for him to complete the task now.

But the fact before him is that Caesar's life and death depend on him in a single thought, and no one can stop him. But if he kills Caesar, will it have any impact on his future and him in the future?

There is also the issue of the timeline. In "X-Men", facing the doomsday brought about by the Sentinel robot, Wolverine's consciousness returned to the past, affecting the direction of history, thus changing the future.

The result was that when Uncle Wolf came back from the past, he was surprised to find that everything had changed for the better and the sentry robot no longer existed.

This situation means that Uncle Wolf has really changed the future, and it can also prove that his future and past are on the same timeline. If the river of time changes its course upstream, the downstream will naturally change.

If this is the case, it is okay to say that after Hua Twelve killed Caesar, it had little impact on himself and his future, because the wrong future disappeared and was replaced by a good and brand-new side.

But there is another possibility, which is the setting of the timeline in the Marvel Universe.

Just as the Supreme Mage Ancient Pair explained to the Hulk in the movie, if the timeline changes upstream, then the original timeline is still there, but a new timeline is extended at the changed time node. , that is, a parallel world.

If this is the case, if Hua Twelve kills Caesar and changes the future, then he will not change in the future, but from this moment on, he will embark on a new timeline, and all the worlds Among them, there will also be two Hua Twelve who have systems and can travel through all realms.

Hua Twelve once asked the system a similar question, asking whether he and the system existed in the parallel universe. The system said that the system was unique.

Therefore, in Hua Twelve's view, because of the uniqueness of the system, the result of him killing Caesar will only be a change in the future like Uncle Wolf, rather than a new timeline like the Marvel Universe. Therefore, within a tenth of a second, He made the decision to kill.

Immediately with a sweep of the sword finger, the flying sword turned into a white streak, cutting Caesar, the ape-man, and the senior officials of the ugly army base in two.

After killing Caesar, the system prompts that the task is completed and you can return to the real world at any time. If you do not return immediately, you will be forced to return after 24 hours.

Hua Twelve casually asked the system about his conjectures about time paradoxes and timelines, but the system's answer made him frown slightly.

The system told him that because the system travels through all the worlds, it is not affected by any world rules, and it also tolerates any world rules.

Therefore, the situation that Uncle Lang experienced and the situation that Gu Yi mentioned are both likely to happen in the system.

The ensuing consequences, because the host is in the mission world, and the problem of real-world time ratio will only appear after the host returns.

In other words, Hua Twelve has now taken a multiple-choice question, and the answer will not be announced until he exits this world and returns to his own world, and when the time ratio is normal.

The system also told Hua Twelve that if the host is lucky, this world will follow Uncle Lang's settings and changes will naturally occur in the future, so it will be okay. But if the rules of this world follow the setting of a new timeline being born in the multiverse, there will be a small problem, that is, because of the uniqueness of the system, the Hua Twelve of the two timelines will be forced to merge. .

There are two possibilities for this.

1. The souls and memories of the two people are compatible with each other.

2. One side covers the other, which means that one side will be wiped out, leaving only the soul and memory of Hua Twelve.

Now Hua Twelve is a little scratching his head. If this is the case, then it would be okay if Hua Twelve in the other timeline is wiped out, but what if he is wiped out?

This kind of thing must never happen to him. Even if the chance is 50%, Hua Twelve is not going to gamble.

So he immediately made a decision to make up for the crisis brought about by changing the future within the remaining twenty-four hours and straighten things out again.

Under the influence of ZET-48, his brain was working rapidly, and in a short time he had a plan, which was to create an artificial cycle.

He immediately found the arm of the Ancestor T800 in the storage space and placed it on the command platform of the Chou Army Base.

In the movie "Terminator", it was because of a metal arm that the Skynet system was born.

Hua Twelve left a spark of fire for Skynet. As long as Chou Country is not too useless, Skynet can definitely reappear.

Then he personally wrote a diary based on what was in the T800 memory bank.

While writing this, an idea flashed in Hua Twelve’s mind:

"Let me just say, no serious person can keep a diary, especially if he doesn't have this habit. So, will my future self choose not to be a serious person because of this kind of situation?"

Now that I think about it, it’s very possible!

Hua Twelve had been thinking about saving the future earlier tonight, and now he started to save Skynet without any restraint. The transformation was so smooth that there was no sense of disobedience at all.

After putting all the corpses in the ugly army base into the storage space, they came out of the New York military base.

The reason why the corpses are collected is because Hua Twelve wants to save food for the zombies when he fails to refine the zombie Taoist weapons.

Having left a spark for Skynet, Hua Twelve felt that there was still something to be done. In the future, there would not only be Skynet, but also Caesar, and there would also be a John Connor who didn't know him!

In short, slight changes can occur in the details, but the main plot cannot be changed at all, everything that should be included!

Hua Twelve first asked Maddie Erda to return to the 'Killer World', and then put the T800 and T1000 into the storage space. Then, after flying the flying saucer away from the military base, he used the 'Soul Transfer Technique' to brainwash John Connor. He forgot everything that happened after encountering the T1000.

John Connor was just a teenager, and his mental strength was not as good as that of an adult. Soon, under Hua Twelve's 'soul transfer method', he forgot about the T1000 that was chasing him, the T800 that saved him, the suburban factory, Ape Warrior, Mr. Mac and the Flying Saucer.

All these memories, in John Connor's mind, were like dream bubbles, as if they were shattered after the sound of 'pop' and no longer existed.

After the memory was shattered, John Connor's brain was slightly affected, but although this impact did not leave any sequelae, it still caused the young man to pass out.

Hua Twelve smuggled the comatose John Connor to Manhattan, where there was a government shelter specially used to house victims of the New York War.

In the future, this white boy will be reunited with his biological mother with the help of a child protection organization. From his mother's place, he will learn to use various weapons and military knowledge to lay the foundation for becoming the leader of the resistance army in the future.

After Hua Twelve settled John Connor, he flew to Central Park with his sword. He selected a young black ape in the zoo and took it away to another primeval forest near New York.

There, Hua Twelve fed the ALZ-112 obtained from Caesar's corpse to Duofang.

But here comes the problem. Although ALZ-112 can improve the intelligence of apes, no matter how effective the drug is, it still needs a process.

Hua Twelve had less than a day, so he had no time to write ink here. In order to speed up the process, he took out NZT-48 and gave it to the ape to eat.

As an experimental drug, NZT-48 has not passed human trials, but it has passed trials on apes and has the same effect on apes.

After the ape finished eating, some of its previously inactive brain cells became active.

Hua Twelve took out a dictionary and began to teach the other party English. In an hour, he finished learning a dictionary and could communicate without barriers.

Then Hua Twelve brainwashed the ape with the "Soul Transferring Technique". He named the ape "Caesar" to make the ape think that he was the savior among apes.

Let it think that what it has to do now is to lie dormant, observe humans, and learn human knowledge. One day in the future, an opportunity will come, and then it can take the tribe out of the mountains, join forces with a powerful being, and become bigger and stronger. , create brilliance.

In short, the information Hua Twelve inputs to the other party is to lead to the main line.

After teaching the ape for a full day, he also taught him a set of through-arm boxing, and then found a few ape brothers. Then he reluctantly left this world under the force of the system.

His vision went dark, and Hua Twelve appeared on his big bed. He did not get up immediately, but waited silently to see if anything happened.

Although he worked hard to bring everything back to the main line after completing the mission, it is still unclear whether he succeeded or not.

So at this moment, Hua Twelve was extremely worried.

After waiting for a long time, Hua Twelve did not feel that he had merged with anyone, nor did he feel that he had been replaced by someone, or replaced someone else. Only then did he feel relieved, which proved that what he had done should have worked.

The fact is indeed the case. Just like the beginning of this chapter, after Hua Twelve completed the task of "saving New York" and got the benefits, he crossed the river and burned the bridge, and personally pushed New York back into the abyss, so that the time and space of that world fell into A strange cycle.

Hua Twelve didn't care about this. He was originally very resistant to the task of saving New York, so this was exactly what he wanted!

 Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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