A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 753 You are not sick, you are poisoned!

Due to the "water pirates" incident, the ship was delayed for a day in Huai'an. After Jia Lian registered with the government, he set off again. When he set off again, the weather was good and the journey was smooth. The journey that originally took four or five days was completed in three days. Yangzhou.

Before docking, Hua Twelve asked everyone to pack up first. When the ship docked, the sampan was put down, and everyone began to disembark in an orderly manner.

The Lin family had obviously settled their days and sent stewards to wait at the pier. Seeing the flag of the Rongguo Mansion on the building boat, they quickly called to their servants to drive over the carriages and horses parked not far away.

Seeing a young man who got off the boat first, with a tall and tall figure and an extraordinary bearing, the housekeeper of the Lin Mansion quickly ran forward and bowed:

"Master Lian, the younger one is the housekeeper of Lin Mansion"

Before he could finish speaking, the young man waved his hand and interrupted: "This is Lin Chong!"

The steward yelled, and was startled at first, then smiled and said, "It turns out to be Brother Chong. Is Young Master Jia Lian here?"

It is said that Hua Twelve is Lin Ruhai's nephew, and he is considered a serious young master of the Lin family, at least that's how he is called by his servants. However, this housekeeper seems to be quite contemptuous, and on the contrary, he is very interested in Jia Lian.

Hua Twelve is a little funny. He is really treated as a poor relative who cannot be beaten with eight poles.

He immediately laughed and said nothing. Jia Lian, who was walking behind Lu Da and Yang Zhi, stepped forward to greet the old housekeeper with an embarrassed look on his face.

When Lin Daiyu got off the boat, the housekeeper hurriedly came forward to greet her. Sister Lin had tears in her eyes and asked about Lin Ruhai's condition.

The old housekeeper replied: "Since last winter, I have suffered from a cold, and my health has been getting worse day by day. At the beginning of spring, I caught a cold again and developed a cough. In the first two months, I felt that my health was getting worse, and I stopped taking medicine." Okay, now I’m sending a letter to Bianjing to ask the lady to come back. I was able to sit in court for the first two days, but I have been bedridden for the past two days!”

After he finished speaking, he cried twice, but his voice was only heard, but no tears were seen.

Lin Daiyu didn't care about the housekeeper. She was eager to return home and just wanted to see her father as soon as possible. She immediately asked everyone to get on the Lin family's carriage and went all the way to Yangzhou City.

When they arrived at Yanzheng Yamen, the middle door was wide open and the carriage went straight into the courtyard. Lu Zhishen, Yang Zhi and other foreign men were waiting in front. Lin Daiyu had Zhang Zhenniang and other female family members settled in the guest room, and then went to Lin Ruhai's house in the backyard with Hua Twelve and Jia Lian. In the bedroom.

There was a pretty young woman in her twenties who was waiting in front of the hospital bed. When she saw everyone coming in, she quickly stood up and saluted. Lin Daiyu returned the salute and called her aunt. Hua Twelve and Jia Lian knew that she was Lin Ruhai's concubine, so they also They all rushed to greet him.


When Lin Daiyu saw Lin Ruhai on the hospital bed, she burst into tears and stepped forward quickly, already crying.

Hua Twelve looked at Lin Ruhai, who was only in his thirties or forties, but had sunken eyes, protruding cheekbones, and tight lips. He was obviously extremely ill.

As if hearing her daughter's cry, Lin Ruhai slowly opened her eyes, her dull eyes gradually brightened, focusing on her daughter's face, then she smiled, and said in a weak voice:

"It's my Yu'er who's back. Okay, okay. You've become a lot stronger. Daddy can feel relieved now."

He turned to look at Hua Twelve and Jia Lian, and let Lin Daiyu help him sit up. Hua Twelve and Hua Twelve hurriedly came forward to greet him. The former called him uncle, and the latter called uncle, and they both said something to let Lin Ruhai rest in peace and recuperate. if.

Lin Ruhai sat on the bed: "Okay, you are all ready!"

After he finished speaking, he said to the two of them:

"Chong'er, Lian'er, you came just in time. I feel that I don't have much time left, so I just want to explain what happened behind me in front of you!"

Lin Daiyu couldn't listen to this, and started crying again when she heard this. She didn't shed many tears at Hua Twelve this year, but she made up for them this time.

Lin Ruhai comforted Lin Daiyu for a few words, and then said to Hua Twelve and Jia Lian:

"After I leave, 20% of the family property will be given to the elder relatives in the clan, 30% will be given to Chong'er, and the remaining 50% will be left for Yu'er as a dowry. From now on, Yu'er will go to Rongguo Mansion and be educated under the knees of her mother-in-law."

As soon as he said this, several people in the room were stunned at the same time. Hua Twelve wrote to Lin Ruhai last year and told him what happened in Rongqing Hall. At that time, Lin Ruhai didn't say anything in reply to him, but just acquiesced that Lin Daiyu would stay with him. At home, when I didn't want to be left alone, why did I think of Rongguo Mansion again.

Lin Daiyu forgot to shed tears at the side, and felt a hundred reluctances in her heart, and said quickly: "Dad, I'm not going anywhere, I will stay with you!"

Jia Lian had a complicated expression and moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Hua Twelve didn't care so much and said immediately:

"Uncle, I won't take any of the Lin family property. I'll leave it all to my sister as a dowry. But my nephew thinks that Rongguo Mansion is not a good place to go. If my sister joins the Jia family, I'm afraid her only option is to marry Jia Baoyu."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Ruhai interrupted: "Kissing her, what's wrong with that?" He started coughing.

Lin Daiyu was very reluctant to her father's arrangement. Seeing that her father was coughing, she quickly stepped forward to rub him and it took a long time to calm down.

Hua Twelve is not afraid of offending anyone, he just says whatever he wants:

"Since my uncle asked what's wrong, my nephew said it quickly. If my uncle is in good health and this girl becomes a prince, the daughter of a third-rank official in the imperial court will not suffer any injustice no matter which family she marries!"

"But if my uncle becomes ill and becomes an orphan, how can the Jia family still take her seriously? What they want in the end is just her generous dowry!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he turned to Jia Lian and asked directly: "Brother Lian, when you came out this time, did the old lord of your mansion tell you that you should bring all the Lin family's property back to Rongguo Mansion?"

"This, me"

Jia Lian was now so embarrassed that he wished he could dig out a tunnel with his toes so that he could escape. Lin Chong's grandson was right.

I originally thought that Lin Ruhai would be shocked, but unexpectedly, Lao Lin seemed to be very calm:

"So what, if Daiyu marries Baoyu, the dowry should naturally go to Rongguo Mansion!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "But my uncle forgot one thing. I heard that before my aunt came out of the cabinet, she was not on good terms with Mrs. Wang. If my sister marries her, if her mother-in-law is too small-minded, what will happen in the future? How are you feeling?"

Lin Ruhai said: "Yu'er is the granddaughter of Rongguo Mansion after all, so how could she be bullied because of this!"

Hua Twelve immediately sneered and said: "That day, when my aunt died of illness, who of the idle people in Rongguo Mansion came to attend the funeral? Uncle, tell me, if you want to have a close relationship, there are a lot of people in Rongguo Mansion, right?"

He turned to look at Jia Lian: "Brother Lian must be here!"

Jia Lian was so embarrassed that he almost cried. No one from the entire Rongguo Mansion came to him.

Perhaps sensing that Chuhua Twelve was dissatisfied, Lin Ruhai said to Jia Lian: "Lian'er, please go out and wait while I have something to tell Chong'er alone!"

Jia Lian was extremely embarrassed. After hearing this, he quickly bowed and left as if he had been granted amnesty.

When Jia Lian went out, Lin Ruhai said to the serving concubine: "You can go out too!"

When only Lin Daiyu and Hua Twelve were left in the room, Lin Ruhai sighed: "Is Chong'er angry with your uncle?"

Hua Twelve shook his head and said: "My sister is my uncle's daughter. It is natural that my uncle will decide how to arrange the arrangements. Why should I be angry!" Lin Ruhai smiled: "This is an angry statement!"

Hua Twelve pulled up a chair and sat down:

"I just can't understand how Jia Baoyu, not to mention the collapse of the ceremony in Rongguo Mansion, is the second son of a second wife and a playboy with no ambition, is worthy of my sister!"

"And as far as I know, the Rongguo Mansion is extremely extravagant and spends tens of thousands of taels of silver every year. The second wife Jia Zheng's wife also spent hundreds of thousands of taels of silver on her parents' family. Now it can be found in the Jia family's warehouse. Rats, extravagant but still unchanged, they are probably just waiting for Sister Lin’s dowry to provide for their enjoyment!”

"Also, at that time, all the nobles and nobles of the dynasty borrowed money from the Ministry of Household Affairs. It seems that the Rongguo Mansion still owed the court hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. If the court one day clears the debt, what will they use to pay it back? It's not the girl's dowry. What!"

Lin Ruhai was a little surprised: "Chong'er can see clearly, but you can see these things clearly, how could I not know!"

Hua Twelve laughed angrily: "Since my uncle has a clear mind, why should he let Sister Lin jump into the fire pit?"

After he finished speaking, he said directly: "Let's not talk about whether uncle's health can get better. Even if we prepare for the worst, I think it is better to let the girl live with my nephew, under the care of her sister-in-law, and the upbringing of the aunt in the palace. I will give it to her later. My sister is looking for a good family, but as long as I am here, I will not let her be bullied!"

Lin Daiyu was still sad, but she didn't expect that the two of them actually talked about her getting married. She couldn't help but blushed and said, "Brother, don't say it anymore. I won't marry anyone, I just want to stay with my father!"

Lin Ruhai patted her daughter and did not take her words seriously. Instead, she said to Hua Twelve:

"I don't feel at ease just following you. It's better to enter the Rongguo Mansion, and you won't end up miserable after all!"

Hua Twelve was a little unbelievable. Co-author Lin Ruhai thought that Lin Daiyu would end up miserable if she lived in his house?

Lin Daiyu also said quickly: "Dad, my brother and sister-in-law have been very considerate to me over the past year. Please don't wrong my brother."

Lin Ruhai shook his head and said, "I'm worried about Chong'er as a person, but I'm worried about Chong'er's future!"

He turned to look at Hua Twelve: "Chong'er, my uncle has heard about you even though he is far away in Yangzhou. He knows that you are now a confidant of Captain Gao. The leader of the winter hunt last year, the officials even praised you as a great leader." General Song!"

"But have you ever thought about it, no one is as good as a thousand days, and no flower is as bright as a thousand shades of red!"

"First of all, your status as a close confidant of Gao Qiu must not be tolerated by the Qing Dynasty. Your status as a military commander is not tolerated by other civil servants. The most important point is that during the winter hunting, you insulted three princes, including The current prince!"

"If one day I am no longer here, Gao Qiu will definitely be liquidated. Where will you go? You may be in trouble!"

When Lin Ruhai said this, he said seriously: "My uncle gave you 20% of the family property because he wanted to persuade you to go overseas to avoid this disaster. In such a situation, how can I safely leave Yu'er to your care?" That’s a bad sentence, I’m afraid that Yu’er will be implicated by you!”

Only then did Hua Twelve understand Lin Ruhai's thoughts. Thinking that his distant uncle had arranged a way out for his nephew before he died, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and all the unhappiness he had felt just now dissipated.

However, he was still unconvinced and said: "I already understand my uncle's intentions. However, the Jia family of Rongguo is much better than me. The people of the Jia family have done many things that are harmful to nature under the name of the Jia family. The people of the Rongguo family have Once again, there is no one to support the scene in this generation, and I am afraid that wealth will turn into smoke in the blink of an eye, and we will eventually end up having our homes confiscated!"

Lin Ruhai didn't quite believe it, shook his head, and said: "Even if the Jia family falls and others are convicted, nothing will happen to Jia Baoyu. That's why I want to entrust Yu'er to him!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "Then Jia Baoyu was born with a jade in his mouth, and the trouble is widely known. Isn't my uncle afraid of royal suspicion and causing trouble for my sister?"

Lin Ruhai smiled faintly: "Because of this, I concluded that Baoyu will be fine. If he studies and becomes an official or practices martial arts and joins the army, it will inevitably lead to disaster. But his temperament does not like studying and practicing martial arts, and he disdains official career and economics. This has become his A life-saving talisman, even if the Jia family is in trouble in the future, he will be safe and sound. If the emperor can tolerate him now, in the future when the prince succeeds to the throne, he will definitely be spared his life and show his royal magnanimity!"

Hua Twelve thought that in the original book, the Jia family was ransacked, leaving a vast expanse of white land. It was really clean. Apart from being exiled, the Jia family had nothing major to do.

It can be thought that if Lin Daiyu enters Jia's house, she will inevitably return to her original destiny. Even if she practices good martial arts with him, how can she be happy in that environment? I'm afraid she will have to use her tears to repay the debts of her previous life. .

I wanted to say that I disagreed, but I couldn't find any reason. Moreover, in this era, parents made the final decision on children's marriage, but he, the elder brother, had no say.

But when I thought about it, Hua Twelve was a little funny. It seemed that he came with the intention of treating Lin Ruhai, so why did he start arguing about his aftermath.

He immediately smiled and said: "Whatever my uncle decides, as long as my sister doesn't object, I, as the elder brother, will naturally have no say."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Daiyu came over and twisted his arm hard: "Brother, why are you so timid? I don't want to marry that big-faced girl. If dad forces his order on me, then I will become a monk"

Lin Ruhai glanced at his girl in surprise, then at Hua Twelve, and couldn't help but move his eyes slightly.

But Hua Twelve said: "What kind of family does a good girl come from? How can you eat without meat now? Don't you want to eat your favorite pork knuckle in the future?"

Lin Daiyu originally ate as much as a cat. After two bites of a bowl of noodles, she would be full with more than half left. However, after practicing the 'Sakyamuni Elephant Throwing Skill', her food intake increased greatly, and later she became even less full. I don’t like meat.

Lin Daiyu's face turned red when she heard Hua Twelve expose her background. She hugged Hua Twelve's arm and shook her vigorously: "Don't say it, brother, don't say it anymore!"

"Yu'er, she, she eats the elbow?" Lin Ruhai was shocked. She couldn't imagine the scene of her delicate and weak daughter holding the elbow and chewing on it.

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "Eat, it's not enough to eat one by yourself, usually you have to eat half a roast chicken!"

Lin Daiyu covered her face and hid behind Lin Ruhai, too embarrassed to see anyone.

Hua Twelve chuckled; "Uncle, it's too early to say anything now. To tell you the truth, my nephew is quite experienced in medical skills. I'm here to treat you this time. If I cure you, I won't need to So much to think about!”

Lin Ruhai was not very happy: "Forget it, I have been treated by many famous doctors in Jiangnan and prescribed many medicines, but none of them are cured. Perhaps it is God's will that allows me to go to Yu'er's mother!"

Lin Daiyu suddenly burst into tears again.

Hua Twelve refused to say anything, and took Lin Ruhai's wrist and took his pulse.

He also used internal force to turn around inside his body, but found nothing abnormal.

However, when people are so sick, there is no abnormality, which is the biggest abnormality.

Hua Twelve said to Lin Ruhai and Lin Daiyu: "Uncle, don't be afraid next, I will use special means to see if uncle's disease is caused by poisoning!"

When Lin Ruhai nodded in surprise, Hua Twelve revealed the 'black jade' bracelet on his left wrist. With a thought, Six Wings came to life.

Such a magical scene was something that Lin Daiyu had experienced before. Even though Lin Ruhai had been prepared, she was still shocked.

Hua Twelve told him not to be afraid, saying that it was his pet and could cure all poisons.

The six-winged centipede crawled onto Lin Ruhai's hand, suddenly bit it on the middle finger, and then started sucking blood.

Hua Twelve's eyes shrank and he said to Lin Ruhai: "Uncle, you are not sick, you are poisoned!"

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger from the Demon World, and Brother Lingnuo for their rewards. Thanks to the brothers who voted for me monthly and recommended. Thank you very much.

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