A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 820: The abdication edict, the overall situation has been decided!

Chapter 820: The abdication edict, the overall situation has been decided! (Please order in full!)

The mural could not be cut with a knife or damaged with an axe. Even masters like Wu Song and Shi Xiu could not break through the defense. Even splashing ink had no effect. Hua Twelve stepped forward and delivered a powerful blow. He wanted to see if the mural could Withstand the full force punch of this immortal warrior.

As a result, when he punched, he was suddenly sucked into the mural, and he himself became a part of the mural. In the end, Shengsheng used his strength to punch through the mural and successfully escaped.

And when he came out, he was carrying someone in his hand, it was Jia Baoyu who was taken away by Jing Huan.

As soon as Hua Twelve came out, Luda expressed concern:

"Brother, are you okay? We only saw you turning into a villain in the painting and fighting with others. You wanted to help but couldn't. We are almost dying of anxiety. I wonder what happened just now?"

Others also looked over curiously, even the two elders Zhizhen and Zhiqing.

Hua Twelve threw the lost Jia Baoyu to Shi Xiu's custody, and then explained:

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that the mural couldn't withstand my punch, so the goblin inside brought me to the world in the painting and used the space in the painting to consume my punching power!"

"As soon as I entered the world in the painting, I found myself in the dojo where the old monk was teaching the Dharma. The old monk called himself Zen Master Huitong and recited the scriptures to save me into Buddhism. How could I not know that he was just a mural artist, so he said a The word 'go'!"

"The old monk became so angry that he hit me with a palm strike from the sky!"

"I broke it with a casual punch. The monk said that my back change didn't count, otherwise it wouldn't explain how my fist could punch through his cloth!"

No one could hear what was going on with the fist and the cloth. Ruda continued to ask: "Then what?"

"Then the old monk was glowing with golden light, gesticulating with me back and forth with his hands, and muttering something in his mouth. I couldn't hear what he was saying, so I just thought he was scolding me and killed him!"

"Sure enough, there is not a human under the skin, but a thing that looks like a ghost. I killed the ghost, and all the people listening around me turned into monsters. They call themselves the Eight Heavenly Dragons. How smart I am, I didn't leave the eight He beat them all to death without giving them a chance to turn into dragons!"

Elder Zhizhen was speechless. How did the Eight Heavenly Dragons explain it?

Hua Twelve became more and more addicted to talking and continued to brag:

"Then the illusion I was in collapsed, and a girl named Jing Huan came out and told me that the uncle is here to play. I said what to play, and she said anything is fine. I said let's play Sanda, but ended up with three punches and two kicks. , she just lay on the ground vomiting blood and touching the porcelain."

Hua Twelve was talking nonsense here when he saw Elder Zhiqing, a black air appeared on his face, and he shouted suddenly:

"You're talking nonsense, I'll give Zen Master Huitong my life!"

The old monk took action as soon as he said so. He formed the Demon Subduing Seal with one hand and pressed directly towards Hua Twelve.

When Elder Zhiqing was forming the seal, the phantom of the Buddhist Vajra appeared behind him, but for some unknown reason, many black lines appeared on the body of the Vajra. At the same time, the eyes of the Vajra were scarlet, exuding a vicious aura, which made people The hope is cold.

"Junior brother!"

Elder Zhizhen felt that something was wrong with his junior brother just now, but now he was shocked when he saw it.

The smile on Hua Twelve's face turned cold: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, well done!" He also punched out!

The opponent hit him with the Demon-Subduing Seal, so he hit him back with the Great Demon-Subduing Fist. He wanted to see who was the demon!

Elder Zhiqing flew out directly. He was in the air, and the Vajra shadow behind him shattered. He fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Elder Zhizhen hurriedly stepped forward to check and found that Elder Zhiqing's Zen skills were all shaken away by Hua Twelve's punch, and his half-life hard work turned into running water.

Hua Twelve spat: "Don't think that if I enter the world in the painting, I won't hear you gloating outside!"

Elder Zhizhen looked at him with a complicated expression.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Master, if you want to avenge your junior brother, just take action!"

Elder Zhizhen recited the Buddha's name and sighed: "The noble man helped my junior brother to eliminate the demonic obstacles in his heart. The poor monk is very grateful. How can he feel resentful!"

He didn't take action, but the monks from Daxiangguo Temple who were accompanying him all took action. Black anger appeared on their brows one by one, and they all rushed towards Hua Twelve.

Just when Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Shi Xiu and others were about to take action, they saw Elder Zhizhen suddenly chant a Buddhist chant, which shocked their souls.

In an instant, all the Buddhist utensils in the Main Hall underwent strange changes.

The wooden fish and copper chimes ring without knocking, and the Buddhist niches, vases, and incense burners all emit a faint Buddha light.

Next is the image of Tathagata on the Buddhist niche, which emits Buddha light and illuminates the main hall.

I saw the monks who were about to attack Hua Twelve suddenly paused, and then streams of black gas and black smoke came out from the holes in their heads.

When the black energy dissipated, the eyes of the monks returned to clarity. Each of them, with their faces full of shame, sat down cross-legged and recited scriptures.

Hua Twelve nodded towards Elder Zhizhen:

"Master is a sensible person. I saw a roster in the world in the painting. You, my junior brother, and many monks in the Daxiangguo Temple all went to the world in the painting to listen to the demon monk's lectures. Haha, look at them all. What did you learn?”

Zen Master Zhizhen clasped his hands together and said: "The poor monk had a premonition of a disaster in the Daxiangguo Temple in his concentration, so he came from Wutai Mountain. He originally thought that it would be on the nobles, but unexpectedly there was no way for misfortunes and blessings. He only brought it on himself. Sin, sin!"

"Don't worry, noble man. The poor monk will clean up the matter in the temple and give you an explanation!"

Hua Twelve smiled noncommittally:

"Master, don't you think it's a bit incredible that the master in charge of Daxiangguo Temple can also be deceived by monsters?"

Elder Zhizhen chanted the Buddha's name with a complicated expression on his face, but he could not answer this question.

In the Mahavira Hall, the Buddha's Dharma is very respectable. The dignified Buddhist monks will be bewitched by the demon monk. No one can believe this. There is only one answer, that is, if you die first, the demon monk will have a chance to take advantage of you. In other words, you are willing to do so. Fall into evil ways.

Hua Twelve said calmly: "This Daxiangguo Temple has a big problem, so let's check it out. Only by clearing the source can we solve the problem from the root!"

He pondered for a while and said: "Zen Master, don't rush back to Wutai Mountain. Just take charge of the affairs at Daxiangguo Temple first. As for other matters, I will ask someone to check!"

Elder Zhizhen sighed: "Our practice should be pure, so we should follow your noble wishes!"

Hua Twelve nodded to the old monk and was about to leave. But after taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and asked:

"I heard that the master has magical powers and knows the future. Can you give me a verse?"

Elder Zhizhen recited the Buddha's name:

"The noble man's destiny comes from outside the sky. It is precious beyond words. How can a poor monk say such nonsense? It's just that the noble man seems to be biased against my Buddhist sect. The poor monk hopes that the noble man can treat both Buddhism and Taoism equally in the future!"

Hua Twelve sneered: "I've always been right about things and people. If you want me to treat everyone equally, you'd better keep your word and do less dirty things!"

After saying that, I didn’t want to say anything more, so I turned around and left. I thought I could get a fortune-telling verse for nothing. But it turned out that if I didn’t meet this requirement, you came to make terms with me. That’s nonsense.

When I got outside, I saw many monks sitting slumped on the ground, all of them either in pain or with angry faces.

Hua Twelve knew that these were probably monks who were deceived by the demonic monks on the murals. They had just been destroyed by Elder Zhizhen using Buddhist Zen. It seemed that the entire Daxiangguo Temple was in ruins from top to bottom. Back in the palace, Hua Twelve asked Lin Lingsu and Xu Zhichang to come over to discuss matters.

This time, these two famous Taoists did not hide. Dian Dian'er rushed to the palace to greet Hua Twelve, saying: "Noble man!"

Hua Twelve smiled half-heartedly and looked at the two Taoist priests: "I heard that you went to Yunyou and came back so soon?"

Xu Zhichang smiled, a little embarrassed, but Lin Lingsu was an old acquaintance of Hua Twelve. During the Shandong earthquake disaster, the two worked together to clean up corpses.

Lin Lingsu and Hua Twelve didn't see each other outside, and said nonchalantly: "Your Majesty, you don't know something. We are traveling as our souls, and suddenly we felt something in our hearts. We expected to meet you, so we came back to meet you!"

"The soul is traveling?"

Hua Twelve suddenly asked in a wicked way: "Catch a snake in an empty basin, Taoist priest, can you do it?"

Lin Lingsu was completely covered, with an ancient version of a black man's question mark face.

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "It's just a joke, but I still want to ask. I heard that Zhao Ji wanted to use the power of the Taoist sect to deal with me in a critical moment and asked the Taoist chief to enter the palace, but why didn't you help him?"

Lin Lingsu and Xu Zhichang looked at each other, both showing shame and bitter smiles.

Xu Zhi saw that Lin Lingsu was familiar with Hua Twelve, so he said, "Brother Taoist, let's talk about it!"

Lin Lingsu nodded, and then said to Hua Twelve: "It is said that eating the emperor's salary is a matter of loyalty to the emperor. We took advantage of the power of the court to enter the public practice. We also owe the Zhao Guan family a lot of kindness, and we must repay it."

"It's just that if he needs us to make rain, pray for blessings and subjugate demons, do divination and calculation, make elixirs and teach the Dharma, we will not refuse. However, the Zhao Guan family hopes to use Taoism to assassinate the real dragon and interfere with the general trend of the world. Such things will destroy the foundation of Taoism. , which one is willing to do it?”

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "You said I am a real dragon?"

Lin Lingsu nodded and said: "Yes, we watched the sky at night and found that the sky has changed greatly. Yinghuo Shouxin has a new emperor star coming from outside the sky and entering the palace from the southwest. The Ziwei star is dark. This is the emergence of a true dragon. At the time of the change of dynasty, you returned triumphantly from Zhuxian Town and were in the southwest direction. If not you, who else could it be!"

Xu Zhichang added on the side: "What we seek in practicing Taoism is immortality. If we are to participate in this kind of dynasty change and assassinate the real dragon, not to mention it is extremely difficult to succeed, even if it is successful, we will have to bear it." The consequences are huge, ranging from death of body and soul to destruction of spirit and soul at worst. Even the true immortals in heaven would not dare to take part in such a thing!"

Hua Twelve nodded. Throughout history, no matter how many times aliens invaded the Central Plains, no great master of cultivation was found to take action to bring order to the chaos. Thinking about the Romance of the Gods, how many great Luo immortals were involved, but no immortals directly killed King Zhou. It is probably because of this reason.

Although he was unhappy, he could also understand that if he were to change places, he would probably only be playing a side role. If he was asked to help the dynasty that was about to be destroyed at the cost of his soul, he would definitely not do it.

The reason why Hua Twelve asked this question was because he also wanted to use Lin Lingsu and Lin Lingsu. Only if he understood the reason, he would feel confident using them. Otherwise, he would definitely use them at such a critical moment. I dare not use it.

After coughing lightly, he got down to business. Hua Twelve first talked about the affairs of Daxiangguo Temple, and then said:

"I would like to ask you two to come forward and investigate the evil deeds of Daxiangguo Temple on behalf of the court. How many fields under the temple were seized by trickery? Has anyone illegally amassed wealth? Have any monks committed evil? We must investigate thoroughly!"

Buddhism and Taoism have been at odds since ancient times. Lin Lingsu and Xu Zhichang, relying on Zhao Ji's favor, have long wanted to take action against the Daxiangguo Temple. However, this temple is not as ordinary as usual and has a deep foundation. Even Zhao Ji, who favors Taoism, dare not move lightly. .

Now that I heard that Hua Twelve asked them to build the Daxiangguo Temple, there is no reason to be unhappy.

Seeing their appearance, Hua Twelve couldn't help but remind him: "We must investigate based on the facts, and we are not allowed to frame them or avenge private vengeance!"

Lin Lingsu patted her chest and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. The dirty things done by the Daxiangguo Temple are too numerous to describe. Many people were forced to death by usury, so how could we be used to frame them!"

The two of them immediately took the order and went with the people from Daolu Division to the Daxiangguo Temple for investigation. After they went there, they almost caused a riot, but Elder Zhizhen came forward and convinced the monks of the Daxiangguo Temple.

I have to say that Elder Zhizhen did the right thing. If he didn't come forward, the court would take action next.

The results of the investigation came out a few days later. It was found that the Daxiangguo Temple had countless money, was as rich as the country, and had committed countless crimes. In order to make money, the temple issued loan sharks, and also participated in the salt and iron smuggling business, acting as a protective umbrella for evildoers.

If someone commits a murder on the street, all he needs to do is take a thousand dollars and send it to the Daxiangguo Temple, and the eminent monks in the temple will use their connections to go to the Yamen to intercede.

If a prisoner sentenced to death is willing to become a monk, he can directly become a monk and escape punishment.

If you don’t want to become a monk, if you have enough money, the monks from Daxiangguo Temple can help you make big things into small things.

A monk explained that the reason why Elder Zhiqing was deceived by the demon monk was because he had committed too many sins and was afraid that he would be entangled with karma and shake his Buddha's heart. Therefore, he believed the demon monk's lies and planned to use heretical practices to achieve enlightenment.

Hua Twelve laughed out loud, saying that he would not be able to survive because of his own misfortune.

Immediately ordered that all the sinful monks in Daxiangguo Temple should return to secular life, and then punish them one by one according to the court laws.

On the execution ground, there were hundreds of bald heads kneeling there. All the crimes they had committed were posted on the side. Those who knew how to read read them out to the people who were watching. Everyone really reviled them.

The supervisor gave an order, and none of these evil monks, including Elder Zhiqing, met a good end.

Elder Zhizhen chanted the Rebirth Mantra at the execution ground to send these monks off for the last time. After returning to the temple, he decided to hand over all the money and land in the temple to the court. From then on, Daxiangguo Temple strictly enforced the precepts and no longer accepted money or donations from outside. It must be said that this was a wise move.

The matter at Daxiangguo Temple came to an end, and the imperial court also stabilized the situation.

Lin Ruhai, who was devoted to the interests of Hua Twelve, instructed Gao Qiu to let Zhao Ji write an edict of sin first. After he ascended the throne, he was so stupid that he caused chaos in the world and suffered disasters for the people. He summarized several major crimes and announced them to the world.

Then he asked Zhao Ji to write an edict of abdication and gave the emperor's throne to Hua Twelve.

Now that Zhao Ji and his princes are temporarily imprisoned, and their lives hang in the hands of others, Zhao Ji naturally doesn't dare to disobey.

It should be mentioned here that Hua Twelve went to see Zhao Ji once. During this period, he saw the prince, the third prince, and the seventh prince, three princes who had interacted with each other before. These three people no longer had the arrogance of the past. When facing him, They were all hunched over, looking submissive.

This made Hua Twelve too lazy to cause trouble for these people.

Of course, as a former prince, you must have the consciousness of a former prince. They will never think of leaving Bianjing City in this life.

Hua Twelve planted the life and death talisman on them all, so it would be okay if they were honest, but if they wanted to escape, or if someone rescued them to leave, they would not be able to bear the pain of the life and death talisman, and could only be tortured to death by the life and death talisman.

With the edict of abdication in hand, Hua Twelve was still in no hurry to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. He asked Cai Jing and Gao Qiu to write letters to appease and win over local garrisons and local officials. After a few months, the Western Army's Zhongjia Army, Zhejia Army and other troops Representative Fang responded to the letter, and officials from various places wrote letters expressing their surrender. Only then did he begin to consider ascending to the throne.

But before that, he still had something to do, which was to meet Emperor Maode, who had been kept in the dark all this time.

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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