A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 779 The first time I heard about the timely rain!

Chapter 779 The first time I heard about the timely rain! (Please order in full!)

Ye Li Changkong's Hundred Step Divine Fist did not hit Hua Twelve, but 'accidentally' killed Hu Yushi who was twenty steps away. This really shocked the people in the stands. Cai Jing and Gao Qiu hurriedly shouted:

"Escort me, someone come and escort me!"

In an instant, a dozen old men appeared from nowhere, each with a strong aura, and they were all innate masters, guarding the stands. There was even an old man who walked to Zhao Ji to protect him.

Zhao Ji couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this, and said to the others: "No need to make a fuss, carry Hu Yushi down for treatment, and continue to watch the fighting generals!"

He said it was for treatment, but anyone who saw Hu Yushi's appearance knew that it was definitely hopeless and lamented that the old Yushi was unlucky.

Only Gao Qiu knew that the old man's death was definitely related to Hua Twelve. He knew his master's petty nature all too well.

There was a commotion in the stands, and the battle between Hua Twelve and Ye Li Changkong in the martial arts arena never stopped.

Hua Twelve originally wanted to see if he could make Ye Li Changkong 'accidentally' a few more people he didn't like, such as Cai Jing, who was causing trouble for him for no reason today, or the prince, the third prince, etc.

But when he saw the dozen old men with strong auras protecting the stands, he knew that this idea was shattered.

But the main stand is no longer available. Aren't there also stands on both sides of the Xixia and Liao stands?

Hua Twelve immediately moved his body and turned his back to the Liao Kingdom Stand. However, no one who has practiced martial arts to a grand master is a fool, and Ye Li Changkong was not fooled. This made him reluctantly give up on continuing to develop the 'unexpected' idea. Thoughts, concentrate on fighting.

It would not be impossible if Hua Twelve used the invisible sword to fight against the bomb, but that was a stupid method. He simply focused on dodge, using Lingbo Weistep, constantly dodging and moving to avoid the opponent's attacks.

Hua Twelve's body flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of Yeli Changkong. He didn't give his opponent a chance to breathe, and punched again.

Hua Twelve saw the phantom of the white horse behind Ye Li Changkong, and complained in his heart, "That's bullshit Hundred Steps Divine Fist. Don't you think I haven't seen Saint Seiya? This is obviously Pegasus Meteor Fist, okay?"


Two fists, one big and one small, collided together. What was unexpected was that Hua Twelve's feet slipped back more than a foot, and a ditch was plowed out of the ground under his feet. The three-meter-tall and imposing figure Yeli Changkong flew directly backwards, and his forearm bones had been protruded from the elbow joint.

Yeli Changkong was not stable and could only use his left hand to slap out a palm to try to resist. However, Hua Twelve turned his fist into a claw at this time and used the indestructible Nine Yin Divine Claw to open directly on the palm of the Xixia strongman. Five bloody holes.

After Hua Twelve landed, he pulled his hand back and wiped the blood on Ye Li Changkong's clothes.

Ye Li Changkong is one of the more difficult opponents Hua Twelve has encountered so far. Even if he is not prepared to use his flying sword, it will take some effort to win.

"Well done!"

A series of bone cracking sounds were heard, and Yeli Changkong Hai's thick arm was twisted into a twist by Hua Twelve.

With one arm, he pulled Ye Li Changkong's huge body over. At the same time, he flew up and used a move called Pegasus Step on the Swallow. He stepped three times in the air, and the first foot collapsed his Tanzhong point. The second foot hit his throat, and the third foot slashed down from the air, directly hitting his Tianling Cap.

Sure enough, after the Ye Li Changkong fired thousands of punches, his momentum was exhausted. Hua Twelve took the opportunity to dodge forward. The innate divine power in his body was operating according to the power path of the only self-respecting power. In his hand was a big demon-subduing fist. , the shot was a blow that was as hard as it was violent, shaking the sky and shattering the earth.

"Die to me!"

The main reason is that this guy's Hundred-step Divine Fist is too abnormal. It is completely like a self-propelled turret. The invisible fist is constantly bombarding Hua Twelve, and the fist speed is extremely fast. It can break the 'Nine Spiral Shadows' in an instant if he wants to get close. Hand-to-hand combat is extremely difficult to do.

Ye Li Changkong, transformed into a three-meter giant, chased Hua Twelve for a long time but failed to hit him. He was already a little impatient. When he saw Hua Twelve fighting at close range, he got what he wanted. He roared and took a step forward. It was also punched out.

In the main stand, the old man guarding Zhao Ji's side had a focused look in his eyes:

"Half-step Martial Saint!"

Both arms were crippled, and despite Yeli Changkong's mental fortitude, he still cried out in pain.

Bang, bang, bang, after three sounds, Yeli Changkong's chest collapsed, his throat burst, and a huge head retracted directly into the cavity.

It's a pity that Hua Twelve will not give him a chance to regret.

The so-called toughness cannot last forever. Even Hua Twelve cannot unleash his invisible swords infinitely, so he doesn’t believe how long Yeli Changkong can last.

Five fingers penetrated directly through Yeli Changkong's palm and came out on the back of his hand. Then he clasped the five fingers and twisted them violently.

Just as Ye Li Changkong punched out, the shadow of a white horse appeared behind him. The man on the white horse stood up, the shadow of his front hooves faintly merged with Ye Li Changkong's fist, and they attacked together.

At this time, Ye Li Changkong still didn't know that the person in front of him was definitely not an ordinary innate grandmaster. The power that burst out in that moment was something that even a half-step martial saint like him couldn't resist. If he was given another chance now, he would definitely I won't call out to this great general of the Song Dynasty again.

After he finished wiping, Ye Li Changkong fell straight backwards, fell to the ground with a bang, and his three-meter-high body began to shrink, gradually shrinking back to its original shape.

In the Xixia stands, the Xixia ambassador almost went crazy: "How is it possible, how is it possible to lose!"

He muttered a few words to himself, then stood up and took several Xixia people to run to Ye Li Changkong to check the situation. When it was confirmed that Ye Li Changkong was dead, the Xixia leader trembled all over and pointed at Hua Twelve and shouted loudly :

"Lin Chong, you are dead. Yeli Changkong is a direct disciple of my Western Xia martial arts saint, Master Qinidalang. How dare you kill him? How dare you? Master Qinidalang will definitely find you and he will beat you to death with his own hands. , kill everyone related to you, you."

Before he finished speaking, Hua Twelve pinched his neck and lifted him up:

"Can you say that again?"

Hua Twelve's eyes showed murderous intent. He had already made up his mind that if this guy dared to say another word, he would be crushed to death immediately.

"Lin Chong, no!"

"Lin Chong quickly put down the Xixia envoy!"

Many people exclaimed at the same time, if Hua Twelve killed the Xixia envoy now, negotiations would be impossible, so just flip the table.

Hua Twelve also knew that the current situation was not suitable for taking action, so he immediately smiled:

"I was just joking with him!"

After saying that, he casually put the Xixia leader on the ground. After letting go, he patted the opponent's shoulder to express his affection. But when he patted the other party, he accidentally hit the Xixia leader with a dark force inside his body. A hundred days later, It will definitely happen, and when the time comes, the internal organs of the envoy will be shattered instantly, making him certain to die.

The Xixia envoy looked at Hua Twelve just now, as if he was being stared at by a tiger. He felt cold all over his body and was frightened. He did not dare to make any noise at this time.

Hua Twelve strode to the main stand, clasped his fists and saluted: "Thanks to Your Majesty, the final general has won another game!"

Zhao Ji's face was bright and he said with a smile: "Okay, Lin Chongzhen did a good job, I will reward you heavily!" Two wins in three games, and now two consecutive wins, the victory has been decided, how can he not be happy.

After asking the envoys from Xia and Liao, although they were unwilling to do so, they could only admit that the Song Dynasty won.

Zhao Ji laughed loudly and immediately rewarded him based on his merits.

Although Wang Ziteng lost for a while, he recommended Hua Twelve for his merits, promoted him to the governor of nine provinces, and ordered him to go out of the capital to inspect the border.

Hua Twelve was promoted to the Jiedu Envoy of the Beijing Camp, succeeding Wang Ziteng and taking charge of the Twelve Regiment Camp. In addition to the hundred taels of gold and two swords promised as rewards at the beginning, Wu Song was also promoted to the commander of the Zhenwei Battalion, filling the vacancy after Hua Twelve's promotion.

After Zhao Ji was promoted, Wang Ziteng's heart dropped, while Hua Twelve was shocked.

Wang Ziteng understood that his promotion to the governorship of the nine provinces seemed like a promotion, but in fact he lost military power. It was an overt promotion and covert resignation.

Hua Twelve was 'shocked' because Zhao Ji's official title was too casual. Not long after he became the commander of Zhenwei Battalion, he didn't even have any military exploits, and now he was in charge of the Twelve Regiment Battalion. This good thing suddenly happened to him None of the people involved could believe it.

This is true for the person involved, and even more so for others. Cai Jing was the first to jump out and object, saying that Hua Twelve had no military exploits and was promoted too quickly, and might not be able to convince the public.

As soon as Cai Jing took the initiative, the civil servant group took notice and stood up to express their opposition.

Unexpectedly, this incident aroused Zhao Ji's temper. With so many people objecting, he insisted on doing this, and he even found a reason.

"Who says Lin Chong has no military exploits?"

"The corpse plague in Qinghe swept through Henan. It was Lin Chong who discovered it in time, reported it to the court, and assisted Mr. Yuan Miao in suppressing the plague, so that trouble was avoided. Isn't this considered a military achievement?"

Zhao Ji has always been arbitrary in appointing officials. This is evident from the fact that jesters like Gao Qiu hold the position of Taiwei, and eunuchs like Tong Guan can command the Western Army.

What's more, Hua Twelve had indeed made a contribution in the Qing Dynasty's extermination of corpses before, and today he had earned face for Zhao Ji. Therefore, Huizong made a decision and promoted him to the position of Jiedu Envoy of the Beijing Camp. No one could object.

In this way, Hua Twelve magically ascended to the sky and became a second-rank official of the imperial court. He controlled the 120,000 troops of the Beijing camp. Of course, this "control" was only in name at present. Except for Wu Song, the commander of the Zhenwei camp, the ten It’s hard to say how many commanders of the first battalion would serve him.

However, now that Jia Lian and Jia Rong are in control of Ning Rong and Ning Rong, Hua Twelve can rely on the Jia family's connections in the military. I believe it is only a matter of time before he takes complete control of the Beijing camp.

Zhao Ji felt tired today. After awarding the reward, he returned to the harem to rest. The negotiation could only be discussed another day.

Hua Twelve took several brothers out of the palace and went to the Palace Commander's Mansion to wait. Soon Gao Qiu returned and the two went to the study to talk.

Gao Qiu first smiled and congratulated, and then reminded Hua Twelve that the forces in the army were complicated. Although the twelve regiments and camps were under the jurisdiction of the Palace Commander's Mansion, even he, the Taiwei, could not fully control them. He vaguely reminded Hua Twelve Don't do things too hastily to avoid backfire.

He was really afraid that Hua Twelve would use the Talisman of Life and Death to control all the commanders of the Twelve Regiment Battalions. Although this thing was easy to use, it would be over if there was someone who would rather die than surrender. He really thought that everyone was as good as him. Are you so greedy for life and afraid of death?

Hua Twelve nodded to express his understanding, and then asked about other things: "Did Cai Jing take the wrong medicine? Why do I feel that he is targeting me? Yes, did I offend him in any way?"

Gao Qiu thought for a while, then smiled and said: "June 15th is Cai Jing's birthday. Did you give him a gift?"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "I'm not familiar with him, what kind of gift are you giving him!"

Gao Qiu spread his hands and said, "Isn't that the end? It would be fine if you were still the commander of the Imperial Guards or the Long Imperial Lieutenant. But before, you were the commander of a single battalion of the Imperial Guards. On his birthday, others They all send gifts, but you don’t, isn’t that offending him?”

After he finished speaking, he added: "If you don't believe me, go to the capital camp and ask other commanders if there are any who haven't sent gifts!"

Hua Twelve looked confused: "Does this count as offending him? He is also the imperial master after all. Is he so stingy?"

Gao Qiu nodded heavily: "Yes, he is really so stingy. When Cai Jing became prime minister for the first time, he immediately labeled all 309 civil and military officials who had personal grudges with him as Yuanyou traitors. Once he was convicted, he wrote a list and engraved it on a monument to tell the world, you said he was very petty!"

After he finished speaking, he also made plans for Hua Twelve: "But it doesn't matter. Fortunately, the enmity is not deep. Later, you can prepare some generous gifts and send them to his house. By the way, you can make up for the previous gifts!"

Seeing Hua Twelve's worried expression, Gao Qiu advised: "A little impatience will mess up the big plan. Since you have a plan, you have to throw out three melons and two dates to stabilize Cai Jing. You must know that the military power in the capital is not easy to come by. , don’t let things like this happen!”

After hearing these words, Hua Twelve couldn't help but look at Gao Qiu in a different way, and immediately nodded and said: "I didn't expect you to have such knowledge of the city. Okay, I will do as you said. Please help me lay the generous gift first, and wait for me." When great things happen, I will never forget your benefits!”

Gao Qiu really wants to slap himself twice and make you feel guilty, and you will lose money again!

But now he and Hua Twelve are tied on the same line. Helping Hua Twelve is helping himself, so he can only hold his nose and admit it.

After giving gifts to Cai Jing and stabilizing the old thief, Gao Qiu took care of it. Hua Twelve returned home. Zhou Tong learned that he had killed a disciple of the Xixia Martial Saint, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Well done. , then the Xixia Martial Saint wants to cause trouble for you, the teacher is here with me, so don’t be afraid of him!"

Hua Twelve couldn't help but feel warm in his heart after hearing this.

In the evening, after finishing the important matter of passing on the family line with Zhang Zhenniang, I lay on the bed and thought about how to deal with the affairs of Daxiangguo Temple and Taixu Illusion.

But he didn't expect that before he took action, the Daxiangguo Temple took action first, and the next day he actually reported his troubles in the Xiangguo Temple to the current queen.

Although Zhao Ji Chong believed in Taoism, Queen Zheng was a person who fasted and chanted Buddha's name. When she mentioned this to Zhao Ji, Zhao Ji issued an order that day, reprimanding Hua Twelve for his misbehavior and punishing him with half a year's imprisonment. Let him not go to Xiangguo Temple to cause trouble in the future!

Hua Twelve was so angry that this was a black case, right? He decided to confront Xiangguosi.

He immediately pretended to accept it humbly and promised not to cause trouble to the Daxiangguo Temple. After that, he went to the military camp every day to train the soldiers. After waiting for a few days, when the excitement about the murals subsided, he picked up a bucket of kerosene at night, hoping to repeat the same trick. , it turned out that there were several astonishing auras guarding the main hall in the Daxiangguo Temple. Apparently, they had also made preparations.

Hua Twelve thought for a while, then set a fire outside to see if he could seduce the tiger away from the mountain. As a result, they sent three great monks and masters to rush directly to where he was.

Of those three monks, one was a martial monk and also a Grand Master. The other two were vaguely present in Hua Twelve's perception, which was very strange. He was not sure whether the other monk was a martial artist or a Buddhist practitioner. He had magical powers, so he didn't fight hastily and ran away immediately.

When he went back and inquired with Zhou Tong, he found that the best master in the world was very tight-lipped about Daxiangguo Temple and was quite afraid in his words. He only told Hua Twelve that Daxiangguo Temple was the leader of Buddhism today and should not be easily provoked.

Seeing Zhou Tong's solemn words, Hua Twelve temporarily gave up his thoughts on going to Daxiangguo Temple.

But force won't work, you can get it cleverly. Hua Twelve asked people to secretly collect loan sharks from Xiangguo Temple and other evidence of evil deeds. When the time comes, he will be punished. First, he will ruin the reputation of those great monks. It will disgust them. .

As for the witch Jing Huan, she was protected by Xiangguo Temple and could not move for the time being, but Hua Twelve did not intend to make it easy for her, so he turned his attention to Jia Baoyu.

Isn't Jia Baoyu a waiter of Shenying? Isn't he very important to the Jinghuan witch? Hua Twelve wants to see if he gets Jia Baoyu's psychic jade. Will it turn into a stubborn stone? Jinghuan that girl Will they cry to death?

But that piece of psychic jade is not so easy to get. If it is so easy to get it, how could it be his turn? It would have been taken away by other cultivators in this world. So what kind of fame does it have? Hua Twelve wants to Let’s figure it out first.

During this period, Hua Twelve received letters from Liangshan. Letters would be sent from Liangshan every two months, telling him about major events and development progress there.

This time the letter mentioned a person, Song Jiang.

(End of this chapter)

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