A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 797 The Martial Saint of the Western Regions, Kui Lang Zhen Gang!

Chapter 797 The Martial Saint of the Western Regions, Kui Lang Zhen Gang! (Please order in full!)

PS: Six thousand words are updated, and two thousand words are to make up for the arrears before.

Speaking of which, Fang La rebelled a few years in advance and was related to Hua Twelve. The latter escorted Lin Daiyu to Yangzhou, but was ambushed by Mingjiao Shi Bao and Deng Yuanjue's men on the way.

The Mingjiao's intention was to provoke conflicts between Lin Ruhai and the eight major salt merchants in Yangzhou, so that they could take advantage of the situation and get involved in the private salt trade.

Later, Hua Twelve wiped out eight major salt merchants and the Yangzhou prefect overnight in Yangzhou. This incident, together with clues about the robbery of Cai Jing's birthday card, were led to the heads of Mingjiao, Shi Bao, and Deng Yuanjue. It was a retaliation. , come and go.

Since then, people from Liumenmen and Cai Jing have been eyeing the Mingjiao.

Over in Jiangnan, Liumen carried out several large-scale operations and arrested many members of the Ming Cult.

Even the top leaders of the Ming Cult, headed by Fang La, the leader of the Ming Cult, were also chased and hiding everywhere.

When the Mingjiao saw that the situation was not good, they thought that if they didn't give it a go, the six gates would sooner or later kill them all.

At this time, the people in Jiangnan were complaining because of the Huashigang incident. Zhu Meng, the Weiyuan Jiedushi who presided over the Yingfeng Bureau in Suzhou, increased the contribution of Huashigang year by year in order to please his superiors. As a result, many people in Jiangnan were troubled and miserable. Families went bankrupt, and even sold their sons and daughters for extortion.

The Mingjiao saw this opportunity and simply took the initiative to attack Zhu Meng and rose up.

Fang La claimed to be the Holy Duke and appointed officials and generals. In a short period of time, he gathered tens of thousands of people and massacred all the masters of the six sects who were chasing the Ming Cult in one breath. He also quickly swept through nearby states and counties.

After reading the information about Fang La in the Palace Commander's Mansion, Hua Twelve understood the cause and effect, and couldn't help but feel a little funny. He didn't expect that he would become the trigger of Fang La's uprising.

When I got home, I told my teacher Zhou Tong and my father-in-law, Coach Zhang, about the possibility of leading troops on an expedition. Coach Zhang was worried about his son-in-law, but Zhou Tong sneered:

"You guys are all thinking too simply. You keep your heart in your stomach. It won't be Chong'er's turn this time."

Hua Twelve was a little puzzled and said to Zhou Tong: "Please ask the teacher to clear up the confusion!"

Zhou Tong shook his head: "Lieutenant Gao became a monk halfway through his career as an official. Although he is very familiar with it, he still cannot see clearly what is going on in the court. It is not your turn to lead troops to conquer the rebellion yet, Chong'er, so you can just sit back and relax." Bar!"

Coach Zhang and Zhou Tong spent the whole day together, playing chess and drinking tea. Now they have become brothers. When they heard this, they complained:

"My old brother's words are so cloudy that people can't understand them. Why can't you speak more carefully? Do you have a clue in calling me your son-in-law your apprentice?"

Zhou Tong smiled and nodded: "Okay, let me explain in detail. Chong'er has been promoted too quickly. In the past two years, he has been promoted from a gun and stick instructor to a military commander in the Beijing camp. He suppressed zombies, zombies, and bandits in Qingzhou. , and was granted a knighthood. With his promotion speed, the military could not tolerate him, and the civil servants could not tolerate him. "

"So those who suggested that he lead troops to conquer the Ming Cult are just voices. There is no need to take them seriously. It is not his turn to do this, and it is not his turn!"

Instructor Zhang is just the instructor of the Forbidden Army, with limited knowledge and unclear understanding: "Isn't it just a crusade against rebellion? It's different who goes there, it's so complicated!"

Things really developed as Zhou Tong said. There was a quarrel in the court for several days. Some said that Tong Guan would lead the army, and some said that Hua Twelve would lead the army. There were several candidates, and the funny thing was that there were several forces. They tried to restrain each other, but in the end no one was sent. They just dispatched soldiers and horses from all over the Yangtze River to fight against Fang La.

During this period, several things happened in Hua Twelve. The first thing was that Wu Yong and Shi Xiu arrived in Bianjing.

Hua Twelve made Shi Xiu the leader of the personal soldiers, arranged for Wu Yong to be the army scribe in the Beijing camp, and left his task of stealing people and replacing them with Liangshan's own people to make up for the empty quota in the Beijing camp, leaving it to Zhi Duoxing. .

Wu Yong was shocked and overjoyed when he heard Hua Twelve's plan.

He felt that this plan was extremely feasible, and if it succeeded, more than 20,000 Liangshan troops would appear in the important areas of Gyeonggi without anyone noticing.

At that time, as long as his brother raises his arms and raises the flag of rebellion, the Liangshan army can rush into Bianliang in an instant and destroy the Song Dynasty royal family. When the yellow robe is added to the body, won't it be as easy as flipping the palm of a hand!

Wu Yong patted his chest and promised that he would definitely complete the tasks assigned by Hua Twelve and never let his brother down.

Speaking of Wu Yong being replaced as military adviser by Zhu Wu, it is impossible to say that he has no resentment in his heart. He has never been a big-minded person, but he did not dare to show it because of the life and death talisman. But now, he There is no resentment left.

When Wu Yong thought about it, it turned out that his brother from home transferred him to Bianjing to do such a confidential matter. It was right when he thought about it. He was his brother's old team when he wiped out the eight major salt merchants in Yangzhou. It must be such a confidential matter. My brother didn't want an outsider like Zhu Wu to do it, so he transferred him to Bianjing. This was a reflection of his trust in him.

Hua Twelve just doesn't know what Wu Yong is thinking. If he knew, Juebi would tell him, Old Wu, you think too much. I just think you are not capable.

He had always believed that Wu Yong was not talented enough to be a strategist, but was better at conspiracy and conspiracy, so he transferred him here to do this kind of thing.

Hua Twelve didn't care about how Wu Yong communicated with Zhu Wu and how to deploy his troops. He just let him do it. He only looked at the results. Next, he had to prepare for the wedding of his other identity, 'Cai Ji'. .

Qingzhou has received an order to let 'Cai Chi' return to Bianjing to prepare for the marriage of the emperor's concubine. Cai Jing also wrote a 'letter home' to him, meaning that he should return to Bianjing to meet her as soon as possible.

Since he wrote a letter home, Cai Jing meant to meet 'Cai Chi' rather than 'Lin Chong', the governor of the Beijing camp.

Hua Twelve immediately arranged the affairs in Qingzhou and returned to Bianjing. Within a day, 'Cai Chi' finally returned to Cai Mansion in Bianjing and met with Cai Jing.

In the study, Cai Jing's expression showed no emotion or anger. He looked at Hua Twelve and said calmly:

"I asked you to come back because I have something to say to you. I have thought about it for a long time these days. Although I hate you for harming my son, people cannot be resurrected. If you only focus on the hatred in front of you and quickly get rid of you, it will be in vain. Spend half your life practicing in the court!"

"I have some plans, and I will tell you today. The reason why I spared your life in Qingzhou is to allow you to continue to maintain the in-law relationship between my Cai family and the royal family as Chi'er, so that my Cai family's status in the court will be even better. Stable."

"Now that I have put aside my grudge, you will marry Di Ji and live a good life as Chi'er. As long as you don't cause trouble for my Cai family and obey my words, then my Cai family will no longer cause trouble for you. You can turn conflicts into friendship. You see how?"

Hua Twelve showed a smile. The old thief Cai Jing was good at acting. If he hadn't keenly noticed a trace of hatred in the other party's eyes, he would have thought that the old man had given up his hatred.

He smiled faintly: "Prime Minister Cai is magnanimous and unparalleled by ordinary people. Your proposal is naturally good for the boy. But now that you have put down your hatred, when will the poison of the heart-breaking pill be cured for me?"

Cai Jing chuckled and said: "I won't hide it from you. There is no cure for the Heart-broken Pill. It can only be suppressed with medicine every year. You don't have to think about how to solve it. As long as you work well for my Cai family and obey my instructions, then From now on, the antidote will be delivered every year. Even if I die, my descendants will fulfill this promise!"

After saying that, regardless of Hua Twelve’s expression, he picked up the tea cup as a way of seeing off the guests:

"Go ahead. Before the wedding, my son Cai Chi will move to the Prince Consort's Mansion. You don't have to come every morning and evening to check things out. This will make both you and my son disgusted!"

Hua Twelve left the Cai Mansion, and there was a sedan chair from the Cai Mansion to take him to the Prince Consort's Mansion. In the sedan chair, he chuckled: "This old thief has been thinking about it for a long time, and he wants to eat me for the rest of his life. Do you really want to?" That’s a lot!”

The people who followed him back from Qingzhou were all his confidants. After arriving at the Prince Consort's Mansion, Hua Twelve walked around and returned to his own home. As for the preparations for the wedding, these people were left to deal with the Cai Mansion.

These days, Zhou Tong was very restless. He said that he wanted to go out and walk around after living in Bianjing for a long time, so he went to Daming Mansion in Hebei Province to see his great disciple Yu Qilin Lu Junyi. Zhou Laozong was leaving, and Teacher Zhang couldn't stay any longer. , I wanted to go and have a look with him.

Zhou Tong was naturally happy to have an old man accompanying him, and immediately agreed. The two old men packed their bags before telling Hua Twelve and the others about the matter.

Regarding Lu Junyi, the senior brother, Hua Twelve had already intended to win over him to conspire with him, but he later thought about it and let it go.

Lu Junyi is the richest man in Hebei, and his family has a big business. How could he do such a stupid thing as rebelling with him? Hua Twelve couldn't do anything like Song Jiang in the original book who used a desperate trick to force the other party to join the gang, so he simply didn't mention it. I also prepared some gifts for my teacher and father-in-law to deliver to the senior brother.

Early that morning, Hua Twelve took his two wives and two fellow disciples, Yue Fei and Wu Song, to send the two elders to board the ship at Bianjing Pier.

At the time of separation, Hua Twelve pulled Zhou Tong aside and whispered: "Teacher, I once met a real soldier from the Daming Prefecture's Left Behind Department in Jiangnan. This person also knew Senior Brother Lu, and he told me something. I don’t know whether to talk about this thing or not!”

Zhou Tong laughed and scolded: "You kid, if you have anything you shouldn't say in front of me, say it quickly if you have anything to say, or fart if you have any!"

Hua Twelve was not angry, he laughed, then he stopped smiling and pretended to be serious: "That person said that the eldest lady of the senior brother's family, that is, my senior sister-in-law, did not follow the rules of women, and was not clear with the housekeeper of the Lu family. "

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Tong said angrily: "This is what you can say. Don't you know the principle of heaping up bones and destroying them? How can you listen to one side and slander your sister-in-law's innocence, and spread the word to tell your senior brother how to behave?" !”

Hua Twelve is so worried: "Teacher, you have wronged me. I heard it from others. I have never mentioned it to anyone except you. But they said it and it spread all over Daming Mansion. I am the only one." Senior brother is still in the dark!”

"Didn't I think that you were going to see Senior Brother? I thought of your wise eyes and wanted you to secretly see if this was the case. In addition, I heard that person say that Senior Brother has a follower. The one called the prodigal Yan Qing knows this. Yan Qing is loyal to his senior brother. You can ask him about it when you arrive. "

Only then did Zhou Tong understand what Hua Twelve meant. Hearing him speak so firmly, his heart became heavy and he nodded:

"I understand, this matter is related to your senior brother's reputation, please don't tell anyone!"

"Lin Chong understands!"

Hua Twelve grabbed Zhou Tong who was about to leave: "Teacher, there is one more thing. I also heard that my senior brother injured his external kidney when he competed with others with guns and sticks in his early years, and was unable to do anything."

Zhou Tong's head suddenly grew heavy and his blood pressure rose. He hadn't noticed that his apprentice was so gossipy before:

"Where did you hear all this?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Don't worry about it. If senior brother is really like this, you just need to tell him that I can cure this disease!"

Zhou Tong was dubious: "You have been married for several years. You have a wife and concubines but no son. Why don't you get yourself treated?"

Hua Twelve had a black line on his head: "I am now in the ascending stage of martial arts practice. When will I reach the immortal realm before I consider the issue of passing on the family line!"

After all the hard talk, Zhou Tong and Coach Zhang, who had expressions of "I believe you are a ghost", were sent to the boat, and everyone returned the same way.

Wu Song and Yue Fei were going back to the military camp, while Hua Twelve accompanied Zhang Zhenniang and Xue Baochai to the Yue Temple to offer incense.

Don't get me wrong, this is not the temple of Prince Yue. Yue Fei is his junior brother at this time and is not yet heroic. This Yue Temple refers to the temple of Emperor Dongyue, the same Yue Temple where Gao Yanei committed suicide to molest Lady Lin.

The carriage entered the city and headed from the city streets to Suanzao Gate. Not wanting to be overtaken by someone on the way, a note was passed to Hua Twelve, but a close confidant from the Prince Consort's Mansion sent the news that it was the Prince Consort's Mansion. Someone from the palace over there wants to teach Cai Chi the etiquette of his wedding.

"It's really troublesome!"

Hua Twelve rubbed his hands casually, and the note turned into pieces. Although he didn't want to go, it was not enough if he didn't go. He had to ask Shi Xiu to protect his two wives and go to burn incense, while he changed his appearance and went to the Prince Consort's Mansion. .

After studying for two hours, I mastered the entire set of etiquette. When I returned to my home, I saw that the house was already in chaos as soon as I entered the house.

But on the way back to the city, the Lin family's carriage was hijacked, and Shi Xiu was seriously injured. The hijacker released the two maids and asked them to send a message to Hua Twelve. If they wanted to save people, they should Go alone to the Royal Pavilion in the Paddocks of Iron Grid Hill.

"Tiewangshan Palace?" The first reaction was that he was planning a rebellion, and Zhao Ji found out about it.

But Hua Twelve overturned this idea in an instant. If Zhao Ji knew about him, his house would have been surrounded by tens of thousands of troops.

Hua Twelve first checked Shi Xiu's injuries and found that they were not life-threatening, so he immediately used techniques to revive him.

When Shi Xiu woke up and saw Hua Twelve at the first sight, she immediately shouted: "Brother, it's my fault that I didn't protect my sister-in-law and them!" "I don't blame you for this!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "I know your ability. To be able to hurt you like this, you must at least be an innate master. Do you recognize that person? What does he look like?"

Shi Xiu recalled: "That man has a tall nose and deep eyes, unlike people from the Central Plains. I didn't even block a single move from him. Brother, please be careful!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "You can rest in peace and recuperate, some young people can't cause any trouble!"

He asked his family to ask a doctor to treat Shi Xiu's injury. After he came out, he did not ride a horse, but used Qinggong to go straight out of the city.

When he reached a deserted place outside the city, he released his flying sword. The next second, it turned into sword light and he walked with his sword. In a moment, he arrived at Iron Web Mountain.

Hua Twelve and Shi Xiu were talking from the bottom of their hearts. Although the other party could beat Shi Xiu, he didn't notice it.

The other party chose to take action today, obviously because they saw Zhou Tong leaving before they dared to act. This proved that the other party was not as strong as teacher Zhou Tong, so what did he have to fear.

He landed on the outside of Iron Network Mountain, stretched out his legs and ran towards the palace.

When they arrived outside the palace, they saw that all the Long Jinwei who were originally guarding here had disappeared, and a strong man with a Western appearance stood in front of the palace gate.

When the man saw Hua Twelve, he asked in poor Mandarin: "But Lin Chong, the great general of the Song Dynasty?"

Hua Twelve controlled his murderous intent, nodded and said, "I am Lin Chong!"

The man made an inviting gesture: "My teacher has been waiting for you for a long time, General Lin, please!"

Hua Twelve strode in, and the man led the way to the Jinluan Hall of the palace.

Similarly, there should have been Dragon Guards on duty here, but they all disappeared at this time.

The door of Jinluan Palace was open, and on the dragon throne above, an old man from the Western Regions with a tall nose and broad eyes, white hair and blue eyes, was sitting. Zhang Zhenniang and Xue Baochai, both standing intact in the main hall, were being held with scimitars by two women who also had the characteristics of the Western Regions. On the neck.

Seeing Hua Twelve arriving, the two women immediately shouted: "Officials, hurry up, they brought you here specially, leave us alone!"

Hua Twelve smiled slightly at the two women and winked at the same time to reassure them: "Don't worry, now that I'm here, no one can hurt you!"

The old man from the Western Regions on the dragon throne also asked in Mandarin:

"Are you Lin Chong?"

Hua Twelve walked into the Jinluan Hall: "Yes, I am Lin Chong, who are you?"

The old man said proudly: "I, Qini Darang!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows and exclaimed: "It turns out to be you...!"

Seeing his surprise, the old man's face became even more arrogant, and the disciple leading the way showed fanaticism in his eyes.

As a result, Hua Twelve changed his tune: "I've never heard of it!"

These people all flashed, why are you so surprised?

The disciple who was leading the way shouted: "How dare you, my teacher is the Xixia Martial Saint, you killed my senior brother Ye Li Changkong, my teacher came to kill you to avenge your senior brother!"

In fact, when Hua Twelve heard the name, he remembered who it was. He said it on purpose. At this time, he even said disdainfully: "Martial Saint? Are there any Martial Saints who do such things as kidnapping family members?"

Qinidalang snorted coldly: "I just invited them to come over as guests, and there was no harm done at all. Since you are here, you will naturally let them go!"

After saying this and waving their hands, the two women from the Western Regions holding knives put away their knives and stepped back, letting Zhang Zhenniang and Xue Baochai leave.

At the moment when the two women were out of trouble, Hua Twelve waved his hands together. In an instant, a web of invisible swords covered the two Western Region women and the Western Region man who led him.


Qinidalang was furious and punched Hua Twelve from afar.

The martial arts master's unique skill, the Hundred-Step Divine Fist!

Unfortunately, it was too late. Hua Twelve fired the Three Yin Demon-Slaying Sword in anger, which ordinary people could not withstand. The man and two women were instantly broken into corpses.

After Hua Twelve fired the Dao Gang, he used both his left and right hands to fight with each other, and hit the dragon with regret one after another.

The dragon-shaped energy visible to the naked eye flies forward with teeth and claws.

But the next moment, these dragon-shaped energy disintegrated instantly, as if an invisible fist smashed everything into pieces, and finally hit Hua Twelve's chest.


Hua Twelve took six steps back in a row, leaving footprints more than a foot deep, trampling the floor tiles of the hall as badly as mud, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Zhang Zhenniang and Xue Baochai ran towards him when they saw him vomiting blood.

Hua Twelve waved his hand, and with invisible energy, he rolled the two women out of the palace and shouted at the same time:

"Go out and wait for me, run as far away as possible!"

Although he was vomiting blood, there was a strange look on his face. If you look closely, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Old guy, you're dead today!"

Originally, Hua Twelve planned to use the flying sword, but now he changed his mind.

With one step of his foot, his whole body shot towards the old man like a cannonball: "Old man, give me a slap!"

With one hand in the air, he shot three "King Long You Regret". The sound of dragon roar resounded in the Jinluan Palace. The three palms were combined into one place and blasted towards Qini Dalang.

Qini Darang stood there without making any move, looking at Hua Twelve with fierce eyes: "Junior, let me show you the gap between the Grand Master and the Martial Saint!"

As he spoke, his aura surged, and the shadow of a huge black wolf actually appeared behind him.

Hua Twelve knew that it was the manifestation of Wu Sheng’s fist spirit.

Once the fist intention appears, miracles will occur.

Sure enough, at the moment when the huge black wolf's shadow emerged, everything within three feet of the Martial Saint seemed to turn into an invisible quagmire.

The three waves of Kanglong Yougui's palm power were eliminated one after another before they got close. Finally, with a wave of Qinidalang's hand, the remaining power of the three palm powers of Hua Twelve shattered and dissipated directly.

Qinidalang's eyes were contemptuous and he said calmly: "Do you understand now? I regard the great master as an ant!"

At this time, Hua Twelve's body had broken through the invisible quagmire and rushed forward:

"Why are you bragging? You're going to give me a slap in the face!"

While he was speaking, his left hand was calculating rapidly, using the word "Daizong How" to calculate from which angle he would attack next, with the highest probability of success.

Suddenly, his body flashed and turned into nine phantoms. It was the top-level movement spiral nine shadows. The nine figures surrounded Qini Darang and sent out a palm at the same time.

This palm is not a sign of regret, but a powerful capture of Xuanqing Gangqi.

"Xiaoji, I found you!" Qinidalang suddenly turned around and slapped a palm to the right.

There was a bang, just opposite to the palm of Hua Twelve's body, and the other eight phantoms instantly dissipated.


Chinidarang, who originally wanted to kill Hua Twelve with one palm, felt that when his palm touched the opponent, the power leaked out instantly. The power of the originally shocking blow also dissipated due to the leakage of power.

"What kind of skill is this that can absorb my Kui Lang Zhen Gang?"

Qinidalang had a look of shock on his face. You must know that the boxing intention he cultivated is integrated with the image of the Xixia totem Black Kui Lang. He can use secret methods to communicate with Kui Su among the seven constellations of the Western White Tiger and draw the power of the stars into the body. Fusion with his own Gang Qi, extremely domineering.

Not to mention others, even those within our own sect who practice this kung fu, if they are greedy and rash while practicing, they will easily explode and die. This shows how domineering this Kui Lang Zhen Gang is, let alone being absorbed by an outsider.

But the Lin Chong in front of him was able to quickly absorb the Kui Lang Qi in his body with his body.

Qinidalang showed a cruel smile: "I'll let you suck it. Let's see how much you can suck. I'll give it to you!"

He used all his strength to activate the Great Condensation Pill in his body, and the endless Kui Lang Gang Qi crazily poured into Hua Twelve's body along his arms, hoping to make his opponent unable to withstand it and explode to death.

Hua Twelve was normal at first. After a dozen breaths, his face began to turn red. When it seemed that he was about to reach the limit of endurance, the guy suddenly snorted and blew out two streams of white air from his nose and wrapped around his head. Lingering.

As he kept humming, the white air he sprayed gradually became thicker and thicker, wrapping his entire body in it.

Qinidalang could no longer laugh at this time, because less than half of the Gang Qi in his body had been absorbed into Hua Twelve's body.

He gradually felt bad and wanted to pull away, but he was shocked to find that at this time, he couldn't get rid of the huge suction coming from Hua Twelve's palm!

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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