Chapter 229 It's here!
The roar like a Hong Zhong Da Lu echoed in the cave.

All kinds of astrology and many rare and exotic beasts manifested by the Huanyu Armillary Sphere returned to their original positions, and the sealing circle was completed under Yue Qianren's operation.

If there are no accidents, it shouldn't be a problem to last for a while.

"The ruins are the gaps in different spaces. Unexpectedly, as early as decades ago, the world has been eroded."

After closing the scroll and taking back the ember space, Yue Qianren said with a solemn expression.

Although the seal in front of him has been repaired successfully, but if there is one, there will be two. In his opinion, this is not the only crack in the different space that may exist in this world, and the Black Bamboo Society can only take care of the country.

For example, the Undead Dinosaur Island, which has attracted the attention of the whole world recently, has been discussed within the Black Bamboo Society for a long time.

Needless to say, it must be the result of the crack in the different space.

"Yu Ke, I need some psionic crystals and spell-casting materials. The protective circle left here by the ancestors has no effect. I am going to build a new protective spiritual net to avoid the invasion of the aura tide."

Yue Qianren obviously couldn't be satisfied with just repairing the sealing formation.

It was the first time in many years that he came this time, and even he himself didn't know when the next time would be, so naturally he had to find a way to strengthen the sealing array as much as possible.

However, when he turned around to get the materials, he found that someone was sparing no effort to destroy the cave
The Shuofeng sword wrapped in psionic energy shuttled back and forth on the rock walls around the cave, digging out red and black ores of various sizes from time to time, while Yan Jing was collecting the corpses of the invisible son scattered on the ground with a few scrolls in his hand. torso.

"My equipment allows me to see the spars hidden in these rock walls and affected by the energy of different spaces. If they are not taken out, it is easy to cause secondary damage to the sealing array."

Xu Shi sensed the gazes of the people behind him, Yan Jing continued to be busy with her work, and said without changing her expression.

At first, Yan Jing just wanted to take away the invisible sons with the seal talisman of the Taiqing Baolu, but when he acted, he found that the shells they left behind were also quite valuable, and to some extent they were also rare ore materials from other worlds.

Although there is no research on this aspect, this does not prevent Yan Jing from collecting them and bringing them back.

With the Special Affairs Bureau here, are you afraid that no one will study it?

As a result, because the ember space does not accept any external items, Yan Jing can only spend part of the fire points to buy storage scrolls from the upgraded torch market, and then use them to load these ores.

"So that's it. We are superficial, but can you leave us some of the corpses of these different space monsters? After all, it involves the market suppressed by the armillary sphere of the universe."

Looking at Yan Jing's cold face, Yu Ke chose to believe his statement without hesitation, and put forward her request with some caution.

Before the words fell, Yu Ke received the storage scroll from Yan Jing.

"There are a few of them here. As for those amorphous jelly bodies, they have been sealed by me, so I can't take them out and distribute them to you."

"It doesn't matter, they are enough."

Yu Ke was quite satisfied with being able to easily deal with these monsters in different spaces and successfully repair the seal, so naturally she didn't intend to ask for more.

After Yan Jing cleaned up the invisible sons and their corpses, and "decorated" the already potholed cave, Yue Qianren's brand new protective circle had also been arranged.

The group did not plan to stay in the cave for a long time, Yue Qianren planned to set up another monument to inform future generations of the situation before leaving.

"Choose it here, leave the information in the ruins, and let the latecomers know, and never destroy the magic circle easily."

Taking out an iron halberd from the embers space, Yue Qianren tapped the ground lightly with the halberd, just as he was about to draw the outline of a stone tablet, the whole cave trembled violently, with broken stones rustling down from above his head.

A group of members of the Black Bamboo Club, including Yan Jing, looked at Yue Qianren in astonishment.

Isn't it just carving a stone tablet, what are you doing to make such a big noise?
"It's not that my shock came from the entire seabed mountain!"

Yue Qianren himself was also a little surprised, but soon realized something was wrong, and said with a frown.


Yan Jing asked back.

Earthquakes under the sea are not uncommon.

Judging from the scale, the seamount where they are located should not be greatly affected.

However, just as everyone was recovering, more violent vibrations followed one after another, and what was even weirder was that it was accompanied by tremors, and there were successive noises like thunder.

With the passage of time, these abnormalities not only did not disappear, but became more and more serious.

"No, it's not an earthquake, something is hitting the seamount!"

Yu Ke shook his head, quickly realized the problem, and said in a deep voice,

"Are we being followed?"

This change was so strange that it was hard not to make people associate it, but as soon as Yu Ke said this, several people from the Black Bamboo Club immediately turned their attention to Yan Jing.

After all, he was the only outsider present.

"Impossible, even if someone with ulterior motives followed, how could it be possible to attract our attention in this way, not to mention that it is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary creature that can cause such a movement."

Yue Qianren denied Yu Ke's conjecture, and instead put forward his own conjecture, paused, as if thinking of something,
"The Huanyu armillary sphere released a huge amount of spiritual energy during its operation, coupled with the abnormal movement in the market, it is very likely that it caused the abnormal movement of some giant sea beasts nearby. It must be stopped no matter what!"

The tremors in the cave were still going on. From Yue Qianren's point of view, no matter what the cause was, the most important thing now was to stop the tremors from continuing. Otherwise, if the passageway or even the cavern collapsed, none of them would be able to leave!
Now that the stone tablet has been ignored, the group packed up their things and quickly returned along the passage they came from.

Fortunately, the ancestors of the Mozhu Club especially pursued practicality and sturdiness when they opened up the cave here. Although the frequency of vibrations is still increasing, the passage leading to the seabed mountain still barely maintains its original state.

When the group rushed out of the cave, they returned to the stone steps outside.

Yan Jing and Yue Qianren stood at the front of the team, observing the surrounding situation.

However, the water film on the outside of the cave mansion covered only a small part, and the brightness could only barely allow them to see the situation at the entrance of the cave mansion, while the water film was still dark and deep sea.

For this reason, Yue Qianren took out a few talismans again, and a few flying birds shining with light blue light rushed out of the water film, illuminating the front, trying to find the culprit that caused the seamount to tremble continuously.

In the dark deep sea, these clusters of blue light are so conspicuous.

The sea water suddenly churned, and the turbulent current surged in, beating the mountain body of the seamount.

Yan Jing, who had already let go of his perception, frowned, and the expressions of the people around him suddenly became solemn.

It is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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