A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 859: It’s not illness, it’s evil!

Chapter 859: It’s not illness, it’s evil! (Please order in full!)

PS: Seven thousand plus, the extra words will be updated for brother 08a to be promoted to leader!

Another note: The ending of yesterday has been slightly modified based on the opinions of the brothers. The practice chamber has been retrieved through any door. Special explanation.

Last night, Haitang and I spent half the night together. When we got up early in the morning, this little girl was in high spirits after breakfast. She insisted on taking Yunluo and her servants shopping on the street, saying that she would buy them some modern clothes, cosmetics and so on.

Hua Twelve took out "Tathagata Divine Palm" and "Seven Spins Slash" and started studying them.

After looking at it twice, he simply put aside the "Seven Spins Slash". This skill also uses the sword's power externally. In terms of power alone, it is not as good as his Flame Sword and Sanyin Demon Slaying Sword.

On the other hand, "The Palm of the Tathagata" looked impressive just by its title, so Hua Twelve read it intently.

The preface to the secret book states that this palm technique was created by the Buddha Sakyamuni. When Tang Sanzang went to Tianzhu to obtain scriptures, he brought this technique to the Central Plains when he returned to the Central Plains.

"Tathagata Divine Palm" is called Palm Technique. It actually includes internal power, external power, light power, and body-protecting Qi. It can be said to be very comprehensive.

There are nine moves in this palm technique, which are: Buddha's light first appears, golden-domed Buddha lamp, Buddha moving mountains and rivers, Buddha asking about Jialan, welcoming Buddha to the west, Buddha's light shining everywhere, heavenly Buddha coming to the world, Buddha's law is boundless, and ten thousand Buddhas paying homage to the sect.

The preface also said that after practicing this palm technique, you can crack the earth with your feet, tear the void with your hands, shatter and rise in just one thought. After practicing it to the end, you can also use these nine moves to understand the legendary tenth move and sacrifice your life to achieve success. Buddha, achieve the right result through cultivation.

Hua Twelve felt quite comfortable reading the description, and quickly opened the pages to read the contents of the secret book.

As a result, a black line suddenly appeared at first glance.

Because there are many discrepancies between the moves in it and the introduction in the preface, the names of the nine moves have also been changed.

They are: the Buddha flies to the west, the Buddha's light first appears, the Buddha moves the ordinary mind, the Buddha smiles, the Buddha's light shines, the Buddha also shines, the Buddha's Dharma is boundless, the heavenly Buddha comes to the world, and ten thousand Buddhas pay homage to the sect.

Compared with the one introduced in the preface, the name of this move is like a street stall.

In addition, there is a Buddha who stirs up ordinary minds and gets angry. What kind of ghosts are these? If he stirs up ordinary minds and gets angry, can he still become a Buddha?

Hua Twelve went directly to Long Jianfei, who was making up for history, to ask what was going on. The latter sneered:

"Since ancient times, martial arts have not been passed down lightly. You just practice my martial arts without my permission. Now you still ask me to answer your questions, which is too much!"

Hua Twelve also laughed: "Dragon Master, please think carefully. If you make me unhappy, I will bring you back when you are broken next time!"

Long Jianfei: "."

Long Daxia was so powerful that he could not give in. Regarding Hua Twelve's threat, he immediately said: "Then I will tell you carefully!"

Hua Twelve is so contemptuous!

According to Long Jianfei, the 'preface' in the secret book was the original form of the Palm of the Tathagata. Later, because the monk Bianji taught by Tripitaka was killed by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty for hooking up with Princess Gaoyang, the whereabouts of this technique became unknown. .

Later, Long Jianfei's master Huoyun Xieshen obtained this secret book, but by that time it was already a fragment.

Fire Cloud Evil God used his extraordinary martial arts skills and knowledge to complete the remaining chapters, and this is how the later version came into being.

The moves completed by Fire Cloud Evil God are the ones in the secret book that are different from those in the preface. As for the names such as Buddha Moves the Mortal Heart, Buddha Flyes to the West, and Buddha Also Gets Angry, they are just a spoof of Fire Cloud Evil God.

Hua Twelve was speechless after hearing this, but the name was not important after all. What he cared about was the power:

"The preface says that you can tear apart the void with your hands, shatter and ascend in just one thought, and you can also realize the tenth step of sacrificing your body to become a Buddha and achieve the true fruition. Is this true?"

Long Jianfei pointed at himself:

"You can tell just by looking at me. If I could really break into pieces and ascend in just one thought, why would I have to put in all the effort? Although my master is a genius and can complete this divine palm, it is not as powerful as the original after all, and his other moves have changed. Don’t even think about realizing the tenth move and attaining enlightenment!”

Long Jianfei also gave Hua Twelve a suggestion, that is, with Hua Twelve's current strength, you don't actually need to practice the first eight moves of "Tathagata Divine Palm", you only need to practice the ninth move "Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong". Because the last move is the most powerful and covers the essence of the entire set of martial arts,

Hua Twelve also agreed with this, because other moves are really not as good as his own martial arts, such as the light gong 'Buddha Flying to the West' in "Tathagata Divine Palm". Compared with other light gongs, it is definitely the best light gong, but Compared to his 'Xiaoyao Yufeng', it's not good enough, at least it can't fly.

Among all the moves, 'Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong' is the most interesting.

At this time, the servant came over and told Hua Twelve that there were police outside. Long Jianfei said:

"Okay, you go and do your own thing, I want to read quietly!"

Hua Twelve asked the police who came to the door to come to the living room. The leader was Chen Hui from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Benbei Police Station.

He and Chen Hui were old acquaintances, but unfortunately they were always on opposite sides because of their different positions.

Speaking of which, Hua Twelve had a good impression of Chen Hui. He thought this man was quite good and definitely a good policeman, but he was mainly lacking in ability.

After meeting, Chen Hui got straight to the point:

"Mr. Hua, Liao Zhenfu, chairman of Taifeng Group, died in his own office this morning. Do you have anything to say?"

Hua Twelve smiled: "I want to say, die well!"

He also waved for his bodyguards and ordered: "I am deeply saddened by the death of Chairman Liao Zhenfu. When I get back, buy me a thousand firecrackers and set them off at the gate of Taifeng Group to express my condolences!"

The bodyguard smiled and said: "Okay, boss!"

The Wanbei police who came were speechless. You went to set off firecrackers right after someone died. Are you expressing your condolences?

Before Chen Hui could say anything, one of his waiters couldn't stand Hua Twelve being so arrogant and asked loudly:

"What did you do at Taifeng Group yesterday? Did you do this?"

Hua Twelve spread his hands: "Do you need me to call a lawyer over?"

"As for what I did when I went to Taifeng Group, that's a trade secret. If you want to know, go talk to my lawyer. As for killing someone, please don't accuse me unjustly. I have no grudges against the old man. Killing him is completely okay. The reason!”

Chen Hui looked at Hua Twelve with a scrutinizing gaze and asked: "Then why did you set off firecrackers? I feel like you are very happy!"

Hua Twelve had a smile on his face:

"Didn't you read the news report this morning? The company that dumped mercury waste into the Keelung River must be Taifeng Group. Such a scumbag has died. How can a person like me, an upright and kind-hearted person like me, not be happy! "

When he said this, even his bodyguard couldn't help but laugh out loud. You are so arrogant that you are a boss, and you still call others scum!

Hua Twelve glared at the bodyguard, who touched his nose and stood behind him.

Chen Hui looked at Hua Twelve without saying a word, and the latter looked at him calmly.

After a while, Chen Huicai said: "The higher ups take this matter very seriously. We will continue to investigate. Don't let me find out that you did it, otherwise I will never let you run away this time!"

Hua Twelve asked with a smile: "Why is there the last time?"

Chen Hui was too lazy to make it clear: "You know!"

He greeted: "Let's go!" After that, he left with his subordinates.

But after taking just two steps, he turned back and asked the bodyguard behind Hua Twelve:

"Have we met somewhere?"

The bodyguard grinned, showing a row of white teeth: "Yes? I don't remember!"

Chen Hui stretched out his hand: "I want to check your ID!"

The bodyguard took out his ID, but it was not a Wanbei ID, but a Hong Kong Island ID.

Chen Hui called his colleagues at the police station to check and confirm that there was no problem with the ID, then returned the ID to the bodyguard, pointed at Hua Twelve, and then took the people away.

As soon as the police left, Hua Twelve asked the bodyguard to sit down and talk, and said with a smile: "This Chen Hui is very sensitive!"

The bodyguard nodded; "He must think my voice is familiar!"

This bodyguard is none other than Chen Guilin. Before Hua Twelve went to the mainland, he arranged for this boy to go to Bangzi Country for plastic surgery. Now he has recovered and returned to Wanwan.

At present, Chen Guilin has reunited with Xiao Mei, and they have made clear their feelings for each other. They live happily together and work as a bodyguard and driver for Hua Twelve.

The reason why Chen Guilin had plastic surgery was to deal with the authorities.

Hua Twelve himself could use the twins as an excuse, but Chen Guilin couldn't. This guy couldn't change his fingerprints, so if he wanted to continue living in Wanwan, he would just have his face reshaped.

Chen Guilin used to look like a migrant worker, but now he looks like a domineering CEO. He looks very similar to the celebrity named Ming Dao.

Hua Twelve saw Chen Guilin's tangled expression and said with a smile: "If you have anything to say, just say it directly. How come after plastic surgery, your personality has changed!"

After hearing what he said, Chen Guilin said: "Actually, Chen Hui is a pretty good person. He took good care of me when I was arrested by him."

Although he was a killer trained by the Pine Forest Gang, he had killed all evil people since he became famous. He could not take action against an upright person like Chen Hui.

Just now he saw Chen Hui causing trouble for his boss. Chen Guilin was also afraid that Hua Twelve would not be happy, so he asked someone to get rid of Chen Hui. He could clearly see how ruthless his boss was in the Green Island training camp. Chu.

Hua Twelve listened to him halfway and understood what he meant: "You don't think I want to kill him, do you? Don't worry, I actually admire him quite a lot, and I hope there are more people like him!"

When Chen Guilin heard what he said, he also smiled and said, "I'm overthinking it!"

While they were talking, Hua Twelve's cell phone rang. It was Haitang calling, saying that he had bought too many things and asked him to pick them up and have a meal by the way.

In fact, this is just acting like a baby. They can’t carry it and they still have drivers. If there are more shopping malls, they can deliver it to your door.

Naturally, Hua Twelve couldn't understand the sentiment, so he agreed with a smile and asked Chen Guilin to drive him to pick up Haitang.

When he saw the three girls, he loaded everything into the car, and was then dragged by Haitang to eat Japanese food.

Hua Twelve sat on the tatami and looked at the sashimi in front of him with a look of disgust on his face: "What's so delicious about this thing? That waiter grilled this sashimi for me!"

This sentence made Haitang laugh so hard. Hua Twelve didn't care about that. He took Yunluo and ate grilled sashimi. While eating, he asked the Japanese lady who was serving them:

"I heard that you all eat large intestine sashimi, how disgusting it is. I also said that when you were young, women were all bow-legged. Is that true? Come on, lift up your kimono and let us take a look!"

When the waitress ran away in tears, Hua Twelve explained to the other girls:

"As for that, you're so stingy!"

Haitang laughed softly and said, "Don't you know that in childhood, women didn't wear clothes under their kimonos? If you want to lift someone else's kimono, how can she not be afraid?"

Hua Twelve looked surprised: "No way, I saw in the video that those women are not afraid!"

Haitang: "." What kind of disc are you watching? Do you dare to tell me!

After a while, a group of people came in with fierce looks, followed by the Japanese girl just now. After coming in, they pointed at Hua Twelve.

Those people were about to take action immediately. Hua Twelve did not move. Chen Guilin looked at him with disdain:

"We are from Sanlian Enterprises. Anyone who knows anything can get out of here!"

The few people who had looked ferocious and ferocious just now immediately bowed and bowed and retreated. The name of the Sanlian Gang was so easy to use.

No one came to trouble for the entire meal. When the bill was paid, the boss still didn't take the money, but Hua Twelve asked Chen Guilin to pay for it. I still owe you a meal? Chen Guilin: Then why should I pay?

When walking out of the Japanese-style private room, passing by the corridor, a waitress was opening the sliding door of another private room and kneeling in to serve wine. Hua Twelve subconsciously turned his head to look, and immediately stopped. He saw Huang Huotu was drinking alone in this private room, with a gloomy and thoughtful look on his face.

He asked Chen Guilin to send Haitang and Yunluo back, then walked into the private room and sat across from Huang Huotu. Before he could speak, he saw a file bag on the table with a certain law firm written on it, and a few scattered around it. A document, with the words 'Divorce Agreement' written on the top one.

There is no need to ask now, this should be the reason why Huang Huotu came here to drink alone.

Seeing Hua Twelve, Huang Huotu was startled at first. Seeing his eyes, he hurriedly put away the documents, and then asked expressionlessly:

"How did you know I was here?"

"I say we met by chance, can you believe it?"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he greeted the waitress: "Bring me a wine glass and grill a few more plates of sashimi!"

The corners of Huang Huotu's eyes twitched: "Then why don't you just eat grilled fish?" Hua Twelve rolled his eyes at this guy: "You don't care what I eat, tell me. I remember when we took the boat to Hong Kong Island, you often How come you love your wife so much that you get divorced?"

Huang Huotu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Actually, there was a problem at the beginning. I wanted to investigate the truth about my father-in-law's death in order to save the relationship, but I didn't expect that it would come to this point!"

Hua Twelve pointed at Huang Huotu’s dark circles and haggard face:

"Your current condition is called "heart and liver hyperactivity" in Chinese medicine, and "spiritual restlessness" in Western medicine. It's called anxiety disorder. It's only been a short time since we last met, and you've become like this. Is it because of the divorce?"

"Not all!"

Huang Huotu had drank a pot of sake by himself before. Now that he was drunk, he didn't like to talk very much, but he couldn't control himself. He poured out all the things that he usually kept hidden in his heart that made him uncomfortable.

It all started when Huang Huotu exposed his colleagues for corruption two years ago. At that time, he never thought that his brother-in-law was also one of the corrupted ones, and also committed a huge amount of corruption. For this, he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison by the court.

His brother-in-law was so angry at being betrayed by his brother-in-law that he found an opportunity to escape on the day the court sentenced him. He took a pistol and went to the police station to settle the score with Huang Huotu.

At that time, Huang Huotu's daughter Huang Meimei happened to go to the police station to find her father. His brother-in-law was stimulated by being sentenced and was extremely mentally unstable. In order to retaliate against Huang Huotu, he even kidnapped his niece with a gun.

Huang Huotu tried every means to appease his brother-in-law, but the latter became more and more excited and actually pulled the trigger.

What's strange is that the bullet only scratched Huang Huotu's daughter's forehead, but refracted back and killed his brother-in-law on the spot.

After hearing this, Hua Twelve suddenly realized: "This is the knot between you and your wife!"

Huang Huotu drank another glass of sake and said with a wry smile:

"Actually, A Fang didn't blame me, it's just that I couldn't get over the hurdle in my heart. Since then, my daughter Meimei has stopped talking due to excessive stimulation, which makes me blame myself even more, and that scene keeps happening recently. In my dream, I can’t be stable for a day!”

"In order not to affect my A Fang and Meimei, I have been living in the police station since I returned to the police force. This also made the problems between A Fang and I more and more serious. Finally today, she sent the divorce agreement to the police station. , I really don’t want to get divorced, but I don’t know what to do!”

Hua Twelve drank a glass of sake, then took out a cigarette and threw one to Huang Huotu, lit one himself, and then asked:

"You said you couldn't pass your own test, and you said you blamed yourself, so let me ask you, if you could do it over again, would you choose Li? Well, no, that's easy to say. I mean, if you were asked to choose again, would you still choose Li? Will you report corruption?”

Huang Huotu did not answer directly, but said with red eyes: "I was too naive back then!"

"I asked you if you had a choice again, would you report corruption???" Hua Twelve emphasized his tone.

"Yes!" Huang Huotu shouted: "I will also report them. They are the police and their actions are worse than you. I don't regret reporting them!"

Hua Twelve has a black streak on his head, what does it mean to be worse than me?

He rolled his eyelids and said angrily:

"Since you don't regret it, then you are blaming yourself. Your brother-in-law brought it upon himself. He shot his niece in the end. He was a scumbag and deserved to die. I think that's why your wife didn't blame you!"

Huang Huotu seemed to have listened a little, but still said in frustration: "But Meimei."

Hua Twelve waved his hand and interrupted: "Isn't it just because he was stimulated that he didn't speak? This trivial matter is nothing. Bring it to me later and I promise to cure your daughter. I miss you and your wife." The only thing that bothers you is your daughter. When your daughter recovers, you can carry your wife into the bedroom and torture her all night long to ensure that she has no emotions at all!"

After Huang Huotu heard what he said, his face turned red first, then he looked at Hua Twelve suspiciously and asked:

"You said you can cure Meimei?"

Hua Twelve felt unhappy when he saw his suspicious eyes: "You don't believe me?"

Huang Huotu said quickly: "No, Boss Hua, everyone knows that you can beat someone, but I haven't heard that you can cure diseases?"

"You still don't trust me, do you? I have to tell you about my peerless martial arts skills!"

Hua Twelve directly squeezed the sake bottle, and the wine instantly wet his hands. As soon as he activated his inner strength, there was a bang, and fire came out of his hands. Huang Huotu was frightened and he quickly asked someone to put out the fire.

"Don't make any noise!"

Hua Twelve scolded and activated his inner strength again. The next moment, a wisp of cold air came out of his hand. The flame was immediately extinguished. The wine in his hand froze instantly. He shook his hand, and the frozen ice fell one after another. Look at the whole scene again. The palm is intact!

He looked at Huang Huotu proudly and said, "How's it going? I'm pretty good at martial arts, right?"

Huang Huotu chattered: "I caught a liar, and his tricks became better than yours."

Hua Twelve laughed at this bully: "It's as if I'm begging to treat your daughter. If you don't see it, I don't want to take care of it!"

He just took the initiative to help and performed magical skills. Huang Huotu didn't take him seriously at all and thought he was a liar.

Now Hua Shiyi said that he should ignore it, but Huang Huotu was not sure and said quickly: "No, what is our relationship? My daughter is your eldest niece. You should not care about anyone else!"

Hua Twelve pointed at him: "People are just cheap, and chasing people is not business. I don't care if you are still evil!"

Huang Huotu smiled apologetically and muttered in his heart: "I just want to hit two shots with or without dates. It doesn't cost any money to try it!"

Two days later, Hua Twelve finished practicing his martial arts in the villa and ran to the swimming pool for a swim. He was thinking about how to get rid of Haitang and Xiaoman and take down Yunluo today. Huang Huotu called and said that there was Shi Shi wants him to show his daughter Mei Mei.

Hua Twelve directly reported the address of the villa and asked him to come over quickly.

Huang Huotu hesitated: "Boss Hua, I'm a policeman. Why don't I go to a Sanlian gang leader like you? Why don't we find a place to meet, and then I'll pick you up and take you to my home. It just so happens that you can tell me about Meimei's condition." Talk to your wife and let her feel at ease!"

Hua Twelve thought it over, and the two agreed on a meeting place. He changed his clothes, took out a box of Lego toys from the storage space as a gift for the other party's daughter, and went out.

After getting in the car at the agreed place, Huang Huotu asked him what he was holding. Hua Twelve shook the toy in his hand:

"This is for your daughter. How about I, being an uncle is fun enough!"

Huang Huotu smiled and said nothing. It was a life-and-death friendship. Saying thank you for this matter would be too foreign.

After he started the car, he told Hua Twelve that he would go to the airport to pick someone up first and then go to his house when he came back.

"Who are you picking up?"

"He is an expert from Chou Country. I heard that Chen Hui went to find you in the last Liao Zhenfu case. Do you know why you were cleared of suspicion later?"


Hua Twelve was also curious. He went to threaten Liao Zhenfu the first day, but he died the next day. He was the most suspicious of this matter. If he continued the investigation and found that the training room in the laboratory was missing, he would definitely be suspected. On the head.

In fact, Hua Twelve was ready for Chen Hui to come again, but since that day, Chen Hui never showed up again.

Huang Huotu said: "That's because two more people died later, and the method of committing the crime was exactly the same as the method of killing Liao Zhenfu, so your suspicion was cleared. Now this case has been classified as a serial murder case, and we can't solve it here, so Experts from Chou Country were invited to come over.”

Hua Twelve nodded and said with deep approval: "Yes, Chou Country is far ahead of other countries in terms of serial murders!"

Huang Huotu laughed at his joke: "Don't say it, it's true!"

We arrived at Songlin Airport in silence all the way. Hua Twelve was sitting in the car outside. Huang Huotu walked into the airport lobby holding a pick-up sign. After a while, he walked out with a suitcase and a middle-aged white man. .

Huang Huotu did not introduce the two of them, but after the foreigner got in the car, he said:

"this is my friend!"

The foreigner stretched out his hand towards Hua Twelve and said in English: "Kevin Wright, nice to meet you, handsome gentleman!"

Huang Huotu translated seriously: "He said you look like a bad guy!"

Hua Twelve glanced at Huang Huotu with a half-smile, stretched out his hand to shake Kevin Wright's hand, and also said in English:

"John Smith, nice to meet you too, Mr. Wright!"

He announced his first English name.

The authentic New York accent made Kevin Wright feel more at ease, while Huang Huotu's jaw dropped:

"How could you possibly know English?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Do you want me to ask him, which one of us looks like the bad guy?"

Huang Huotu apologized: "I was just joking!"

After he finished speaking, he started the car and said to Kevin Wright sitting in the back seat: "We will take you to your place of residence first. After you settle in, you can get to work tomorrow!"

Kevin Wright nodded repeatedly, indicating that it made no sense.

Huang Huitu sent the foreigner to the hotel rented by the police, and then took Hua Shier to his own home.

While waiting at the red light on the road, Huang Huotu seemed to have thought of something. He took out a few peace charms tied with red threads from his hand, tied the red thread of one of the peace charms on the rearview mirror, and then took another one to Hua Twelve :

"Put this on!"

Hua Twelve said amusedly: "Why, when did you believe it?"

Huang Huotu shook his head: "It's still about that case. Chen Hui and the others came back and said that the case didn't look like it was done by humans, so now everyone in the police station has a safety charm!"

"supernatural event?"

"Yes, including Liao Zhenfu, the three deceased people experienced hallucinations during their lifetimes. Liao Zhenfu thought he was frozen to death, but he was actually frozen to death. After his death, on a hot day, the forensic doctor found that his nasal mucosa was damaged. It’s already frozen!”

Huang Huotu and Hua Twelve did not see each other outside, and he was not afraid of leaking the details of the case. He continued:

"The second deceased was the mistress of a legislator. She called the fire alarm before she died. When the police arrived at her house, she had been burned to death, but there was no trace of fire in her house?"

Hua Twelve guessed: "Was she burned to death somewhere else and then moved to her own home?"

Huang Huotu shook his head and said: "No, the surveillance in the corridor of the apartment showed that she went home before. This happened in less than half an hour, and she never went out during the whole process!"

Hua Twelve felt a little strange: "You are not mistaken, right? Since there are no traces of fire, how could she be burned to death?"

"So it's strange. The woman's fingers and toes are curled, and the skin on her body is full of burnt marks. What is it if it's not burnt?"

The two chatted all the way and arrived at the downstairs of Huang Huo Tu's house.

But Huang Huotu did not get out of the car. Instead, after parking the car, he grasped the steering wheel with both hands and stared at the man and woman in the car in front.

The man and the woman were talking and laughing, and they were in an intimate state. Hua Twelve looked at the woman, then at Huang Huotu, and felt that the big brother seemed to be emitting a green light.

He asked tentatively: "Is that your wife?"

Huanghuotu made no sound.

Hua Twelve asked again: "Didn't you tell her what was coming?"

Huang Huotu gritted his teeth and said, "I want to give Meimei a surprise after you cure her!"

As he spoke, he pushed open the car door and angrily walked towards the car in front. Hua Twelve cheered from behind: "Come on, kill him!"

As a result, Huang Huotu came back halfway, and Hua Twelve raised his middle finger at him: "Coward!"

Huang Huo kicked the tires of his car in a rustic manner.

Hua Twelve pushed the door open and got out of the car, pulled out a pistol from his waist and said, "I'll vent your anger!" After that, he strode forward.

Huang Huotu hurriedly pulled him, but couldn't hold him back at all. Hua Twelve walked to the car in front and knocked on the window. The man took a look, lowered the window and asked if anything happened?

At this time, Huang Huotu's wife had already seen Huang Huotu, and her expression suddenly became complicated.

Huang Huotu shouted: "Drive quickly! Run!"

But it was too late. Hua Twelve raised his pistol and shot, scaring the man into screaming. The next moment, a jet of water hit the man's face.

Huang Huotu let out a sigh of relief. It's better if it's not a real gun. Hua Twelve laughed. The water gun was something in his storage space.

After Huang Huotu's wife got out of the car, she cursed at the two of them: "Are you sick?"

Finally, Huang Huotu explained the situation of coming to treat Meimei, and Hua Twelve was allowed to enter the Huang family.

The first time he saw Huang Huotu's daughter, Hua Twelve's face became solemn: "Your daughter is not sick, but possessed by an evil spirit!"

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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