Chapter 232 Aircraft Carrier
Wait until the sun sinks to the sea level.

With the last twilight of the orange-red afterglow, the warship arrived at the pick-up point preset by Mo Zhushe before disembarking.

Yu Zhen stood on the left and looked at Mo Zhushe and others who were approaching in a speedboat in the distance.

According to the original plan.

The warship where the scientific expedition team is located will be separated from the Mozhu Society for one to two days, and the two sides will meet after completing their respective tasks.

As a result, Yu Zhen received a message from Yan Jing just two hours after the warship arrived at the sea area where the undead mosasaur once haunted.

Not only was the undead Mosasaurus found, but he also directly killed it
Even the secrets hidden in the body of this undead monster have been discovered, just waiting for them to return for inspection.

Faced with this sudden good news, the entire scientific expedition team was ecstatic at first, and then a little numb.

If I knew that Yan Jing could handle it alone, why would they waste so much effort?
As the two sides approached, Yu Zhen noticed that there was no sign of Yan Jing on the speedboat. He froze for half a second, frowned and asked,

"Where is Yan Jing?"

"Later, he said that the monster was too big, and there was an extremely strong undead death energy in its body, and it was difficult to prevent it from sinking, so he simply took it and stayed behind."

Yue Qianren jumped up from the speedboat and boarded the deck of the warship, pointing to the sea not far away.

Xu Shi sensed the arrival of the warship, and Yan Jing also began to manipulate the undead mosasaurus to float up, so under the watchful eyes of everyone, the sea surface suddenly swelled with waves nearly ten meters high.

Although this monster was defeated by Yan Jing with a huge advantage in the sea, it has to be admitted that, as the overlord of the Mesozoic Era, the mosasaur's size and fierce appearance are extraordinarily intimidating.

As soon as this side came up, there was an exclamation on the warship.

It's one thing to study mosasaurs on multimedia videos and photos, but quite another to actually see them in real life, not to mention it's blessed with the dead spirit of the undead.

Even though it had been nearly an hour since death, the monster's body was still covered in gray-blue phosphorescence, and the orange-red afterglow of the sunset matched it, reflecting Yan Jing standing on the head of the undead Mosasaurus.

Such a terrifying creature was easily trampled under his feet!

It is absolutely impossible to directly move the corpse of the undead mosasaurus to the warship. Just like what Yue Qianren said, although this guy is dead, he is still releasing high-level energy that can directly transform ordinary people into undead like a poison gas bomb. Concentration of dark energy.

Just throwing it here won't do.

After all, this is the only root-level undead creature captured in China so far, so its research value is needless to say.

Therefore, after discussion, it was decided to use the method of towing, with the help of warships, to transfer it to offshore ports with steel cables, and then conduct segmentation research.

Of course, the premise is that doing so will not lead to secondary disasters.

With the cooperation of everyone inside and outside the warship, a large number of steel cables were wrapped around Canglang's head and spine. With the power of a large warship, it is not difficult to drag such a giant sea beast, at best, drive slowly .

Yan Jing was successfully liberated at this time. In order to ensure that the undead mosasaurs did not sink, he had been controlling the sea water.

Even though it was not difficult for him, he would still be tired if he kept this state for more than an hour.

"Its soul core has been destroyed by me, and the spread of undead death will not last long. Let a few people throw some healing charms and healing potions around the corpse, so as to save the undead monsters from being dragged out along the way."

Returning to the deck of the warship, the seawater on his body had evaporated completely when he landed. Yan Jing took out the ice-cold fruit wine from the embers space and poured it down, and gave the order straightforwardly.

"Leave it to us, this time you have helped a lot, and we should also do something."

Before Yu Zhen could speak, Yue Qianren took the initiative to take over the task, and turned to signal Yu Ke and others to do something.

For this action, the Black Bamboo Club has indeed received a lot of favors from Yan Jing. Among other things, the fact that Yan Jing chose to conceal the connection between the undead mosasaurus and the seamount is the greatest help to them.

Otherwise, if the seamount is poked out, the cave is likely to be discovered as well, and it will not be so easy to let the Huanyu armillary sphere quietly guard the crack in the different space.

"Come with me while they are doing business. I still have something to say about that undead mosasaurus."

Yan Jing glanced at the members of the scientific expedition team gathered around, then turned and walked towards the stern.

Avoiding the crowd, he told the two of them what he had just discovered about the rift in the different space and the special will.

As for the seamounts, they were replaced by Yan Jing with deep-sea coral reefs.

Not only did Yue Qianren not want to be exposed, but Yan Jing also did not intend to let the matter of that cave get out. He knew better than anyone else the danger of the gap in the different space.

"You mean that there is likely to be a large space rift in the overseas undead dinosaur island, and those undead dinosaurs came out of there and are currently looking for a suitable place to open up a different space rift under the control of a foreign will?"

After listening to Yan Jing's description, Yu Zhen's expression calmed down for a moment, and his tone was low.

Just mentally rehearsing the catastrophic consequences of such a situation is enough to send shivers down the spine!

"The space rift on Undead Dinosaur Island must be destroyed immediately."

Yue Qianren quickly gave his opinion, with a decisive tone,
"According to Yan Jing, as long as that will dissipates, the rift in the different space will gradually collapse due to loss of control, and it is impossible for us to search the entire deep sea, we can only start from the source!"

Sea beasts such as the undead mosasaurs are active in the seabed hundreds of meters deep, and even if today's technology has made great progress due to the appearance of the torch, it has not yet been able to locate the giant sea beasts in the depths of the ocean and distinguish whether they are undead monster.

"That's right, it seems that this is the only way at present, it depends on you."

Yan Jing turned to look at Yu Zhen.

The location of Undead Dinosaur Island is overseas, no matter how much Yan Jing cares about it, it is impossible to rush there immediately.

In fact, even if he went there, it would be nonsense to want to play a big role in a short period of time. After all, that place is now a gathering place for undead monsters, and it is likely to be directly connected to the crack in the different space.

It is undoubtedly nonsense to rely on personal strength to solve the problem.

However, although Yan Jing has a high status in the Bureau of Special Affairs or the official position, he is actually a non-staff member and does not know the high-level personnel at all, and this kind of loss involving overseas islands and the Commonwealth of the United States is obviously not easy to find. Done.

"I understand, just contact them."

As the leader of the scientific expedition team, Yu Zhen's situation is completely opposite to Yan Jing's. Her academic status naturally determines that she has participated in many official projects, and she has contacted and known a lot of high-level personnel.

Besides, the scientific expedition team this time is also officially authorized, and the matter of the undead mosasaur should have been reported.

With the help of the communication system on the warship, Yu Zhen quickly reported their findings.

About half an hour later, the high-level reply came down.

The officials attached great importance to the discoveries made by the scientific expedition team, especially after Yan Jing mentioned the possible harm caused by the cracks in different spaces, no one dared to take it lightly.

"In an hour, a transport plane will come to pick us up."

Putting down the receiver, Yu Zhen looked at Yan Jing and said.

"where to?"

The undead dinosaur island is not within the reach of the transport plane, not to mention that they are also in the deep sea area.

"Go to a place where we can rush to the undead dinosaur island as soon as possible."

Yu Zhen had a weird expression on her face, she pursed her lips and added,
"aircraft carrier!"

(End of this chapter)

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