Chapter 237 Mutation
The hurricane has not yet dissipated, and Undead Island is still shrouded by strong winds.

The three transport planes raised from the United Federation's fleet can fly extremely stably in this harsh environment. Without exception, there is a layer of light blue psionic light curtains around the outside of the cabin, guiding the approaching airflow to the surroundings. .

Obviously, since the weather weapon can be taken out.

The United Federation had already anticipated such consequences and responded first.

The blockade and exploration for nearly a month has allowed them to control the key areas on Undead Island.

Without any unnecessary search cruise, the three transport planes went straight to their destination against the remaining wind whirlwind.

Across the scorched black land ravaged by strong winds, as the team leader, John had already locked his eyes on the base in the woodland ahead, but when he saw the base clearly, he couldn't help but frowned, and his face suddenly darkened.

Before he came, he checked the relevant information of this operation, and knew that the United Federation had already opened up and built a base for research on the island with its powerful national defense force and a group of superheroes.

However, what appeared in front of his eyes at this time were the withered ruins, broken walls and ruins all over the ground.

One of the purposes of John's visit this time is to restart the base.

Use this as a landmark to announce the reoccupation of the site by the Commonwealth.

But the dilapidated scene in front of him made his plan completely bankrupt before it started, so he was naturally very angry.

Undead monsters will only attack living creatures, and have no interest in dead objects, and the base itself has been specially protected.

To become like this, one doesn't need to think about it to know that a certain fleet has set this area as a key target.

"Report sir, no undead monsters were found around the landing point."

Someone reported in the communication channel, and John couldn't help curling his lips.

If there are undead monsters that can survive in a place that can be specially cared for by an entire aircraft carrier fleet, it will be hell.

But this can be regarded as clearing the obstacles for them to a certain extent.

"What about the area where the different space rift is located, can it be detected?"

As the transport plane descended, John cast his gaze through the window to the hills near the base, which were one of the few highlands on the entire island, where the space rift was located.

The research department of the United Federation of Nations has done some research in it before, and the research has left their layout.

Although the bombing covered the entire island, the hills were specially reinforced and should be able to survive this large-scale explosion.

In fact, they had conducted relevant tests before coming here, and the results were not bad.

It doesn't matter if the base is gone, as long as the situation in the area where the space rift is located is normal, the mission of this trip is not considered a failure
"Sir, we have lost all equipment signals in the area where the space rift is located!"

The sudden report interrupted John's thinking again.

"What did you say?"

Accidents happened one after another, and John, who was in a worse mood, turned his head and stared at the technician next to him, stepped forward and grabbed his collar and asked,
"We dropped bombs, not signal jamming bombs. Even if we were hit by an explosion, how could we not receive any signal!"

"Sorry, I. This kind of situation shouldn't happen. The equipment we placed in the area where the space rift is located is top-notch. Even if it is disturbed, it can still operate normally. It seems that there is some kind of energy that will isolate it."

Facing the coercion from John, the young man holding the computer turned pale and spoke incoherently.


Realizing that the situation was irreversible, John didn't bother to argue, threw him back to the seat, turned to look at the action team members in the cabin, paused, raised his hand to open the communication channel again,

"Transport aircraft No. 2 and No. 3, the situation on the scene is normal, and they are about to land at the scheduled location. The current situation of the different space rift is stable, and the internal equipment is well preserved. I need you to go in and open the closed gate. My No. 1 team is in charge of peripheral defense. Resist those spoilers who may arrive at any time!"

Ignoring the astonished eyes of the technicians on the side, John adjusted the channel and contacted the driver.

"Don't rush down, let them explore the way."

As the leader of this operation, John has more than just strong strength.

The continuous bad news made him quickly realize that the situation on Undead Island seemed to be more complicated than expected.

Standing in front of the window on one side of the cabin, watching the other two transport planes land first, the two superhuman troops belonging to the allies rushed out of the cabin and rushed to the inner base of the hill where the rift in the different space was located.

They moved smoothly, and did not encounter any ambushes along the way.


After giving the order, John was the first to stand at the hatch door.

The transport plane descended to a position about five meters above the ground, the turbines on both sides started, hovered in mid-air, and the hatch opened.

"After landing, act according to the plan, immediately open the sign, set up a defense line, let the airborne troops on the fleet prepare to enter, and block any transcendent who tries to detect the situation of the crack in the different space."

Compared with other countries, the Federation of the United States undoubtedly has a great advantage in this operation, and it even allows them to skip the survey process and go directly to the final step.

In his view, as long as the territory is divided, other competitors can only follow them and eat ashes.

Raising his hand to draw the cross on his chest, and pointing his fingers at his forehead, John prayed a few words in a low voice, and took a step forward. When he landed, his whole body shone with golden light.

When the light dissipated, a set of thick, pure white knight armor inlaid with gold had already been put on, and a two-handed epee with a particularly sacred and luxurious appearance was hung on the back.

It makes John look like a paladin.

The other players who came later also had their own performances.

Under the searchlight projected by the transport plane.

There is a wizard who summons undead skeletons, devours the remaining dead spirits in the surrounding environment, and clears out a safe zone; holds a heavy gun, and half of his body shows a mechanized transformation; Chinese.

According to John's order, these people dispersed to the surrounding area at an extremely fast speed, and stationed in a fan shape outside the hill where the space rift is located, to investigate possible dangers in the surrounding area.

At this time, John, the team leader, walked to the gate leading to the interior of the hill.

The two extraordinary teams that landed first had already entered it.

If nothing else happened, he would be able to learn what was going on inside in a few minutes.

The most important thing now is to hold the external line of defense, to prevent anyone from forcibly breaking into and obtaining information on the gaps in different spaces.

Pulling out the giant sword and standing in front of him, John's eyes slowly scanned the surrounding area, and everywhere there were charred trees and undead bones that were destroyed by the hurricane.

Occasionally, some barely survived, just standing on the bare surface shrouded in night.

With the artillery coverage of multiple fleets and the weather weapons prepared in advance by the United Federation, it is normal for Undead Island to become such a scene. John had already predicted it in his heart before coming here.

But when he really stood on this scorched earth, he didn't feel much security in his heart.

The intuition honed by wandering between life and death made him always feel that there was something wrong with him.

His right foot subconsciously rolled the grass roots turned up by the hurricane in the soil. After a short thought, John suddenly seemed to think of something, and turned on the communication channel again.

"Report Jitu's current movements, where is their transport plane landing?"

The so-called 'Sly Rabbit' is naturally the transport plane that Yan Jing and the others are on, and it is also the only enemy in John's eyes who is qualified to wrestle with them.

It was also because of this that he would suddenly ask about the hostile target's movements at this critical moment.

It doesn't matter if you can't figure out what the problem is.

As long as you know the enemy's movements, you can check for omissions and make up for yourself by deduction in reverse.

"Sly Rabbit is now. Sir, they are still hovering in the sky!"

There was a bit of surprise in the words of the intelligence officer, and he replied with some hesitation.

You must know that in their pre-war deduction, Jiutu should set off as soon as the weather weapon is over, and compete with them for control of the location of the different space rift.

The situation observed by the drone before has also verified this point. The transport planes of both sides took off and approached the island of the undead almost at the same time.
Even under the influence of strong air currents, how could it be possible to stay in the air for a long time?

Not to mention the hurricane has dissipated.

The remaining cyclone is simply not enough to interfere with the military transport plane!

'No, they must have noticed something! '

Although John is quite confident in his own strength, he is not arrogant enough to think that he can make the opponent retreat without a fight.

Realizing this, John immediately switched channels, wanting to give orders to the rest of the team.

However, the moment John raised his hand and put it on the earphones, the death energy of the undead surging under his feet quickly caught his attention, and he hurriedly raised his feet and retreated, looking down at his feet.

I don't know when, under the raised piece of land.

The gray-blue undead spirit is spreading wildly like the roots of trees.

In John's perception, unprecedented majestic energy is surging underground, and they are brewing something.
"Hey, watch your feet, attack!"

Sensing the crisis, John held the giant sword in both hands and plunged into the ground. The dazzling holy light erupted instantly, melting the death energy of the approaching undead, and at the same time loudly reminded the nearby team members.

That's too late!

The voice on John's side just fell, and before the wizard who was not far away who was concentrating on manipulating the undead skeleton had time to react, the death energy of the undead spewed out from his body.

Directly crush the spiritual energy barrier he used as a defense, enveloping his whole body in it!
(End of this chapter)

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