A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 789 Cai Jing summons!

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In Qingzhou City, there is a quite large house, including pavilions, pavilions, gardens and pavilions. This house was originally the residence of a wealthy businessman named Wang in Qingzhou. Today, the plaque on the house has been taken off and replaced with two. A plaque with the word 'Huazhai'!

Well, it’s the Hua from Hua Twelve!

The original owner of this house suffered heavy losses during the days when the Liangshan Army occupied Qingzhou. Almost all of his family property was confiscated by the 'thieves' who occupied Qingzhou. He had no choice but to sell the house to collect funds and hope for a comeback.

Hua Twelve asked people from Liangshan to pretend to be merchants and buy the house. People from Liangshan usually took care of it. It was regarded as a secret stronghold of Liangshan in Qingzhou. He would meet people from Liangshan here when he had something to do.

Today, as soon as Hua Twelve showed up at the Qingzhou government office as Cai Wei, a secret source from Liangshan came to report, telling him that Liu Tang was here and was waiting to meet the boss at Huazhai.

Hua Twelve dealt with some major and minor matters in Qingzhou in the morning, and in the afternoon he dressed up and appeared in the Chinese residence.

In a flower hall, he met Liu Tang and the people brought by the latter in his true colors.

"Brother, this is a flea on a drum!"

Liu Tang pointed to a young man behind him who was thin, with slightly concave cheeks, piercing eyes, and a mustache and introduced him.

This man is a well-known thief in the world of martial arts.

When Shi Qian saw Hua Twelve, he knew that this was the mysterious leader of Liangshan who was hard to find. His eyes lit up immediately and he stepped forward and bowed:

"I heard from Brother Liu Tang that he is looking for me. If you have any questions, just give me your orders. Don't dare to neglect me at all!"

Hua Twelve smiled and helped Shi Qian up: "Are you Brother Shi Qian? You are indeed a talented person! I heard rumors in the world that Brother Shi Qian is unique in his light skills and has masterful means with bare hands. I wonder if the rumors are true?"

Shi Qian looked ashamed and said sarcastically:

"They are all unattractive things. To be honest with my brother, apart from these abilities, a villain has no means of making a living. Therefore, most of my friends in the world look down on me. If my brother does not give up, Shi Qian is willing to seek refuge in Liangshan and change his ways from now on." No, I will serve my brother in front of me and behind the horse!"

No matter how famous a thief like Shi Qian is, he is still a low-profile robber in the eyes of the people in the world, and is often looked down upon by the people in the world.

So when Hua Twelve asked him about his abilities, Shi Qian felt his face burning. He felt so ashamed that he couldn't even raise his head in front of this green forest tycoon.

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "Brother, what are you talking about? In my opinion, you are better thieves than Liangshan, who robs families and homes. Our business has no technical content at all!"

His words made Shi Qian laugh, and at the same time he had a great impression of him. Shi Qian was a little excited to be recognized by the head of Liangshan.

Hua Twelve said again: "Brother, can you show me your various methods?"

Shi Qian hurriedly said: "What's the inconvenience of this? I don't know what you want to see, brother. I won't dare to hide anything!"

"Come on, let's go outside and see how your Qinggong is, brother!"

Hua Twelve and the two of them left the flower hall and went to the garden of the house, where they let Shi Qian show off his skills.

Shi Qian Chaohua Twelve and Liu Tang clasped their fists, then tiptoed a little, and silently, they jumped up two feet and landed on a Taihu stone. Just as they stood firm, they stepped on their feet, but their bodies did not turn around and went straight back and up. Flying upside down, he landed in the pavilion on the rockery.

He did not stop in the pavilion, but his body flashed continuously. His body turned into a wisp of smoke and flew out of the pavilion. He stepped on the rockery and ran straight down. When he was about to land, his two feet touched the rock at the same time. , the whole person rose from the ground like a kite, turned in the air and fell into the pond.

Liu Tang said "Ouch", feeling that Qian had lost his temper at this moment and was afraid that he would fall into trouble and make a fool of himself in front of his brother.

Unexpectedly, when Shi Qian was approaching the water, his left foot touched the surface of the lake. His whole body was like a dragonfly touching the water. He rose up again and swept forward three feet. When he fell, his right foot touched the water surface again. His body rose again and moved forward again. Take away three feet.

We have reached the other side of the pond three times in a row.

Looking at the water surface again, the ripples caused by the passage of time have slowly disappeared. It can be seen how light it is under its feet.

Turning around and smiling at the two of them, Shi Qian took a running start and actually walked on the water. He ran across the water in a flash, and his body fell back to the original place lightly.

He clasped his fists at Hua Twelve and Liu Tang again and smiled: "Brothers, Shi Qian has made a fool of himself!"

Liu Tang punched the boy and scolded him with a smile: "I asked you to be a good boy, but if you show your shame, who will I be?"

Liu Tangshen didn't understand the Qinggong demonstrated by Shi Qian just now, but he could clearly see the dragonfly touching the water, the swallow flying on the water three times, and floating on the water. Is this still embarrassing? So what does his three-legged cat's self-reducing skill mean?

Hua Twelve was also amazed that Shi Qian's light skill was unbelievable. What he saw was not the light skill Shi Qian showed on the water, but the previous move where he stepped on the rocks and flew backwards and upwards into the pavilion.

He could see clearly that it was definitely not something that ordinary Qinggong could achieve. Even Hua Twelve himself could only do it after he figured out the trick of "borrowing force with the wind".

Shi Qian's strength is displayed here. His physical strength is far inferior to that of Liu Tang. He doesn't know how to practice his light body kung fu. He can only use the word "unbelievable" to describe it.

I'm afraid only those with extraordinary talent can practice Qing Gong to this extent.

Hua Twelve patted Shi Qian on the shoulder: "What a light kung fu!"

Now Liangshan is the number one green forest force in Qingzhou. Hua Twelve, the number one in Liangshan, is a powerful force in the world. Looking at the green forest, I am afraid that only Mingjiao Fang La, Huaixi Wang Qing, and Hebei Tian Hu can compare with it. , is the first-class figure on the Green Forest Road.

When Shi Qian was patted on the shoulder and praised, his body felt lighter, and he smiled and said, "Brother, thank you!"

Hua Twelve said again: "After seeing my brother's Qinggong, it is indeed well-deserved!"

"Brother, I also want to see my brother's ability to crack the mechanism. There are three secret rooms in this house. There are people guarding in front of each secret room. There is a letter on the table in the secret room. Brother, please don't alert others. Keep those three secret rooms. Bring me the letter. Remember, the content of the letter is important. Don’t open it privately.”

Shi Qian patted his chest and said, "Brother, please go to the flower hall and wait. Brother, come as soon as you go!"

As they were talking about using Qing Kung, several of them jumped onto the roof and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Returning to Huating, Liu Tang said to Hua Twelve: "Brother, your test is too difficult. Unless you know magic powers, I don't believe that someone can pass those three letters without alerting others." Take it out!”

Hua Twelve smiled: "What does this mean? I haven't said that there are mechanisms on the three doors. As long as someone pushes them open, the mechanism will be triggered, either a strong bow or a crossbow, or a warning bell, or a turning bell. Shi Qian is known as a master thief, let’s see how good he is!”

Liu Tang was dumbfounded when he heard this: "The bronze bell is just a warning, but what about the strong bow and crossbow? If you miss it, won't you lose your life?"

Hua Twelve said calmly: "What's the matter? What I have to do in Liangshan, if I fail, I will lose my head. It is much more dangerous than that agency's ambush!"

Liu Tang thought about it and felt it was right, and nodded slowly. Half an hour later, Shi Qian finally appeared in the flower hall. A man jumped in from the outside. He was more than ten feet away, like cotton falling into an oil tank, making no sound. After landing, he knelt on the ground with one knee and raised his hands in three directions. Letter:

"Brother, Shi Qian has lived up to his expectations!"

Looking at Shi Qian again, his entire back was wet with sweat, which showed how thrilling he had been through before.

Hua Twelve did not speak or let Shi Qian get up. Instead, he took the three envelopes and opened them one by one. The envelopes were not sealed with wax and anyone could open them, but before that he used a transparent silk thread to stick them on Sealing point.

If Shi Qian opens the letter privately, the thread will be broken.

Hua Twelve opened the three letters and found that the threads were all intact, as well as other secret notes he had left, proving that Shi Qian had not peeked. Then he smiled and helped Shi Qian up:

"Good brother, good method!"

If the thread is broken, it proves that Shi Qian was not obedient and peeked at the contents of the letter. No matter how talented such a person is, he will not use it, for fear that the flea on the drum will be killed immediately.

Fortunately, the founder of the later generations of thieves was trustworthy and righteous, so he saved his life and gained Hua Twelve's approval.

After asking Shi Qian to sit down and Liu Tang to close the doors and windows, Hua Twelve said:

"I have a big thing for my brother to do. I wonder, brother, if you are willing to join my gang in Liangshanbo and conspire to do something big?"

Shi Qian had always wanted to take refuge, so after hearing this, he quickly knelt down on one knee again: "Brother, if you have anything to do, just ask me, Shi Qian frowned, I don't want to be called a hero!"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly, asked Shi Qian to sit down again, and then said:

"I, Liangshan, have to have a condition to join the gang. Other villagers need to surrender their names and kill innocent people, but we don't want to. We just have to receive a life and death talisman, and we are our own!"

"I won't hide it from you. Nowadays, the officials are stupid and the court is immoral. I, Liangshan, want to do something big, and it will involve the heads of tens of thousands of brothers. If the matter is not kept secret, it will cause harm, so I have to guard against it. This is not targeting you alone. I don't believe it. Ask Liu Tang, he and Chao Gai also have life and death talismans! "

Liu Tang is also a real person. He was successfully brainwashed by Hua Twelve. He nodded and said: "Yes, if you don't win the life and death talisman, how can you be considered one of our own!"

Shi Qian patted his chest and said, "I want to be one of my own. Brother, don't say anything. Come on!"

Hua Twelve dipped a drop of tea in the tea cup in front of him with his middle finger, flicked his finger, and shot a flake of ice on Shi Qian's Tanzhong point.

Shi Qian didn't realize what was going on at first. Just as he was wondering, the next moment he felt like he couldn't live or die.

This guy held on for half a quarter of an hour, but finally couldn't hold it anymore and cried: "Brother, is it too late for me to regret now?"

Liu Tang's eyes flashed fiercely and he pulled out the knife: "It's too late!"

Shiqian: "."

Hua Twelve waved his hand to relieve Shi Qian's pain, and waved his hand for Liu Tang to put away the steel knife: "Okay, it's very rare for brother Shi Qian to survive for half a quarter of an hour!"

He took out an antidote and asked Shi Qian to take it, explained the effect of the life and death talisman to let him know, and then told him the task he wanted to give to Shi Qian.

"Inside the Fan Tower in Bianjing, there is a secret passage that leads directly to the palace. Please help me find it. Remember not to alert anyone. Understand the situation in the secret passage, the location of entry and exit, and the surrounding situation. I have a big idea. use!"

After hearing Hua Twelve's mission, Shi Qian's eyes widened instantly. The secret passage to the palace was of great use, so what use could it be? Besides rebelling and assassinating the king, what else can it be used for?

Liu Tang's eyes dazzled when he heard this. If he found this secret passage, rushed into the palace with the Liangshan brothers, and killed Kuku, wouldn't the rebellion be successful?

So this is a no-brainer.

Hua Twelve is about to return to Bianjing to report on his duties, and the fate is uncertain. This is the backup plan he left. If there is news about his killing of Cai Ji, the last move is to capture Zhao Ji to ensure the safety of himself and his family.

In fact, if it were another world, Hua Twelve would never be so careful. At worst, he would get a human skin mask and become the emperor himself. But this world is not good. Not to mention the countless masters of the Consecration Department, even Xuanmen's methods, he has no confidence that he can hide it from the outside. .

He would be sure to escape by then, but with his whole family in Bianjing, it would be difficult.

Therefore, we can only use Zhao Ji's own flaws to fight back. When we are desperate, we will use this last move to kidnap Zhao Ji and leave Bianjing. As long as we return to Liangshan, the sea will be vast and the mountains will be high. Let the bird fly.

Let Liu Tang lead a team of people and move to Bianjing in time, so that he can be taken care of and have manpower to take action at critical times.

Liu Tang was told to discuss everything with Shi Qian. If it involves fighting or killing, the red-haired ghost would not be a problem. However, for such lurking underground missions, it is better to listen to the advice of other thief.

The two men were asked to set off for Bianjing immediately. Hua Twelve transformed into Cai Chi again and returned to the Qingzhou government office to deal with various matters and wait for night to arrive so that he could use his sword skills to rush back to the army.

As soon as I returned to the government office, someone from the Cai Mansion who had taken refuge in Hua Twelve came to report that the Cai Mansion in Bianjing had sent a letter from home.

Hua Twelve didn't care either. During the time he was pretending to be Cai Chi in Qingzhou, he received more than one letter from home, and the replies were simple. Cai Chi had a scribe who could imitate Cai Chi's notes, so he asked the scribe to speak in Cai Chi's tone. In reply to the letter, there has been no trouble so far.

When I opened Cai's family letter, I couldn't help but admire the handwriting. The calligraphy is really beautiful. You don't have to think about it. It was written by Cai Jing himself.

Cai Jing told Cai Chi in the letter that the officials were very satisfied with his governance of Qingzhou. He also publicly praised him in the court and told him to guard against arrogance and impetuosity and continue to work hard.

After talking about official matters, Cai Jing talked about the Prince Consort's Mansion again. He told Cai Wei in the letter that the Prince Consort's Mansion was almost completed and he would be able to marry Di Ji in two months. He warned him not to cause any more trouble before that. The romantic affair makes the royal family look bad.

Finally, Cai Jing said that he would be on a trip to Beijing soon and would pass by Qingzhou, and someone would call him to see him.

Hua Twelve read the letter and didn't think there was anything wrong. He kept what it said in his heart and put the letter aside.

In the evening, he drove the flying sword back to the military camp. The next day, the whole army broke out of camp and continued on their way.

A few days later, after returning to Bianjing, Hua Twelve asked the two battalions to return to the military camp, and he took Wu Song and Lu Da back to the palace to deliver business.

Seeing Gao Qiu, Hua Twelve finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this level of difficulty was over.

Sure enough, things were calm in Bianjing, and the imperial court granted him the title of county baron with a rank of five ranks and three hundred households for his meritorious service in suppressing bandits.

This day was another day when Hua Twelve transformed into Cai Chi. He was working in the Qingzhou government office. Suddenly someone came to report that his master had arrived at the Chenghuang Temple outside the city and asked him to come and see him quickly!

Thanks to: Brother 08a for the reward. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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