Chapter 222
Yuzhou Island at the end of September.

The afternoon temperature is no longer as hot as before.

In the center of the open-air platform, a lot of tableware has been placed on the spacious wooden table, and a group of waiters are serving delicious food one after another.

Yan Jing and the others gathered on the other side of the rooftop.

In front of the restaurant is a vast sandy beach, the exclusive area of ​​the resort.

The blue sky stretches out, and finally connects with the distant sea level dotted with scattered sailboats, the water and the sky are the same color.

In addition, the restaurant where Yan Jing is currently located and the surrounding resort buildings.

It has to be admitted that the Black Bamboo Society, which has been passed down for many years, alone is amazing enough for its heritage and accumulation.

Even Yan Jing, who doesn't have much research on resorts, can feel that this place is worth every inch of land in the true sense!

While admiring the scenery, Yan Jing didn't forget the business of the trip, looked at Yue Qianren and Yu Ke beside him and asked,

"You haven't told me where you are going and what is your goal?"

Previously, in order to keep it secret, the Black Bamboo Society did not say the specific content.

Yan Jing originally agreed to the invitation to inquire about the situation of "Nanke", so she didn't ask.

We will go to sea in two or three hours, so some things need to be clarified in advance.

"The reason for going to sea this time is a secret left by the ancestors of the Black Bamboo Society."

Involving the core secrets of the Black Bamboo Society, Yue Qianren glanced at the talking and laughing team members in the middle of speaking.

Yu Ke who was standing next to him made a gesture immediately.

The members of the Black Bamboo Club, who were still as relaxed as tourists, immediately stopped talking and laughing, and spread out in a circular arc around the location of the three of Yan and Jing. energy barrier.

Seeing this scene, Yan Jing nodded secretly.

Through the young generation of an organization, it is easy to know the situation of the organization itself.

"According to the admonition left by the ancestors, every 12 years, the Black Bamboo Society must make a judgment on the current environment, whether it has entered the outbreak period of the aura tide, and whether the hazards of supernatural events have crossed a certain threshold."

Seeing that the sound insulation barriers had been set up, Yue Qianren no longer concealed himself, and said bluntly,

"Recently, the situation has obviously reached, even exceeded their judgment. This time, the aura tide is not only stronger than that of a hundred years ago, it even gave birth to a 'torch' that is more powerful than 'Nanke'.', which is important to us It's like a signal!"

The conversation between the three of them gave Yan Jing a better understanding of the situation in the Black Bamboo Club.

The Black Bamboo Society is undoubtedly a hidden extraordinary organization with members all over the country. They are always watching the changes of the aura tide, following the rules left by their ancestors, and dealing with some supernatural events in various eras.

The appearance of the "torch" is like a switch, activating some secrets that were originally sealed.

"I should have mentioned to you before coming to Yu Ke that the will to protect this world is constantly being weakened, supernatural events occur frequently, and some unprecedented disasters appear one after another. What we are going this time is a place where the ancestors once left some The location of the secret message."

Speaking of this, Yue Qianren pursed his lips, as if considering his words, and continued after a brief silence,

"The message they left clearly stated that once the situation in this world changes, the Black Bamboo Society must organize an elite team to investigate. As for what is inside, we don't know much about it. We only know that it is mentioned in the remaining information. We have come to the concept of 'Market Room'."

"Among the ruins?"

"Yes, we are trying to find the origin and meaning of this word, but the information left by our ancestors is particularly vague in this regard, as if we can only find the answer by going somewhere overseas."

Yu Ke's invitation to Yan Jing to participate in the action has never been a whim, and the Black Bamboo Club has already had plans in this regard.

Seeing that the Mozhu Club didn't know exactly what the destination of the trip was, Yan Jing didn't intend to continue asking, but changed the topic, and mentioned the doomsday scene he saw after returning to the torch space from Asgard City and his promotion authority.

This is not to show off their strength.

Since there used to be a "Nanke" similar to the "Torch", Yan Jing thought that they might be able to solve part of her confusion.

"Your authority has been elevated?"

Looking at Yan Jing, Yue Qianren and Yu Ke looked at each other with undisguised surprise on their faces.

When he looked back, there was even more respect in his eyes.

"Yes, it's Starfire now, and I wonder what that means?"

Yan Jing asked back.

"It means that you have been recognized by the torch, just like a company interview, you have passed and become a regular employee. Being able to be promoted in such a short period of time, it seems that your experience in the other world event is far more profound than we expected. For legend."

Knowing that Yan Jing has been promoted, Yue Qianren was surprised, and quickly gave a corresponding explanation,

"According to the information left by our ancestors, we realized that the properties of 'Nanke' and 'Torch' are similar to a certain extent, and they probably came from the same source, so the experience of our ancestors is also common now, with authority It can be said that it is extremely difficult to improve, and the settlement evaluation of the task of the other world event must be at least a first-class, or get some very special props."

Since Yan Jing's authority is increasing after every other-world event, he always thought that as long as the other-world event is completed, the authority of Ember Apostle will be increased accordingly, and the settlement evaluation will only make the authority increase faster.

The fact is that only grade A and above evaluations will increase the authority, and other settlements will not increase the authority in the slightest according to the evaluation.

It's no wonder that Yue Qianren and Yu Ke were surprised. They are the top group of people in the Black Bamboo Club, and they have the experience and training of their predecessors as a foundation, but until now, their authority has not been improved.

"May I ask you a question, so far, all the other world event settlement evaluations have been grade A or above?"

Yu Ke on the side couldn't help asking.

"Cough, well, it's about the same, but occasionally there will be some fluctuations"

"It's no wonder that your Excellency can become a strong man guarding one side. It really is far beyond comparison!"

The conjecture in their hearts was affirmed, and Yue Qianren and Yu Ke were in awe.

As the ember apostles, they are very clear about how dangerous it is to obtain a first-class and above evaluation.

"The elevation of authority brings more than just privileges. As I said just now, since you have passed the 'torch' test, you must also assume corresponding obligations while receiving many benefits!"

"What kind of obligation?"

Realizing that the Black Bamboo Society did know some relevant secrets, Yan Jing immediately asked solemnly.

"Although I don't know how the 'Torch' will be arranged, but the 'Nanke' authority promotion will be recruited almost every once in a while, go to another world, and complete particularly difficult and dangerous tasks with other promotions. Black Bamboo Society has Many seniors lost it!"

Knowing that Yan Jing has become a promoted person, coupled with the information he shared just now, Yue Qianren did not hesitate to tell the truth about the secrets in the Black Bamboo Club.

To put it simply, the Ember Apostles are like a group of interns recruited by the "Torch", and their personal performance and achievements determine when these interns will be promoted to full-time employees.

Now that Yan Jing was successfully promoted, he began to enjoy the benefits and privileges provided by the "Torch".

In the same way, his scope of work can't be just the status of an intern, but will add new, more difficult and important tasks.

What "Nanke" prepares for the promoted is the recruitment task, and it will not make much difference if you think about it.

Yan Jing immediately thought of the new concept proposed by the Torch after the authority was elevated, which is the "meritorious point" that allows him to use the retrieval ability.

From this point of view, the source of merit points is likely to be the new mission that "Torch" will send to him.

"Can you tell me more about the enlistment mission?"

This trip was undoubtedly worthwhile for Yan Jing, and before he went to sea, he had already obtained quite valuable information from Mo Zhushe, which made him even more eager to learn more.

Yue Qianren was not stingy about Yan Jing's inquiries, as long as Mo Zhushe knew about it, he would not hide anything.

It's not that they hate to meet Yan Jing too late, but in their view, this is also an excellent opportunity!

To put it bluntly, the secrets passed down by the ancestors of the Black Bamboo Society are all the information of "Nanke" after all, and now is the era of the "torch". , otherwise it will not establish a cooperation channel with the official Secret Affairs Bureau.

The man in front of them at this time is undoubtedly the top batch of ember apostles, and now he has become a promoted person, and has begun to get in touch with the higher-level secrets of the "torch".

More importantly, Yan Jing is willing to share his experience and knowledge with Mozhushe.

In Yue Qianren's view, exchanging some outdated information for the experience and favor of an official top powerhouse is a sure-fire deal.

Yes, from the perspective of the Black Bamboo Society, Raja was already an official. Even though he did not join the Special Affairs Bureau, the official had already started promoting the "Sword Immortal Raja" a long time ago.

Yan Jing didn't refuse at that time, so she acquiesced.

It can be said that the host and guest enjoyed the meal, and both parties got what they wanted. It is foreseeable that the cooperation between Yan Jing and Mo Zhushe will continue in the future.

When the wine and food are full, it is time to go to sea.

Yan Jing followed a group of people from the Black Bamboo Club to the seaside port of Yuzhou Island. The scientific research team from the official Secret Affairs Bureau had also arrived at the scene, but compared to the fact that only a few people came from the Black Bamboo Club, they were more prepared. less equipment and personnel
Well, not just personnel.

Yan Jing looked at the large warship docked at the port, and couldn't help but smacked her lips.

It's no wonder that the ship prepared by the Black Bamboo Society didn't spend any more money after it was out of service, but chose to contact the official.

How can those private ocean-going ships be as safe as this large destroyer that is stationed in hundreds of navies, has all kinds of light and heavy artillery, and can call for official long-range strike support at any time?

Don't rub it for nothing, don't rub it!

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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