A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 833: One unification and three alliances, Chen Guilin finally made some noise

Chapter 833: Unifying the Three Alliances, Chen Guilin finally made some news (please order the full version!)

Lei Gong's funeral was held in Benbei. Gang bosses such as the Sihai Gang and the Songlin Gang in the local area, as well as Hongxing, Dongxing, and the Japanese Yamaguchi Group in Hong Kong, all came to express their condolences.

Hua Twelve also met many familiar faces, such as Luo Tuo from Dongxing, Zhou Chaoxian from the Songlin Gang, etc.

After the funeral, Jiang Tiansheng stayed and brought up the matter of cooperation between the two parties again.

In fact, after going back last time, Jiang Tiansheng figured out that the advantages of cooperation outweighed the disadvantages. He originally wanted to call to confirm, but he didn't expect that something happened on Lei Gong's side. Now that the dust has settled, he brought up the old matter again.

Ding Yao naturally welcomed anything that could make money and left the matter to Hua Twelve to handle.

The other hall leaders naturally objected to handing such fat meat to Hua Twelve, but Ding Yao said that Lei Gong took Hua Twelve to Ao Island because he originally wanted him to manage the casino. Now that she takes over the Sanlian Gang, she can't violate it. Lei Gong's lifetime wishes.

When she said this, the other hall masters naturally had nothing to say.

But if it doesn't work out clearly, some people will do it secretly. Some people think that as long as Hua Twelve dies, the benefits will be redistributed, and then they will naturally get a share of the meat.

As for such a big thing as killing a hall leader, if it were anyone else, these ambitious people might have to worry about it, but in their eyes, Hua Twelve is just a former Hongxing mazai who rose to power by luck, and he took office not long ago The foundation is not stable, I believe no one will say anything even if I kill him.

Among the police officers who came, a younger one sneered and said, "You guys come out to have fun like this, you should have known this day would come!"

Letting the driver drive, Hua Twelve and Xiao Hei sat in the back seat of the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz. As soon as they got in the car, they received a call from Ding Yao. As soon as the latter answered the call, he said quickly:

"I just received news that someone bought a gunman to deal with you!"

As for the situation on Hua Twelve's side, his driver is fine. He just had a cut on his head by broken glass. He fainted when the car crashed. He is now awake. It's just that when the gunman appeared before, his side was dead. Got two younger brothers.

His aura loosened a little, and the temperature around him seemed to drop by two or three degrees instantly. Cold sweat immediately appeared on the young police officer's forehead, and he did not dare to look at him.

Hua Twelve pushed Chen Hui away and stepped forward: "I am He Zhihua's family member!"

Hua Twelve was speechless in the rolling bulletproof Mercedes-Benz. In such a big scene now, his spider-sense-like warning function no longer warns him. Although this kind of thing no longer threatens his safety, you can at least give it a try. ah.

After hanging up the phone, Hua Twelve glanced around and saw that there was no other danger. He walked to the road and blocked a car, threw a handful of bills to the driver and asked him to take them to the hospital.

Hua Twelve shook his head: "No, I will do this myself. No one involved can escape!"

Ding Yao nodded and sat next to him: "It has been found out. It is the gunman found by Black Panther Hall Wang He. There should be others involved. As for who it is, we are still checking!"

Before he finished speaking, a loud bang was heard, and the entire bulletproof Mercedes-Benz was spinning around. It was hit from the side by a dump truck and rolled straight away.

With the phone in one hand and Xiao Hei in the other, he took the opportunity to kick open the bulletproof car door and jumped out.

Hua Twelve said calmly: "We have already taken action, but everyone has been dealt with!"

Xiao Hei was shocked: "What happened just now, it was like riding a roller coaster!"

Seeing Ding Yao coming in a hurry with people in the corridor, Hua Twelve ordered on the phone to find out who attacked him. The other two men who died were given one million yuan in housing allowance each, and the rest were injured. Yes, 100,000 were slightly injured and 200,000 were shot.

Xiao Hei was not seriously injured. He was shot in the shoulder by the killer. It was just troublesome for the bullet to get stuck in the bone. Otherwise, there would be no need to go to the hospital for this kind of injury.

At this time, the last remaining killer had been eliminated by the Viper Gang's younger brothers.

These settlement fees and bonuses are far higher than the standards of other gangs, but what he wants is thousands of gold to buy horse bones and the loyalty of his brothers.

Hua Twelve shook his head: "I'm fine, but Xiao Hei was shot and is undergoing surgery inside!"

In the hospital, on the bench in front of the operating room, Hua Twelve kept answering calls from his subordinates. The driver of the dump truck was dead and smelled of alcohol. The driver was not wearing a seat belt when the car crashed. Look. It looks like an accident caused by drunk driving.

On the phone, Ding Yao also asked anxiously what happened. Hua Twelve briefly explained the matter, and the latter was relieved after making sure that he was fine.

"What are you doing? The police are handling the case. Send them back!"

Hua Twelve stood up: "Say it again!"

"Officer, I was attacked, and my cousin was still inside for surgery. Please understand, I am the victim!"

As soon as I pressed the send button, a group of people walked over in the corridor. When they got closer, the leader showed his ID:

"Police, Mr. Hua Twelve, please come back with us to investigate!"

At this time, the door of the operating room opened, and the doctor came out and shouted: "Ke Zhihua's family members!"

Xiao Hei blocked a shot for Hua Twelve, and then shouted to him to leave quickly with a painful look on his face.

The doctor said: "He is fine. The bullet has been removed. He will be hospitalized for observation for a few days and he will be fine!"

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yao walked up to him and asked with concern:

Hua Twelve waved his hand, and all the black suits stepped back, and then he said:

Hua Twelve took out a cigarette and Ding Yao lit it for him. The doctors and nurses passing by saw someone smoking and wanted to stop them, but when they saw the menacing black suits beside them, they immediately chose to turn a blind eye.

Hua Twelve was dumbfounded. The four gunmen asked him to use coins as hidden weapons to kill three of them. Xiao Hei suddenly stood in front of him. It was not clear whether it was to save him or the killer.

So one day when Hua Twelve and Xiao Hei just came out of their hotel to check the accounts, four gunmen appeared on both sides of the street and started shooting at them.

Hua Twelve and Ding Yao didn't say anything, and all the Sanlian Gang in black suits gathered around them.

When he looked back, he saw that his bulletproof Mercedes-Benz had flown into a store on the roadside. The body of the car was upside down. The driver was unconscious in the driver's seat with blood on his face.

The man headed by the police looked to be in his thirties. One of his eyes was dead gray, and only one of his eyes was shining. However, this man was very imposing. When he saw the Sanlian Gang people surrounding him, he immediately pointed at them and shouted:

Hua Twelve didn't believe that the driver of the dump truck was driving under the influence. How could it be such a coincidence? A gunman had just attacked this place, and then a dump truck came.

"Are you OK?"

He took out his phone and sent a message.

Hua Twelve helped Xiao Hei get into the car and took him to the hospital for treatment.

The leading police officer said: "My name is Chen Hui, from the Criminal Division. Seven lives were lost in today's incident. If you don't go back with us and record a confession, it won't make sense, and the higher ups won't agree to it!"

Ding Yao asked: "The gang will give you an explanation for this matter!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Thank you doctor!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a young man presented a thick wad of Taiwan dollars and stuffed it directly into it: "A little thought!"

Chen Hui walked up to him and said calmly: "Give the doctor a red envelope, don't you worry that I will sue you for bribery?"

Hua Twelve turned to look at him: "Then arrest me!"

Chen Hui looked at Hua Twelve for a while, but did not mention this problem, but said: "Your cousin is fine, you can go back to the police station with us!"

Hua Twelve also knew that someone was dead, so it would be unjustifiable not to record a confession, so he immediately said to Ding Yao: "Send someone to protect Xiao Hei, and we will talk about other things after I come out!"

Ding Yao nodded and said: "I will call Lawyer Liang and ask him to meet you at the police station!" Hua Twelve nodded and said to Chen Hui: "Let's go!"

A policeman came up and was about to handcuff Hua Twelve, but before the latter could get angry, Chen Hui waved his hand to indicate no need, and then made a gesture of invitation to Hua Twelve.

Following Chen Hui to the police station, when recording the confession, Hua Twelve told what happened today.

The surrounding police officers looked wide-eyed, and one of them asked in disbelief: "You mean, you killed the killer with coins? You kicked open the bulletproof car door and jumped out when the car was still overturning?"

"Retaliating with coins is considered self-defense!"

"As for kicking the car door?" Hua Twelve glanced at the speaker lightly: "Have you ever heard of the powerful Vajra Legs? What's all the fuss about!"

Chen Hui asked with great interest: "So you have practiced martial arts?"

Hua Twelve said calmly: "I have practiced a little!"

"It's said in the world that you are the god of war. Is this true?"

Hua Twelve shrugged: "Friends are just showing love!"

Chen Hui then brought up a case: "In the case of the assassination of legislator Zhang Dingkun, someone identified you as the murderer. And you were nicknamed the God of War because of what happened that day. Do you have anything to say?"

Hua Twelve suddenly realized that he was waiting for him here, and he immediately laughed:

"Don't talk nonsense. If you admit that the Salted Fish God of War is a murderer, then I have to admit that I am the Salted Egg Superman. Will you frame me to destroy the earth?"

Hua Twelve is not afraid at all. If the police had evidence, they would have arrested him long ago. How could they wait until now? They are just using today's incident to deceive him.

Chen Hui wanted to say something else, but at this time Lawyer Liang from the Sanlian Gang came and took over all the subsequent legal matters.

The police, however, believe that it is a rare opportunity to allow the leader of the Sanlian Gang's Viper Hall to enter the police station, and plan to detain him for 48 hours to collect as much evidence as possible to prevent Hua Twelve from leaving the police station.

Just as Lawyer Liang argued hard, Hua Twelve said: "Lawyer Liang, since the police need it, then I will cooperate with the police here. Who told me that I am a good citizen?"

When he said this, Chen Hui and the other policemen were stunned.

Seeing Hua Twelve's attitude, Lawyer Liang nodded: "Okay, Mr. Hua, I will always pay attention to your affairs, and I will pick you up when the time comes!"

As soon as the lawyer left, Chen Hui asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Why, I can't cooperate with you anymore, how about I leave?"

Chen Hui shook his head and asked someone to take him to the detention room.

While the police were investigating what happened tonight, a rocket flew into the home of Wang He, the leader of the Black Panther Hall of the Sanlian Gang.

There was a bang, and flames shot out. There were a large number of Wang He's bodyguards and young men in the villa. The explosion caused a sudden wailing sound.

But then another rocket passed through the window and hit the load-bearing wall of the villa.

This time the entire villa collapsed.

A figure outside threw away the empty launcher and walked to the street. Suddenly, the figure turned into liquid and fell into the sewer, disappearing.

That night, Wang He, the leader of the Black Panther Hall of the Sanlian Gang, Jin Ye, the White Paper Fan, and Fire Rat, the leader of the Fengwei Hall, were all killed. The number of dead exceeded three figures.


Chen Hui pushed open the door of the detention room and saw a group of social idlers who had been arrested, all squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands. These people were all big and round, and covered in tattoos. They usually looked fierce, but now they were all They were so well-behaved that none of them dared to breathe loudly.

Hua Twelve himself lay on the chair and slept soundly.

As soon as Chen Hui came in, Hua Twelve yawned and opened his eyes to take a look. The former asked sharply:

"Did you do it?"

Hua Twelve spread his hands: "Don't try to frame me. I'll be here all night, and they can testify!" He pointed to the idle people on the ground.

These people nodded quickly: "Yes, officer, we testify that Boss Hua never left from the beginning to the end!"

Chen Hui took a deep breath angrily, and then said: "You know what I'm talking about. Our police found that the gunman who attacked you was related to Wang He, the Black Panther Hall of the Sanlian Gang. But tonight, including him, Dozens of people were bombed and no bones were left. Do you dare to say that this incident has nothing to do with you? "

The squatting idlers all shook their bodies, and then looked at Hua Twelve with both fear and admiration.

Hua Twelve sat up and stretched his waist: "Of course it doesn't matter. If you have evidence, arrest me. If you don't have evidence, shut up. Keep me awake. I'm dreaming about blowing up the villa with a rocket launcher!"

Chen Hui was angry: "You still said it wasn't you!"

He was about to step forward to take action, but Hua Twelve stood up, grabbed Chen Hui's neck, and lifted him up with one hand:

"I respect your profession, but please speak with evidence. Don't let me look down on your clothes, understand?"

After saying that, he put the person down and patted Chen Hui's face.

Within forty-eight hours, Hua Twelve was asked to leave the police station by the police. The only request was that nothing more happened and that there needed to be stability above.

Hua Twelve would not just nod his head stupidly and agree, that would prove that it was related to him.

After coming out, he went directly to the entrance of the hall for a meeting. When all the hall leaders present saw him, they subconsciously averted their eyes.

Uncle Zhongyong was not afraid: "Hua Twelve, did you do this?"

"I was at the police station last night, but the police said that the person who attacked me was related to Wang He. What do you think?"

After Hua Twelve said this, Ding Yao came out to the platform: "The gang has found out that Wang He bribed the gunmen to attack Hall Master Hua!"

Uncle Zhongyong sat down angrily. He had nothing to say about this matter, because the news he received was the same.

Ding Yao stood up and put his hands on the conference table: "Wang He is dead, and this matter ends here. I don't want to see anyone fighting inside again, otherwise the gang will deal with it. Now the elites of the Black Panther Hall are dead and injured. The mouth must be opened, do you have any suitable personnel? "

Hua Twelve raised his hand: "I suggest Xiao Hei. He has been driving for Gang Leader Lei for twenty years. He is very loyal and he even blocked a shot for me yesterday. He has made a huge contribution to the gang and cannot be denied!"

Ding Yao raised her hand: "I agree, does anyone object?"

The other hall leaders had their objections, but when they saw Shang Hua Twelve's eyes, they were immediately intimidated. Then Xiao Hei Ke Zhihua succeeded in taking over and became the leader of the Black Panther Hall.

In the next three years, Uncle Zhongyong was fishing when his fishing line hit a high-voltage line and passed away on the spot. Mr. Lei, who was studying abroad in Chou Country, had a car accident on a California highway and died.

On the day of the three-year election, Hua Twelve successfully took office without any obstacles and became the leader of the Sanlian Gang.

That day T1000 sent a message to Hua Twelve that there was a situation with Chen Guilin!

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, and Happy Fulcrum for the rewards. Thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you very much.

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