A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 812 Blood Sacrifice, Visitors!

Chapter 812 Blood Sacrifice, Visitors! (Please order in full!)

PS: There are still 139 votes left, so I’m counting on my brothers, thank you.

Just when Hua Twelve led his troops into the city and successfully joined forces with Tong Guan, the situation in Zhuxian Town suddenly changed. The sky was still bright and sunny, but suddenly it became gloomy, and everything around him was emitting a strange red light.

Everyone looked up and discovered that there was a layer of faint blood about thirty feet above the ground, which seemed to cover the entire Zhuxian Town.

At this time, there were soldiers from the army behind, who came to report on horseback: "Report to the marshal, the city gate is blocked by a layer of blood. We can't get out, and the brothers outside can't get in either!"

At this time, Tong Guan's team on the opposite side also made a noise, and they obviously discovered this.

Yue Fei said to Hua Twelve: "Commander, let me go and have a look!"

Hua Twelve agreed: "Well, be careful!"

Yue Fei turned his horse's head and followed the team towards the city gate.

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand, and a palm-sized stone from the side of the street flew into his hand. With a shake of his hand, the gravel shot up into the sky. There was a bang, blood light fluctuated, and the stone fell apart.

After a while, Yue Fei rushed back and reported back: "Commander, the city gate is also blocked by the bloody light. I have slashed with swords and axes, but it doesn't work. Also, the brothers outside can't seem to see us!"

Hua Twelve did not panic, nodded and asked: "How many people have we come in?"

Yue Fei's face looked a little ugly: "There are less than two battalions of men and horses!"

It's no wonder that he looked like this. There are more than 40,000 Wang Qing and Fang La's remnants hiding in Zhuxian Town. We were originally outnumbered, but now blocked by this bloody light, we have become an enemy. I am a widow.

Of course, even if this is the case, there is nothing to be afraid of. The key is that the blood comes from a strange place.

Yue Fei hesitated and whispered: "Senior brother, this bloody light always gives me an uncomfortable feeling, it seems very evil!"

"No need to pretend, these eight achievements are some kind of witchcraft and sorcery!"

Needless to say, Yue Fei also felt it himself. He pinched the horse's belly and urged the horse forward:

"Let's go meet the old eunuch and see if they have any good ideas!"

After a brief commotion, Tong Guan's team was calmed down by the general. Seeing Hua Twelve coming on horseback, the old eunuch waved his hand and the team continued to move forward. The two sides met in the center of Zhuxian Town.

Hua Twelve reined in the reins three feet away from Tong Guan, cupped his fists and said:

"My dear Prime Minister, someone seems to have cast a witchcraft in Zhuxian Town now. I wonder if my dear Prime Minister has a way to break it?"

Tong Guan also stopped his horse and sneered: "Those Ming sects are called vegetable-eating demons. It's not surprising that they have such evil methods. Why, Lin Shenjun is so capable that he is helpless?"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly: "It's easy to fight Lin on the battlefield, but this situation is not what Lin is good at!"

Tong Guan chuckled, with a look of joy on his face: "It seems that General Lin is still not very knowledgeable. This fight before the battle has been going on since ancient times. How can you lead an army on the march without taking precautions?"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "So, I have a way to solve the situation in front of you?"

Old God Tong Guan said calmly: "There is a way to break the situation, but you and I have made an agreement. If I break this evil method, will the song go to you or to me?"

Hua Twelve smiled faintly: "If my wife can break this evil law, then the first power will naturally belong to my wife. When this evil law is broken, I will be willing to listen to my orders!"

Tong Guan thought he was being subdued and laughed loudly: "Okay, General Lin said so, it is my fault to hide my secrets any more."

He said and waved his hand: "Come here, let General Lin see our methods and break this evil method for me!"

As soon as Tong Guan finished speaking, two Yu Hou strode out of his formation.

The two men walked to the open space between Hua Twelve and Tong Guan. They first saluted the latter, then bowed in all directions. Then they took out two turtle shells, put three copper coins in each and shook them gently. It turned out to be a divination on the spot. .

Yue Fei whispered: "Senior brother, we are from the Bing Yin Yang family!"

Hua Twelve nodded. He heard Zhou Tong say that there are four military strategists, one of which is the Yin-Yang family of soldiers. This branch is a branch of military strategists that specializes in yin-yang arts and Qimen Dunjia. It is quite mysterious. I didn't expect that Tong Guan would have such a person under his command. It seemed that what the other party said was true, but his background was still a bit shallow in comparison.

The two men shook it for a long time, and the copper coins inside the turtle shell made a tinkling sound. However, no copper coins were shaken out after shaking for a long time. Unavoidably, their hands speeded up, and they heard a loud tinkling sound, and both Yu Hou's arms were shaken out. Afterimage.

Suddenly there were two bangs, and the turtle shells in the hands of the two Yu Hou exploded at the same time, leaving their hands covered with blood.

Although the two men were injured, they did not say a word. They both pulled out a three-inch long and one-inch wide copper piece from their armor. With sharp eyes, Hua Twelve saw that the two pieces of copper were engraved with some runes and words such as Qinglong. , Golden Chamber, Siming, Tianxing and other words, these two copper pieces turned out to be two tokens.

The two Yu Hou bit their middle fingers, wrote runes on the two tokens with the blood of their middle fingers, then thrust them into the ground and shouted at the same time:

"The Emperor of Heaven is so majestic that he is responsible for destroying ghosts and thieves. Liu Yi supports each other and the Dao of Heaven praises his virtues. Whatever I do now, there is nothing I can't defeat. I am as urgent as a law or order, destroy evil spirits!"


Back in time, after Hua Twelve and others entered the city, Han Shizhong was about to lead his troops to follow them into the city. Suddenly, he saw a blur in front of his eyes, and his marshal, brother Yue, and the others were no longer around.

Looking at the city gate of Zhuxian Town again, I saw that the city gate was tightly closed, as if it had never been opened. Looking at the top of the city again, I saw that the top of the city seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, making it difficult to see clearly, and only vague shadows could be seen. , there seemed to be countless soldiers guarding the city.

Han Shizhong shouted "Marshal" twice and when no one answered, he raised his heart and shouted: "Siege the city!"


Zhuxian Town was originally called Juxian Town, and later got its name because it became the residence and fiefdom of Zhu Hai, a famous scholar in the Warring States Period.

Zhu Hai was originally a butcher. Because of his bravery, he was hired as a diner by Lord Xinling. He later made great contributions in the battles to retreat from Qin, save Zhao, and save Wei.

Li Bai once wrote in "Xia Ke Xing", "Two heroes in the Qianqiu period have made great achievements in Daliang City." Even if the hero's bones are fragrant after death, he will not be ashamed to be the best in the world. '

One of those two heroes who have been famous throughout the ages is Zhu Hai.

After Zhu Hai's death, he was devoutly worshiped by the world and respected as an immortal. A Zhuxian Temple was built in Zhuxian Town.

Just today, in the main hall of the Zhuxian Temple, a deep Bagua-shaped pit was dug on the ground in front of the shrine. There were copper bells with Bagua engraved on the surrounding Bagua directions.

Wang Qing and Fang La, the leaders of the two major bandit groups, were both in the temple at this time.

When the two Yu Hou under Tong Guan used the methods of the Yin and Yang family to break the evil spell, the copper bells next to the Bagua pit rang in unison.

Wang Qing and Fang La both looked this way. The former frowned and asked, "Brother Gongming, what is going on?"

A man in his thirties, six feet tall, wearing a Taoist robe and holding a magic sword in his hand, with an unattractive appearance and dark skin came forward and said:

"There must be someone proficient in magic in the Song Army's formation who wants to break my formation!"

This person is none other than Song Jiang, Song Gongming!

Wang Qing became anxious when he heard this: "What should we do? Now the Song army outside has attacked the city. If the formation is broken, Tong Guan and Lin Chong will join forces with the Song army outside the city. We will have nowhere to go!"

Fang La glanced at Wang Qing of Huaixi, who was the same hero as him. Seeing that he could not hold his breath, he felt quite disdainful, but he did not show it on his face and spoke to persuade:

"King Chu, please be patient. Looking at the calm demeanor of brother Gongming, I think I must have a good strategy to ensure victory!"

Wang Qing heard this and asked Song Jiang: "Did Gongming have a solution?"

Song Jiang laughed loudly: "Don't worry, two brothers. I have Xuannv to teach me the magic and set up this formation. How can it be easily broken by ordinary people? Let's see what I can do!"

He shouted toward the outside of the hall: "Iron Bull!"

The next moment, Li Kui strode into the palace with an ax stuck in his waist, carrying a young woman in each hand, threw the two women to the pit, and gave Song Jiang a fist in the air: "Brother!"

Song Jiang nodded and said: "Let's do it, Jingmen!"

After he finished speaking, he waved the magic sword and muttered something in his mouth. The magic sword pointed in the direction of the startling door of the Bagua Pit.

Li Kui ignored the two women begging for mercy, pulled their hair to the direction pointed by Song Jiang, threw one on the ground and stepped on it with his feet. With his free hand, he pulled out an axe from his lower back and grabbed the ax in his hand. The woman's head was chopped off, and the blood spurted out fell into the deep pit along the direction of the door.

After killing one, Li Kui chopped off the one he was stepping on with an ax without blinking.

The blood flowed into the pit and was quickly absorbed by the soil beneath the pit.

Upon seeing this, Li Kui threw the bodies of the two women into the pit. An even stranger thing happened. The bodies of the two women slowly sank into the soil and disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the bells in the eight directions rang at the same time, ringing without any wind. Everyone in the temple instantly felt their feet shake, and the entire Zhuxian Temple shook.

Fortunately, the ringing stopped quickly and the shaking under the feet quickly subsided, otherwise everyone would have thought that an earthquake was coming.

Wang Qing asked Song Jiang: "Xiandi Gongming, what is this?"

Song Jiang chuckled: "Don't worry, brother, I have just used the woman's blood to activate the formation and defeat the opponent's methods. According to the wordless book given to me by Xuannv, as long as blood sacrifices are performed every hour, it will be done at midnight tonight It's done. When the Song army outside is about to die, Bianjing will be able to get it easily. Brother, a great thing is accomplished!"

Just when the Zhuxian Temple was shaking, in the central market of Zhuxian Town, two soldiers from the Yinyang family, Yuhou, shouted loudly. The two tokens inserted on the ground began to buzz and tremble, and the trembling amplitude became larger and larger. .

Suddenly, two tokens were shot back from the ground, and pierced into the chests of the two Yu Hou with two pops.

Immediately afterwards, with a bang, the two copper orders exploded directly, exploding fist-sized bloody holes in the chests of the two Yu Hous.

Blood flowed from the mouths and noses of the two Yu Hous, and they fell straight down, never moving again.

Tong Guan quickly asked someone to check, but he was no longer breathing.

In the Zhuxian Temple, Song Jiang came out to take a look at the sky. What was strange was that the sky he saw was devoid of any blood. The sky was clear and clear. When he saw the sun setting in the west, he turned around and shouted: "The time has come, Tieniu, let's proceed. Blood sacrifice!"

Li Kui responded, walked out of the hall, and called his thieves to bring the sacrifices. In a short time, women were pulled in one by one.

These women were old and young, and they were all citizens of Zhuxian Town. But for some reason, they only saw women, but not a single man.

The thieves pushed a woman forward, and Li Kui chopped one to death, beheading a hundred people. After bleeding, the corpses were thrown out of the pit.

Strangely enough, the pit was more than a foot long. It was supposed to be filled with a hundred corpses thrown in, but when everyone looked again, not a single corpse was visible.

Song Jiang watched with joy beside the pit: "This Xuannv formation is indeed mysterious!"

The people on Wang Qing's side were all in high spirits. Those on the Ming Cult side believed in Mingzun but not Xuannv. They all frowned and said to themselves that you are so weird that this is a magic given by Xuannv. This is clearly an evil spell.

When Li Kui was killing those women, Fang Baihua wanted to stand up and stop her, but every time her brother Fang La held her tightly and stopped her with stern eyes, so she did not rush to save them, but because of this, Fang Baihua His face was as sinking as water.

Wang Qing saw that his side was showing great power, not only blocking the Song army outside with formations, but also trapping Tong Guan and Lin Chong in the formations. He proudly asked Fang La:

"Master Fang, what do you think of my Huaixi methods?"

Fang La was disdainful in his heart. You have to have some tricks to prevent Tong Guan from chasing you.

He was thinking in his mind, but there was a look of admiration on his face: "The King of Chu has many talents under his command, including Shiyu Song Gongming and other capable people who are highly valued by Xuan Nu. Fang admires him!"

Wang Qing was even more happy when he heard this: "According to what the wise brother Gong Ming said, after tonight, we can destroy Tong Guan and Lin Chong, send troops to Bianjing, and then take over the world. I am willing to form a good relationship with the Ming sect between Qin and Jin. What does Leader Fang think?" ?”

While he was talking, his eyes were fixed on Fang Baihua. It was obvious that he was proposing marriage to Fang La.

Fang Baihua was about to fall out, but Fang La suddenly laughed and accepted the marriage before his sister:

"Of course that's good. I'm just waiting for King Chu to write down the three etiquettes and come to propose marriage!"

In Zhuxian Town, after the death of the two soldiers Yu Hou of the Yin Yang family, Tong Guan no longer had the capital to break the formation. The old eunuch and Hua Twelve suggested that the two soldiers search the north and south cities respectively. Since the formation was broken, If you don't know the formation, just focus on destroying the enemy.

Naturally, Hua Twelve would not object, and people from both sides immediately launched a blanket search of Zhuxian Town.

But what everyone didn't expect was that there was no one in this huge Zhuxian Town. Let alone people, there were no small animals such as domestic ducks, geese, cats and dogs, and not even ants or insects were found. .

In the entire Zhuxian Town, except for the people trapped in the city, there were no other living creatures.

Tong Guan finally panicked and found Hua Twelve, his previous arrogance lost in his tone:

"General Lin, we are trapped here. We don't even have food. If we really can't get out, these people won't be able to survive for two days. What should we do?"

Hua Twelve thought for a while and said: "Our previous guess was correct. Someone should have cast an evil spell here, but to trap so many of us, it will definitely consume a lot of money. I don't think the person who cast the spell can hold on for long. , let’s wait with peace of mind!”

There was a stage in Zhuxian Town, and the surrounding terrain was open. Hua Twelve ordered his soldiers and horses to rest on the spot with the stage as the center.

Seeing this, Tong Guan followed suit and asked his men to rest next to Hua Twelve's team.

It's night time.

The blood-red color in the sky has now turned into dark red. The moonlight shines through the red light, and what everyone sees is just a blood moon.

Suddenly a soldier on night duty shouted: "What is that!"

Many people followed the sound and saw an arm stretching out from the ground in the empty market, waving continuously.

Then one arm broke out of the ground, and the scene was extremely terrifying. The arms waved for a while, then propped themselves up on the ground, and then all the bodies emerged from the ground one by one.

Hua Twelve and Yue Fei looked at each other: "Zombie!"

Yue Fei didn't even need Hua Twelve's orders and quickly ordered his soldiers to form defensive formations.

Tong Guan heard that the zombies were also hairy and asked his generals to quickly command his troops.

The zombies emerged from the ground, first raised their heads and roared at the blood moon in the sky, and then seemed to smell the breath of the living, and they all turned around and looked this way.

The next moment, all the zombies were jumping and galloping towards this side, at an alarming speed.


Tong Guan's side couldn't bear his temper at first, and a commander issued an attack order. The next moment, the Song army was fighting with those zombies.

Yue Fei was so angry that he quickly commanded the military formation to push across to meet Tong Guan's soldiers.

Hua Twelve stood on the spot and fought. He didn't care about the battle. He glanced around, trying to find the enemy hiding in the dark.

Suddenly, he felt something. He looked towards a place in the air and saw that the void was undulating like water waves.

Then a motorcycle rushed out of the void, landed on the ground and drifted to a stop.

The rider in the car was a beautiful woman wearing a leather coat. The beautiful woman looked around and her eyes were fixed;


Thanks for the rewards from 08a, Li Meng, the God of Death, Little Tiger from the Demon Realm, and Bandit Li. Thanks to the brothers who voted for me monthly and recommended. Thank you very much.

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