A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 799 The storm is rising and the world is in chaos!

Chapter 799 The storm is rising and the world is in chaos! (Please order in full!)

On the wedding day of Emperor Maode, Lin Chong, the great general of the Song Dynasty who was the military governor of the Beijing camp, did not attend. Well, it would be a damn thing if he did, because at this time, this great general was pretending to be the consort. Captain Cai Chi is on his way to the palace to welcome his bride.

On Lin Chong's side, Hua Twelve said he had typhoid fever and was afraid of giving it to a noble person, so he sent a congratulatory gift to the Prince Consort's house two days in advance.

What he gave as a gift was a pair of white jade lotus pods, which symbolized a happy marriage for a hundred years and many children and good fortune. This pair of jade lotus pods was not cheap. It was the best mutton-fat white jade and was worth a million dollars.

In addition, a gift of 100,000 yuan was given.

According to rumors, Lin Shenjiang did not have enough money when giving gifts, so he borrowed 50,000 yuan from his superior officer Gao Taiwei.

If they didn't know the details, they would think that this guy would spend his days trying to impress the royal family, but Captain Gao, who knew the inside story, sneered because no matter how many things Hua Twelve gave him, he would always give him the left hand instead of the right hand.

Moreover, Gao Qiu also knew that this grandson used Cai Chi's identity to let the servants of the Cai family spread the news about how valuable Lin Chong's gift was. This guy just wanted to set a pattern for the civil and military officials, and his meaning was obvious. , Lin Chong borrowed money to give gifts to a Jingying Jiedu envoy who was not present. How dare other officials have the nerve to lower this standard?

Well, Gao Qiu was shocked by such a shameless means of amassing money. Even he, the prince of the dynasty, had no choice but to give him a gift of 100,000 yuan, plus other jewelry and treasures, just to look good.

Cai Jing was also shocked. He felt that this fake son could make more money than he did, which was so shameless.

Other officials who wanted to please the officials and Cai Jing increased their stakes. Even though the gifts were not as good as Hua Twelve's 100,000 guan and jade ornaments, their value was several steps higher than the amount of gifts they wanted to give before.

Cai Jing looked depressed in his heart. He knew clearly that these people were looking at the gifts he gave, but it was others who received the gifts.

On Hua Twelve's side, early on an auspicious day, he dressed in casual clothes and wore a jade belt. Surrounded by the Cai family's wedding team, he set off from the Prince Consort's Mansion and rode to Hening Gate.

Palace officials had been waiting here for a long time and presented the consort with his official uniform. After changing his clothes, he went to Donghua Gate and used wild geese, coins, silk, etc. as betrothal gifts to marry the bride at the Di Ji's residence.

When Hua Twelve led Emperor Maode to the sedan chair with a red silk rope, he took a special look at her face. Although he knew that the bride was known as the most beautiful emperor in the Song Dynasty, he had never seen her face before. I can't help but be curious.

It's a pity that the phoenix crown and tassels cover most of her face, and only a small part of her fair and jade-like face is exposed behind the tassels, with a blush like rouge rising.

Princess Maode wore a crown with nine phoenixes and four phoenixes on her head and a light red wedding dress embroidered with a long-tailed pheasant. She walked gracefully and gracefully with Tingting. And go.

In front of the procession, Captain Long opened the way, and Hua Twelve followed on horseback beside the Emperor Ji's sedan. In front of the sedan there was a ceremonial officer leading the way, and further ahead were corresponding envoys, dowry items and servants. There were eight boys each holding four square fans. There are four round fans, ten pots of flowers for minor officials, and twenty lanterns.

Behind the emperor's sedan chair were the current queen, who was riding in a nine-phoenix sedan, and Concubine Liu Guifei, the birth mother of the emperor Maode. The two nobles followed the procession to see off the bride in person.

Hua Twelve opened his eyes today. He was now half a human being. Based on his strength, he could clearly feel that there were actually two masters in the Martial Saint realm accompanying the wedding party.

Although the strength of these two men is far inferior to that of Zhou Tong and Qini Darang, and they are only in the early stages of martial arts, they are indeed masters of the martial arts realm.

One of them was an old eunuch with white hair and beard, who was guarding the queen's sedan in a leisurely manner. The other one was hidden among the dragon guards escorting the marriage team. He should be the master responsible for protecting the safety of the emperor.

Hua Twelve restrained his aura to prevent outsiders from noticing his strength, but he was a little stunned in his heart. He thought that he had previously thought of leading people into the palace through a secret passage to kidnap Zhao Ji, but now it seems a little ridiculous.

If he had really done it at that time, he himself would have been confident that he would escape unscathed, and Liu Tang and the others would probably all be trapped in the palace.

But today is different from the past. Now he has the combat power of a half-step immortal. To such a martial arts master, he just wants to say, I will suck ten!

The procession to welcome the bride arrived at the Prince Consort's Mansion. Emperor Zhao Ji, Prince Zhao Huan, Grand Master Cai Jing, and all the civil and military officials who came to attend the wedding banquet were already waiting in the auditorium hall.

Firecrackers sounded, the etiquette officers sang, and the emperor got off the sedan. Hua Twelve stepped forward and used the red silk rope to lead the emperor to the auditorium after going through a complicated etiquette procedure.

They first worshiped the heaven and the earth, then the officials and the empress, and then the husband and wife bowed to each other. The emperor was sent to the bridal chamber, while Hua Twelve stayed outside to accept the banquet given by the officials together with the guests who came to the wedding banquet.

It should be mentioned here that although Hua Twelve married the emperor's concubine as Cai Jing, the couple did not need to pay tribute to Cai Jing, because in the Song Dynasty, there was a 'promotion' system for princesses to get married, that is, after the princess descended to her husband's family, the princess The seniority of the consort in the husband's family will be automatically 'raised' by one level.

To put it bluntly, the prince-in-law became a person of the same generation as his parents.

Therefore, although in terms of family ties, Cai Jing is still Cai Chi's father and the father-in-law of Emperor Maode, but in terms of etiquette, they are already of the same generation. Therefore, Emperor Ji and the consort only worship the official family, not Cai Jing.

This is also in line with Hua Twelve's wishes. When he marries the emperor's concubine, he should pay homage to Zhao Ji, his father-in-law, but he will not do it if he is asked to pay homage to Cai Jing, an old thief.

After a busy and bustling day, Hua Twelve finally entered the bridal chamber.

At this time, the emperor was sitting on the bedside. When a maid saw the consort coming in, she smiled and presented her with jade.

Hua Twelve used this jade Ruyi to open up the tassels of the phoenix crown, and finally saw clearly the true face of this so-called most beautiful emperor.

With ice muscles and jade bones, the stunning appearance of Zhao Fujin, the Maode Emperor, is worthy of the title of the most beautiful. It also reminds Hua Twelve of a passage in "Fu of the Goddess of the Luo River": "The essence flows in the sky, and the jade face is smooth and smooth." He kept his words in his mouth but didn't spit them out, his breath was like orchid. The beauty and gracefulness made me forget to eat. '

If she were to give a score to the beautiful face in front of her, Hua Twelve would give it a high score of ninety-eight points, leaving two points for fear of her being proud.


When Emperor Maode saw the person in front of her opening her tassels, she just looked at her with a smile. She couldn't help but blush, and she was so embarrassed that she called out softly.

Hua Twelve smiled and put aside Ruyi, and helped Di Ji take off the heavy phoenix crown. Then, under the service of the palace maid, he and Di Ji had the ceremony of eating together as husband and wife, and drank Hexin wine, that is, a glass of wine. This is considered The ceremony is completed.

The maid left, and only the prince consort and the princess were left in the bridal chamber. Seeing that Princess Maude had only taken a few bites, Hua Twelve put down her chopsticks and sat there in a dignified manner. Although her face was blushing, it was tense due to nervousness, and he couldn't help but laugh:

"The emperor's name is Zhao Fujin, right? Then I'll call you Fujin from now on. It's been a busy day, can Fujin be full with just this little food?"

Zhao Fujin, the concubine of Maode Emperor, remembered the instructions from the palace not to lose etiquette in front of her consort, so she pretended to be serious and said:

"I'm full!" As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a grunt, but it was her stomach that protested, causing Zhao Fujin's face to turn red visibly, and even the base of his ears to turn red.

Hua Twelve laughed loudly: "It seems that your belly, Fujin, has its own opinions!"

Zhao Fujin was a little embarrassed and said, "Consort!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile, "Okay, the emperor is full and the consort is still hungry, so please ask the emperor to accompany me, the consort, and eat some more!"

As he spoke, he picked up a piece of lotus meat pie with chopsticks and handed it to Emperor Maode's mouth:

"Come, Di Ji, let me try it first. Is this meat cake delicious?"

Maode Diji's face was red with embarrassment. She didn't want to eat it or not eat it. In the end, she could only open her mouth slightly and took a small bite. Her eyes suddenly lit up. It was the taste she liked.

Hua Twelve waited for her to finish the meat pie, then picked up a piece of quail cooked with flowers and brought it to Emperor Maode, who was so embarrassed that she opened her mouth again.

After Zhao Fujin finished eating, he said a little embarrassedly: "The Prince Consort should have some too!" Hua Twelve said frankly: "Of course, the old men outside just now were only concerned with filling my cup with wine and didn't let me eat at all. It was too outrageous!"

He said and put the chopsticks into Zhao Fujin's hand: "Eat it yourself!"

Then he picked up another pair of chopsticks and started eating.

Zhao Fujin watched Hua Twelve eating and drinking without any pretense, and a strange light flashed in his eyes:

"The prince-in-law is very different from what I imagined!"

After hearing this, Hua Twelve couldn't help but laugh and said: "There is something even more different!"

The exchange between the two was quite pleasant. Zhao Fujin used some more, but in the end he didn't eat more. Then he virtuously helped Hua Twelve pour the wine and serve the dishes.

After Hua Twelve had eaten his fill, he looked at Zhao Fujin and asked with a half-smile:

"Are you really full?"

Zhao Fujiang nodded, and the next moment he let out a exclamation, but was picked up by Hua Twelve and carried to the big bed.

It is a rule that the prince-in-law of the Song Dynasty cannot be let out to serve as an official. After the identity of Hua Twelve Cai Chi married Zhao Fujin, all matters in Qingzhou had to be handed over. Fortunately, he had made Qingzhou a monolithic one, no matter who took over. The Qingzhou prefect can only act as a superficial puppet, but in fact he still has the final say.

Half a month after marrying Zhao Fujin, Hua Twelve took time to return to Shuibo Liangshan. As the owner of Liangshan Dazhai, he invited a matchmaker to Hujiazhuang to propose marriage. With three letters and six etiquette in place, he chose an auspicious day to marry Hu Sanniang into Liangshan, completing the marriage. Yi Zhangqing promised to marry her and become Mrs. Yazhai.

From then on, in the Prince Consort's Mansion, Hua Twelve often went into seclusion on the pretext of studying and practicing martial arts. In fact, he ran back and forth between three homes with a bowl of water. Today he was Lin Chong, and tomorrow he was Cai Chi. One day he became the famous leader of Liangshan Dazhai in Green Forest Road, Shandong.

Liangshan is the only one in the Green Forest family in Shandong, and heroes from Green Forest come to join the army every day. Now it has gathered 50,000 troops. Under Wu Yong's operation, 20,000 veterans who have a certain training foundation and are reliable are drawn out and divided into parts. They went to Bianliang in batches and mixed into the Beijing camp to fill up the empty places in the Beijing camp.

With Hua Twelve, the Jiedushi of the Beijing Camp, and Gao Taiwei of the palace commander's office as cover, all this was done in an extremely secretive manner.

Even if some low-level generals discovered some signs and had suspicions, they could not get around the problem of Hua Twelve and Gao Qi joining forces.

Time flies, and it is two months. Bianjing is as prosperous as ever, but Jiangnan is in turmoil.

The imperial court had previously ordered soldiers and horses from all over the Yangtze River to exterminate the Mingjiao. At first, good news came frequently, which gave these dignitaries in Bianjing City and the official Zhao Ji a real reassurance.

But what Zhao Ji and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty did not expect was that those good news were fabricated by local generals in order to show their merits. When they started to do something, the situation was exactly the opposite. By the time the court received the real situation, Mingjiao had become a climate.

The Mingjiao army fought with soldiers and horses from the south of the Yangtze River and won successive battles. Now it has invaded Hangzhou. Chen Jian, the Zhejiang envoy, and Zhao Yue, the Lian visit envoy, were defeated and martyred.

Zhu Meng, who was supposed to escape by chance in the real world, failed to escape this time. After being caught by the Mingjiao, he was executed by Ling Chi, and his flesh and blood were looted by the people of Hangzhou.

The Mingjiao uprising army covered 18 prefectures and counties including Liangzhe Road, Jiangnan East Road, Huainan West Road, and captured more than 60 county towns. In a short period of time, they gathered millions of people and threatened the southeast of the town.

Fang La's general Shi Bao led his men to capture officials in Hangzhou, dig up the graves of Cai Jing's father and ancestors, and expose the bones of his ancestors and father in broad daylight.

As the Mingjiao grew in power, powerful men from all over the Yangtze River raised troops to respond. Suzhou Shisheng, Huzhou Lu Xing'er, Wuzhou Zhu Yan, Wu Bang, Chen Shisi, Chuzhou Huo Chengfu, Chen Houtong, etc. all raised troops to join the Mingjiao.

In addition, Mingjiao Taizhou branch helmsman Lu Shinang, Quzhou branch helmsman Zheng Mowang, and other helmsmen from various places responded to the leader Fang La and raised troops one after another.

At the same time, two green forest tycoons, Tian Hu from Hebei and Wang Qing from Huaixi, took the opportunity to rebel. For a time, the storm caused by Mingjiao in the south of the Yangtze River finally became a storm, sweeping the world.

Zhao Ji was finally afraid. After days of negotiation, the court officials mobilized troops from all over the Yangtze River to deal with Fang La, mainly to delay, and then transferred Tong Guan, who was guarding the western border, back to serve as a propaganda officer on the Jiang, Huai, Jing, Zhejiang and other roads. The Fu envoy mobilized 150,000 soldiers from the Six Routes of Shaanxi and Han Dynasties to attack Wang Qing and suppress the uprising. After Wang Qing was destroyed, he then moved to the south of the Yangtze River to jointly attack Fangla.

Then he ordered the nine provinces to inspect Wang Ziteng, mobilize troops from the north, and cooperate with Liang Taishu of the famous government to suppress Tian Hu in Hebei.

Hua Twelve asked for a fight as Lin Chong, but was rejected by his superiors. Gao Qiu and Cai Jingdu told him that his capital camp was needed to guard the capital at this time, so he must not move lightly.

In fact, Hua Twelve had thought of this a long time ago. The reason why he asked for a fight was just to show his loyalty, so that Zhao Ji could rest assured.

Now he is in charge of twelve battalions of troops, and is nominally under the control of the palace commander's office. In fact, Gao Qiu has to obey him, and he is now the only one in Bianjing.

Hua Twelve was considering whether to take the opportunity to capture Bianjing. At that time, the world would definitely be in chaos. He was in charge of the capital. As long as he controlled the royal family, he could learn from Cao Cao of the Han Dynasty and coerce the emperor to order the princes.

But before he could make up his mind, someone came to the door.

On this day, Hua Twelve went to Lin Ruhai's house to visit Lin Daiyu as Lin Chong. After dinner, he had a few hand-to-hand talks with Lin Ruhai and his daughter before returning home after dark.

As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, he saw a figure emerge from the shadow of the wall, stopped in front of him, and said:

"But General Lin Chong!"

As Hua Twelve's personal bodyguard, Shi Xiu saw someone blocking his brother, and immediately shouted: "Let me take it down first!"

Several soldiers rushed forward, only to be knocked down by the man with his bare hands.

Shi Xiudu laughed angrily: "What a thief, let me see how capable you are!"

The other party didn't use weapons, and Shi Xiu didn't use either. He pounced on him, and the two of them started to fight at close quarters. They were all competing in fists, kicks, and sumo wrestling skills.

Hua Twelve was watching the battle with his hands behind his back, and couldn't help but let out a sigh, because he found that the two men used similar moves, as if they were from the same school.

Shi Xiu and the man also noticed this and stopped at the same time. The former asked:

"Are you Junior Brother Yan Qing?"

The man spoke at the same time as him and asked, "Are you Senior Brother Shi Xiu!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they were startled at the same time, and then put their four arms together: "Junior brother!" "Senior brother!" They were both inexplicably excited.

Hua Twelve heard the man's name and asked, "Are you the prodigal Yan Qing?"

Only then did the man realize that he still had a mission, and quickly said: "It's the villain!"

After speaking, Chaohua Twelve knelt down on one knee: "General Lin, please save my master and Grandmaster Zhou!"

 Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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