A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 750: Do it cleanly!

Chapter 750: Do it cleanly! (Please order in full!)

Hua Twelve secretly followed Wu Yong to the boat where the thieves were hiding, and listened to the conversation outside. When he heard that it was Chao Gai, Liu Tang and others, he thought about how he should treat these future Liangshan heroes.

Originally, when he heard that Wu Yong and Chao Gai were not planning to provoke him, he felt that these people were quite sensible, so he thought of retreating and watching the tiger fight, waiting for the Jia family's boat to go south tomorrow to separate from Suo Chao and others. The thief will definitely attack the birthday card.

Don't look at the plot of Water Margin. Chao Gai and others only took the birthday card and did not kill anyone, but that was 'outsmarting'. But now they have come to rob the ship, and the thieves have killed people. If they start robbing again, they will definitely not leave any people behind. What did you do to survive?

The old guy surnamed Xie still thought about going to Cai Jing to accuse Hua Twelve of his evil deeds, haha, maybe in the next life.

Hua Twelve looked down upon the 100,000 yuan birthday plan, and had no grudges with Chao Gai and others. The matter had nothing to do with him, so borrowing a knife to kill someone was the best strategy.

But he didn't expect Liu Tang to be so stubborn. When both Wu Yong and Chao Gai said they didn't want to get into trouble and took the birth date first, he still wanted to avenge the dead thieves. He couldn't bear it.

Who do you want to seek revenge from?

So when he heard that the other party was unwilling to fight, Hua Twelve directly pushed the door open and walked in. He smiled at the confused thieves in the cabin and said:

"Okay, Lin is here, I will give you a chance, let's go together!"

After a brief silence, Liu Tang was the first to react. He picked up his single sword and went forward, shouting:

"I'll chop you up!"

"Well done!"

Hua Twelve grabbed the back of Liu Tang's single sword with his fifteen fingers. With a little force, he broke the steel sword with a clang, then raised his foot and kicked the red-haired ghost in the chest. The latter directly Fly out upside down.

There was not much space in the cabin, and the other thieves were still trying to swarm up, but several of them were knocked away by Liu Tang who flew back.

Chao Gai, the King of Pagodas, rushed forward suddenly, his hands were like hammers, and his two peaks pierced his ears, and he hit Hua Twelve's temples.

Before the fist reached close, strong winds roared, like thunder, making a sound of tearing through the air.

Hua Twelve did not retreat but advanced, grabbing the middle palace. The Tai Chi in his hands seemed to be sealed. He just put his hands together and used Tai Chi principles to move a thousand pounds, sealing Chao Gai's hands downwards, and then bumped his shoulders, and the Baji Iron The mountain support leaned directly on it.

With a bang, Chao Gai flew out without any doubt.

When Hua Twelve kicked Liu Tang just now, he was merciful and the boy was not injured. After landing, the red-haired ghost stood up in a single motion.

But as soon as he stood firm, Chao Gai flew back and hit Liu Tang. The huge force that followed made him unsteady, and he and his brother Chao Gai turned into a rolling gourd.

"That's it?"

Hua Twelve felt very bored, walked in from the door, walked to Wu Yong, the only one still standing, and turned to look at Wu Xuexue.

Wu Yong forced a smile: "General Lin is well-deserved, he is good at punching and kicking!"

Hua Twelve raised his hand and gave Wu Yong a cannon.

Your sister, when I first watched Water Margin, I hated this guy the most. There were all kinds of poisonous schemes. In order to get others to go up the mountain, they would destroy their families. I have never seen such a sinister and vicious guy. I really thought he wouldn't fight after saying a few nice words. What are you doing?

Xuexue Wu let out an "ouch" when he was beaten, and covered his left eye with a look of fear. This is an animal, even scholars can be beaten!

Hua Twelve took advantage of the situation and gave him another right eye punch, knocking him down and knocking him down. He raised his foot and gave him a flat kick, until Zhi Duoxing became a sky full of stars.

At this time, the thieves got up one after another and were about to rush forward. Hua Twelve's left hand was still holding half of the knife tip that had just broken off Liu Tang. At this time, his right hand grabbed Wu Yong's hair, lifted him in front of him, and pressed the tip of the knife against Zhi Duoxing's throat. :

"If you want him to die, come up here!"

Originally, Hua Twelve planned to teach these ignorant thieves a lesson, but later he still wanted to let them do things, so he stopped at that and used Wu Yong as a threat to make them talk properly.

"Stop it, don't hurt the scholar!"

Chao Gai shouted and stopped all the thieves.

At this moment, a long sword suddenly stabbed down from the top of the cabin through the wooden board, and stabbed directly into the Jianjing point on Hua Twelve's right arm.

Obviously he wanted to force Hua Twelve to let go of Wu Yong.


Hua Twelve didn't expect that someone could hide from his senses and launch a surprise attack above his head.

He simply pushed Wu Yong toward Chao Gai and the others. He clamped the sudden sword blade with two fingers of his right hand and pulled it down. With a bang, the warehouse board above his head was shattered. A man wearing a short brown robe with a waist A wine gourd was slung over his shoulder, and the Taoist priest holding a pine-patterned sword fell down.

The Taoist priest was pulled into the cabin through the canopy of the boat. He was still a little confused for a moment, but his reaction was also very fast. He wanted to adjust his body shape in mid-air to do a flying horse and step on the swallow, and use his feet to step on the top of Hua Twelve's head.

But how could Hua Twelve give him this opportunity? With a twist of two fingers on his right hand, the Taoist's sword's mouth immediately broke apart, and the loose-grained sword immediately fell out of his hand. The former stabbed upwards, and the sword hilt was thrust back, hitting the center. The Taoist priest immediately tapped his acupoints under his ribs.

Bang, the Taoist priest fell directly to the ground. Hua Twelve flicked his left hand, and a cold light hit him. With a bang, the Taoist priest's ear was nailed to the board of the ship, and a tuft of his hair was cut off. It was Liu Tang's half of the blade. , frightened the Taoist priest into a cold sweat.

Hua Twelve was a small response to the Taoist priest's sneak attack with his sword.

After doing all this, Hua Twelve shook his right hand and turned the pine-patterned sword around. He had already grasped the hilt of the sword and pointed the sword tip at the shocked thieves:

"It was just a joke. If anyone dares to come up now, Lin will start killing!"

There was silence in the cabin for a while, even Liu Tang, who had danced the most happily before, didn't speak.

Liu Tang is just reckless, not stupid. There are only a few enemies who are more powerful than him. He goes up despite difficulties, which is called courage. But if he knows that the enemy is invincible, then going up to die just to fight for one breath is not called courage, it is called a fool. .

It's still a joke to pick them all with bare hands. Now that they have weapons in their hands, who would dare to attack them?

At this time, Chao Gai showed his qualities as a leader, walked to the front, cupped his fists towards Hua Twelve and said:

"General Lin, we have no grievances in the past and no enmity in the recent days. We brothers are all here for the birth plan this time. Since we are no match for you, we admit defeat. We don't want the birth plan. We only ask the god general to show his noble hand. Let us live!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Should I say no?"

The eyes of all the thieves were red, and Chao Gai also felt angry: "Then let's fight for our lives!"

Hua Twelve pointed his sword and said with a half-smile: "Are you serious? Are you not afraid of death?"

“God will cease His wrath!”

At this time, Wu Yong climbed up with two panda eyes and said to Chao Gai: "What my brother said is very good, but don't say it next time. Let me do this kind of negotiation."

He said to Hua Twelve with a wry smile:

"General Lin came here alone. He didn't bring anyone to arrest us, and he killed us without meeting us. I guess he had some ulterior motives. You have lost your power now, and our brothers also know the methods of the general. If anything happens, you can just It’s already been said!”

Hua Twelve nodded: "Wu Xuedue is still a little clever!"

He pointed at Chao Gai: "If I guess correctly, you are Chao Gai, the King of Pagodas, right?"

He pointed his finger at Liu Tang: "Red-haired ghost Liu Tang!"

Then, under the shocked eyes of Chao Gai and Liu Tang, he pointed at the Taoist on the ground:

"Ruyunlong Gongsun wins!"

Gongsun Sheng's acupoints were tapped and he couldn't move, but he couldn't hide his shocked eyes. Hua Twelve said to a short thief with a deer head and rat eyes: "You are Bai Sheng, the rat in the day!"

Bai Sheng was timid and almost sat on the ground when he heard this, also full of shock.

Hua Twelve finally looked at the thieves around Liu Tang: "Which one is the three Ruan brothers?"

No one answered, but looking at the wonderful expressions of the thieves, Hua Twelve knew that none of the three Ruan heroes had escaped here.

Chao Gai's expression changed. He was not a loose person like Liu Tang, but a rich man with a family and business. Now he wanted to rob Cai Jing's birth date. Someone found out the details. If he couldn't kill someone and silence him, it would be a big deal. Woe.

But the current situation is not to mention killing people and silencing them. It would be nice not to be killed by others. He immediately smiled bitterly and said: "The general knows our details, what else can we say? Chao Gai is convinced!"

After speaking, he knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said, "We brothers will all obey the command of the God General. We just want to save a way out!"

"elder brother!"

Liu Tang and others looked shocked.

Hua Twelve smiled lightly: "Forget it, I don't always believe in other people's guarantees, so I'll do it myself!"

After saying this, he used his Dragon Capturing Skill with his left hand, and the wine gourd around Gongsun Sheng's waist broke off the rope and fell into his hand. With the force of his five fingers, the wine gourd exploded to pieces.

With a swipe of his left hand, a large piece of life and death talisman condensed by wine was shot out with a technique that was full of flowers and rain.

All the thieves on the opposite side only felt a coldness in their bodies, and then they felt nothing at all. Just when they were full of doubts, a numbness and itch came over their bodies, and in an instant there was pain like needles, and like the bites of thousands of ants. .

Everyone started scratching and screaming.

Hua Twelve used Yiyang to point out the acupuncture points on these thieves, so that they could not scratch or scream, and could only silently experience the pleasure brought by the explosion of the life and death talisman.

A moment later, tough guys like Chao Gai and Liu Tang were all sweating profusely, and their blood vessels were bulging. They were obviously suffering from some kind of feeling beyond their limits.

"Once this life-and-death talisman attacks, it will become more severe one day, and the itching and severe pain will increase for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, and then gradually subside. After eighty-one days, it will increase again, and so on, and it will never end."

While these people were 'enjoying', Hua Twelve smiled and taught them about the effect of the life and death talisman. Everyone originally looked at them with resentment mixed with pleading, but now when they heard that this effect would happen again and again, many people's eyes were filled with laughter. They all had the will to die.

At this time, Hua Twelve said again: "But you don't have to worry. I have an antidote that can suppress the life and death talisman and prevent it from happening for a year. From now on, just take one pill every year."

After the effects of the attack passed, Hua Twelve unblocked their acupuncture points, and Bai Sheng, the day rat, was the first to kneel to the ground:

"Grandpa, please spare us!"

Liu Tang held the broken knife and was considering whether to kill himself. In the end, he decided that it was better to die than to live, so he gave up the idea of ​​wiping his neck.

Chao Gai and Wu Yong looked at each other, and the former fell to the ground:

"General Lin, we surrender. From now on, our brothers will be like dogs and horses!"

Wu Yong followed and knelt down: "It all depends on the Lord's orders!"

Although the others were reluctant, thinking of the feeling just now, they still knelt down with Chao Gai.

There was only one Gongsun Sheng. After his acupuncture points were unlocked, he began to sit cross-legged and try to use Taoist mystical skills to remove this life and death talisman.

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "I like people who dare to practice. Taoist Master Gongsun, please go ahead and do it. I also want to see if Erxian Mountain's Taoist mystical skills can unlock the life and death talisman of the Xiaoyao sect!"

As he spoke, he took out a few pills and stuffed them into Wu Yong: "Since you surrendered to me, you are one of my own, so take it and eat it!"

Wu Yong was overjoyed and quickly gave one pill to each of them. He himself took some tea, mixed it with water and swallowed it.

Others followed suit, even Chao Gai.

When Hua Twelve saw that they had all eaten, he said, "Wait a minute and see if Taoist Gongsun can break the life and death talisman. Let's go on!"

After the tea time passed, Gongsun Sheng finally gave up his luck and sighed with complicated eyes: "What kind of talisman is this life and death talisman? Why can't I find even a clue about it with my methods?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said nothing.

Wu Yong took a pill and sent it to Gongsun Sheng: "Since it can't be cracked, the Taoist priest should take this pill to save himself from suffering this crime again tomorrow!"

Gongsun Sheng sighed again, took the pill and put it in his mouth as if accepting his fate!

Seeing Gongsun Sheng swallowing it, Hua Twelve took out another handful of pills: "This is the antidote to the Talisman of Life and Death. Wu Xuexiu takes it and gives it to everyone!"

Everyone was a little stunned. Zhiduoxing Wu Yong asked in confusion: "Master, this is the antidote. What was that just now?"

Hua Twelve said calmly: "You ask about that, that one is called the Three Corpses Brain Pill, well, that one is also an antidote that you get once a year, don't forget it!"

Everyone: "." Speechless and choked!

Hua Twelve once again taught everyone about the effects of the Three Corpse Brain Pills, and they all admired it!

This time, even a few dissatisfied people lost their previous thoughts. What does it mean to be completely surrendered and what does it mean to be convinced?

All in all, it's the same attitude. I just accept it and love it however I want!

After using various methods to suppress everyone, Hua Twelve asked everyone about the birth plan.

It was very different from the original plot. It was Liu Tang and Gongsun Sheng who got the news first. Knowing that Liang Zhongshu wanted to celebrate Cai Jing’s birthday and send a birthday card to Bianliang, they went to Chao Gai to discuss it and planned to go to Huangnigang. Robbed the birthday card.

But they didn't expect that Suo Chao, who was escorting the birthday party, changed his route temporarily and took the water route instead of the near one. Chao Gai and others had no choice but to expand the team and find a few heroes from the rivers and lakes to become water thieves. He voted and unexpectedly met Hua Twelve and others.

After Hua Twelve listened, he asked questions that he couldn't understand when he read the original work.

"Is there something wrong with the route Suo Chao planned? He was going from Daming Mansion to Bianjing to deliver birthday packages. Why did the route he planned at the beginning pass through Shandong? Even if he changes to the water route, it will be even further!"

Hua Twelve couldn't understand at first that the Daming Palace was in Handan, heading to Kaifeng, Henan, and there was no need to detour to Shandong. At that time, he just thought that the author was not familiar with geography and had made a mistake in key points. But when he came here in person World, when it came to the matter of birthdays, I found that although the person transporting the birthdays had been changed, it still took a long way.

Wu Yong said: "Is there anything wrong with this? Since the reign of Renzong, the Yellow River has changed its course several times. Between Damingfu and Bianjing, there are countless large and small rivers and lakes. The road is difficult to navigate. You have to go around Shandong to get through."

Only then did Hua Twelve suddenly realize that whether it was Yang Zhi in the original plot or Suo Chao now, they were all seeking the far away in order to avoid the yellow zone.

He coughed lightly and changed the subject: "I'll give you a task. When you get back, take over Liangshan Po for me and recruit troops. I'll be of great use!"

Wu Yong's eyes lit up: "My lord wants to do something big, we must obey it, but there is a problem here. We need money to recruit troops and horses!"

Hua Twelve pointed in the other direction: "Isn't there a birthday plan? Tomorrow you will save Suo Chao's life and recruit him to join the group. As for the rest of the people waiting..., leave no one behind. Do it cleanly!"

 Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, and brothers for taking the exam well for their rewards. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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