A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 818 Take control of Bianjing City and surround Xiangguo Temple!

Chapter 818 Take control of Bianjing City and surround Xiangguo Temple! (Please order in full!)

From Zhuxian Town to Bianjing, a distance of dozens of miles, whether it is close or far, it takes most of a day to arrive at full speed, but Hua Twelve slowed down the march and asked the advance officer to lead the way. A group of cavalry returned to Bianjing to announce the good news and convey the good news to the adults in the court.

Hua Twelve himself led a large group of troops and marched slowly, stopping from time to time to bake a toothpaste for animal protection or something like that.

When the road conditions were good, he borrowed a motorcycle from Ma Xiaoling and rode it for a few laps. Yue Fei thought it was fun and wanted to ride it. However, after just learning and practicing, he pushed the accelerator too hard and the motorcycle hit a tree. It was nothing, but the front fork was bent and the wheel fell off.

Seeing that Yue Fei was fine, Hua Twelve felt relieved, put the wheel on the handlebar, and said to Ma Xiaoling, whose face turned dark:

"I've given it back to you. Count it clearly. There are not many parts!"

Ma Xiaoling was so angry: "There are a lot of parts, but you destroyed the car for me. Fortunately, I robbed someone else of the car, otherwise I would have been heartbroken!"

Hua Twelve: "."

The reason why he marched slowly was to give himself time to allow the Qi and Blood Pill in his Dantian to complete the upgrade from version 1.0 to version 2.0, and to set foot on the human immortal before arriving in Bianjing, so as to have an extra chance of winning.

In addition, he also had some things to arrange in advance in Bianjing City.

The advance officer led a small team of troops and quickly returned to Bianjing City.

At this time, the city gates of Bianjing City were closed tightly, and the city was full of guards. It felt like a frightened bird.

Seeing a small group of people coming from a distance, even though they looked like they were dressed as one of their own, the soldiers guarding the city did not dare to neglect them and shouted from the top of the city:

"Where are you from? Stop quickly, otherwise we will release our arrows!"

The forerunner clasped his fists and said, "I am a subordinate of General Jiedu Lin in the Beijing camp. My general defeated Wang Qing and Fang La's remaining troops in Zhuxian Town. They are on their way back in triumph. I have been specially ordered to come and announce the good news!"

The city gate official was startled and asked: "Where's Commander Tong? Why did General Lin send someone to announce the good news?"

The forerunner said directly: "Tong Shuai died for his country!"

The news of Tong Shuai's death shocked the court. The pioneer officer was rushed into the palace to report the situation to the Manchu bosses. The group of soldiers he brought back were allowed to return home after checking the Beijing camp roster and confirming their identities.

One of the small schools did not go home or return to the military camp, but found Liu Tang and others hiding in the city.

This little correctional officer is a desperate man named Shi Xiu. After meeting Liu Tang and Wu Yong, his first words were:

"Brother has ordered us to move the ladies to a safe place immediately!"

Liu Tang looked excited: "Brother is finally going to take action!"

Wu Yong quickly pressed Liu Tang's shoulders: "Brother Liu Tang, the more critical the moment, the more calm you have to be. Our most important task now is to do well what brother has arranged!"

Although Tong Guan died, the good news came back, and that night, there was singing and dancing in Bianjing.

The previous tense atmosphere in the city was wiped out with today's good news. Even the official Zhao Ji made an exception and drank two more drinks.

But Si Tianjian, who was keeping watch at night, suddenly discovered that in the night sky, the purple star was uncertain, the star Yinghuo was retrograde in the heart, and a bright new star was born in the palace, which seemed to replace the emperor star.

The Si Tianjian official who was keeping watch at night was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, his eyes full of shock, and he murmured: "Yinghuo Shouxin, Yinghuo Shouxin, new"

At this point, he covered his mouth and did not dare to speak any more.

At the same time, it was not only Si Tianjian who noticed this change in the celestial phenomena, but Zhang Tianshi from Longhu Mountain, Liu Hunkang from Maoshan, and even Lin Lingsu, Xu Zhichang and other Taoist cultivators in Bianjing City were all looking up at the stars at this time. Be attracted by this celestial change.

These people were all shocked beyond measure. The heavenly secrets changed drastically, Yinghuo Shouxin appeared, a new emperor appeared, and the day changed. Today,

The fortune of the Song Dynasty was in decline, but the fortune of China, which was also in decline, turned out to be a great turnaround.

The next morning, several people dressed like beggars arrived at the Zhuque Gate in Bianjing City. They were also stopped by the defenders. One of them shouted:

"We are soldiers under Commander Tong's tent, and we have urgent military information to report."

The city guard raised his eyebrows: "Bring him up!"

In the city gate tower, the guard general asked the visitor: "If you have any urgent military situation, please tell me."

The few people looked at the soldiers in the room and hesitated a little. The guard waved his hand and ordered the soldiers:

"You guys get out first!"

After the soldiers left, the newcomer lowered his voice and said cautiously:

"This general, Lin Chong wanted to rebel, and Tong Shuai was killed by his own hands. At this time, the rebel was leading his army to Bianjing City. Please report it to the court and the officials quickly to take precautions. ah!"

The guard who was sitting there suddenly changed his expression and suddenly stood up: "Is this true?"

The visitor bowed: "Everything is true!"

The next moment, the light of the sword suddenly appeared. Those people covered their necks and looked at the general in front of them in disbelief, their eyes full of doubts and confusion.

After they fell, the general shouted: "Come here, throw these assassins who want to kill me down the city!"

When the soldiers outside broke in, the sunlight reflected on the blue birthmark on the general's face, making this ugly birthmark seem a little less ferocious than before.

Although Hua Twelve controlled the generals under Tong Guan, how could he control all his hundreds of thousands of troops? There were always some people who were loyal to Zhao Song and aware of his ambitions, and tried to find ways to break away from the army and run away in advance. Return to Bianjing to report to the court.

Just west of Bianjing City, at the Lumen Gate, on the top of the city wall, a bearded general who was eight feet long, ten inches wide at the waist, with a straight nose and a square mouth, pinched to death a district official who came to report the news, and spat: "The Sa family hates the most. It’s the informer!”

When Wang Qing and Fang La joined forces and came to Kaifeng, Zhao Ji was frightened out of his courage, and he immediately issued an order to transfer all the Beijing battalions into the city to defend the city.

From that time on, Yang Zhi, Lu Da, Wu Song, and Hua Rong were each responsible for guarding a city gate.

The two waves of people who came to report the news happened to fall into the hands of Yang Zhi and Lu Da.

It's just that in Bianjing City, there are always twelve city gates and nine water gates, large and small, that cannot be taken care of. The news spread to the palace and the ears of many court officials a little later.

Immediately afterwards, orders from the palace continued to be issued, ordering the city gates to be closed and the defense to be strengthened. At the same time, Long Jinwei's men also took action and rushed into the residences of Lin Chong and Lin Ruhai. They found that in the two Lin residences, except for the servants, all the people on the arrest list had disappeared.

After asking, I found out that as early as yesterday afternoon, Zhang Zhenniang took Lin Chong's concubine Xue Baochai and several close servants to make an appointment with Lin Ruhai's daughter Lin Daiyu to go to Tianqing in the city to view incense. They did not return all night. These servants I was thinking about whether to report to the police.

Long Jinwei, who rushed to Lin Ruhai's house, also missed it. It is said that Lin Ruhai went out to visit friends after Lin Daiyu went out yesterday, but he also did not return.

This is obviously because he was prepared and ran ahead of time!

And this indirectly confirms that it is very likely that Lin Chong is going to rebel.

When the news came back to the palace, Zhao Ji revealed all the imperial cases: "Lin Chong is so brave!"

He thought of how Gao Qiu had repeatedly spoken well of Lin Chong in front of him, and he immediately became furious. He was about to hold Gao Qiu accountable, but when he turned around, he found that General Gao, who usually hung around him, was nowhere to be seen.

After asking, I learned that Gao Qiu did not come to the palace to discuss matters today. He sent people to the Palace Commander's Mansion and found that the building was also empty. Gao Taiwei's family all hid.

Cai Jing was in a complicated mood at this time. He knew that Lin Chong was Cai Chi, and Cai Chi was Lin Chong. He hated Lin Chong so much that he wished he could die on the battlefield. He wished he could tell Zhao Ji now that Lin Chong's weakness was Maode. Di Ji, but he didn’t dare to say.

At that time, he cooperated with Lin Chong and asked him to impersonate Cai Jing. If he said it now, then Cai Jing would be guilty of deceiving the emperor, and he would be the first person Zhao Ji wanted to kill.

However, Cai Jing still made some suggestions and said: "The official family, the twelve capital camps, Lin Chong only took away six camps, and there are still six battalions in the city now, we have to guard against them!"

Zhao Ji was shocked when he heard this, and immediately issued an order to capture the commander of the sixth battalion.

But at this moment, Captain Long came to report urgently that Lin Chong had entered the city.

Zhao Ji slumped down on the dragon chair. Cai Jing asked angrily: "Didn't the city gates be closed tightly? How did Lin Chong enter the city?" The visitor reported: "It was Ruda, the commander of Fenyong Camp, who did not respect the imperial edict and opened the gates without authorization. He even killed the city gate official who stopped him, and then let Lin Chong in! "

Zhao Ji was in a daze. As expected, Cai Jing guessed that it was Lin Chong who would betray the imperial court.

At this time, all civil and military officials in the dynasty were like frightened birds, and the censors and officials who usually talked eloquently became headless flies at this time.

At the critical moment, Cai Jing and Li Gang stepped forward, organized capable ministers, and led the imperial guards in the palace to close the palace gates and deploy defenses everywhere.

Li Gang also suggested asking experts from the Enshrinement Department to assassinate Lin Chong, and also asking several great mages in the court, such as Lin Lingsu, Xu Zhichang and others, to use magic to get rid of the leopard head.

Zhao Ji had no idea, so he followed the good advice and made a decree.

What people didn't expect was that neither Lin Lingsu nor Xu Zhichang were in their respective Taoist temples at this time. According to their disciples, their masters left yesterday.

Instead, the Worship Department played all its cards. Four masters in the early stage of Martial Saint attacked at the same time and assassinated Hua Twelve, who was riding a horse and was guarded by a large army on the long street.

But just when they were about to hit Hua Twelve, the four masters were frozen in mid-air by an invisible force as if they had been hit by a freezing spell.

The next moment, the acupuncture points were sealed and the true energy was suppressed. He fell to the ground and was tied up by Yue Fei.

This is not a magic spell, but the great elixir of Qi and blood in Hua Twelve's body. Now it has been completely transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and he has entered the realm of human immortality. As his strength skyrockets, all kinds of magical skills are increasing.

Just now Cai Cai Twelve used Jiulong Hebi's "Lin" technique. Now that he used this move, even the four masters of the Enshrinement Department could not resist it and could only surrender.

The reason why Hua Twelve didn't kill anyone was to see if he could use these people for his own use. If that didn't work, he used Beiming Magic to absorb the power of these martial saints. Although it was only the early stage of martial saints, no matter how small the mosquitoes were, It’s also meat!

His soldiers and horses marched straight in and headed straight for the palace gate. At this time, the palace gate was tightly closed, and rows of archers on the palace wall stuck their heads out, ready to shoot at any time.

Li Gang and Cai Jing stepped on the ladder and stuck their heads out from behind the palace gate. The former shouted angrily:

"Lin Chong, you led troops into the city without an imperial edict. Do you want to be like that rebellious minister?"

Hua Twelve replied loudly: "Of course I don't dare to be a rebellious minister. I just want to imitate what the great ancestor of the Zhao family did at Chen Qiao."

What did Song Taizu do in Chenqiao?

Of course he wears a yellow robe!

Next to Hua Twelve, the green-faced beast Yang Zhi had already prepared to take out a dragon robe and put it on him with his own hands. Then he jumped off the horse, knelt down on one knee with his fists clasped, and said loudly:

"When today's immoral people cause chaos in the world and the people suffer, please ask the general to plan for the hundreds of millions of people, comply with the destiny, come to the ninth five, replace the faint king, and save the people from fire and water!"


"Rebellious ministers and traitors, rebellious ministers and traitors!"

Li Gang kept yelling and cursing on the palace wall. Interestingly, Cai Jing looked complicated and remained silent.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Are you scolding me or Zhao Taizu? We are doing the same thing!"

Li Gang wanted to yell, but was suppressed the next moment. He saw tens of thousands of soldiers kneeling on the ground at the same time in the square in front of the palace, shouting loudly:

"General, please obey the destiny and replace the faint king!"

Thousands of people shouted, and the sound spread throughout Bianjing City.

Above the main hall, Zhao Ji's face turned pale: "Rebellion, everyone has rebelled."

Li Gang at the top of the city was stunned and wanted to speak again, but was suddenly pulled off the ladder and thrown to the ground.

Several Longjing lieutenants rushed towards him and tied him up. He turned around and saw Cai Jing adjusting his clothes and walking towards the palace gate. He instantly understood what he was talking about and cursed: "Traitor."

Cai Jing looked back and said: "He who knows the current affairs is a hero, Mr. Li."

After saying that, he waved his hand: "Shut his mouth!"

At that moment, the two dragon guards got a piece of rag and stuffed it into Li Gang's mouth.

Cai Jing's power dominated both the government and the public, and he had countless disciples. The commander of the palace gate, Long Jinwei, was a member of Cai Jing's party, so he naturally had to listen to Cai Jing's orders.

Lao Cai asked someone to open the door. Regardless of his age, he rushed out and knelt on the ground:

"Your Majesty, Cai Jing, would like to welcome the new emperor to the palace!"

There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of Hua Twelve's mouth. The old man was quite capable of adapting to the changing circumstances, and he rebelled in an instant. But now is not the time to settle accounts with him. After all, a thousand pieces of gold buys horse bones. If you keep him for a few days, you will have to do it. Just ask someone to take a look.

Immediately, someone helped Cai Jing up and rode into the palace.

At this time, the palace was already in chaos. When some people saw Hua Twelve entering the palace, they imitated Cai Jing and came over directly. Especially those in Cai's party, all of them rebelled.

Of course, there are those loyal ministers who would rather die than surrender. Hua Twelve had everyone tied up and put in prison. Everyone admired the loyal ministers, but at this time they could not be let out to cause trouble.

What people didn't expect was that Zhao Ji ran away and searched the entire palace but couldn't find any trace of the old guy.

Just when Hua Twelve was about to order people to seal off the entire city and conduct a blanket search, someone came from outside to report that Zhao Ji was captured alive by Liu Tang.

However, in order to cooperate with Hua Twelve, Wu Yong had already let Liu Tang ambush in the secret passage from Fanlou to the imperial palace. He planned to let Liu Tang lead his brothers to break in through the secret passage when his brother attacked the palace and grab the first credit.

As a result, Cai Jing rebelled and there was no fight, but they waited in the tunnel to find Zhao Ji who was disguised and wanted to leave the palace through the secret passage.

Although Liu Tang didn't know Zhao Ji, he also knew that the identity of the person who came out of the palace must be extraordinary. He reached out and used the monkey trick to steal the peach, and he was instantly sure that this was someone with peach.

Then the question is simple. The man with a peach in the palace must be the emperor himself.

He was overjoyed immediately, and regardless of Zhao Ji's humiliated face, he tied him up and sent him to the palace to seek credit.

Hua Twelve laughed after hearing this and gave Liu Tang a credit.

Zhao Ji was a coward. When he saw that the situation was over and people were fighting for their lives, he immediately surrendered.

Hua Twelve did not imitate the Jin people to humiliate him and act like a virtuous man. He just smiled and said: "You will be in charge of the art academy from now on and paint your paintings honestly!"

After saying that, he shouted to Ma Xiaoling who was not far away:

"Xiao Ling's shoes, you see, I keep my word, you can take him back and draw whatever you want!"

Ma Xiaoling was speechless: "I just wanted you to ask Zhao Ji for two paintings so that I could go back and exchange for money. But you rebelled directly. Don't ever say that because of me, I can't bear such a big responsibility!"

When Hua Twelve heard her idea of ​​selling paintings to make a fortune, he couldn't help but feel a little amused: "Have you ever heard of carbon-14 identification? If you take the painting back, it will be new once it is confirmed, so why do you need to exchange it for money?"

"Ah, is there another way to say this?" Ma Xiaoling felt that her wish to make a fortune by selling paintings was shattered.

Hua Twelve captured Bianjing and did not proclaim himself emperor immediately. Instead, he brought back Lin Ruhai and Gao Qiu, and together with Cai Jing and other surrendered officials, took charge of court affairs and stabilized the people.

He himself led two battalions of soldiers and horses and surrounded the Daxiangguo Temple that day.

Riding majestically on the horse, he shouted loudly: "Tell that bald man Zhiqing to come out and see me!"

Thanks to: 08a for the reward. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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