Chapter 235 Weather Weapons
Burning island.

The forest was turned into ashes in the artillery fire, and its vitality was annihilated.

The undead monsters ran wildly in the fire, or piled up in a group, sacrificing the outer monsters to preserve the inner layer, or rushed to the sea around the island, hoping to escape the bombing with the help of sea water.

Even so, only a few managed to escape.

Most of the undead monsters had no time to gather, so they had to face the shells.

The large-scale death of undead monsters, no, it should be said to be collapsed, undoubtedly also constantly stimulating the consciousness residing in their soul cores.

Nearly ten meters high, the undead tyrannosaurus rex like a hill is rampaging in the sea of ​​flames. It exists as the top floor of the entire island. At this moment, its torso is surrounded by a layer of gray-blue phosphorescence. Any flames that try to approach it will be extinguished directly. .

There are even fragments of human clothing and tents hanging from its mouth, apparently it has performed "excellently" in the previous riots against the fleet of the United States.

Not far ahead was the sea, but three shells landed directly on its side.

The air wave generated by the explosion knocked the monster that had killed several Ember Apostles to the ground, followed by another round of precise artillery strikes.

Its target is too large and has long been locked.

Almost every inch of the skeleton of the body has to face the impact of shells fired from the United Federation warships.

Without any accidents, half a minute later, the undead tyrannosaurus rex was only half broken.

But at this moment, the monster that was supposed to be completely overturned on the ground suddenly raised its head, and while the broken bones collapsed by itself, it let out a high-pitched roar, followed by the gray-blue undead that soared into the sky Angry!

They converged in the sky above the island, forming a huge distorted symbol, which maintained its original form even though many shells passed through it.

This is a projection of will from another world.

All of a sudden, a group of undead monsters that were still passively fleeing screamed and collapsed on the spot, and the death energy of the undead in their bodies also rose up, rushing straight to the sky and the ocean around the island.

In the next second, in the clouds of the sky.

Surrounded by gray-blue phosphorescence, over a hundred undead pterosaurs and other undead birds and beasts descended with flapping wings. Their strength seems to have increased with the blessing of the same kind of energy, and they glide towards the fleet around the island at high speed.

In the water around the island, a huge black shadow appeared at some unknown time, dived into the deep sea, and went straight to the nearest ships under the cover of a group of undead pterosaurs.

As Yan Jing said, Undead Island is the location of the rift in the different space.

The alien consciousness will never allow it to be destroyed like this.

The counterattack has begun!
The nearest single warships were the first to suffer. Several undead pterosaurs descended directly on the deck, destroying the command room with the death breath of the undead.

Although the warships that can come here will bring a few superhumans or elite armed squads without exception, but facing these monsters with strong radiation pollution, even if they are killed as quickly as possible, the entire warship will be destroyed. It will still be shrouded in the death energy of the undead.

After all, not every warship will have a magic circle that can resist the death energy of the undead arranged in advance.

At the beginning of the battle, several warships fell directly, and the personnel on board had to choose to abandon the ship to escape, and these undead monsters obviously would not stop there, but took off again to catch up with the large forces and rushed straight to other warships on the periphery.

Faced with this kind of suicide attack, all the human fleet can do is to intercept these undead monsters in the middle.

"Runway cleared, equipment in good condition. Cleared for takeoff!"

The guide in the fluorescent vest squatted on the ground, pointing forward, and in front of him, the fully armed fighter plane couldn't wait, ejected and took off, skimmed the deck, and rushed into the air with an astonishing arc and tail flames that could not dissipate in time.

As soon as it climbed to a certain height, the fighter plane encountered several undead pterosaurs in the air. The locking system was activated immediately, and several missiles mounted on its wings flew out, shooting down one easily, but it also made other undead pterosaurs approach.

Fighter planes and pterosaurs staggered past.

The driver in the cabin subconsciously turned his head to look, and could even see the gray-blue soul core releasing the death energy of the undead in the torso of the undead pterosaur.

Such scenes are being played out everywhere in the sky.

Yan Jing once again walked outside the main control room of the aircraft carrier, and cast her eyes on the battlefield in the waters around the island.

The fire control systems of the surrounding warships have already been activated.

The short-range anti-aircraft machine guns and turrets formed a firepower network that strangled any undead monsters that tried to approach.

However, only the fleet can form a high-intensity firepower network. The ships sent by other countries not only need to face threats from the air, but because they do not have the defense of submarines, the attacks of sea beasts are more dangerous for them.

As far as Yan Jing can see now, several warships were raided by undead monsters that looked like plesiosaurs, and the situation on the deck was completely destroyed in a very short period of time.

Although Yan Jing's aircraft carrier formation has not been damaged so far, the scene in front of him still made him frown.

He was not the only one who expected the undead to launch a counterattack. The previous riots were enough to make people aware of the danger of this island, but the number of undead monsters that appeared in front of them undoubtedly exceeded expectations.

You must know that before last night, the island was blocked by the fleet of the United Federation of Nations and its allies.

No matter how bad those guys were, they wouldn't let hundreds of undead monsters hide to destroy their own fleet.

And therein lies the problem.

How did so many undead pterosaurs and sea beasts appear?
wait, don't you say
As if thinking of something, Yan Jing suddenly looked up at the sky.

No one stipulates that there can only be one different space rift. Undead mosasaurs can create new different space rifts on seamounts thousands of miles away. It will only be easier to use this undead island as their base camp.

"If we continue to entangle like this, we will suffer. The focus is on the rift in different spaces, not entanglement with these weird undead dinosaurs outside the island. This will only give the other party time to regroup!"

Yu Zhen walked to Yan Jing from the back, looked at the situation outside and said in a deep voice.

Although the fleet's artillery fire can destroy the vegetation barrier on the island in a short period of time, and kill the undead monsters entrenched in it, the ultimate goal of doing so is to buy time for the team to land on the island.

The cracks in the different space cannot be destroyed by explosions, otherwise, the fairy palace city with more advanced war technology will not be cornered.

When it comes to the existence of the space level, it is meaningless to rely solely on the unilateral explosion in the present world. It is necessary to find a corresponding method to seal the gap in the different space or further shut it down.

Yan Jing's experience is the best proof.

Whether it's siege or bombing, it's all paving the way for this last critical step, but now everyone is being dragged on board by these undead monsters, which has deviated from the planned plan.

As Yu Zhen said, as long as the gap in the different space is still there, there will be a steady stream of undead monsters coming out of it. The longer the time delays, the more unfavorable it will be for the human side.

"Perhaps we should break through forcefully. Now there are undead monsters entangled with us in the sky and the sea, and those undead dinosaurs on the island have been wiped out in large numbers in the artillery fire. Now is the time to show our flaws."

Yan Jing stared at Undead Island, and instinctively told him that it was not a good idea to continue like this, so she turned around and asked Xu Jinrong to prepare the transport plane.

However, at the same time as he turned his head, Xu Jinrong in the main control room grabbed the microphone and said coldly,
"Those bastards. Hurry up and send a message to let our fighters withdraw from the sky above Undead Island!"

"what happened?"

Yu Zhen stepped forward to ask.

"The people of the United Federation said that in order not to waste time, they are going to use their latest weather weapon on the undead. That will affect our fighters. No, they didn't plan to give us time to react!"

Xu Jinrong put down the microphone, walked quickly to the door of the main control room, and raised his hand to point to the island of the undead.

Several people turned around one after another, and saw that the fighter planes that were fighting with the undead monster in the air received the news and began to retreat. At the same time, a particularly conspicuous drone rushed straight to the island of the undead, and detonated it directly when it reached the sky.

Before a few people could react, a dark blue bright light suddenly appeared at the location of the explosion.

In the next second, the wind attribute psionic group was the center.

A huge tornado with a height of [-] meters suddenly appeared over the island of the undead.

Sweep the entire island in a very short time!
The strong wind pressure even formed a sea vortex and seven or eight-meter-high waves around the island, spreading wildly to the surroundings. Even Yan Jing and others in the main control room of the deep aircraft carrier felt the strong wind blowing towards their faces.

Although such a movement is not as good as a big storm at sea, its scale is no less than that of a high-level typhoon.

Even the fleet far away from the island was affected, not to mention the island of the undead and its surrounding sea and sky. The sea beasts that were still rampant in the sky and in the sea were immediately involved and strangled by the storm.

During this process, Yan Jing paid attention to the situation on Undead Island.

Because of the large-scale bombing earlier, Undead Island was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, but the appearance of this storm extinguished the fire on the island extremely quickly because the large swathes of seawater were finally condensed into waterspouts.

"Mr. Xu, you just said that the United States Federation did not mention weather weapons in the pre-war meeting?"

Yan Jing asked suddenly.

"Yes, we didn't receive a message from them until just now. Is there any problem?"

Noticing that Yan Jing's expression was wrong, Xu Jinrong asked.

"Prepare the transport plane immediately, they want to be the first to act!"

The storm strangled the undead pterosaurs in the air, put out the fire, and made another round of impact on the remaining undead monsters on the island. Now it can be said that the defense of the entire undead island is the weakest.

If you want to find out what happened on the island, now is undoubtedly the best time!

Obviously, this operation was planned by the United Federation long ago.

They don't know how big the risk is on the island.

Therefore, other countries are threatened with disasters to enter the market to share, and in case of any large-scale disasters, they can also have a bottom line.

Now that the situation is under control again, the idea of ​​Undead Island has begun again.

Xu Jinrong and others believed that the United Federation of Nations and its allies would play tricks on the island.

Little did they know that from the very beginning they wanted to monopolize the secrets of Undead Island again before everyone else!

(End of this chapter)

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