Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 227 The Universal Armillary Sphere

Chapter 227 The Universal Armillary Sphere

The ghost dragged the mussel "carriage" and dived into the deep sea, near the middle of the seabed mountain.

This place is more than hundreds of meters away from the sea surface, and the visibility of the surrounding environment is greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the ghosts had a clear goal from the very beginning. Naturally, these souls didn't need light to lead the way, and at the same time they set foot on the stone path in the mountain, the switches that were originally set around the cave were activated.

The spiritual energy flooded through, and the reefs among the seaweeds released a shallow fluorescence, followed by a transparent energy barrier that looked like a bubble on the outside, enveloping the whole water mussel.

The sea water is emptied in a very short time.

When Yan Jing entered this area similar to the "enchantment", his eyes turned from the fish and shrimp flopping on the wet stone path to the magic circle line laid in the seaweed, a steady stream of oxygen was being generated, and the water pressure that should have existed was also gone. no deposit.

These detailed arrangements made Yan Jing more curious about the things stored in this deep sea cave.

Holding a scroll in his hand, Yue Qianren compared the situation at the scene with the content recorded in the scroll, looked around, and walked straight to a coral reef near the entrance.

When he returned, he already had a blue-gray metal box in his hand, and turned to go straight to the cave ahead.

With a muffled sound, the heavy stone door opened inward.

It shows a passage leading directly to the interior of the mountain.

It seems that the cave is still deeper.

With the help of the high-power searchlights in the hands of the members of the Black Bamboo Club, Yan Jing noticed that the environment inside the passage was quite narrow and rough.

Irregular protruding stones and uneven cross-sections can be seen everywhere, which look like traces caused by brute force.

The width of the aisle can only allow two people to pass side by side.

The outside is so exquisitely arranged, but the inside is so shabby.

Yan Jing couldn't help being a little surprised by the gap between before and after.

However, as Yue Qianren led the team into the passage, Yan Jing's keen perception of spiritual power quickly realized that the rock walls around the passage were unusual.

The color of the rock wall is different from that of the mountain outside, and generally presents a peculiar red-black color. Yan Jing raised his hand and grabbed a protruding stone edge, trying to break it off to check the situation inside.

The result was beyond Yan Jing's expectations.

If it were an ordinary stone, it would not be much different from the dough in the hands of Yan Jing today, but the rock inside the mountain was far harder than he expected, and it took a lot of strength to break off a small piece.

"Is there something wrong with this stone?"

Sensing Yan Jing's abnormal behavior, Yue Qianren asked.

"I don't know either. I don't have much research on ores, but these stones... They contain some kind of special energy. No, I can't say that. It's more like that their properties have changed due to the influence of some kind of energy."

Yan Jing was fiddling with the small half of the gravel in his hand, he could sense the dissipating energy in it, and said with some surprise,
"If there is no accident inside this seamount, there should be something that contains huge spiritual energy."

The preliminary observations have no substantive results, and everyone can only continue to speed up their progress.

As the team deepened, Yan Jing's speculation was quickly verified.

The color of the rock wall began to change obviously. At the beginning, the entrance was black, and then the middle part appeared reddish black. Now, what is presented to the group of people is a strange rock wall that looks like a mixture of obsidian and basalt. .

Its surface is covered with potholes of various sizes, and the strange lines and shapes that make people feel a little uncomfortable make several people including Yan Jing frowned, and some bad premonitions arose in their hearts.

There was no need for Yue Qianren to specifically remind, those present were all the best among the Ember Apostles.

The dignified atmosphere kept everyone on high alert.

"There is something wrong with the situation. Although the records left by the ancestors of Mozhushe are not complete, it clearly mentions that this cave has undergone special transformation, otherwise it would not be possible to preserve it for so many years in seawater hundreds of meters deep. And the changes in these stones It was clearly unplanned."

Along the way, Yue Qianren also kept an eye on abnormalities in the environment.

It's just that at this point, no matter what is hidden in front of them, they have to go in and take a look.

After walking more than 100 steps forward, there were bright lights flickering in the dark passage.

Yue Qianren and Yan Jing looked at each other, and stopped in unison.

The former directly took out a talisman from the ember space and threw it in front of him. When it landed, the talisman had already turned into a hunting dog made of psychic energy, and rushed out towards the entrance of the passage.

A few seconds later, a faint blue ripple spread.

"I found a large space, no living things were found, no abnormal spiritual energy fluctuations and dangerous terrain were found, stay vigilant, and I will take the lead!"

Through the situation where the summoned object quickly obtained the location of the light, Yue Qianren stepped forward again, followed by everyone.

When they reached the end of the passage, the space ahead suddenly opened up, but the scene inside was somewhat strange.

In the area as far as the eye can see, there are a large number of ore pillars with orange-red luster on the surface.

They are incompatible with the environment of the entire mountain, but they look like minerals growing out of the rocks. They are generally about one to two meters in diameter and over three meters in height, occupying most of the entire space.

"A special ore from the deep sea?"

After testing that there are no living things in this space, Yue Qianren stared at these stone pillars and couldn't help asking.

This seems to be the only explanation.

"I found it, look at that, wait, that is."

Yu Ke suddenly seemed to have discovered something, raised his finger excitedly to somewhere in front of the right, and spoke intermittently.

With the light emitted by the ore pillar, everyone present saw the instrument that was incompatible with the surrounding environment.

Seeing it for the first time, Yan Jing almost immediately thought of an extremely rare artifact: the armillary sphere!

It's just that compared to the pictures that Yan Jing saw in some textbooks or other books in the past, the armillary sphere in front of him is undoubtedly larger in scale and unprecedented in shape, although it doesn't have much splendor in appearance, but has its own restrained and noble spirit. Unprecedented sophistication.

"Huanyu armillary sphere, it's actually here!"

Different from Yan Jing's calmness, Yue Qianren, who had been very steady all this way, had an unconcealable surprise on his face at this moment.

Needless to say, the rest of the people rushed forward quickly.

Judging from Yue Qianren's ability to directly report the name of the armillary sphere in front of him, its status in the Black Bamboo Society is definitely not low.

Yan Jing stepped forward slowly, carefully observing the device in front of her.

The armillary sphere is basically divided into two parts, the armillary image and the armillary sphere.

The structure of the former is to depict or inlay stars, equator, ecliptic and other celestial phenomena or other related things on a large sphere.

The latter armillary sphere is an observation instrument with a peep tube inside, also known as an observation tube, which is used to measure the equatorial coordinates of stars and celestial bodies at dusk, dawn and midnight, as well as the ecliptic longitude and horizon coordinates of celestial bodies. and the equatorial ring.

However, the above contents are just ordinary armillary spheres described in the book.

The Huanyu armillary sphere that appeared in front of Yan Jing's eyes at this time is obviously another kind of existence.

There are many ring roads that Yan Jing has never seen before, and a large number of rare existences are engraved on the surface, and around the armillary sphere, there are four holy beasts carved in brass:

The blue dragon soaring through the clouds, the red bird soaring with wings, the basalt crawling on the ground, and the white tiger with its teeth and claws.

The site of the entire armillary sphere even extended a huge circle, surrounded by mysterious and complicated mantras
Yan Jing didn't know the function of this universal armillary sphere, but he could also see from this luxurious configuration that some incredible existences were obviously suppressed in this cave.

"The ancestors let the Huanyu armillary sphere sit here, there must be their intentions. In this case, there must be a message they left for us younger generations nearby. Yu Ke, spread out and look for it!"

Standing in front of the Huanyu Armillary Sphere, Yue Qianren calmed down his excitement and spoke.

After receiving the order, Yu Ke and others immediately dispersed to various places, and began to search along the edge of the magic circle centered on the armillary sphere.

"Is it the goal of your trip?"

Seeing that the people from the Black Bamboo Club regained their senses, Yan Jing stepped forward and asked.

"Actually, we didn't know that it was actually stored in this cave."

Yue Qianren thought for a while, turned around and introduced,
"Huanyu armillary sphere, it is one of the most important treasures recorded in the classics handed down by the Black Bamboo Society. Its original owner was one of the founders of the Black Bamboo Society, and it was one of the few selected by the 'Nanke' back then. One of the few promotions!"

"What does it do?"

Yan Jing didn't intend to question the person who had passed away long ago, he was more interested in the device in front of him.

"do not know"


"As I said just now, the Universal Armillary Sphere is a magic weapon in the hands of the founder of the Black Bamboo Society. Will you share your most important treasure information with others?"

What he said made sense, and Yan Jing couldn't refute it.

Although there are many inheritances in the Black Bamboo Society, how can someone who can become a promoted person casually keep his core equipment information on paper? It is undoubtedly an opportunity for those with ulterior motives to plot against him.

Fortunately, the location of this deep-sea cave is unbelievably remote, and only the core members of the Black Bamboo Society can come here, so the people who opened the cave still left some information.

A few minutes later, Yu Ke signaled that he had found something.

Just at the edge of the magic circle not far to the south of the Huanyu Armillary Sphere, a stone tablet is embedded in the mountain, surrounded by pillars of ore.

When Yan Jing and Yue Qianren approached, Yu Ke had already washed away the thick layer of soil covering the stele with water, and read out the remaining message on it word by word:

"In the year of Yihai, on the first day of March, I got another thing, indicating that there is a cursed star overseas who will come to this world to save the common people as his duty. He searched the sea area, and finally found the prototype of the ruins here. He tried various methods to seal it, but found nothing. He was helpless. Yu can only use the armillary sphere of the universe as the eye of the formation, and many rare treasures as materials, to suppress this place."

Judging from the way of writing, it is obviously written a hundred years ago, but the content inside is not difficult to understand.

The whole process is very simple. The founders of the Black Bamboo Society learned through some channels that some kind of disaster broke out overseas, and the original intention of the Black Bamboo Society was to protect human beings, so they led a group of people to sea without hesitation.

Finally found this place, which is where the market is located.

What happened next is already in front of our eyes, and the Huanyu armillary sphere was left behind as the eye of the magic circle.

As for why the descendants of the Black Bamboo Society are asked to judge the world environment every 12 years, and come here again, the reason is obvious. The founder who sealed it here was worried that the aura tide would loosen the seal.

"Judging from the information on this inscription, the ruins represent a disaster. The magic circle spells and operation methods left by the ancestors in the scrolls passed down were originally used here."

Yue Qianren took out the scroll again, read the content on it, and said in amazement.

The inside of Black Bamboo Club thought that the scroll was incomplete, which made many information appear obscure. Now it seems that the founder who left the scroll did it deliberately.

After reading the content on the stele, Yan Jing stood up and moved out of the way. He didn't expect to get anything in this trip, and what he really cared about was the secrets about 'Nanke' held by the Black Bamboo Society.

Yan Jing is quite satisfied with the part of the information obtained now.

Whether it is the intelligence about the promotion of authority or the inside story of the recruitment mission, it will be of great help to his future actions.

Therefore, he was also happy to be a spectator, witnessing the power of the core treasure that the founder of the Black Bamboo Society used to suppress disasters.

"According to the scroll records, the armillary sphere is activated with special seals and incantations. If everything works as usual, we can leave immediately. If there is an accident in the middle, we must re-complete the magic circle and check for omissions."

As the person holding the scroll, Yue Qianren stood in front of the Huanyu Armillary Sphere again, and began the ceremony according to the techniques and incantations recorded on the scroll.

Along with Yue Qianren's seal, several psychic energies were thrown into the holy beast statues in four directions.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration appeared.

The entire armillary sphere, like a dusty pearl, finally washed away the dust, and burst into bright light in just a few seconds.

Its main body is engraved with various celestial phenomena, orbits and even various strange rings gradually operate, rotating back and forth, churning, and deep blue light gathers at the core, condensing into the appearance of an extraterrestrial nebula.

Many phantoms appeared in front of everyone one after another at this moment.

Constellations, horoscopes, magnificent mountains and seas, rare and rare beasts that have never been seen before. This universal armillary sphere is like a small world, carrying countless beautiful things.

During this process, the magic circle at the bottom of the universal armillary sphere is also changing, and the lines and nodes of the magic circle where the psychic energy circulates are lit up one by one.

What Yu Ke and others are now responsible for is to stand in various positions to observe whether the operation of the magic circle is smooth.

However, just when everyone thought everything was going well, there was a sudden knocking sound from the base of the Huanyu Armillary Sphere!
The sudden change made everyone's nerves tense, and Yu Ke and the others stared at the magic circle, carefully looking for the area that caused the change.

"Be careful of the stone pillars behind you!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

Waiting for everyone in the Black Bamboo Club to raise their heads belatedly.

Just a blink of an eye.

The surrounding environment has changed into another terrifying scene!
(End of this chapter)

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