Chapter 242 Dead Core
The central area of ​​Undead Island.

The last corroded apostle of the undead fell, and the forest of bones collapsed due to the loss of the supply of the dead spirit of the undead.

The survivors of the United Federation of Nations and its allies collapsed to the ground. Many people lost control of their emotions due to the rest of their lives. Sometimes they raised their arms high and cheered, and sometimes they cried with their foreheads against the scorched ground.

On the other hand, Yu Zhen and others, who were the victors, did not relax at the moment, and even the atmosphere became more dignified.

They gather around the hills.

Yan Jing who disappeared in the gap in the different space made everyone nervous.

Even Yue Qianren, who had seen Yan Jing's actions earlier, was extremely nervous.

After all, this is a rift in a different space, and if he is a little careless, it will be a situation of eternal doom. No matter how much he trusts Yan Jing's ability, he dare not promise it casually.

After finally finding a promotion ally for the Black Bamboo Society, he did not want the cooperation between the two parties to end in such a regrettable way.

"There is movement!"

Xu Jinrong suddenly exclaimed.

The energy fluctuations in the different space rift in front suddenly intensified, and the blue-purple vortex trembled continuously.

Yu Zhen unconsciously raised her hands, clenched into fists, staring at the crack in the different space, just hoping to see that familiar figure.

But in the next second.

The gaps in different spaces began to shrink.
This should have been something to be thankful for.

What it represented at the moment was that the hearts of Yue Qianren and the others around him skipped a beat, they all gasped in unison, and their originally expectant expressions inevitably dimmed.

There were also a few people who were a little bit exhausted due to the previous battle, and now they just fell down and lay on the ground panting.

Yu Zhen knelt down on the ground with red eyes, hands hanging down.

just die?
"Hey, what are you doing, I'm not welcome back?"

The familiar voice suddenly sounded in front of them, causing several people to look up suddenly, and they saw a tall and straight figure flashing in front of the rift in the different space that had been reduced by half.

The Scarlet Nightmare Armor gradually disappeared, and the pale Yan Jing grinned and said with a smile,
"Then I'll go?"

As soon as the words fell, a figure flashed in front of him, and then there was a fragrant wind blowing towards him.

Before she could reach out her hand, Yu Zhen was already in her arms.

The pinnae can feel the moisture from the dripping tears.

"Why did you rush into the gap in the different space, I thought"

At this time, Yu Zhen didn't care too much, hugged Yan Jing, and lost once, she didn't want to hide her feelings anymore.

"That guy is the key to the existence of different space rifts, and the undead mosasaurs are probably also under its control. Only by killing him can these different space rifts be destroyed and the passage of other world invasions temporarily blocked."

Recalling the danger encountered in another world, Yan Jing couldn't help but let out a long breath, patted Yu Zhen's back, felt the warmth from him, paused, and then said in harmony,
"If you continue to hug like this, it will be difficult to say what the news will be like tomorrow. Don't forget, there are drones broadcasting live broadcasts in various countries."

Thinking of the drones circling in the sky, Yu Zhen was still thin-skinned after all, and hurriedly let go and shrank aside.

He took out the mask from the ember space and put it on, and moved half a step to the side, as if the person just now was not her.

With the complete collapse of the different space rift, the lifelessness of the undead on the island quickly dissipated.

The island no longer has any value to contend for.

Under Xu Jinrong's contact, the transport plane landed again and sent Yan Jing and others back to the fleet.

"Great job! You successfully prevented the invasion of the undead tide from another world, and also made those guys who only know how to fight for power in the face of disasters suffer a lot."

In the combat conference room of the aircraft carrier, high-level officials in military uniforms appeared on the projection screen, announcing the complete success of the operation with excitement, and at the same time announced the rewards for the apostles who participated in the operation.

Xu Jinrong led the team to sit upright, and exchanged the specific process and findings of the operation with the senior officials of the Special Affairs Bureau who appeared later.

In fact, this position should have belonged to Yan Jing, after all, no one dared to say that he could know what happened on Undead Island better than him, not to mention that he also rushed into the rift of a different space.

This experience alone is enough to make Yan Jing the object of attention of high-level officials in various countries after tonight.

But right now he has more important things to do.

"Before entering the gap in the different space, the torch gave a corresponding reminder that you can offset the damage caused by crossing the different space to the Ember Apostle by consuming the fire points. .”

Yan Jing sat at the back of the conference room, describing the situation in detail, with Yue Qianren and Yu Zhen beside him.

Holding a note in his hand, Yu Zhen wrote down Yan Jing's experience word by word, sneaking a glance from time to time, seeing the latter's expression was calm and composed, and thinking of what he did on the island of the undead just now, he couldn't help pursing his lips.

Suppressing the weird emotions churning in her mind, Yu Zhen told herself that the most important thing now is to record.

This is likely to be the first case of traveling through different spaces and returning successfully in this world.

Yan Jing's experience and what he has seen and heard in the other world can be said to be the only key materials that can be referred to at present, and its self-worth is undoubtedly a hundred times higher than those bones left on the island of the undead.

The Special Affairs Bureau has already issued a price tag, as long as Yan Jing is willing to cooperate with the research, the conditions are extremely favorable.

The restrictions related to insect nests in the Gannan Nature Reserve were directly cancelled.

"What's the scene like in another world?"

Yue Qianren couldn't help asking beside him.

So far, the Black Bamboo Club has only suppressed a crack in a different space with the armillary sphere of the universe. There are no relevant records about the situation in the different world within the organization, which makes him eager to obtain relevant information.

Except for the bone armor crystal core she got, Yan Jing didn't intend to hide anything, and she continued to tell her experiences of crossing the gaps in different spaces, especially the army of undead that she saw last.

"They have already completed their team, and what they are waiting for is just an opportunity to invade. Fortunately, the expansion of the rift in the different space has triggered a riot of undead, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Leaning back on the bench, Yan Jing half-closed her eyes, recalling the memories in her mind.

If the skeletal giant dragon that covers the sky and the sun leads the army of undead into the world, Yan Jing is almost certain that all countries will use nuclear weapons in the first place.

Whether or not the invading undead army can be wiped out, none of them who landed on the island must be able to escape.

Not to mention that the rift in the different space itself will not be affected by the attack of the world.

"Less than half a year has passed, and the invasion of another world has reached such a level, coupled with the frequent occurrence of supernatural events around the world. It's really an eventful year!"

After listening to Yan Jing's description, Yue Qianren muttered to himself with a solemn expression.

Yu Zhen looked at the words on the note and fell into deep thought.

Yan Jing quietly left the meeting room without disturbing them and Xu Jinrong and others who were in communication with the top management of the Special Affairs Bureau.

Walk alone to the edge of the carrier deck.

Even though the oncoming sea breeze blew up the corners of his clothes, the abundant water spirit power washed away some of the energy in different spaces left in Yan Jing's body, soothing his mental state.

I have to admit that this is an out-and-out adventure traveling through the gaps in different spaces.

Even though he has successfully returned, Yan Jing still has some lingering fears when he recalls what happened at that time.

What surprised him was that the deepest image in his mind was not the army of undead from another world, nor the giant skeleton dragon covering the sky, but the mass of ghosts he glimpsed in the universe when traveling through the rift of different space. Gray Fog and Optimus Column.

Patting his forehead lightly, temporarily suppressing the uncomfortable scene, Yan Jing took out the only substantial gain of this trip, which was the crystal nucleus that was taken from the alien monster's chest.

Its volume is about half the size of an adult man's fist, and its shape is polygonal, but there is no similarity in the lines everywhere, and the lengths and thicknesses are different, which looks extremely weird.

Yan Jing clearly remembered the rage that the giant skeleton dragon showed the moment he got the crystal nucleus, plus the state of the alien monster when it entered the rift in a different space and how he felt when he traveled between the two worlds.

It is certain that this crystal nucleus is the key to traveling through the cracks in different spaces.

"Torch, can you identify it?"

As a promoted person, the identification function has become one of Yan Jing's privileges, and there is no need to pay merit points like the search function.

"It can consume 1500 fuel points for identification, do you want to identify?"

Yan Jing couldn't help raising his eyebrows at the reminder of the torch, 1500 fire points, this is not a small amount.

Before completing the task of Asgard City with Wushuang evaluation, he only got 2000 salary points.

Fortunately, Yan Jing seldom used fire points. Even after the consumption of different space rifts, he still saved nearly 2000 fire points.


Following the order, information about the crystal nucleus immediately appeared on the torch panel.

Eyes fell, Yan Jing opened her mouth, her eyes were full of astonishment!

【Dead core (foreign matter)】

Quality: Legendary (Seal)

Special effects: unknown

The item loses its connection with the source body and is sealed by an unknown force.

All special effects cannot be used, and certain conditions need to be met to unlock.

After reading the reminder given by the torch, Yan Jing didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a while.

The value of this crystal nucleus is unquestionable. The legendary quality of foreign objects, even the torch, is nothing more than passing the appraisal to give all the information, but with such a small amount of appraisal content, it still consumes a lot of fire points, and the ability it possesses can be known without thinking. Extremely strong.

Being able to be used as the core props of the different space rift shuttle action must be one of the most precious items in that different world.

The problem lies in this "sealed" state.

Yan Jing is almost certain that the seal of the dead core was imposed by the giant skeleton dragon, and the so-called loss of contact with the source body, this "source body" must be the giant skeleton dragon.

This also means that if Yan Jing wants to unblock him, he will probably have to meet that guy again.
just forget it.

Just after giving the meeting gift to someone, and regardless of whether he can enter that different world again, even if Yan Jing sees the giant skeleton dragon again, with the power displayed by the latter, it probably won't take a minute to crush Yan Jing to death.

It seems that only some special means can be used.

"Yan Jing?"

A voice from behind interrupted Yan Jing's thinking, and when she turned her head to look, Yu Zhen had arrived nearby at some point.

Looking at the man in front of him, Yu Zhen froze in place after calling his name.

For a moment I didn't know where to start.

The outrageous behavior on Undead Island made her extremely ashamed, and she didn't want others to mention it, but she was afraid that Yan Jing would not take it seriously, so she came to meet Yan Jing and wanted to remind him in this way.

"I still remember the invitation from the resort, do you want to take a vacation for the two of us?"

Without making Yu Zhenjiu wait, Yan Jing thought about it, and suddenly asked with a smile.


Yu Zhen raised her head and bent her eyebrows with a smile.

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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