Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 204 Anger in my heart!

Chapter 204 Anger in my heart! (Please subscribe~)

Ray welcome!

A thundercloud with a diameter of more than [-] meters diffused over the vanguard warships and armed airships at the forefront.

This is how Yan Jing stopped the entire United Fleet!

As soon as they left the airport, the monsters at high places lost their way forward because of the thunderclouds. They wanted to continue their actions, but they were afraid of directly hitting the vanguard fleet, so they didn't dare to open fire at will.

After all, Yan Jing only has one person. If he chooses to cover with artillery fire, the entire vanguard fleet may collapse before hitting him.

He had no choice but to turn on the searchlight and contact the monster in the thundercloud non-stop, trying to figure out what was going on inside.

However, the existence of Leiyun cut off all communication, and tens of thousands of monsters and blood purifiers could only watch helplessly as the battlefield was divided.

They can't understand the fear of the monsters in the thunderclouds at this time!

The field of vision was blocked, and all they could see were dark clouds and flashing thunder, and the roaring thunder completely suppressed their hearing perception.

Occasionally, when there is a pause, the dying wailing full of fear is an even heavier blow to morale.

"Assemble! I am under the banner, assemble to me!"

Barely calmed down, the monster shouted to gather the team.

It was so nervous that it didn't realize that it wasn't just the subordinates who were shouting, but also the killing god who came with the thunder cloud.
A few demons in the vicinity came to join in the dark, but what they saw was the captain lying down under the flagpole with a huge gap in his chest.

back sharply.

In the turbulent dark clouds, a man with golden eyes came stepping on thunder.

The blood-colored arc of the Yanyue knife could not stop the dizzy demons who had already fled in the thunder clouds.

The light of the knife passed by, leaving corpses all over the ground.

Relying on the [Thunder Summoning] state that is passively activated when the spirit vision and Lei Ying are activated, Yan Jing can come and go freely in the thunder cloud, specially picking monsters to gather, and rushing towards the red light that represents the most killing intent.

Of course, Yan Jing also knew that with his own power alone, the Vanguard Fleet could not finish killing thousands of demons.

Regardless of physical strength or not, the thundercloud can only last for half an hour, and it will dissipate on its own when the time limit is up.

What Yan Jing has to do is to cause as much damage as possible during this period of time!

Stepping forward, he raised his hand and summoned a thunderbolt that directly destroyed the captain's room of the battleship, then turned around and jumped to another battleship, shooting down armed airships one after another along the way, letting them fall.

Don't forget, whether it's an armed airship or a battleship, most of its bodies are mechanical creations. It goes without saying that high-voltage lightning affects these machines. For some smaller existences, Yan Jing doesn't even need to deliberately attract them. thunder and lightning.

The chaotic magnetic field formed by the current flowing in the thundercloud is enough to destroy their control system.

While destroying the battleship, control the thunder cloud to move forward.

For every minute of delay, the preparation time in the gray fog area will be increased by one minute, and the support force will be stronger by then.

It's just that Heavenly Court has been able to control Asgard City for so many years, and there is no doubt about its rich foundation.

Although Yan Jing's thundercloud caused trouble for the fleet to move forward, the Heavenly Court Demon Army obviously did not intend to wait for the thundercloud to disappear.

As time went by, Yan Jing who was in action received a warning from Lu Wu's golden eyes.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky. Across the thick thunderclouds, a large red dot appeared in the sky at some point.

In an instant, the area covered by thunderclouds was howling with gusty winds.

The strong wind pressure made Yan Jing's heart skip a beat and he frowned.

Tens of meters above the thundercloud, thousands of flying monsters soared from warships everywhere and gathered in one place.

The wings vibrated, and the high-altitude wind energy was highly compressed, and together with the wind and rain in front of it, a large dark blue cyclone condensed, and the glass on the periphery of the nearby building burst, and the debris scattered and flew.

"Listen to my order, all demon warriors blow strong winds, suppress the spreading trend of thunderclouds, blow them away, kill!"

An extraordinarily strong eagle demon shuttled back and forth, and with the loud order, its raised right arm also swung down fiercely.

The dark cyan cyclone, which was almost like a tornado, crashed into the thundercloud, and the latter's aggression stagnated immediately, and there was even a faint tendency to push back.

The superposition of the power of thousands of demon warriors can show the strength that can be seen.

Fortunately, the power of special skills is also strong enough.

On the premise that Yan Jing gave up expansion and chose to stabilize the thunder cloud instead, the vanguard fleet has never been able to escape from the thunder cloud.

The siege was still going on, and the expected plan to blow away the thunderclouds failed. The Ying Yao who led the team turned around and cast his eyes on the higher-up Golden Winged Peng main ship, to be exact, the figure at the front of the main ship.

In the next second, the latest instruction sounded in my mind, and I turned around and conveyed it without hesitation.

"All Bat Demons come out, prepare to rappel, lock the position with sound waves, and kill each other at all costs!"

The moment the voice fell, hundreds of bat demons in full armor left the team and stepped forward, gathered their wide bat wings, and raised their hands to pat the energy core of the mechanical armor on the chest in unison.

In just a few seconds, the energy in the core was poured into the torsos of these bat demons, fully activating the full potential of these demons, and forcibly raising their strength by a bit.

The price of this behavior is that after the effect wears off, the bodies of these bat monsters will completely collapse.
The purpose of Jin Chipeng's doing this could not be more obvious. It was nothing more than to let these low-level demon generals consume Yan Jing's physical strength and try to figure out the latter's fighting style.

Although the red-topped monkey is the weakest of the three demon generals, the demon general is a demon general, and he was killed within 3 minutes. Whether it is the golden-winged roc or the black evil bear, it would be a lie to say that he was not on guard.

To the demon, the leader's order is everything.

Accompanied by the mutation of the demon body, these bat demons use their wings to cover the whole body, like physical bombs falling from the sky, and when they approach the thundercloud, they emit harsh sound waves, and lock Yan Jing's position by turning around to locate.

There is a huge gap between the size of humans and demons or blood purifiers, and it is not difficult for these bat demons to accurately lock within a range of hundreds of meters.

However, when they rushed into the thundercloud and the sound waves spread everywhere, it was soon discovered that besides the demon army, blood purifiers and humans, there were other creatures in the thundercloud. No, it should be said to be monsters!

There is a very strange monster flying back and forth on the decks of various warships. It seems to be completely unaffected by thunderclouds, and there are a lot of tentacles dragging around its body. The efficiency of killing monsters is no slower than that of the human. !
The sudden spoiler caused the bat demons who wanted to die with Yan Jing to inevitably fall into chaos.

Until now, the United Fleet has hovered in front of the airport for nearly 15 minutes.

Even if the officials of Xiangong City have already blocked the news, such a huge momentum still cannot be concealed from the people living nearby, and what happened here is spreading rapidly to other urban areas.

Of course, there is also the help of the revolutionary army.

Although the intelligence personnel lurking in various parts of Xiangong City were unable to go to the battlefield, they had inside information, and when the official government was being overwhelmed by Yan Jing's appearance, they had already quietly seized the high ground of public opinion.

'Heavenly Court unites with blood purifiers to attack ordinary people! '

'There is a fleet assembled in front of the airport, and they claim to start a massacre! '

'Humans stand up and fight the demons to the end! '

These news are all true without exception, except that the gray fog area of ​​the prefix has been removed.

At the moment when the news was blocked by Xiangong City, tens of millions of ordinary humans in the city, and human forces entrenched everywhere were receiving this information through various channels.

Most people saw these news as rumors at the first time, but as time went by, until some short videos began to appear on social platforms, the rumors were confirmed.

But all ordinary human beings have more or less experienced discrimination and bullying from blood purifiers and demons.

Those human forces with their own industries all realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly mobilized their information channels, hoping to get further news.

The spread of panic is inevitable, and what most people feel immediately is fear and bewilderment.

They don't understand why they have endured so many years of oppression, worked so hard, and should be treated like this.

Needless to say, the final conclusions must be unexpectedly consistent.

That is, the demons and blood purifiers never regarded them as human beings!
When fear reaches its peak, people inevitably become hysterical.

Then another emotion began to emerge from the bottom of my heart.

The streets and alleys outside the Broadcasting Center of Asgard City.

Zhou Linwen pulled out the magazine from his waist and loaded it into the firearm, and cast his eyes on the assembled revolutionary army squad ahead.

The time had come, and what they had to do next was simple.

Hook out the anger in people's hearts.

Burn down the heavens!

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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