A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 758: Jia Lian attacks Jue and wants to separate the family

"Second brother Lian, the title of Rongguo is clearly inherited by the eldest brother, so why is it that the second brother lives in Rongxi Hall, in the main hall of the main house?"

"Your father is a nobleman of Rongguo. So your father is the owner of the palace built by the royal family. Why does he live in a side courtyard next to the stables and get the nickname of General of the stables? Is this what he wants?" "

"Why is the courtyard where your eldest grandson lives is not as good as the courtyard where the second son lives?"

"Why do your father's posts and seals have to be used by the second wife?"

"Why is it that the eldest eldest son of your Rongguo Mansion seizes the title, and the second eldest son is the head of the house?"

In the building of Rongguo Mansion, in Jia Lian's room, Hua Twelve asked Jia Lian across from him such questions that he broke into a cold sweat.

There were some things that he had never thought about, and some things that he deliberately ignored, but at this moment, these problems were faced directly, and they were like knives, really stabbing him in the heart.


Jia Lian couldn't figure it out, why?

Hua Twelve looked at Jia Lian's appearance, smiled faintly, and asked: "I heard that your old prince said more than once that her own private house would be given to the grandson of the second son, but she didn't even mention it to you, the eldest grandson. ,why is that?"

Jia Lian came to his senses and could answer this question:

"After all, I will be a noble in the future. All the property in Rongguo Mansion belongs to me. It is normal for our ancestors to prefer Baoyu!"

Hua Twelve said 'hey': "Yes, leave a private house for the second son, and all the food and clothing for the whole family will be taken from the public house. This is what you will inherit in the future. So, may I ask Lian Er Brother, how much money does your master still have?"

He laughed: "Why did I hear that the public treasury of Rongguo Mansion was emptied by your good aunt from the second house?"

Jia Lian felt a pain in his heart and wanted to end the topic quickly: "Brother Chong, what on earth are you going to say?"

Hua Twelve looked harmless: "Nothing, just a casual chat!"

After speaking, he lowered his voice and asked: "Do you think there is a possibility that the old prince of your family just wants the second son of the second wife to seize the title?"

Jia Lian originally thought he was going to say something mysterious. When he heard this, he immediately laughed and said:

"This is impossible. The imperial court has its own rules and regulations on the matter of seizing a title. How can it be taught and accepted privately? Our ancestors are not that confused!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Yes, but what if the person who attacked the noble family violated the court's laws before attacking the noble family, and his moral character was compromised?"

Jia Lian's heart tightened: "Brother Chong, what do you mean by this? Please tell me clearly!"

"Look, Sister-in-law Feng's usury loan is now known to everyone in Bianjing City. As the so-called husband and wife are one, does this count as Brother Lian and you also violated the court laws?"

Jia Lian's face suddenly turned red and he said angrily: "That's because I married an unwise wife!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Don't you think about it, how did Sister-in-law Feng get to that point? I heard that Sister-in-law Feng gave us usury money to supplement the public expenses. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to go to the step of giving us usury money. !”

"The key is that it was your old Feng Jun who asked the second wife to take care of the house. Why did Mrs. Wang give it to Sister-in-law Feng? It was because she had almost finished the money from the father-in-law, so your family took the blame. Your old Feng Don’t you know? If she doesn’t know, it’s better to tell her. If she knows and doesn’t say anything, then she doesn’t mean anything else? "

This is what an old hermaphrodite said.

The more he listened, the more Jia Lian broke out in cold sweat and felt his waist hurt!

Hua Twelve pretended not to see his expression and continued: "As for moral character, I heard that the second son of your family always hid in the pile of makeup and powder when he had nothing to do. You, the old feudal lord, not only turned a blind eye but were happy to see it. As a matter of fact, last time I caused a scene in Rongqing Hall because of Miss Daiyu!"

Jia Lian said sarcastically: "Our ancestors also loved Baoyu!"

Hua Twelve sneered: "Why don't I love you?"

"Look at those noble sons, which one of them doesn't have wives and concubines? But your second brother Lian found two concubines. What did your old master say? He said that your family was sneaking around all day long, and your house was so dirty and smelly. You're gone, is that what you're saying?"

Jia Lian's face turned red: "How do you know so clearly?"

Hua Twelve thought that of course he had read the novel, but he said: "Just the servants in your family, how can such a thing not be spread to the outside world? You have such a reputation."

Seeing Jia Lian's face turn from red to purple, Hua Twelve began to add fuel to the fire:

"Look, didn't your second uncle also marry several aunts and wives? How come your old man always praises your second uncle, scolds your father, praises the second son, belittles you, the eldest grandson, and accuses you of sneaking around? What a contrast It’s too obvious!”

"The most important thing is that as time goes by, people will think that your second brother Lian is that kind of person, and the reputation of your family will be ruined. When the time comes for the imperial examination, your character will not be the same." You can’t pass the test, and besides, Sister-in-law Feng is helping you to cause trouble outside, hehe, you think about it yourself!”

After Jia Lian felt heartache and kidney pain, his liver felt a little uncomfortable again:

"No, it can't be. My old prince has always been kind, how could he be so scheming about his descendants as you said?"

When Hua Twelve said this, he simply made it clear:

"Who does the love belong to? That love is for that dandy who grew up among women, Jia Baoyu, who is as rouge-like as a vulgar girl. What does it have to do with you, Jia Lian?"

"As for not scheming against your descendants, are you sure? My uncle, your uncle's matter is right in front of you!"

"Now that things are happening in Yangzhou, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. My uncle's body was poisoned by someone else. Your old prince knows about this and has agreed to it. He is at odds with those who murdered my uncle!"

Jia Lian's body was shaken, and his face was full of disbelief: "Impossible, my uncle is my ancestor's son-in-law, it is impossible for our ancestors to do this, and there is no reason to do this!"

"Why is it impossible to do this? As the salt inspector, my uncle is destined to be enemies with those who have vested interests in salt. Who are those people? They are the powerful people in the south of the Yangtze River, important ministers in the court, and members of the Zhen family in the south of the Yangtze River. ! Your old feudal lord weighs the pros and cons, why would he stand against these people for a son-in-law?"

When Hua Twelve said this, he sneered: "Another reason is that your Rongguo Mansion has no money, and your ancestors want to be wiped out!"


Jia Lian had nothing to say about this matter, because it was an indisputable fact. Judging from what Jia's mother explained before he came, this was what he came to do.

Hua Twelve suddenly realized something: "Tell me, why did your ancestors let you do such a destitute job?"

"If uncle hadn't survived this time, who could have concealed the fact that your family was destitute? At that time, uncle's inheritance will be used by your Rongguo Mansion, but you will have to bear the reputation of being deprived of your family. You are a The scapegoat!"

"According to the calculation of your ancestor, as long as the second son of the second wife marries Daiyu, the dowry left by her uncle will naturally belong to the second wife. At that time, you have a bad reputation, but you are not even qualified to get your hands on the money. !”

When Hua Twelve said this, he said:

"It's amazing. Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver from the public treasury were taken away by the second wife. Your old feudal prince's private house was left to the second wife's second son. His uncle's inheritance was also included in the calculation. If it really happened, the second wife of Rongguo would be so rich. Oil!"

"As for you, even if you succeed in attacking the prince, all you will get is an empty shell of the Duke's mansion!"

"By the way, it's not just an empty shell. Your family also owes the treasury hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. This money has to be repaid by Xijue. Can you afford it?"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he laughed.

Jia Lian's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys no longer hurt this time.

He is numb!

He followed Hua Twelve's words and thought about it. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. For a moment, Jia Lian's scalp was numb and he was sweating profusely.

He didn't expect that his grandmother had such a deep conspiracy, and for a moment he felt discouraged.

He immediately said in a trembling voice: "What if we separate the families? I can give up the title to Baoyu Xijue."

After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath, as if he had let go of something. He was planning to take a step back and change to a brighter future!

Hua Twelve was even amused. Jia Lian's current mentality can be described as a joke on the Internet in later generations: "The city is full of routines, I want to go back to the countryside."

With a smile on his face, he said: "This is not something you just give in to. You also said before that the imperial court has its own rules. How can things like seizing a title be granted or accepted privately?"

"If you give up and don't tell whether the officials will agree to it, wouldn't it mean that your precious brother will be known as a bully?"

"The ancestor of your family will never let this happen, so you can only stink, and you can't let it happen. If her precious grandson wants to attack the prince, you have to stink, and they can take it away in a legitimate manner. !”

When Hua Twelve said these words, he also used the soul-moving method in the "Nine Yin Manual" to influence Jia Lian's spirit, causing the latter to fill in a lot of content in his mind, as if he saw himself being taken away by others. Everything, and finally the scene of dying of freezing and starvation on the street.

Jia Lian suddenly broke out and roared: "Why, I am the eldest grandson of Rongguo Mansion, why should he take away everything from me?"

After he shouted these words, he felt a lot more relaxed in his chest. Fuling looked at Hua Twelve with sincerity and said with expectation:

"Brother Chong, if you tell me this, there must be a way, right? It must be like this!"

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Jia Lian excitedly grabbed Hua Twelve's arm and said:

"I'm the one who has handed in the certificate of surrender. We are on the same boat. Brother, you have to help me!" Hua Twelve said with a half-smile but not a smile: "Brother Lian was wrong. What happened that day I didn’t intend to involve you in this, but you were unlucky enough to catch me. I asked you to hand over your name to find a reason not to kill you, but why should I help you now?"

Jia Lian said quickly: "Brother Chong, as long as you help me, I, Jia Lian, will follow your lead from now on!"

Hua Twelve stood up and patted Jia Lian on the shoulder:

"A word is settled!"

The building boat returned to Bianjing smoothly, because Jia Lian sent a message back in advance, and the Rongguo Mansion had already sent carriages and horses waiting here.

As soon as everyone got off the boat, a middle-aged housekeeper came up to greet Jia Lian and Lin Daiyu: "Second Master, our ancestors asked us to come to take you and your cousin back home!"

Jia Lian said calmly: "My cousin wants to go back to the Lin family, so she won't go to our house!"

After he finished speaking, he introduced Hua Twelve and Lin Daiyu: "This is also the housekeeper of our house, Lin Zhixiao!"

Lin Daiyu didn't speak but nodded.

The middle-aged housekeeper said anxiously: "My ancestors have told me to take my cousin to the house. I'm afraid there is no way to explain this!"

He bowed to Lin Daiyu and said: "Miss Cousin, if you want to live in the Lin family, you'd better go to the house first and talk to the ancestors in person, otherwise I won't be able to explain it to you!"

Hua Twelve knew that Lin Zhixiao was an honest man. Seeing the urgency in his words, he knew that what he said was true. If Lin Daiyu didn't go to Rongguo Mansion, the housekeeper would be in trouble.

But...why does Lin Daiyu have to aggrieve herself to help you?

This is a bit of a moral kidnapping.

Hua Twelve said coldly: "In order to make it easy for you to explain, my sister has to be at your mercy? Get out!"

Lin Zhixiao was trembling with fright, but he had a mission and must invite people back. He wanted to talk more at the moment, but Luda, who was following behind Hua Twelve, said impatiently:

"Go quickly, go quickly, stop making any noise!"

Lin Zhixiao was scolded by Hua Twelve and Lu Da one after another. He was exhausted and did not dare to say anything anymore. But at this time, a man came down from the carriage of the Jia family wearing a red silk dress and a white crepe silk scarf. His skin was white. Here comes the beautiful girl.

This young girl stepped forward and blessed everyone: "A gift to the Second Master, a gift to Miss Cousin and Uncle Lin!"

Jia Lian said quickly: "Yuanyang, why are you here?"

This girl is the eldest girl who serves Jia Mu, Jin Yuanyang.

When Jin Yuanyang faced Jia Lian's question, he just smiled and nodded, then looked at Hua Twelve: "Uncle Lin, how can there be any obstacle in this world?"

She wanted to say, 'There is no reason in the world to prevent ancestors and grandchildren from meeting each other! '

This is about talking about filial piety.

Hua Twelve knew that Yuanyang was a good person, but his stance was different. He guessed what she wanted to say, so naturally he couldn't let her say it, otherwise the pressure would be on Lin Daiyu.

At that moment, he casually pointed a finger and released the invisible finger force of his Yang finger, instantly tapping the girl's mute point.

The second half of Yuanyang's sentence was just a mouthful, but no sound came out. She was so frightened that she turned pale. She didn't know what was going on, but she also guessed that it must be related to Hua Twelve's finger. She looked at it in horror. With the latter.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "You girl is very thoughtful. I know what you want to say, but it's best not to say it. You can't get involved in this matter. I just tapped your dumb point, You will definitely be speechless now, but don’t be afraid, you will be fine after two hours!”

After saying that, he tapped Lin Zhixiao again and sealed his mute point, saving the man from continuing to grind.

Yang Zhi took care of two large cars at the pier, and Hua Twelve asked everyone to get on the car and go home.

Lin Zhixiao and Yuanyang both watched helplessly as Lin Daiyu left with Hua Twelve and others. They were anxious but had no idea what to do. They were frightened and frightened by Uncle Lin's methods.

When Hua Twelve and the others were far away, Jia Lian said: "Let's go, what else are we looking at? It's time for us to go back!"

After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and got directly into the carriage of Rongguo Mansion.

In the past few days on the return trip on the ship, Jia Lian also thought over and over what Hua Twelve said that day. The more he thought about it, the more sense it made. He felt that he was too coward before.

In the past, Jia Lian must not have thought anything about today's matter, but now he can see clearly. Regarding what happened just now, Lin Zhixiao and Yuanyang obviously did not take him, the eldest grandson of Rongguo Mansion, seriously. .

Returning to Rongguo Mansion, before Jia Lian could change his clothes, he was called to Rongqing Hall to answer. Jia Mu, Jia She, Jia Zheng, Jia Baoyu, and all the daughters of the Jia family were all here.

As soon as Jia Lian entered Rongqing Hall, Jia Baoyu asked anxiously:

"Brother Lian, where is Sister Lin? I asked Yuanyang, but she refused to say anything. Is Sister Lin here?"

Jia Lian was amused. Yuanyang either refused to say it or couldn't.

He immediately said: "My cousin won't come!"

When Jia Baoyu heard this, he immediately froze on the spot as if possessed. He was afraid that if his father Jia Zheng had not been present at this time, there would probably have been another jade-throwing drama.

Seeing this, Jia Mu quickly took Baoyu over and complained to Jia Lian:

"You useless thing. Once your uncle died, my poor Yu'er was left alone without any relatives. Why didn't you bring her back!"

Jia She also scolded: "Trash, why don't you go get your cousin back?"

Although Jia Zheng didn't scold him, he had an unhappy look on his face and said the same thing. In short, he wanted Jia Lian to go to Lin Chong's house and bring Lin Daiyu back.

There's no need to rush. The Rongguo Mansion is almost at the end of its rope, waiting for Lin Ruhai's inheritance!

Jia Lian had a strange look on his face: "Ancestor, father, second uncle, who told you that Uncle Lin is dead? Uncle Lin is already in good health and is as good as before!"


Jia Mu exhaled in surprise, and then asked: "Since your uncle is fine, why didn't you see him writing to me?"

Jia Lian said calmly: "I know something about this. The eight major salt merchants in Yangzhou were wiped out. When my uncle investigated the salt tax case, he found a lot of letters attached to them. Among them were letters to and from the Zhen family. It seemed that He mentioned things in our family, but didn’t say anything specifically, but in short, it seems that my uncle has a misunderstanding and a quarrel with our family."

He saw that there were many people in the hall and was trying to save face for his family. Otherwise, Jia Lian really wanted to ask Jia Mu, don't you know what you have done, and why didn't they write to you? Shame on you!

Mother Jia's body swayed and she almost fainted. She knew without thinking that Lin Ruhai probably found clues from the eight major salt merchants, knew the truth, and understood her tacit attitude.

Jia She and Jia Zheng hurriedly stepped forward to help and helped their mother back so that she could rest well.

He turned around and asked Jia Lian again. Jia Lian was also annoyed and invited Jia She and Jia Zheng to the study to clarify the matter directly.

Only then did Jia She and Jia Zheng realize that Jia Mu had actually allowed others to attack their brother-in-law Lin Ruhai. They were speechless for a moment, and they were even more embarrassed to trouble Lin Daiyu and covet the Lin family property.

What was unexpected was that Jia Mu fell ill.

During his illness, Jia She also fell seriously ill, and both mother and son died of illness within a few months.

As soon as Jia She died, Jia Lian took part in the title examination, successfully passed and inherited the title of Rongguofu.

However, according to the court regulations, the title was reduced by three ranks. Jia She ascended the title of Dai Rongguo and became a first-class general. When he came to Jia Lian, he became a third-class general like Jia Zhen before him.

After Jia Lian seized the title, he immediately requested that the family be separated and ask Jia Zheng and his family to move out of Rongguo Mansion.

The water is in Liangshan.

Chao Gai had captured Wang Lun a few months ago and was now the leader of Liangshan Village. Someone sent two people from Bianjing that day. If anyone familiar with Rongguo Mansion was present, they would definitely recognize these two people as dead. Jia Mu and Jia She are two.

However, they were poisoned by the fake death drug given to Jia Lian by Hua Twelve, and were transported out of Bianjing without concealment. When they regained consciousness, it was difficult for them to return.

The two people were arranged to work with the Liangshan family members to do some work to support the village.

Jia's mother did some needlework, and Jia She went to farm and fish. These tasks were commonplace for the Liangshan family, but for this pampered mother and son, it was worse than killing them. Even more uncomfortable.

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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