A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 724 The martial artist was so angry that the White Tiger Hall was stained with blood!

PS: I was delayed because of something. Fortunately, it is better to be late than never. I will take my dad to see a doctor tomorrow. I don’t know if I can update normally. Let me tell everyone first and try my best.

When Hua Twelve was studying opera in the world of "Farewell My Concubine", he started learning Kunqiang from the play "Running at Night", in which Lin Chong was sung.

The story is that after Bao Zitou was framed by Gao Qiu, he was sent to Cangzhou to guard the forage farm. Unexpectedly, Gao Qiu still refused to let him go and asked his subordinate Yuhou Lu Qian to take people to Cangzhou to silence him.

Lu Qian took advantage of the heavy snow to burn down the hayyard, thinking that he had also burned Lin Chong to death, so he and his companions took shelter from the snow in the mountain temple. When they were talking about burning the hayyard, Lin Chong heard him, so Lin Chong was angry and killed him. , Xueye defected to Liangshan.

This is the allusion to Lin Jiaotou’s Fengxueshan Temple and his ascent to Liangshan on a snowy night. It is also the origin of the term ‘forced to ascend Liangshan’.

In fact, it was not the first time that Gao Qiu had attacked Lin Chong when Lu Qian led people to burn down the hayyard.

This was the first time he was designed to bring a knife into the White Tiger Festival Hall!

The White Tiger Festival Hall is a place where major military matters are discussed, and it is an important place for military aircraft. Entering without being summoned is already a serious crime, and entering with a knife is even more doomed.

But Gao Qiu didn't expect that the Kaifeng governor knew that Lin Chong was framed, spared his life, and sentenced him to be sent to Cangzhou.

Gao Qiu was cautious, and since he had already taken action, he refused to leave Lin Chong alive, so he asked the two escorting officers Dong Chao and Xue Ba to kill Lin Chong on the way.

Dong Chao and Xue Ba chose to attack in the wild boar forest, but Lu Zhishen arrived in time to rescue Lin Chong.

This was the second time Gao Qiu attempted to kill Lin Chong.

It was already the third time that Lin Chong arrived at the fodder yard. Only then did Lin Chong realize that if he continued to endure, he would eventually die. Only then did he commit suicide and become a bandit.

But so what, in the end he didn't end up with his family ruined. When he died, Gao Qiu was not dead and was still alive and well.

Hua Twelve became Lin Chong this time, but he didn't want to fall into that situation, so he made up his mind to do anything and kill Gao Qiu and his son. Even if they fled to the end of the world, it would be better than being a coward and dying of vomiting blood. Be better off.

So when Gao Qiu asked, "How dare you enter the White Tiger Festival Hall without permission? Do you want to assassinate the captain?", he immediately turned his back.

"You guessed it right!"

Hua Twelve pressed the handle of the knife with his hand and strode towards Gao Qiu.

Gao Qiu didn't expect that Lin Chong would take action if he said so. His eyes were full of vicious teasing, but now they suddenly turned into shock and horror. He backed away in panic and shouted at the same time:

"Someone come quickly!"

He wanted to frame Lin Chong, so he had already arranged the manpower. With an order, dozens of people holding ropes rushed out of the side rooms on both sides. They were all good hands in the front office.

As soon as these people came out, Gao Qiu immediately gained confidence and pointed at Hua Twelve:

"Take it!"

One of the military men, with his big shoulders and round waist, came up to Hua Twelve and said:

"Coach Lin, don't make it difficult for our brothers!"

After saying that, Hua Twelve still strode forward. He immediately stepped forward with a lunge and punched the chest. The punch was blown by wind and came with a whir. The force of this punch was at least several hundred kilograms.

Hua Twelve kept walking: "It's hard to do, so don't do it!"

He didn't even draw the knife, he just reached out and grabbed the man's wrist, twisted it suddenly, and with a click, the other man's arm turned into a twist. At the same time, the man was pulled aside, and just as the man's eyes were splitting, he was about to cry out in pain. At that moment, Hua Twelve let go of his arm and slashed his throat with a knife.

When Hua Twelve walked past him, the man fell to the ground unwillingly.

Gao Qiu was dumbfounded. Lin Chong really dared to kill people. At this time, his order had changed from "take it" to:

"Kill him quickly!"

The remaining people threw away the ropes and swarmed forward, using all their sumo wrestling skills. Some grabbed their arms, some hugged their waists, and some hugged their thighs.

Hua Twelve smiled coldly, let out a cry, and unsheathed his sword. A cold light shone in the White Tiger Festival Hall. The next moment, heads and stumps flew together, and blood and broken arms danced together.

A blood arrow followed a flying human head and splashed out for more than two feet, dyeing the words "White Tiger Festival Hall" above the head bright red.

White Tiger was the main killer, and he was even more murderous when he saw blood. A gust of wind rushed into the festival hall, blowing all the furnishings in the festival hall into a mess, and several solid wood chairs were blown over.

At this time, Hua Twelve was also a little surprised. This gust of wind was not scientific in any way, but when things came to this point, there was no reason to stop. Gao Qiu was a treacherous official who wanted to harm him, no matter whether he was a lieutenant or an emperor. Old man, just kill him.

More than a dozen soldiers were all killed. Perhaps these people were familiar with Lin Chong before, but from the moment they wanted to capture Hua Twelve, it would not be unfair to kill them. Regardless of whether they were ordered by Shangguan or not, they had to obey. In short, if he is his enemy, he will kill him. Even if there is a friendship in the past, it will be cut off with a sword.

At this time, there was no obstacle between Gao Qiu and Hua Twelve. Originally, one of them was in the hall, and the other had just come in from behind. There was a distance between them, so the former still had room to escape.

But when Hua Twelve let go and killed, Gao Qiu was useless after all. Seeing this scene, he was scared to death and wanted to escape quickly, but his feet were like lead and he couldn't move. pace.

In a hurry, he was in a hurry, and even mixed the garlic under his feet, and fell to the ground.

Hua Twelve walked up to him with a joking look on his face:

"Your son who is not my biological son has been bullying others and doing evil all day long. He specializes in teasing virtuous women. He came to provoke my wife a few days ago. I didn't kill him because I was showing mercy for your sake. It's a pity that I had my heart for Mingyue. But what happened? The bright moon shines on the ditch. Not only are you ungrateful, but you also helped your son frame me. How about that? Do you regret it now? "

As he spoke, he raised the sword in his palm and grinned:

"Thank you very much for giving me this precious sword. Now that this sword is blessed, I can drink the blood of the imperial prince!"

As he spoke, the sword suddenly slashed down.

At this critical moment, an iron gall was shot from outside the White Tiger Festival Hall. The iron gall was carrying an extremely strong wind and was as powerful as thunder. If Hua Twelve had to land this sword, he would be able to kill him. Gao Qiu, but he will also be hit in the chest by this iron guts.

Immediately, he hit the iron gall with the blade of his sword, using Tai Chi strength. With a twist of his wrist, the iron gall flew to one side and hit the column in the hall.

The columns in the hall were as thick as a water tank. I heard a "bang" in my ears. The iron gall actually punched through the pillars, and with a "duh" sound, it was embedded in the wall a few feet away.

Immediately afterwards, the entire White Tiger Festival Hall was shocked.

The moment Hua Twelve fended off Tie Dan, a figure like a ghost or a burst of green smoke floated into the White Tiger Festival Hall, pulling Gao Qiu behind him.

Then two more figures appeared at the front and back doors of the White Tiger Festival Hall. They were two middle-aged men with white hair. Although they looked old, they were both strong and strong, with eyes as bright as stars.

As soon as Gao Qiu saw these three people, his eyes suddenly lit up, his courage suddenly became stronger, and he begged:

"Three of you, this man is trying to assassinate me. Please kill him quickly."

Hua Twelve squinted his eyes, feeling a hint of threat from these three people.

It's not that his strength is not as good as the opponent's, but he feels that due to the system's punishment, part of his strength cannot be used, but which part is it, it is not a good opportunity to test it yet.

Although he felt threatened, it did not mean that Hua Twelve would retreat. He pointed his knife at the old man who rescued Gao Qiu and said in a deep voice: "Hand over Gao Qiu, and I will spare your life!"

As soon as he said this, the three old men all laughed.

One of the old men in green clothes said: "Boss Lin, I am familiar with you. It was the Taiwei who did something wrong today. I will be a peacemaker. You can just retreat. I promise that the Taiwei will do something wrong in the future." I won’t cause any trouble for you!”

When he said this, Gao Qiu stopped before Hua Twelve said anything:

"Three of you, please, this Lin Chong is treasonous and wants to assassinate Shangguan. You three, please kill him quickly. You must not let the tiger go back to the mountain!"

"Shut up!"

The old man who spoke just now did not show any face to the prince of the dynasty:

"The duty of the three of us brothers in the Palace Front Division is to protect the safety of the Taiwei. We don't care about anything else!"

These three old men seemed to have a special status. Gao Qiu was so embarrassed that the latter did not dare to say a word.

The old man from before turned to Hua Twelve: "Boy Lin, don't be impulsive and harm yourself!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "I can speak the truth better than you, but the atmosphere has reached this point today, so in one sentence, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

After he finished speaking, he swung his knife and rushed forward. The old man who spoke turned his hand and shot another iron guts.

This time, the power was ten times greater than before, and a thunder exploded out of thin air in the White Tiger Festival Hall!


The sword's light was like lightning, streaking across the void.

The iron guts split into two, lost its strength and fell to the ground.

The old man looked at all this blankly and murmured in a low voice: "How is this possible? I am good friends with your master, how can you..." The other two old men looked surprised, and one of them asked:

"Brother Liu?"

Just after this sound, the old man who shot out the iron gall and was called Brother Liu had a line of blood between his eyebrows. He raised his head and fell down. However, a sword energy from Hua Twelve was poured into his skull, but because of He was so powerful that he didn't die until now.

Hua Twelve glanced at the old man and sneered: "Are you familiar with my master? Since there is such a relationship, where were you when I was framed in the first place? Why didn't you come out to seek justice at that time?"

"I have resisted now and killed someone. How dare you try to get in touch with me, my acquaintance, your mother!"

If Hua Twelve did not resist today, the result would be the same as before. In this way, the old man would not show up, and it would be a trivial relationship!

"Damn it, how dare you!"

When the two remaining old men saw that their old man had been killed, they were furious. Gao Qiu rushed forward. One of them used Taizu's Changquan, and the other used the eagle's claw technique.

However, a faint red light emerged from the fists of one of the two men, and a black light emerged from the talons of the other.


Hua Twelve activated the divine power in his body, and suddenly slashed out with a sword, so simple and unpretentious that he swept away thousands of armies.

The next moment, transparent Gang Qi visible to the naked eye was seen, as the blade was cut out, it swept out like a half-moon slash, slicing across the bodies of the two old men.

After the blow, the two old men stood motionless, their hands still making attacking movements. Their faces showed shock, confusion, and a trace of regret. One of them asked:

"How is that possible? You are the innate master."

"Have you always been so brave when facing a sword with bare hands?"

Hua Twelve walked between the two of them with a knife in hand. A little breeze brought by his body as he walked blew on the two old men. The two old men suddenly had bleeding lines from their waists. Their upper and lower bodies were separated from each other and fell to the ground. , was actually cut in half.

If Hua Twelve hadn't walked faster, his boots would have been stained with blood. This battle would have been dangerous!

Walking up to Gao Qiu, he placed the sword on the guy's neck. The blade of the sword was shining brightly and was not stained with blood. Hua Twelve couldn't help but praise:

"It is indeed a treasured sword!"

After praising the sword, he asked Gao Qiu jokingly: "How do you want to die?"

Originally, Hua Twelve wanted to kill Gao Qiu at the White Tiger Festival Hall, but he had the idea of ​​a quick victory.

You must know that if you kill the current Taiwei, there will be no place for him in Bianliang City. He has already made up his mind to kill Gao Qiu first, then Gao Yanei and Lu Qian, and then immediately go home and take Lin Chong with him. My wife left the city as quickly as possible. Once outside the city, depending on his ability, the sky is high and birds can fly, and the sea is as wide as fish can jump.

It wouldn't matter if he didn't escape. At worst, he could use his courage to break into the palace and see if he could bring down the old emperor even if he was willing to be killed.

But now Hua Twelve is not in a hurry.

He killed more than a dozen soldiers here, and then fought with three masters from a certain worship organization in front of the palace, beheading three old men. This made quite a fuss. It should have alerted the guards in the palace commander's house. of public servants.

But no one has come until now, so there is only one possibility.

Even if Gao Qiu framed his subordinates, he was afraid that outsiders would find out, so he only arranged for his trusted people to do things and sent the others elsewhere.

In other words, Hua Twelve can leave calmly after killing Gao Qiu now. In a short period of time, no one will notice anything unusual here.

So Hua Twelve changed his mind and didn't kill Gao Qiu first, leaving him to ask about the situation in the world. The reason why he had this idea was because the system had not transferred Lin Chong's memory until now, which made him have I have a bad premonition that this part of the function has also been disabled.

Gao Qiu heard him ask how he wanted to die, and said tremblingly: "I, I don't want to die."

Hua Twelve was even amused. The bullshit Taiwei was so scared that he immediately asked:

"Where is your son?"

"Right in the back house!"

Hua Twelve mentioned Gao Qiu and said, "Go and talk to him!"

But as soon as he lifted Gao Qiu up, he smelled a foul stench, and when he saw the ticking under the official robe, he was so scared that he peed.


Hua Twelve let go of him with some disgust: "Get someone to call your son and Lu Qian to the back room of this hall. Don't even think about escaping. You know what will happen!"

When Gao Qiu heard this, he glanced at the ground. His intestines were everywhere, and the two worshipers who were not dead were so excited that he didn't even dare to say anything.

He walked to the back door of the White Tiger Festival Hall, called a boy, and ordered: "Go, go, go. Go and call that bastard and Lu Qian. I'll wait for him in the wing!"

Gao Qiu trembled when he spoke, but he didn't dare to use any tricks because he knew that Hua Twelve was staring at him behind him.

After a while, a man with a decent appearance, but whose eyes could not conceal the aura of flirting with evil, walked quickly from the back door into the ear room. As soon as he came in, he saw Gao Qiu and said:

"Dad, did you kill Lin Chong? I promise you that as long as I get Mrs. Lin this time, I will give up and stay at home to help our Lao Gao family flourish!"

A tall and upright-looking man followed behind him.

The man walked in and came forward to salute: "Lu Qian, pay your respects to Mr. Taiwei!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly frowned: "Suspicious, what a bloody smell!"

When Gao Yanei heard what he said, he immediately became happy: "It must be Lin Chong's blood."

Before he finished speaking, he saw someone walking out from behind the screen beside the wall. It was not Lin Chong or someone else. Gao Yanei suddenly trembled: "You, you."

Lu Qian stretched out his hand to draw the knife. Hua Twelve pointed his fingers like a knife and slashed with his hand. One of Lu Qian's arms had been chopped off. He immediately staggered back and said with a fierce expression:

"Lin Chong, how dare you commit murder in front of the Taiwei?"

Gao Yanei was about to scream, and Hua Twelve glared at him coldly: "Just shout, and I'll kill you right away!"

The Yanei suddenly felt as if his neck was being strangled, and he no longer dared to make any sound.

Hua Twelve looked at Lu Qian: "You do look like a gentleman. I heard that you are the chief minister of the palace whom I recommended. Why did you harm me?"

Lu Qian didn't hear the flaw in his words and just said: "If you don't do it for yourself, it will be destroyed by heaven and earth."

"it is good!"

Hua Twelve casually pointed his finger, and the invisible finger force of Yiyang finger was placed between his eyebrows. The internal force shattered his brain and killed him directly. Lu Qian, who had lost an arm and wanted to fight to the death, suddenly raised his head. He fell down and made no more noise.

After killing Lu Qian, Hua Twelve looked at the father and son again:

"I, Lin Chong, keep my word. Only one of you two can live. You choose which one will survive!"

Gao Qiu and Gao Yanei immediately looked at each other, their eyes full of longing for each other.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yanei was the first to say: "Dad, I am still young, and I can still pass on the incense to our old Gao family."

Gao Qiu was so anxious that he spurted out a mouthful of old blood. This was either his biological son or he was unreliable. If it hadn't been for this stupid thing like you, how could he have come this far?

He immediately said fiercely: "Lin Chong, you and I have no grudges at all. It's all because of this evil beast's instigation. If you kill him, you and I will turn our hostility into friendship."

Hua Twelve casually stabbed Gao Yanei, but Gao Yanei's head was missing before he could beg for mercy.

He turned his blade towards Gao Qiu: "How do you want to die?"

Gao Qiu was furious: "You can't do this. Didn't you just say that as long as one dies, the other will live? You don't keep your word!"

Hua Twelve interrupted directly and said with a smile: "Captain Gao has been living in vain all these years. No one in the court can ever be trustworthy!"

Gao Qiu was speechless upon hearing this. Seeing life and death right in front of him, he suddenly knelt down and begged: "Dad, I would like to recognize you as my father. I just want to spare my life."

The old thief couldn't stop Hua Twelve at this moment: "A lieutenant, how can you be so shameless?"

Gao Qiu wailed: "I am a gangster who lives on the street. I only caught the attention of the officials because of my good football. How can I have any shame?"

Hua Twelve has a kind of "what you said makes sense, but I am speechless" attitude!

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, and brothers for taking the exam well for their rewards. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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