A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 808: Devastated and besieged Hangzhou!

Chapter 808: Devastated and besieged Hangzhou! (Please order in full!)

Hua Twelve sent troops to the south of the Yangtze River and took away six of the Twelfth Regiment Battalion. However, among them, he only brought Yue Fei's Xianwu Battalion with him, leaving all the four battalions of Lu Da, Wu Song, Yang Zhi, and Hua Rong behind in Bianjing. .

This kind of arrangement cannot be seen by outsiders, but those who know the inside story, such as Gao Qiu and Lin Ruhai, are very clear-minded. Among the six battalions left behind, the commanders of the four battalions are all Hua Twelve's die-hard confidants. This means that even Hua Twelve Even when he was away fighting, Bianjing was still in his hands.

And the most important point is that when going to Jiangnan to annihilate Fang La, soldier casualties are inevitable. If Hua Twelve does not bring his own people, then the officers and soldiers here will consume only the soldiers and horses of the court. This guy has calculated it to the core.

In fact, what even Gao Qiu and Lin Ruhai didn't know was that the six battalions of soldiers and horses left by Hua Twelve in Bianjing were all his own men, including Lu Da, Wu Song, Yang Zhi, and Hua Rong. Needless to say, the other two battalions Commander, that is the direct descendant of Ning Rong's lineage in the capital camp.

The leaders of Ning Rong's lineage, Jia Lian and Jia Rong, were both under the banner of Hua Twelve, so the commanders of these two battalions had long been secretly subdued by him.

The reason why he brought Yue Fei with him was because although Yue Fei believed in loyalty and righteousness, he had to guard against the attribute of 'foolish loyalty', so it was safer to keep him with him.

Except for Yue Fei, the remaining five commanders of the six battalions led by Hua Twelve on the expedition were all nominally his direct subordinates, but those who could be assigned to the Beijing camp had their own backers and backgrounds.

Among them are people from Cai Jing, people from Yang Jian, and people from Liang Shicheng, but there are no people from Gao Qiu and Tong Guan.

Tong Guan is in charge of the Western Army, so he should not interfere in the affairs of the Beijing camp, otherwise it would be no different than seeking death.

Gao Qiu, on the other hand, is sober in the world and has a clear position for himself. His main task is to accompany Zhao Ji to eat, drink and gamble, to make the officials happy, to gain some benefits for himself, and to get some officials for his tribe. He does not know military power easily. Reaching out is also his way of protecting himself.

Hua Twelve led the army more than a hundred miles away from Bianjing, and ordered the camp to be set up. Then he called Yue Fei, Xu Ning, Xuan Zan, Hu Yanzhuo, Han Tao, Ling Zhen, and Han Po to have a leisurely tea and martial arts discussion together.

After a while, the other five battalion commanders came over and asked:

"Commander, soldiers need to be quick. We are going to Jiangnan. We should travel day and night. It's not dark and we haven't even sweated yet. How can we camp and rest!"

As soon as these people came in, Yue Fei stood up and stood behind Hua Twelve to express his position. Xu Ning, Xuanzan, Hu Yanzhuo, Han Tao, Ling Zhen, and Han Powu all had inexplicable expressions on their faces, and they couldn't help but sit upright. It feels like something is going to happen.

Hua Twelve picked up the tea, took a sip of tea, and said calmly:

"This time when I lead the troops on an expedition, I have only one request, and that is that there can only be one voice in this military camp. If I let you enter, you will enter even if you die. If I ask you to retreat, you must retreat. Now I let you When setting up camp, you must obey military orders. Is there anything you don’t understand?”

The five commanders all had ugly faces. They all had masters behind them. They and Hua Twelve were not of the same mind at all. They usually maintained a superficial relationship in the military camp. They both knew this. Now that they were going to be outside, they wanted to fall out with them. What?

The five commanders, you look at me and I look at you, looked at each other. They all felt that they could not let Hua Twelve get angry, so they all knelt down on one knee and said reluctantly:

"I'll understand later!"

Hua Twelve held the tea with his left hand and pressed his ear with his little finger with his right hand: "Is there too much cerumen? Why can't I hear what you are saying?"

The faces of the five commanders became even more ugly, but they did not dare to fall out. They all raised their voices and said loudly: "I'll understand later!"

Hua Twelve nodded, indicating that he heard it this time, but he said again: "Is it true? I don't believe it!"

Yue Fei had guessed early on that Hua Twelve wanted to establish his authority, but when he saw his senior brother teasing these five commanders like this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and start laughing.

Hua Twelve didn't even look at him, but pushed back with his elbow. Yue Fei groaned and stopped smiling.

Xu Ning, Xuanzan, Hu Yanzhuo, Han Tao, and Ling Zhen were all on pins and needles when they saw Hua Twelve making things difficult for the five commanders.

The faces of the five commanders who were deliberately targeted all looked extremely ugly. Finally, someone asked: "How can I wait so that the commander-in-chief can trust him?"

Hua Twelve's smile slowly faded: "To be honest, because of the relationship between the people behind you, I can't trust you no matter what, but I have an idea!"

The man asked again: "May I ask the commander, what can I do?"

Hua Twelve squeezed the tea cup with his left hand, and the tea cup shattered, and the broken porcelain pieces fell to the ground, revealing a frozen lump of ice on the palm of his hand. The ice lump was apparently made of frozen tea.

Everyone was shocked because when they were drinking tea just now, the tea cup was still steaming, but now it was frozen into ice cubes.

Hua Twelve rubbed his fingers together, and the ice mass shattered into countless ice flakes in his hand. Then he said:

"This thing is called the Talisman of Life and Death. It's not difficult for me to trust you. One of you can come up and take a piece, and then I'll trust you!"

This time he did not take the initiative to issue the life and death talisman, but let these people get it for themselves. This was an opportunity, an opportunity to survive. If you choose the wrong one, the game will naturally be over.

Ji Guang, the commander of Fenwu, and Tang Shansong, the commander of Guoyong camp, are Cai Jing's people. They are usually arrogant. Although Hua Twelve is their superior officer, they both disapprove of this Beijing camp Jiedushi. Before, they were tolerant. As long as the army doesn't care about Lin Chong outside, when he returns to the capital, he must give him eye drops in front of the Grand Master.

But they couldn't bear it anymore. The two stood up suddenly. Ji Guang laughed and said: "Lin Chong, you dare to use sorcery and Taoism to harm your colleagues in the military. Aren't you afraid of backlash?"

Tang Shansong also scolded: "Forcing your colleagues with sorcery, even if there is no backlash, the court will not be able to tolerate you. You are dead. I will return to Beijing to report to the Grand Master and the officials, and let the court punish you. You wait." Die!"

After saying that, he gave Hua Twelve a hard look, turned around and left.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard Ji Guang next to him shouting: "You dare!"

Tang Shansong was startled. He didn't understand. Brother, aren't we in the same group? I look bad to Lin Chong, so why are you still questioning and threatening me?

But the next moment, when he lowered his head, he saw that there was a triangular cut on the breastplate on his chest, and blood kept flowing out.

He raised his head with all his strength and fixed his eyes on the handsome flagpole twenty steps away. He saw that there was a broken piece of porcelain inlaid on the flagpole, which seemed to be a broken piece of the tea cup that Lin Chong had crushed before. porcelain.

His vision gradually blurred, and Tang Shansong lost any strength and fell straight forward, falling to the ground with a plop.

Before losing consciousness, Tang Shansong finally realized that Ji Guang's "How dare you" just now was not addressed to him, but to Lin Chong.

It turned out that just as he turned around, Hua Twelve kicked his toes, and a broken piece of porcelain from the tea cup was shot out like lightning.

The broken porcelain was faster than the crossbow arrows fired by the Divine Arm Bow. Everyone present, including Yue Fei, did not see the trajectory of the broken pieces clearly. In the next moment, it had penetrated Tangshan Song including the man and his armor. , and then, with all his remaining strength, he nailed it to the flagpole.

Everyone in the Chinese army's tent shrank their eyes at the same time. They all had a feeling that if the person hit by the broken porcelain was not Tang Shansong but themselves, they asked themselves, it would be equally difficult to escape.

Ji Guang said in a trembling voice: "Lin Chong, how dare you kill court officials?"


Subtle and crisp, like the sound of pebbles breaking through water, a blood hole appeared in the center of Ji Guang's eyebrows. He threw his head back and fell, dead on the spot. His eyes were wide open and he could not rest in peace.

Seeing that the vitality in his eyes gradually dissipated, he still maintained the look of fear and questioning before he was alive. One has to wonder whether his thoughts before death were still stuck on the moment when he questioned Hua Twelve, and he did not even react to his own death. come over. The remaining three battalion commanders originally thought of fighting for their lives, but now they were all kneeling on the ground with fearful eyes, and no one dared to move.

They still don't understand that Hua Twelve really dares to kill people.

Xu Ning and Xuanzan were both spectators, but they were also restless now because Hua Twelve's actions were no different from rebellion, but did they dare to stand up and oppose it?

This was a divine general of the day. Back then at Iron Net Mountain, they couldn't even make a move in front of this man. Now he seems to be even more powerful. If he gets up now, it might be a dead end!

Several people groaned secretly, feeling like they were involved in something terrible.

Others remained silent, but Choujun Ma Xuanzan had to speak out. When fighting in the Song Dynasty, in addition to the commander, there were also supervisors in the army. This time the expedition against Fang La was a hard job. No matter whether it was a civil servant or an eunuch, no one wanted to take this job. .

These people had an idea, and someone suggested that Xuanzan was a county horse, a member of the imperial court, and someone Hua Twelve asked by name, so they reported to Zhao Ji and asked Xuanzan to be the supervisor of the army.

So Xuanzan not only came to help Hua Twelve fight, he was also the supervisor of this army.

Now that the Hua Twelve Killer is a general, as a supervisor, he has to keep quiet, so he bites the bullet and says:

"Marshal, you are acting inappropriately and against the rules!"

His voice was low and gentle, as if he was afraid of offending Lin Chong.

Hua Twelve held a hand of ice slices in his left hand and smiled faintly: "I have been ordered to go on an expedition. I will kill first and then report. Under the special permission of Huangquan, do you have any objections?"

Xuan Zan was slightly startled: "Imperial power charter? No, right? I don't remember that the official family has this will in my humble position!"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly: "What I'm talking about is, the underworld is like the underworld and the underworld. These two people have names on the way to the underworld. Even Jesus can't keep them. I'm telling you that!"

Everyone was shocked. They didn't care who Jesus was now, but they were shocked by Hua Twelve's attitude, which meant that anyone who disobeyed would be killed.

Xuanzan's lips trembled with anger, he was so arrogant, he was really going to rebel.

Hua Twelve suddenly shouted: "Xuanzan, Han Shizhong!"

Han Shizhong subconsciously stood up and clasped his fists: "The end will be here!"

Hua Twelve looked at Xuan Zan, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

Chou Junma now faces two choices, either to break out in the name of supervising the army and take Hua Twelve to task, or to surrender and obey the general's order.

There was a look of struggle in Xuanzan's eyes, and his two fists subconsciously clenched and released, then clenched again.

Finally, he sighed softly, cupped his hands and said, "The end will be here!"

The corners of Hua Twelve's lips raised slightly, and a smile flashed across his face: "Ji Guang, the commander of the Fenwu camp, and Tang Shansong, the commander of the Guo Yong camp, disobeyed military orders and were killed by me on the spot. You two stepped forward and each took a life and death talisman. From now on, Han Shizhong leads the Guoyong Camp, and Xuanzan leads the Fenwu Camp!"

Their bodies shook at the same time, Han Shizhong's eyes flashed with golden light, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Han Powu fought against the Xixia people in the Western Army. He fought hard and made countless achievements, but was suppressed by Shangguan. If Xiaozhong hadn't come to his rescue, he would have been killed by Tong Guan, so he had long been jealous of the imperial court. no in good mood.

At this time, seeing that Hua Twelve was decisive in killing, through the relationship between Ruda and Xiao Zhong, he was recruited to come to the capital camp, and he was directly entrusted with the important task of commanding a battalion of tens of thousands of troops. How could he not be excited.

After pondering for a moment, Han Shizhong strode forward: "General, I will obey your orders!" After saying that, he reached out and took out a piece of ice from Hua Twelve's hand.

The ice flakes melt in your hand.

Hua Twelve patted his arm and praised: "Good brother!"

Just this one shot stopped the pain of subsequent episodes of the Life and Death Talisman.

Xuan Zan's eyes also became fiery. He was also a person who could not be reused. At this time, Han Shizhong had already taken charge of the first battalion. He thought about it and made a decision in his heart. If he opposed, he would die. If he obeyed, he would have the power. There was no need to think about it.

He also stepped forward and took a piece: "The general will obey the order!"

But it wasn't that easy for him to pass.

Next was the onset of the Life and Death Talisman. Xuan Zan's miserable situation of being unable to seek life or death shocked the people around him. After Hua Twelve solved it for him, he explained the function of the Life and Death Talisman. Xuan Zan thought about the power of the Life and Death Talisman. Two minds.

The remaining three battalion commanders no longer hesitated and stepped forward to take the life and death talisman. They knew that if they hesitated at all, their seats would be taken by someone else.

After Xu Ning and others struggled in their hearts, although they did not have military power, they all stepped forward to take the life and death talisman to show their submission.

They are not stupid. Although there is no military power given to them, they still take it because they are afraid of being tricked to death by their own generals on the battlefield. They dare to kill people openly, so why not give you a fatal mission later? of.

What Hua Twelve didn't expect was that Yue Fei also wanted to take a piece, but he stopped him and said: "My junior brother is still not at ease, so how can I have anyone I can rest assured in the future!"

Hua Twelve spent one night to gather his military power and make the commanders of the six battalions obey him.

Then all-out troops were launched in the south of the Yangtze River. With famous generals such as Yue Fei and Han Shizhong who were good at using troops, and firearms such as the Thunderbolt, which transcended the times, the six battalions of soldiers and horses swept across the south of the Yangtze River.

What fighter? nonexistent! When the two armies faced each other, whether it was an ambush, an encounter, or a frontal attack, they either used strong bows and powerful crossbows, or thunderous thunder to clear the way.

First knock the opponent off his back, and then the army rushes in. Fang La's ragtag group disperses in an instant, and there is no one who can fight him.

During this process, Hua Twelve also subdued the scattered government troops along the way. The team grew stronger and stronger. Finally, they advanced by water and attacked cities and territories. In three months, they recovered all the cities occupied by the Mingjiao.

Fang La and many of his generals were forced to retreat to Hangzhou. At this time, Hua Twelve had more than 300,000 troops under his command, and Hangzhou was surrounded by wind and rain.

 Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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