A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 769 You don’t follow martial ethics!

Chapter 769 You don’t respect martial ethics! (Please order in full!)

Ever since Hua Twelve heard Liu Xuanqing say that someone was causing trouble behind his back, he had guessed that the person behind it was probably the two lingering monks.

Speaking of which, these two people are really disgusting. They have plotted against him time and time again. What Hua Twelve wants most now is to kill these two people once and for all.

So he went at full speed, almost turning into a phantom in the wind and rain, and ran with all his strength in the direction Liu Xuanqing pointed.

His vision was blocked in the wind and rain, so Hua Twelve activated his slow vision, and everything was no longer a problem. No abnormality ahead could escape his eyes.

Running to the edge of Qinghe County, he saw two vague figures on the hillside a hundred feet away. Hua Twelve stepped on his feet and leaped directly from the roof, like a dragon swimming through the wind and rain, heading straight for the hillside. And go.

When the strength of the leap was exhausted, Hua Twelve waved his arms together and performed the Jiulong Hebi 'Lin' character technique. The invisible power surged crazily behind him, just like a jet engine, pushing him to fly forward. Shoot out.

There was no rain falling on the hillside. The lame Miaomiao Master and the scabby Master Mang Mang stood side by side, looking solemnly at Qinghe County, which was shrouded in dark clouds and wind and rain.

Not surprisingly, both of them saw Hua Twelve coming in the wind and rain. The lame Taoist priest gritted his teeth and sneered:

"Well done, brother Taoist, I will kill this thief here today!"

The scabby monk said nothing, but his expression showed great agreement.

This move is exactly Yu Huatian's Shattering Sword Technique. The power he can use casually now is different from what it was back then!

Hua Twelve people were in the air, smiled coldly, grabbed the steel knife that was still charging forward, poured the divine power in their bodies into the steel knife, used the knife as a sword, and used the "Broken Arrow Style" in the "Dugu Nine Swords" , clanging, clanging, and in the blink of an eye, all the 108 beads attached to the opponent's magic power were broken.

Leveraging strength is his goal!

The moment the steel knife was thrown out by Hua Twelve with his right hand, he grabbed the handle of the knife in the air with his left hand.

It was only then that the Taoist priest sent out a second yin thunder, which struck the position where Hua Twelve was just a moment ago, but fell into the air.

While speaking, he shook one hand, and the steel knife exploded into thousands of fragments the size of fingertips. The same rain of flowers shot from the sky towards the mangy monk and the lame Taoist priest. The power was even more powerful than the mangyu monk's prayer beads just now. Much.

He immediately shouted loudly, and in mid-air, with a flash of his right hand, he pulled out the waist knife and threw it directly at a monk on the hillside.

Capturing the dragon!

Hua Twelve has achieved great success in Qinggong. When he performs Qinggong to volley through the void, he is suspended entirely by a breath of true energy. It can be said that his body is like a feather. Now he uses the method of capturing the dragon and controlling the crane to grab the hilt of the flying knife. His whole body is instantly affected by the speed. The steel knife, which was comparable to a sniper rifle bullet, accelerated.

The waves of the explosion swept away, and the raindrops within a ten-foot radius instantly vaporized.

Seeing the lame Taoist priest on the hillside with a sneer on his face, raising his magic sword again, and muttering something unknown, Hua Twelve knew that he could no longer be so passive, otherwise he would be killed before he could fly to the hillside. Half a tube of blood.

At this time, Hua Twelve had not yet landed, and he raised the steel knife horizontally with his right hand: "It is disrespectful to come and not return, you should try this trick of mine too!"

Originally, there was still nearly two hundred meters in the straight line, but now they were close in almost the blink of an eye, rushing towards the two people on the hillside.

These one hundred and eight prayer beads, infused with the mana of the mangy monk, were more powerful and violent than bullets fired from submachine guns.

"not good!"

The next moment, a silent thunder struck down from the dark clouds above Hua Twelve.

When Hua Twelve jumped into the air and rushed towards him, the lame Taoist priest had an azure magic sword in his hand. He muttered something in the air, and then pointed his hand:


Although Hua Twelve did not hear the sound of thunder, he felt his scalp tightening and the hairs all over his body stood up at the same time while he was in the air. He felt that the crisis was coming from above. He put his hands together and fired the innate divine energy with both hands to form a crescent energy blade. He slashed through the air where the danger came from.

The leprosy-headed monk had been protecting the lame Taoist priest just now. When he saw Hua Twelve approaching, he tore off the beads from his chest and roared like a glaring Vajra. With a shake of his hands, one hundred and eight beads filled the sky with flowers and rain. Generally, it shoots out towards the front cover.


Two huge beams of energy collided in the sky above him, and the Yin Thunder finally broke out. The pure Yin energy attached to the Yin Thunder collided with the pure Yang Gang Qi of the innate god, just like the encounter between antimatter and positive matter, a huge explosion occurred. explode.

With his strength, the steel knife was thrown out as fast as the bullets fired from the sniper rifle.

After Hua Twelve executed the Half-Moon Slash, his body still maintained a high-speed forward momentum and passed by in a flash. However, the explosion wave coming from behind and above still caused the blood in his body to surge.

Hua Twelve did not want to kill the opponent with a flying knife this time. He never took any chances with extraordinary existences.

Although monks and Taoist priests are extraordinary, they still have to go all out to resolve the frontal attack from the great innate master.

The lame Taoist priest used his magic sword to protect his body, and the scabby monk took off his old monk's robe. After unfolding it, he threw it forward and instantly enlarged it to block the two of them.

How can Hua Twelve's methods be so easy to block? His innate divine energy is the innate energy formed after the fusion of Chaoyang Purple Qi and Xuanwu Gangsha. It is extremely strong and extremely yang. It is attached to those broken blades. It can Let the iron undergo a qualitative change, and at this moment, it will be indestructible.

Then he heard the sound of scoffing, and the shabby monk's robe was cut into pieces in the blink of an eye.

The lame Taoist priest pinched his sword finger and said: "Sick!"

The cyan magic sword resisted the steel blade fragments like a swimming dragon.

The mangy-headed monk took out a wooden mallet from his arms and knocked down the fragments attacking him one by one. The wooden mallet and the steel knife fragments collided continuously and sparks flew out.

This wooden mallet and the wooden fish chopped into pieces by Hua Twelve last time are a set of magic weapons that the monk refined himself. The broken wooden fish made him feel so distressed last time, and now the only thing left is the stick used to knock the wooden fish.

Hua Twelve fell from the air at this time. After the Taoist priest used his flying sword to break away the fragments of the steel knife that attacked him, a fierce look appeared on his face. He pointed his hand and the green magic sword turned into a stream of light and pierced the former's forehead.

The mangy-headed monk knocked down the steel knife fragments, and also cooperated with the Taoist priest to throw the wooden mallet at Hua Twelve, and then shouted: "Venerable Nawu Demon-Conquering Army, conquer the demons!"

The mallet instantly grew in size. From a small mallet used to knock wooden fish, it instantly became ten meters long and as thick as a water tank, and it crashed down on Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve showed no fear in the face of the flying sword and the wooden mallet. He held up his hands as swords at the same time, crossed his hands and slashed outwards one after another.

In an instant, hundreds of swords were slashed out by him, forming a huge knife network, which not only met the flying sword and wooden mallet, but also covered the owners of these two magic weapons.

The 'Sanyin Demon-Slaying Sword' is the secret skill of the 'Xuantian Shenglongdao'. It was created by Zhang Sanfeng in the 'Black Mountain Old Demon World' to specifically deal with the Black Mountain Old Demon. It cuts gold when it meets metal and cuts iron when it encounters iron. .

Later, this method changed even more when it fell into the hands of Hua Twelve. Originally, he used the Beidou Xuanwu Gangsha to activate the sword, but he added Chaoyang Purple Qi to form the innate divine sword. When he used the 'Three Yin Demon Killing Sword' again, The power is increased several times.

Jingle, jingle, jingle!

Although the flying sword and wooden mallet were good, they suffered a big loss when they encountered the hundreds of swords thrown out by Hua Twelve as if they were free of capital. The cyan flying sword that came to kill was hit by dozens of invisible swords one after another. After being hit, he could not move forward. Instead, the sword body that originally emitted a green light gradually dimmed. Finally, with a buzzing sound, a sword sound with a sad meaning was emitted. It was broken into two pieces directly under the invisible blade and fell on the ground. on the ground.

Refining the flying sword requires spiritual power. Once the flying sword was damaged, the Taoist priest's soul was injured, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out.

The scabby monk next to him was not much better. The wooden mallet was made from the wood of the thousand-year-old Bodhi tree in the Western Region. Although it was extraordinary, it was not as tough as the flying sword.

The last time I fought with Hua Twelve, even the wooden fish was chopped into pieces. This time the wooden mallet was not much better. It blocked a knife gang and was cut off into a piece of wood. Dozens of knife gangs fell down. It had become bigger just now. The ten-meter-long wooden mallet was almost whittled into a shoehorn.

In the end, he couldn't resist it, and the magic power on it was broken by the sword. He fell to the ground and returned to his original size, turning into a piece of ordinary wood the size of a pencil head.

The scabby monk and the lame Taoist priest vomited blood almost at the same time. Both of them shouted: "Let's go!" They turned around and tried to run away.

I have to say something here. It’s not that these two are too bad. According to the profession of playing games, these two are mages. If you stay away from the kind of Yin people who cast spells, you must control the distance. Hua Twelve is a strong melee fighter. , similar to the profession of Juggernaut.

The mage asked the sword master to rush forward, so where is the good fruit to eat?

It would be fine if they were a bit more powerful and had magic weapons. The key point is that they are poor. Once the flying swords and magic weapons are broken, they basically have no resistance.

Some spells that can threaten Hua Twelve must be prepared in advance. Now it is too late to face the opponent directly.

"Want to run away? It's not that cheap!"

Hua Twelve's body flashed, and he appeared behind the two of them like a ghost. He used his Nine Yin White Bone Claws with both hands to grab the Tianling Caps of the two.

The Taoist priest turned around and struck a palm. The sound of thunder came out from his palm, and there was a roar. This was the thunder in his palm.

The monk also had a way to deal with it. He shook his left hand and wore a black bracelet on his wrist, which turned into nine ferocious skulls and appeared. Five of them protected him, and four of them bit Hua Twelve.

The palm thunder and the four skulls hit Hua Twelve's body at the same time.

The leprous monk and the lame Taoist priest both smiled in surprise, but the next moment the smiles froze on their faces.

Then they saw Hua Twelve's body, shattered into pieces with a bang, and turned out to be an afterimage.

And around the monks and Taoists, there were eight more such afterimages.

Nine Yin Manual - Spiral Nine Shadows.

When the great innate master Hua Twelve used the Spiral Nine Shadows, it has long since become an extraordinary martial art that even practitioners like the lame Taoist and the leprosy-headed monk can hardly distinguish.


Both of them had bitter looks on their faces at the same time!

At this moment, the eight figures raised their hands at the same time: "Flame Knife!"

Each of the eight figures struck a hundred or dozens of knives.

The lame Taoist and the scabby monk felt as if they were covered by thousands of invisible sword energies, real and fake, making it difficult for them to distinguish and dodge.

The lame Taoist even went to rummage for something in his arms, trying to protect himself, but there was no time. Dozens of blood marks appeared all over his body.

Just when he screamed, five fingers directly grabbed his Tianling, and puff puff, all five fingers were submerged in it.

The Nine Yin Divine Claws were still caught.

The monk was a little better. He just made nine skulls and only used four to attack and five to protect himself. I have to say that this was the right choice and it happened to save his life now.

The five skulls were shattered, but they managed to save their lives under hundreds of blows.

The monk was hit only once in the chest by a knife, which was so deep that the bones were visible. He no longer cared about the Taoist priest and did not dare to fight anymore, so he turned around and ran away.

Just as Hua Twelve was about to chase after him, he saw the Taoist priest's head suddenly split open, and a thumb-sized little man glowing with green and black light jumped out from the cracked head and soared into the sky.


Hua Twelve didn't know what this was, but he felt that it was 80% correct. It was either a primordial spirit or a yin spirit. It was estimated that he could be resurrected after running away.

How could this allow him to run away? It must be eradicated!

The Sanyin Demon-Slaying Knife has the best effect on divine souls. He clasped his hands together and swept them outward, and another set of knife nets covered them.


There was a scream in the air, and the green-gray villain was instantly caught in the knife net and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the Taoist priest's body fell to the ground with a bang, and then changed from a human form to a big fish more than ten meters long.

"It turns out to be a goblin, why don't you do something human?"

Hua Twelve had no time to deal with the big fish carcass. He stepped on it and chased in the direction where the monk escaped.

But before he could move, a black light shot out from his left wrist, fell to the ground, turned into a huge centipede, and went straight into the forest.

Hua Twelve felt Six Wings' excitement and didn't know why it was acting like this, so he followed it curiously.

The chase lasted for half an hour, and finally Six Wings blocked the monk in the forest, and the two sides faced each other.

The monk shouted: "Fellow Taoist, let me live!"

The strange thing is that these words were not shouted to Hua Twelve, but to Six Wings.

But Six Wings was like a widow meeting a widow. Well, on the contrary, it was a widow meeting a widow. His eyes were full of excitement and he pounced on her.

When the monk saw something was wrong, he shook his body and turned into a toad the size of a truck. He stuck out his tongue at the six wings. The tongue shot out more than ten feet, like a javelin, sending out a roaring wind.

Six Wings ducked, and the tongue directly penetrated an ancient tree as thick as a hug.

Only then did Hua Twelve realize that this monk was also a goblin, and no wonder Six Wings was so excited, because toad was also one of the five poisons. If Six Wings could eat the toad essence, his power would definitely increase greatly.

The six wings and the toad were fighting together, each using their own methods. One stuck out his tongue, the other sprayed poisonous gas, and the fight was very enjoyable.

Hua Twelve watched the battle on the sidelines, firing invisible swords and swords. After several times, one man and one centipede killed the toad.

Six Wings pounced on it and feasted on it.

When the toad spirit was about to die, he shouted desperately at Hua Twelve, uttering human words: "You don't have any martial ethics!"

(End of this chapter)

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