Chapter 217 Counting Rewards
Luofeng River in the middle of the night.
The calm river reflects the bright moon and sparse stars.

The yacht sailed through the luxuriant jungles on both sides of the bank, and the cabin was lit with bright yellow lights, dotted with a picturesque and quiet world.

Returning from the torch space, Yan Jing leaned on the sofa and looked around at the furniture and decorations.

He stroked his forehead and let out a sigh of relief.

The present world and the other world are intertwined, and the changes in time and space and personal status inevitably make people feel a little unspeakable alienation.

Coupled with the doomsday scene that I saw suddenly in the torch space just now, this feeling was intensified.

Now back in the yacht, the sudden relaxation of the mind not only failed to make people relax, but also felt tired.

There is no way, after all, Yan Jing is not a heartless zerg like Huying.

In Huying's eyes, as long as she stays by Yan Jing's side, there is nothing to worry about.

Even though it travels through two worlds, it still has no abnormality, and just jumped out of the cabin as soon as it was summoned by Yan Jing.

It didn't take long for the sound of water to come from outside.

Physical fatigue can be healed in the torch space, but mental fatigue needs time to recuperate.

Fortunately, it was not the first time Yan Jing encountered this situation, raised his hand and rubbed his cheeks, and quickly adjusted his state back.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. There was nothing worth noting, so he turned on the TV and tuned to the live broadcast of "The Detective".

Listening to the host's broadcast of various recent events at home and abroad, Yan Jing's attention returned to the torch.

This other world event is another unparalleled evaluation, which can be said to be very fruitful.

Having previously clarified the various "perks" that come with privilege escalation within the torch, it's time to look at another section of rewards.

For Yan Jing, the biggest gain from this otherworldly event is undoubtedly the substantial increase in the progress of the tiger dragon's awakening.

With the three holy relics and the spirit of the chi kiss, Yan Jing bet his life in exchange for a brand new evolution of the tiger dragon!

[Current strength assessment: 虓]

Successfully breaking through the second stage of "Xiao", Yan Jing has finally entered the middle level of the torch space assessment.

From this we can see how terrifying the strong person identified by the torch is.

The state of Hujiao's legacy has also undergone considerable changes.

[Legacy: Spirit of the Tiger Flood Dragon·Ba Liu]

Awakening progress of the tiger dragon: 20%, (the legacy is the foundation of the ember, collect specific strange objects left in the three thousand worlds to strengthen the legacy, the strength of the ember will be greatly improved, and finally realize the leap of life level. )
The owner obtains a permanent solidification status: Baliu, Yuchao, Liefeng
[Overlord]: The holder's movement speed is doubled in any rivers, lakes, and seas, and at the same time, he will gain physical enhancement and water spiritual power control that are positively related to the concentration of water spiritual power in the environment. The current maximum limit is 150%!

[Royal Tide]: Endows the holder with the ability to condense and manipulate water spiritual power in a large range. The specific range and strength depend on the concentration of water spiritual power in the current environment!

【风风】: Endows the holder with the ability to condense and manipulate wind power in a large area. The specific range and strength depend on the concentration of wind power in the current environment!

[Tiger Flood Transformation]: Activate the power of the left lake, change your body in a short period of time, strengthen your physical fitness in all directions and control the water and wind spiritual power. The duration is 10 minutes, and the cooling time is 24 hours.

Raising his hand lightly, the fruit juice on the table was lifted up by a gust of breeze and delivered to Yan Jing's hands, making him nod in satisfaction.

From 7% to 20%, the tiger dragon's awakening progress has nearly doubled!
Not only did it acquire brand-new characteristics, but more importantly, it allowed the Tiger Jiao, which Yan Jing regarded as the ultimate trump card, to evolve.

Not to mention the extension of the duration, there is also an increase in the spiritual power that can be controlled and even applied to the transformation.

Yan Jing personally experienced the evolution of the tiger dragon transformation when he was in the heavenly court.

Leaving aside other things for the time being, the key point is that he realizes that the Legacy of the Tiger Flood Dragon is not limited to abilities related to water and spiritual power.

[Overlord] and [Royal Tide] once made Yan Jing think that the development direction of Hujiao's legacy is single, that is, to become a master in the control of water and spiritual power. This situation actually made him somewhat worried.

Single development certainly means reaching the pinnacle of a certain ability, but the problem is that Yan Jing will encounter enemies in the future, and the environment will be full of strange things. This time in Xiangong City, water spirit power is abundant, and Yan Jing can enjoy a lot of gains.

What if next time it is a desert where the water spiritual power is almost dry or something else that has a strong suppression of the water spiritual power?

Too single feature also means that it is easy to be restricted.

However, this awakening made Yan Jing realize that the power of the legacy is far from as simple as he imagined.

The power contained in it is not only water, but wind!

Think back to the grotesque scene you saw when you first obtained the Relic of the Tiger Flood Dragon.

Yan Jing is still fascinated by the power and power displayed by that ancient fierce beast running rampant between the heavens and the earth. Thinking about it now, the ability it displayed is obviously not just the control of water spirit power.

It's just that Yan Jing also asked herself in her heart.

If the Awakening of the Leftover Ze is [-]%, can I have the same mighty power as the main body of the Tiger Flood Dragon?
The answer is obviously no.

In fact, even if it is [-]%, so what, hasn't the Tiger Jiao disappeared, leaving only a legacy to be handed down to the world?
Of course, this idea is not what Yan Jing, who has only awakened one-fifth of her, needs to consider.

Putting aside the weird thoughts in his mind for now, Yan Jing took out a palm-sized "jade pendant" from the space, engraved with the chi kiss spirit pattern on the surface, and emitting magnificent aurora all the time.

It is the accessory ranked first by the torch as a reward, and it goes without saying that its appearance is deeply related to Chi kiss.

Yan Jing saved Xiangong City, and Chi Wen was obviously a rather generous guardian.

Its rewards are not just remnants.

Another legend, and an extremely rare accessory!
[Holy Ember Curse Seal (Accessory)]

Quality: Legendary

Special effects:

[Eating Spirit] Activate the spell seal, defend and devour spiritual attacks, transform and store them!
[Watch] Select a target, apply the power of protection to it by consuming the stored energy, assist it to defend against any attack and greatly improve the recovery ability, the specific effect depends on the amount of stored energy.

[Dragon Gate] The holder mobilizes the stored energy to obtain an all-round improvement in a short period of time. The duration and intensity depend on the amount of stored energy.

While thinking about it, the "Jade Pendant" disappeared into the palm of his hand.

The embers curse seal appeared on the back of Yan Jing's right hand, turning into a spirit pattern that resembled a chi kiss, and he could clearly feel the existence of the spirit pattern, which could be invoked anytime, anywhere.

Different from the statue of Dragon and Tiger Yama, the special effects of the Holy Ash Curse Seal seem ordinary.

However, Yan Jing clearly knew the horror of the special effects of [Eating Spirit].

When Chi kiss devoured the energy ray released by the demon king with all its strength before, he had witnessed it with his own eyes at close range!
To put it simply, this so-called [Eating Spirit] means that as long as the storage space of the curse seal is not filled, most of the spiritual attacks will be absorbed by the curse seal and transformed into his power before it can hurt Yan Jing.
In addition to the last item [Dragon Gate], the description about it is even somewhat similar to that of Hujiao Bian, and nine out of ten it is a simplified version of the latter.

Maybe not as powerful as the Tiger Flood Transformation, but this special effect has no time limit!
Theoretically speaking, as long as the energy storage is complete, Yan Jing can maintain this state forever!
After all, it is the divine beast that once protected the entire Asgard City from the influence of the void with its own power, and its ability is by no means general.

With that in mind, Yan Jing couldn't help but turn his eyes to another reward related to the chi kiss.

After seeing its related introduction, there was an expression on his face as expected.

Compared with the attack of the tiger dragon, the ability of the chi kiss is undoubtedly more protective. Correspondingly, the rewards related to it also have more similar characteristics.

【Scale of the Kiss (Consumable)】

Special effects:

[Reignition] Crush the scales, heal any injuries suffered by the holder, and save any negative status!
The introduction of this special effect can be called simple and rude.

The effect made Yan Jing couldn't help raising his eyebrows, for any Ember Apostle, this is something that dreams of.

In the face of dangers, if you are not careful, you may face death threats.

This prop means a chance for fault tolerance, a hole card for the Jedi to fight back!

From this point of view, it's no wonder that the Torch only gave one chance to draw a lottery in the follow-up rewards, instead of like last time. Obviously, in its judgment, Chiwen Scale is already comparable to a rare one. Equipment or super skill scrolls.

If used at the right time, the value is even higher than them!
There are still two lucky draw chances left, and Yan Jing didn't intend to delay until tomorrow, so she directly took out the lucky compass and let it play a role.

Although they are all drawn randomly, every time the Lucky Compass takes effect, it can give Yan Jing a lucky bonus for a period of time.

Facts have proved that the lucky compass is always trustworthy, and the things drawn out in the end live up to Yan Jing's expectations.


Quality: special order

Attributes: Auxiliary/Passive
Special effect: use the body as a box, designate a piece of non-legendary equipment, and sacrifice it to strengthen its characteristics.

Current sacrifice equipment: None
(Only one piece can be sacrificed at a time, and replacing the sacrificed target will degrade the original equipment)
Trial time: 72 hours
Yang Jing took a sip of iced juice, Yan Jing's eyes were full of joy.

This skill is undoubtedly a panacea-like existence. Because of the high evaluation of each other-world event, Yan Jing has a lot of rare equipment on hand, and each piece of refining is expected to be able to improve a lot.

It's a pity that the sacrifice takes a long time, and it is obviously impossible to rotate in the battle.

Of course, if this thing can be rotated at any time, the quality of this skill will definitely not be just a special level.

After rubbing his hands together, he directly extracted the last piece of equipment.

【Chongming Feather Cloak】

Quality: Rare
Special effects:

[Eathering] The feather cloak is transformed into wings, giving the holder the ability to fly for a short time, the duration is 10 minutes, and the cooling time is [-] hours.

[Double pupils] The holder marks a target, detects and obtains relevant information.The specific effect depends on the target strength.

[Fengming] Activate the power of heavy light, create a field with a radius of 20 meters around the holder, detect and mark all hidden targets, and dispel all evil spirits!Duration is 5 minutes, cooldown is 24 hours.

Auxiliary rare equipment!

This is undoubtedly the equipment that Yan Jing urgently needs at the moment, especially the special effects of [Emergence], which surprised him quite a bit.

We must know that skimming is limited by the flying height and method, which often limits Yan Jing's performance, and the effect of [Eathering] undoubtedly solves this problem.

Raising his hands flat, a black feather cloak appeared out of thin air, and immediately landed on Yan Jing's arms.

The Chongming bird embroidered with gold thread shines on the back.

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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