Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 209 Everyone is an enemy!

Chapter 209 Everyone is an enemy! (Please subscribe~)

It started from the moment the black evil bear was dragged into the battlefield by Yan Jing.

Jin Chipeng lost control of the battle situation.

The United Fleet was stuck at the junction of Asgard City and the gray mist area. In order to rescue its own general, the guards directly under Heisha Bear blocked the passage of the fleet and completely ignored Jin Chipeng.

It's not that other ships can't cross the battlefield. Asgard City is so big, and some of them enter the gray fog area through other channels.

The problem is that the battle situation of Heisha Bear is shocking!

Jin Chipeng wanted to make a mistake at first, and since the Heisha Bear had already ended, it would be up to it to get rid of Yan Jing.

Once the strongest combat power of the revolutionary army dies.

The remaining supernatural beings couldn't make any waves.

However, what Jin Chipeng never expected was that after only a few rounds of confrontation between the two sides, it was the Hei Shaxiong who showed defeat!
No matter how much he despises this muscular bear, it is impossible for Jin Chipeng to let it be suppressed to death.

That lost the face of the whole heaven.

Don't forget that the situation on the battlefield is now being broadcast live throughout the city.

Especially under the premise that the red-topped monkey among the three monster generals is dead, if another monster general is killed, the power of Heavenly Court will be greatly weakened.

Since it was difficult to destroy the gray fog area in a short time, Jin Chipeng decisively changed his plan.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
The shuttle-shaped golden feather turned into a sharp streamer, cutting through the wind and rain, and finally gathered around the golden-winged roc hovering in mid-air, forming a golden vortex, crushing any objects that entered it.

"It's quite capable, but your fighting methods can suppress the Heisha bear, but it has no effect on me."

Focusing on the human being whose shield was shattered in front of him, barely stopping his fatal blow, Golden Winged Peng's side once again condensed into several golden feather thorns, and said in a cold voice.

The blow just now, if someone else came here, his flesh and blood would have been torn apart!
"Ha! I finally waited for your chicken to enter the field. Why, seeing that bear couldn't hold it for a few minutes, you panicked?"

Half-closed his eyes, Yan Jing glanced at the bottomless energy of the bloody robe, and kept ridiculing, but in his heart, he was somewhat afraid of those golden feathers.

Breaking through three layers of defense with one blow, the lethality is self-evident.

If there is no early warning, the consequences will be disastrous.

The battles of the three demon generals in the Heavenly Court are different. To deal with Jin Chipeng, Yan Jing quickly realized that he had to find a way to get close, and he couldn't give it the opportunity to play its flying advantage and exaggerate its speed.

But just as Yan Jing was about to approach again, the situation in front of him made his face suddenly darken.

Dozens of monsters carrying various potions and blood food suddenly fell behind Jin Chipeng, opened the mouth of Heisha Xiong, and poured them all in. Yan Jing tried to step forward to stop it, but just rushed out a certain distance, It was entangled by three golden thorns.

What's more troublesome is that after the previous surprise attack, Jin Chipeng didn't intend to get close at all.

The energy of Liaokong is not unlimited, and the speed is not enough to catch up with this demon general.

"Now that things have happened, do you think I will give you a one-on-one chance?"

Gold Chipeng kept a distance from Yan Jing. While talking, Heisha Bear climbed up from the deck again. Affected by the potion, it was no longer crazy, and its injuries improved a lot. At this time, the former spoke again,

"Idiot, put away your madness, and then you will be responsible for the strong attack, and I will sneak attack, and get rid of this human being first!"

As the head of the three demon generals in the heaven, Jin Chipeng didn't show the slightest bit of shame when he mentioned the word "sneak attack".

Victory means everything.

It doesn't care about the process as long as the result doesn't change.

"Understood, except for the direct guard, the other ships continue to move towards the gray fog area. Follow me!"

The previous battle made the Heisha Bear stop thinking about continuing to fight alone, but this did not prevent it from taking revenge. It grabbed the giant blade sent by its subordinates, revived its already sluggish momentum, and led hundreds of elite monsters straight Pounce on Yan Jing.

The situation on the battlefield has taken a turn for the worse!

The two demon generals plus a hundred elite demon warriors came from all directions and surrounded Yan Jing.

Take a deep breath.

Yan Jing has no way out at this moment, the only option is to fight!

As far as the eyes could see, there were ferocious monsters, their roars filled their ears, and the smell of blood even overwhelmed the smoke of gunfire.

Even Yan Jing, who has experienced many otherworldly events so far, has never faced such a difficult environment.

Everyone is enemy, he is struggling in the churning sea of ​​blood.

The corpses were piled up under the feet, and the wailing before death made people feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

Yan Jing tried to become an indestructible reef to buy enough time for the revolutionary army.

Yanyue Dao had just chopped off a leopard demon, but before the blade was retracted, it was immediately dragged by the two wolf demons who rushed up, even though the blade entered the body, they would not let go, so Yan Jing had to mobilize energy to kill them.

After a delay of less than two seconds, the black bear's giant blade slashed to the top of its head. Yan Jing dismissed the Yanyue knife without hesitation, dodged sideways, and a golden streamer shot from behind.

The spirit of the white tiger was revealed and condensed into armor, which shattered after carrying it for only a second.

Barely gaining a chance to breathe, Yan Jing raised his sword fingers with his left hand and summoned the Taiqing Baolu and Shuofeng Sword.

Just as he was trying to fight back, Jin Chipeng had already disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already tens of meters away in the air.

The gap that was finally blasted was filled by monsters, and a new round of offensive has come. Huying on the other side is also surrounded by groups at this moment, and it is difficult to get out to help Yan Jing get out of trouble.

The scarlet nightmare gauntlets condensed into two knives and held the giant blade in the hands of the black evil bear horizontally. In the center of the battlefield where there was no room to maneuver, Yan Jing was forced to fight with all his strength, and his body sank halfway, his face flushed red.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the United Fleet that was sinking into the gray fog area, and a brilliant golden streamer flashed again from the right rear.

Yan Jing frowned, her eyes glowed with light golden light.

Although he was somewhat reluctant, he had to use the means of suppressing the bottom of the box if he wanted to break the situation.

Let's get over the difficulties in front of us first!

Just when Yan Jing decided to reveal his trump card, a series of cannon fire suddenly sounded behind him.

In an instant, the joint fleet crowded at the junction was covered by artillery fire, and the flames shot up into the sky!

Because Yan Jing's ship is at the forefront, it is the object of special care, but this pedestrian who looks like he is bombing his own people makes him breathe a sigh of relief.

Taiqing Treasure · Iron Royal Talisman!
Using two talismans in a row, Yan Jing didn't move a single step, just stood in the middle of the deck, and the front of the entire ship centered on him became the focus of artillery bombardment. retreat.

Looking back, in the turbulent gray fog, armed airships with flashing lights of various colors galloped out. The machine gun towers installed on both sides, and the turrets above the airships fired one after another, frantically bombing the joint fleet crowded at the narrow junction.

The poverty in the gray mist area is well known, so all the forces can use are armed airships. In normal times, these hundreds of airships would be blown up by the United Fleet if they met each other.

The situation now is completely different!
The existence of Yan Jing disturbed the deployment of the United Fleet, and the thick gray fog provided the best cover.

This makes the armed airship unit mixed with the United Fleet as soon as it appears, and the latter's strongest long-range artillery directly becomes a display in this case.

Not only that, while the armed airships were operating, a large number of armed men began to appear in the surrounding neighborhoods, attacking the monsters on the United Fleet.

As I said before, if the forces in the gray mist area want to gain a foothold, they must have a certain background in the fairy palace city. Correspondingly, there will naturally be personnel placed by the major forces in the gray fog area in the fairy palace city.

Now that it was a time of crisis, they didn't care about whether they would be exposed. These people rushed to the battlefield quickly, and the large troops in the gray fog area who did not take armed airships were also on their way.

Relying on a round of artillery fire, Yan Jing successfully escaped from the encirclement of demons, but he was obviously not the only one who was able to ignore the shells. Even though He Shaxiong was hit by several shells, he still had no intention of retreating, and forced Yan Jing to stay where he was.

Jin Chipeng is still a sneak attacker lurking in the dark.

Even if there are no other monsters to cover, as long as the black evil bear is still present, every attack it launches is still extremely dangerous.

"Yan Jing, we are here to help you!"

A shout was heard from above the ship, and several figures descended from both sides of the passing armed airship.

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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