A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 773 Those who betray their brothers will die!

Chapter 773 Those who betray their brothers will die! (Please order in full!)

Not long after, everyone returned to Bianjing. Hua Twelve had borrowed Gao Qiu's name to leave the capital before, and then took the emperor's mission to help Lin Lingsu clear out the corpses. Therefore, he did not go home first when he came back this time. First, I have to go to the Palace Commander's Mansion for business.

When I met Gao Qiu in the study room of the Palace Commander's Mansion, the then-captain said with a face full of hatred:

"You, you, what good can I say about you? Don't you understand that the son of a rich man cannot sit down in court?"

Hua Twelve looked confused: "What do you mean?"

Gao Qiu said angrily: "You are already a general leading an army, why are you so reckless? Run away as soon as possible next time you encounter danger. I have heard that those zombies are so dangerous. If you encounter a zombie, go up and fight against it." What's the excitement? Tell me how good it would be if I let others go!"

As he spoke, Captain Gao poured a cup of tea for Hua Twelve with his own hands, placed it in front of him, and continued:

"Don't think about it, what should I do if something happens to you? What should I do with this thing in my belly?"


The more Hua Twelve listened, the more uncomfortable he became. It seemed like the two of them were having a female affair.

Looking at Hua Twelve's expression, Gao Qiu thought he didn't understand, and said angrily: "Chong, I'm talking about the worms in the stomach!"

Hua Twelve praised Gao Qiu for a rare moment, and then asked: "Where is the prisoner? I'll go and take a look first before telling you!"

Gao Qiu was under the control of others and could only nod his head in anger: "Okay, I remember that the official family is asking people to compile "Tao Zang" and I will ask it for you later!"

Hua Twelve stood up, waved his hands, and left the Palace Commander's Mansion. He did not go to see the two people from Liangshan first, but went home first.

Gao Qiu handed Hua Twelve a warrant: "It's the second small courtyard on the left of your house. It was originally a secret sentry I arranged to protect your family. If you hold my warrant, they can let you in!"

Then the middle door opened wide, and Zhang Zhenniang, Lin Daiyu, and several maids all came out to welcome them.

After not seeing each other for several months, Zhang Zhenniang's eyes were as gentle as spring water, full of joy and longing, and so was Lin Daiyu.

When Hua Twelve heard about the compilation of the Dao Zang, he couldn't help but feel moved and asked: "Do you know who is in charge of the compilation of the Dao Zang?"

Hua Twelve took a sip of tea and then said:

Of course, Gao Qiu knew that Tiebang Zhou Tong was in the Lin Mansion, and that there was the world's best master in charge, so it was basically impossible for the Lin family to have problems. However, he just wanted to flatter the horse and make arrangements for the leader whether he needed it or not. Come on, wait for Hua Twelve to come back so that you can show your merit.

After Hua Twelve listened, he remained calm and just asked: "Where are those insiders?"

As soon as Gao Qiu heard this, he realized that the matter was serious. He quickly ordered his subordinates to keep silent. No one was allowed to tell anyone about it. He imprisoned the two thieves, saying that he had spared no effort and wanted to interrogate him personally. In fact, he just wanted to keep them until they could wait. After Hua Twelve comes back, ask before talking.

Hua Twelve wiped his sweat: "You made it clear, you really scared me!"

Gao Qiu complained: "I am about to be a father, can't you think of me? Next time something happens, just tell me, we can let others die, remember not to Did you know that you have personally been involved in danger, my biological ancestor!"

He subdued Chao Gai and others, thinking that he was doing it secretly. If this matter is exposed to the court, it also means that what he did in Yangzhou can no longer be concealed. Then he should consider whether to run away. .

Hua Twelve was amused by this guy and threw out three pills: "Remember not to take this year's antidote together. Take one pill every other day to avoid drug conflicts and send you away!"

Gao Qiu smiled brightly and quickly took the antidote to the life and death talisman first. Among the three methods Hua Twelve used to threaten him, the one he feared most was the life and death talisman. He never wanted to experience that kind of life that was worse than death in this life, and he couldn't ask for life. The feeling of being unable to die.

Hua Twelve's eyes lit up. Huang Shang was a master who understood the "Nine Yin Manual" in the "Jinwu World". I wonder if this master of the parallel world could learn from the "Nine Yin Manual" in this world where there are ghosts and gods. Through it, I realized something even more amazing and good.

"This time I followed Master Lin to eliminate corpses and saw Taoist methods. They are really powerful. It's a pity that Master Lin refused to teach me. Lieutenant, you are in a high position and it is easier to do things. Please help me collect some secret books about Taoist magical powers. , I’ll thank you for this in advance!”

After chatting with Gao Qiu for a while, Hua Twelve stood up and said goodbye. He had been away from home for several months, and now he was ready to return home.

The Palace Commander's Mansion made arrangements to arrest people, and the two were arrested without any accident. However, after being tortured, one of them couldn't bear the torture and confessed, saying that he was a Liangshan bandit who came to find Lin Chong, and that Lin Chong was the leader of their cottage. Top position.

Hua Twelve said lightly: "If it's easy to handle, what else do I want you to do!"

Gao Qiu made a gesture of wiping his neck: "Everyone who knows about this matter has been dealt with by me. Your life and mine are related, so naturally I can't let anything happen to you!"

He decided to pay Huang Shang a visit one day when he had free time. He wanted to build a good relationship first, and there was no guarantee that there would be any unexpected gains in the future.

The people below knew that Lin Chong was the Taiwei's favorite general, and they did not dare to neglect such a big matter. They quickly reported the matter and asked the Taiwei to make a decision.

Gao Qiu felt his breath suffocate for a moment, and quickly waved his hands and said: "No, no, please listen to my explanation."

"I thought they were bugs too!"

Gao Qiu recalled for a moment before saying, "It seems to be Huang Shang, the bachelor of Duanming Palace!"

Gao Qiu shook his head: "If you're a family, don't talk about two families!"

It turned out that after Hua Twelve left Bianjing, Gao Qiu sent several close men to squat around the Lin Mansion to secretly protect Zhang Zhenniang, Lin Daiyu and other Lin Chong family members.

Hua Twelve calmed down and sat back again: "Tell me, how do you know?"

Gao Qiu calmed down and then told the story of the future.

Just as he was about to go out, Gao Qiu suddenly thought of something and shouted: "Wait a minute, I forgot to tell you about something important. Did you ambush a soldier in Liangshan?"

Gao Qiu asked in surprise: "Then what do you think it is?"

Gao Qiu didn't pay much attention at the time, and directly asked his subordinate Yu Hou to arrest the person and interrogate him strictly to find out what was going on.

When he arrived at the door of his house, he saw Jin'er waiting at the door. When he saw him from a distance, he went in to report with joy on his face.

What Hua Twelve said was serious, and I believed it.

Hua Twelve took the order and put it in his pocket: "Thank you!"

Hua Twelve stopped, turned around and looked at Gao Qiu, and said calmly: "How did you know, did you find someone to check on me?"

"well done!"

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be fruitful. Just when Hua Twelve was following Lin Lingsu outside to clean up corpses, Gao Qiu's subordinate Yu Hou came to report that there were two people who were always wandering around the Lin Mansion. They didn't look good. Kind of like.

Gao Qiu was a little embarrassed: "Xuanmen things have always been very precious and secretive. I'm afraid it won't be easy to handle."

When Hua Twelve saw his relatives, a warm current surged in his heart, and he smiled and said, "I'm back!"

Lin Daiyu curled her lips and said: "Brother still knows that he is coming back. He has been away for several months without even a letter from home."

Zhang Zhenniang gave Lin Daiyu a gentle push, and then said gently to Hua Twelve: "Guard, please go in quickly. Dad and the teacher have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Okay, let's talk later!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded and walked inside. When he passed by Lin Daiyu, he tapped her on the forehead:

"Stinky girl, you're still complaining about your brother and I'm here!"

Lin Daiyu covered her head in pain and grinned at Hua Twelve, making everyone laugh.

In the flower hall, Zhou Tong and Coach Zhang were talking to Yue Fei and the Wu brothers. When they saw Hua Twelve coming in, the latter two quickly stood up to greet them.

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded to his two junior brothers, then saluted Coach Zhang and Zhou Tong.

Zhou Tong twirled his beard with his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, I have already heard Peng Ju tell you what you are doing outside. To eliminate deadlock and destroy monsters, the success lies in the country. Yes, yes!"

Coach Zhang felt very proud when he heard Zhou Tong praise his son-in-law. He smiled at Hua Twelve and said:

"You have just come back, go and wash up first, and then we can have a good chat with you in the evening when we are drinking together!"

In the evening, Hua Twelve held a banquet at his home and invited Yang Zhi and Luda over. They were all like-minded and congenial men. They had a good meal. They drank ten taels of silver from Qian Richun. A few altars, so enjoyable.

In the evening, everyone except Zhou Tong and Hua Twelve was very drunk. Hua Twelve arranged a place for them, then staggered back to his house. I had not known the taste of meat for several months, and my heart was full of fire. When I reached the door, I exerted my strength for a while and forced out the smell of alcohol. With a clear mind, I opened the door and strode in.

But seeing the red candles swaying in the room and the bed curtains hanging low, I didn't know whether Zhang Zhenniang was sleeping or awake.

Hua Twelve walked to the bed and wanted to take a closer look, but a jade hand suddenly stretched out from the bed curtain and pulled him in.

It's exactly this: young lovers are in love together, and love is endless in the spring night under the brocade tent.

One night fish and dragon dance.

The next day, Zhang Zhenniang rarely got up for morning exercises. Hua Twelve originally wanted to stay in bed, but thinking that there were others at home, he got up early to greet his father-in-law and teacher.

After breakfast, Hua Twelve and several brothers went to the military camp to order some meat. After that, he took everyone to Yahang in the city and rented a small single-family courtyard for the Wu brothers to live in.

The reason why we rent rather than buy is not that Hua Twelve can't afford it, but mainly because we don't need it. Not to mention that housing prices in Bianjing are extremely expensive. The key is that things will change in a few years. Buying a house now is a waste.

When the King's Banner changes at the top of the city and a group of corrupt officials are killed, wouldn't the housing problem of his subordinates be completely solved?

At that time, you can choose any good house in Bianjing, buy it now and live in it, it is guaranteed to be fresh!

Of course it was just a rental, and the Wu brothers were already very satisfied. Wu Dalang said even more excitedly: "The general is so kind and I can't repay him for it. From now on, I will let Erlang do everything for the general."

Wu Song: "."

After that, everyone went to the street to buy some things for the Wu brothers to live in. Wu Dalang also wanted to follow. He wanted to buy a set of cooking utensils and move the famous brand of Yanggu Wu Da Cooking Cake to Bianjing to make it bigger and stronger!

While everyone went shopping, Hua Twelve arrived alone in a small courtyard not far from his home. After calling the door, the people inside obviously recognized his identity and were immediately invited in.

Inside were all the masters of the Forbidden Army. After closing the door, they greeted Hua Twelve and claimed to have met the general.

Hua Twelve said that he wanted to see the people imprisoned here, but the other people looked embarrassed. He took out Gao Qiu's warrant and showed it to these people. Only then did they breathe a sigh of relief and respectfully took him to the two Liangshan where he was imprisoned. place for people.

It was a side room, with the front and rear windows sealed, leaving only a wooden door with several iron chains tied to it.

Yu Hou, who had brought him over, stepped forward to unlock the door, and then said with his hands in hand: "General Lin, the man is inside. You can go in by yourself!"

Hua Twelve nodded and was about to push the door in when he suddenly turned around and asked, "By the way, do you know the name of the person inside and what they look like?"

The man Yu Hou replied: "I don't know what my position is, but the Taiwei has a destiny. Except for the person who delivers the food, no one can have contact with the people inside!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Okay, you go first!"

Yu Hou didn't know that this answer saved his life, so he immediately bowed and resigned.

Hua Twelve pushed the door open and entered the room. He saw that there was nothing else in the room. There were only two logs stuck on the floor of the room. Two people with disheveled hair and drooped heads were being tied up on the two logs. .

When they heard someone coming in, the two people looked up at the same time. When they saw clearly that it was Hua Twelve, the two people suddenly became excited:

"Brother, you are finally here!"

When they raised their heads, Hua Twelve also saw their faces clearly. They were Liu Tang and Bai Sheng.

Hua Twelve said angrily: "Shout louder, and everyone outside will know about our relationship!"

The two people immediately chatted and did not dare to say anything.

Hua Twelve walked up to the two of them, pulled the ropes around them with both hands, and then asked:

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Liu Tang moved his body and then said: "Brother, we came to Bianjing to get the antidote from brother Chao Gai on his orders. We visited before and were told by the family that my brother was on business in other places. The two of us I just want to wait for my brother to come back. Who wants to be captured by others? Dozens of them come together, and we have no choice but to capture him!"

Hua Twelve nodded and asked lightly: "Then who confessed and exposed my relationship with you?"

Liu Tang glared at Bai Sheng: "This is such a soft-boned thing. He was beaten after two hits. If I hadn't glared at him, I might have even told him about the birthday card!"

Bai Sheng plopped down on his knees and begged: "Brother, please spare me. They tortured me so much that I can't stand it anymore!"

As he spoke, he opened his chest and saw whip marks all over his body.

Hua Twelve said quickly: "What are you doing, Brother Bai Sheng? They are all your own brothers. How can I be surprised? Get up quickly!"

Bai Sheng felt relieved when he saw that Hua Twelve did not blame him.

Hua Twelve said to the two of them again: "Brother Bai Sheng has exposed our relationship. There are still certain risks in this matter. I will give you the antidote. You can leave immediately and return to Liangshan!"

Liu Tang nodded and said, "It's all up to my brother's arrangement!"

Hua Twelve took out three medicine bottles, containing the antidote of the Talisman of Life and Death, the Three Corpse Brain Pill and the Leopard Tiyi Yijin Pill, and handed them to Liu Tang:

"Count it and see if the number is correct!"

It was about the antidote for brothers, and Liu Tang didn't dare to neglect it. He opened the medicine bottle and started counting. Bai Sheng looked over and Hua Twelve called him with a smile, asking about some things on Liangshan Mountain.

After Liu Tang counted the antidotes in the first porcelain bottle, he looked surprised and was about to speak. Hua Twelve, who was chatting with Bai Sheng, suddenly turned his head and said:

"Let's talk after we finish counting!"

Liu Tang didn't know why, so he counted the remaining two bottles again, his brows furrowed deeper: "Brother, this is the number of antidotes."

Before he could finish speaking, Hua Twelve interrupted: "Not even a single drop is missing!"

Liu Tang was startled, then as if he had some realization, he nodded and said, "The number is just right!"

Hua Twelve smiled: "That's good! Let's go, I will take you out of the city now!"

He took the two of them out of the wing, took them away directly with Gao Qi's warrant, went outside and bought them a change of clothes, and went to the mule and horse market to buy two horses, prepared a package of dry food, and sent them out of the city.

When they arrived outside the city, the three of them said goodbye. After Liu Tang and Bai Sheng said goodbye to Hua Twelve, they got on their horses and left with the antidote.

Let’s not talk about Hua Twelve for the moment. Let’s talk about Liu Tang and Bai Sheng first. After riding for more than 20 miles, they were tired and hungry, so they found a place to rest under a big tree to rest in the shade and eat and drink.

After regaining some strength, Liu Tang said to Bai Sheng: "The antidote given by my brother is actually missing one!"

Bai Sheng said in confusion: "Then why did you say it was just right before? This one is missing. How will you explain it when you go back?"

Liu Tang grinned: "Without you, wouldn't it be just right!"

As he spoke, he inserted a knife into Bai Sheng's chest. It turned out that he had already held a dagger in the hand holding the dry food.

Bai Sheng's eyes widened, his mouth bleeding, and he asked unwillingly: "Why, why?"

Liu Tang said fiercely: "Why don't you give me an antidote? You still can't figure it out? It's not your fault. Anyone who betrays his brother will die!"

On the treetops in the distance, Hua Twelve saw that Liu Tang understood what he meant, nodded with satisfaction, and walked away.

He did mean what Liu Tang said. In the original plot, Bai Sheng, the rat in the sun, missed the money due to gambling after the birthday card. After being caught by the government, he sold Chao Gai and the others. If not for Song Jiang After reporting the news, Chao Gai and others fled overnight. What awaited them was death.

After Hua Twelve knew that Bai Sheng had betrayed him, he immediately decided that this person could not stay. Who knows if this guy would betray him again.

It was good luck to be stopped by Gao Qiu this time. If it happens again and the news reaches other people's ears, it will be a recipe for disaster.

Although Hua Twelve himself is not afraid, he has to think about Zhang Zhenniang and Lin Daiyu, so unreliable people like Bai Sheng must not be kept.

In the evening, everyone gathered together again to celebrate the move of the Wu brothers into their new home.

After the banquet was over, it was already midnight, and Hua Twelve did not go home. Instead, he went to Tieksuan Temple alone, carrying a bucket of kerosene.

Police Fantasy girls, the debt you owe must be paid today!

(End of this chapter)

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