A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 830 Return to Hong Kong

Chapter 830 Return to Hong Kong (please order in full!)

After Hua Twelve became the leader of the Sanlian Gang, his little black cousin who originally worked for Lei Gong was also promoted to the deputy leader of the Viper Hall.

Xiao Hei looked puzzled and said to Hua Twelve in private: "I haven't been promoted in the gang for more than 20 years. Is it because of luck that I can be as successful as my cousin in my lifetime?"

Hua Twelve smiled and patted Xiao Hei on the shoulder: "Cousin, you are overthinking. Now I am the leader of the Viper Hall and you are my cousin. How can Lei Gong trust you to continue to be his driver? If one day I If you want to take over, you can kill him easily!"

Xiao Hei then came to his senses and cursed: "Dear Gan Ni Niang, my Xiao Hei is loyal and loyal. I have been with him for twenty years, and yet he actually doubts my loyalty."

Hua Twelve interrupted in a funny way and asked, "Are you still going to do it, deputy hall master?"

"Do it, why don't you do it? I've been doing it for twenty years."

Hua Twelve simply gave him the middle finger: "Do it, and you'll be moaning for a long time!"

Xiao Hei laughed loudly and put his arms around Hua Twelve's shoulders: "I'm so excited. My restless heart needs several big squints to calm me down."

In the next month, Hua Twelve began to select confidants in the hall, promoting some younger brothers who had made meritorious services in the past but were suppressed. Among them, priority was given to those without families. These people had fewer weaknesses and were less likely to be threatened and exploited. , as long as he does things fairly, loyalty is not a big issue.

Today, Tianhua Twelve is inspecting the Tangkou site with Xiao Hei, various bars, nightclubs, KTVs, hotels, saunas, D venues, etc.

Hua Twelve exclaimed inwardly that he was amazing. There is no one else with such acting skills. If he had not known that Ding Yao was a snake-hearted woman like Mrs. Ma, he might have been deceived by this acting skills.

He nodded: "It's delicious, I'm so excited!"

After hanging up the phone, he stood up, greeted Xiao Hei and left. Now when the two of them went out, they had already changed their guns. Their car changed from a scooter to a bulletproof Mercedes-Benz.

He said as he put a drop of water on his finger and put it on his palm.

Hua Twelve laughed and scolded: "Believe me, you are talking about tigers and wolves. Is that what you said in the last sentence?"

Hua Twelve checked the accounts for more than an hour before Xiao Hei came out of the guest room. He was obviously thinner than a month ago.

The car went straight from the Viper Hall's territory to Lei Gong's villa.

Lei Gong said with a smile: "Okay, I'm very happy that you and Ding Yao can get along well!"

In Lei Gong's office, Hua Twelve and Xiao Hei were sitting on the sofa. Lei Gong held a cigar in his hand and said in a deep voice:

Bulletproof is Xiao Hei's request. In the words of this guy: "You have such a big name as the God of War. How many people want to kill you and get to the top? No bulletproof car is unsafe!"

Hua Twelve ate very quickly, finishing all the wontons in a few mouthfuls. Then he picked up the bowl and drank the wonton base soup with seaweed and shrimp.

Of course, Hua Twelve is inspecting the industry normally, while Xiao Hei is testing the bell on behalf of the hall master, using his words to calm down the inner turmoil with big girls before putting it into practice.

Xiao Hei was a little embarrassed: "My kidneys have been well taken care of. Let me tell you, it's mainly because that girl has a special trick. When she came up, she gave me an old tree root and locked me up so that I couldn't resist. Then another person takes off his armor at the sight of a dragon, and then he devours and moans, and the most irritating thing is, it’s not over, it’s going to happen again!”

Hua Twelve naturally didn't want to go back, but Big B was once Pheasant's eldest brother, so if he refused directly, it would be too heartless and unjust.

This person is Thunder God.

After a while, a glass of warm water was placed in front of Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve asked Ding Yao to sit down: "Come here and let me do a magic trick for you!"

He took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and asked calmly: "What's going on between you and Gao Jie?"

While the two were chatting and joking, Hua Twelve's cell phone rang. After answering the call, he heard a few words from the other party and nodded:

He smiled with a mean look on his face and said: "Isn't there a saying that if you are forced by a woman and can't resist, it's a good choice to enjoy it with your eyes closed!"

Seeing Hua Twelve come back, Ding Yao brought out a bowl of wontons and said with a smile:

"I'm back. Last time you said you wanted to eat beef-stuffed wontons from the north. I specially asked someone to learn how to make them. Try them and see if they taste good!"

Hua Twelve knew that this trip would be impossible. He looked at Gao Jie standing behind Lei Gong and suddenly smiled:

"That's fine, Ding Yao also said she wants to go out for a walk, so I'll take her to Hong Kong Island with me!"

"He likes me, but he is a thief but not courageous. He is not as bold as you!"

As he spoke, he seemed to be remembering the first time he took a hot spring bath, with a blush on his face.

Ding Yao sat beside him gently and rested her head on Hua Twelve's shoulder: "As long as you like to eat!"

Hua Twelve nodded, walked to the dining table and sat down. He took one out with a spoon and put it in his mouth. Well, it was stuffed with beef and garlic sprouts. It tasted delicious, fragrant and delicious. It was his favorite taste.

"That's it. You go and burn incense, rest there for a while, and meet old friends for a while. Let the little gangster take care of the things here!"

After pondering for a while, he decided to use magic to deal with magic. He looked sad, lit a cigarette, took a few deep puffs, and showed a look of struggle on his face:

"Mr. Lei, don't worry. Although I used to be from Hongxing, I have already followed you. I will not do anything to Qin Muchu!"

The old fox pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "Twelve, I am very pleased with your loyalty to the gang, but after all, Big B used to be your eldest brother. Now that he is gone, if you don't go to burn incense, you will be criticized!"

After he said these words, Gao Jie's eyes suddenly showed murderous intent. This guy obviously coveted Ding Yao.

Brother Hongxing B is dead!

After Hua Twelve came here, he had no contact with Hong Kong Island, and Chen Haonan and the others did not have his contact information. It is expected that the news of Hongxing Big B's death would be difficult to reach his ears, but he did not expect that someone would deliberately tell him He listens.

After coming out of Lei Gong's house, Hua Twelve said goodbye to Xiao Hei, and he returned to Ding Yao's house alone.

After speaking, Ding Yao stood up with a smile: "I'll get you some water!"

Ding Yao, who was holding a lighter to give Hua Twelve Lights a cigarette, suddenly froze, and then recovered instantly:

He couldn't help but said with a smile: "Damn, cousin, your legs are shaking. Why hasn't your turbulent heart calmed down yet? If this continues, I seriously doubt that your kidneys won't be able to cope with it before your heart calms down." Living!"

Ding Yao asked curiously: "What kind of magic are you trying to do?"

"Twelve, I just received the news that Big B, the leader of Hongxing Society in Causeway Bay, died two days ago. Do you want to go back and take a look?"

"Okay, I understand, go right away!"

"Open your eyes and look carefully!"

Lei Gong frowned slightly. He wanted to use the relationship with the person in front of him to reach cooperation with Hong Xing. If Hua Twelve didn't go back, he wouldn't want to see him.

"What a tiger and wolf, that girl is a tiger and wolf, let me tell you."

Just when Hua Twelve finished these words, the drop of water in his palm quickly formed ice crystals.

Ding Yao was asked about Gao Jie just now. She was calm on the surface, but actually she was restless. When Hua Twelve said he wanted to do magic, she was just pretending to be curious, but now she was really surprised.

"How did you do that? Is this really frozen?"

Hua Twelve put his palm in front of her: "If it's ice, touch it and see for yourself!"

Ding Yao did not doubt that he was there, and stretched out her slender fingers to touch the ice crystals in Hua Twelve's palm. The moment her fingers touched the ice crystals, the ice crystals turned into water droplets again.

And there was an invisible force that followed the skin of her fingers and entered her meridians.

Ding Yao's eyes widened: "It's so magical!" "There's something even more magical!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "The ice crystal just now is specially designed to detect lies. After you touch it, if you lie, you will experience the feeling of not being able to survive but not die!"

After he said this, he asked with a half-smile: "Then tell me, what is your relationship with Gao Jie?"

Ding Yao smiled unnaturally: "I told you it doesn't matter, you don't believe me?"

Hua Twelve was too lazy to say anything to her. He lit a cigarette, took a puff, stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the villa to look at the scenery outside.

Ding Yao wanted to say something behind her, but the next moment, she suddenly fell to the ground and screamed loudly.

"Save me, I can't stand it anymore, Hua Twelve, Pheasant, please save me!"

Ding Yao felt an unbearable itching all over her body, and she couldn't help but reach out to scratch it, but at the moment when the pain broke out, she didn't even have the strength to scratch it.

Hua Twelve turned around: "What is your relationship with Gao Jie?"

The pain of the Life and Death Talisman is not something ordinary people can bear, let alone a woman. This time Ding Yao did not speak harshly and said quickly:

"He has a crush on me. I told him to help me ascend to power and kill Thunder Lord. I will marry him. Please save me quickly. Ah."

After she finished speaking, she was still afraid that Hua Twelve wouldn't believe it, so she endured the pain and said, "Believe me, what I said is all the truth. He is a coward without courage. I have never even touched him, and he said he could do it for me." I'll die, believe me, you are the only man I have."

Hua Twelve threw out a pill and rolled it next to Ding Yao: "Take it, this antidote can relieve your pain for a month!"

Ding Yao hurriedly picked it up and swallowed it, not caring that the pills were already stained with dust on the ground.

A minute later, the medicine took effect, and Ding Yao let out a long breath. After another long while, she said in a tearful voice:

"What a cruel man, I thought I was going to die!"

Hua Twelve sat on the sofa and ignored her: "I will only tell you one thing. If you can be the woman behind me, then I can protect your prosperity and wealth. If you dare to be half-hearted and betray me in the slightest, Then next time it happens, you won’t have an antidote!”

Although he didn't see Ding Yao's expression, he could guess that she must be gritting her teeth in hatred, so he said calmly:

"I know you are determined not to give up. You should go to the hospital for a checkup now to see if modern medicine can save you!"

Ding Yao stood up, picked up her handbag and rushed out of the villa, riding a scooter to the hospital.

In the days that followed, although Ding Yao remained obedient to Hua Twelve, she felt a little more fearful and uneasy than before.

Of course Hua Twelve knew that Ding Yao was afraid of him, but instead of waiting for her to make a mistake and get rid of her personally, it would be better to make her afraid and not dare to touch the minefield easily.

In Xiangjiang, Big B's funeral has been held. Chen Haonan is contacting Big B's old subordinates everywhere, hoping that these former brothers will come forward to avenge the boss.

It's a pity that Liangkun is the leader of Hongxing now, and no one is willing to offend the entire society for the sake of a dead boss.

Today, Chen Haonan's date with someone for the evening fell apart again, so he took a few brothers to drink at a roadside stall.

Suddenly, a row of more than a dozen Mercedes-Benz cars parked on the side of the road, the doors opened, and a charming woman walked out first.

Foreskin's eyes widened, and he patted Chen Haonan and Da Tian Er: "Damn it, look at it, pretty girl, she's even prettier than a little stutter!"

Da Tian Er looked up and his eyes widened immediately: "Really, Brother Nan, look at it, does this look like the Hong Kong sister from the beauty pageant, called Qiu or something?"

Bao Pi reminded: "Your surname is Qiu, you know a ball!"

"That's enough of you two!"

Handsome Nan finally got angry, but he subconsciously glanced up.

But at this moment, he was stunned because he saw Pheasant walking out of the car door behind the beautiful woman.

Bao Pi and Da Tian Er also saw Pheasant. They all stood up and expressed surprise: "Pheasant, you are back!"

Hua Twelve said to Foreskin: "I'm not a pheasant!"

Bao Pi was suddenly startled, pointed at him and said: "You pheasant, Brother B just died. Are you following the example of those young men? Don't you recognize your brothers?"

Hua Twelve walked up to him and gave him a slap: "Can't I change my name? Tell him what my name is?"

At this time, all the people in the Mercedes-Benz got out. Dozens of people in black suits stood neatly behind him, bending at the same time:

"Brother Twelve!"

Hua Shier smiled and took off his Rolex and threw it to Chen Haonan: "I know you guys are in trouble, so I'll help you solve it when I come back this time!"

Chen Haonan caught the Rolex and a smile broke out on his originally cool face. He reached out to hug Hua Twelve, while Baopi and Datianer all came over to hug him.

Hua Twelve pushed Chen Haonan away, punched B Pi and Da Tian Er on the shoulders, and laughed and cursed:

"They are all men, why are you so close!"

He brought Ding Yao over: "You can just call me sister-in-law. If you don't care about the ball, be careful, I'll kick you to death!"

As he spoke, Bao Pi and Da Tian Er smiled and moved away.

In Portland Street, a nightclub ostensibly opened by businessman Wanwan, but actually owned by the Sanlian Gang, Hua Twelve asked for a private room to talk to Chen Haonan and others.

At this time, several people already knew that Hua Twelve was now making his mark outside.

Pi said happily: "Pheasant, no, it's Twelve. You came back this time to avenge Big Brother, right? You don't know that Big Brother and his family are in such misery!"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "I am now the leader of the Sanlian Gang, and the brothers I brought here are all from the Sanlian Gang. If I take action, it will cause a war between the Sanlian Gang and Hong Xing!"

Chen Haonan held a cigarette in his mouth and said nothing. Bao Pi and Da Tian Er suddenly became anxious.

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "But I can provide you with some help!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and his brothers took several suitcases and placed them on the table. After opening them, they saw that they were all filled with Hong Kong dollars, all of which were thousand-dollar bills.

Then he took out several large suitcases and took them out. After opening the lids, they were full of weapons, including AKs and individual rocket launchers!

Chen Haonan was shocked: "Are you going to be so exaggerated? Let's go to war!"

Liangkun's ending was already doomed. Just like the original plot, Liangzinan, with the support of money and weapons, quickly settled everything and set Liangkun to death.

Jiang Tiansheng also returned to Hong Kong Island to preside over the overall situation of Hongxing.

Hua Twelve took Ding Yao to play in Hong Kong Island for three months. One day, Ding Yao told him: "Lei Gong called and asked us to go to Macau to meet him!"

 Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

  (End of this chapter)

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