Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 244: Insect Nest Site Selection

Chapter 244: Insect Nest Site Selection
the holiday is over.

Yan Jing and Yu Zhen left the coast and returned to Shanqing City together.

It's an eventful time right now, and the identities of the two are too special. They just turned on the mobile phone to contact the Special Affairs Bureau, and news from all sides poured in like a flood.

As soon as he left the airport, Yu Zhen received a notice from the Special Affairs Bureau, to be precise, a supernatural event report.

Supernatural events involving god worship have occurred in the Northwest Territories.

As an expert and scholar in folklore, Yu Zhen is also a leader among the Ember Apostles.

As soon as the information over there was sorted out, it was sent to her through the Bureau of Special Affairs, hoping that she could take the lead in organizing a seminar to analyze the situation of supernatural events, so that the Bureau of Special Affairs could formulate follow-up response plans.

Different from Yan Jing's freedom obtained by relying on personal strength, Yu Zhen was recruited by the state a long time ago because of his talent in folklore and semiotics, and enjoyed a lot of benefits.

Faced with these things now, naturally there is no way to shirk.

"Is the situation serious?"

On the way to Shanqing University, Yan Jing drove Yu Zhen's car and asked while looking at the road ahead.

He himself spends most of his time on the Luofeng River, so he never bought a car.

With a mount like Huying, how can those sports cars that cost tens of millions can compare.

"Now there are large-scale abnormal celestial phenomena in the Kasai River Basin around the Kunlun Mountains. Four seasons change within a day, and various extreme weathers take turns. Heavy rain, hail, tornadoes, and extreme high temperatures!"

Yu Zhende, who was sitting in the co-pilot, flipped over and looked at the briefing in his hand, frowned, and said worriedly,

"Fortunately, the incident took place in a sparsely populated plateau and mountain range. Most people evacuated early. Except for the large-scale deaths of livestock, there were only a few casualties among the people."

"Kunlun Mountains. Have you figured out the reason yet?"

Hearing the place name mentioned by Yu Zhen, Yan Jing's eyes froze and he asked in a deep voice.

He remembered correctly.

When I spoke with Miao Yingshi for the last time, the latter was near the Kunlun Mountains!
"According to the information given by the local Bureau of Special Affairs, the cause of the incident was a tomb robber organization whose leader was the Ember Apostle. They took advantage of the supernatural incidents near the Kasai River to attract local attention, and sneaked into a cave buried deep in the mountains. underground palace."

Yu Zhen opened the video attached to the briefing, and explained it to Yan Jing in a more concise sentence.
"In the end, I don't know what caused it, which led to various visions in the local area. It is said that a considerable number of people have witnessed gods and fairyland. member communication."

Although seeing gods is considered a blessing among the people, the continuous occurrence of extreme weather is enough to prove that this "fairy" is obviously not compassionate.

"Have supernatural events occurred before the anomalous celestial phenomenon?"

Noticing the key information mentioned in Yu Zhen's words, Yan Jing asked.

"Yes, a certain snow peak in the Kunlun Mountains has an abnormal natural landscape. Above the snow line, a large forest grows overnight. The scale is extremely large, and the average height of the trees even exceeds 50 meters."

Yu Zhen called up the jungle photos taken in the briefing and turned the screen to Yan Jing.

The jungle in the photo is particularly conspicuous among the surrounding snow-capped mountains. Coupled with the open area at the bottom of the snow line, it looks like a green palace hanging high in the sky.

The first time he saw it, Yan Jing thought of Miao Yingshi again. The latter's mountain and sea heritage is a heroic move, and his ability is related to plants.

"Is there any information about Miao Yingshi mentioned in the report?"

After a brief silence, Yan Jing asked.

"Miao Yingshi?"

Yu Zhen glanced at Yan Jing a little strangely, not understanding why the latter mentioned him suddenly, and then said after a pause,

"There is no relevant content. He is near the Kunlun Mountains?"

"Yes, he was in that area during this time. It doesn't seem like a coincidence. I'm a little worried about him."

The sudden supernatural event happened just as Miao Yingshi was going to the Kunlun Mountains, coupled with the wind in the background sound during the previous call, Yan Jing's intuition told him that it was not that simple.

"I can ask you through the Special Affairs Bureau, or you can also contact Captain Wu. If you ask, they should look for it."

"No, you can't tell the Special Affairs Bureau. Only you and I know about this."

Although I don't know what Miao Yingshi is doing, but because of his character, he is willing to travel far away. Needless to say, it must be an extremely important thing. Yan Jing can't interfere with his actions. After thinking about it, he added,

"Just help me pay attention when processing relevant materials."


Although he was not familiar with Miao Yingshi, since he was Yan Jing's friend, Yu Zhen nodded solemnly.

When Yu Zhen was sent to Shanqing University, Ruan Xiaolian was in class, so Yan Jing didn't stay long.

After stopping to kiss goodbye, Yan Jing hailed another taxi at the gate of the school and went straight to the port beside Luofeng River.

He also has a lot of things to deal with.

The insect swarm in the Luojiang Mountain Range was already quite large, and the site selection for a new insect nest required his nod and arrangement.

Although Huying has a lot of intelligence, apart from Yan Jing's orders, it can only respond to Wu Senyan, who Yan Jing admits. Others, let alone communicating, will be warned by it just by approaching.

It is different from the bright sun in the coastal areas.

After the beginning of autumn in Shanqing City, it rained several times in succession, and it was no exception when Yan Jing returned.

Driving the yacht to the depths of the Luojiang Mountains.

Seeing the sea and then coming back to see the rolling mountains, it has a special flavor.

The rain was hitting the glass of the cockpit, Yan Jing looked at the dense forest in the rain and mist outside, holding the steering wheel with one hand.

He took out his mobile phone and called Miao Yingshi.

beep~ beep~ beep~
The index finger of his right hand resting on the steering wheel tapped the oak ring.

Although the Special Affairs Bureau was not asked to help find it for the sake of keeping it secret, it doesn't mean that Yan Jing doesn't care about Miao Yingshi's situation.

Waited about ten seconds.

The phone was finally connected.


The background sound was still the bitter wind, and Miao Yingshi's voice was obviously tired.

"I saw the news about the abnormal weather in the Kunlun Mountains. How is your situation?"

Slowing down the speed of the boat, Yan Jing heard that Miao Yingshi's condition was not right, and asked in a deep voice.

"It was going well at first, but now there are some accidents, and I am dealing with them."

"Grave robber?"

Yan Jing relayed the information collected by the Special Affairs Bureau to Miao Yingshi.

"I have been on the mountain all the time. I don't know that there is indeed a group of people. I don't know what method they used to wake up a certain existence in the Kunlun Mountains. It formed a chain reaction with me and caused the situation to worsen."

Rao Miao Yingshi, he couldn't help being a little depressed when he mentioned this matter. The action that should have been smooth sailing was disrupted by a group of people who didn't know where, and no one could be happy.

"Do you need help?"

"Not for the time being, my side is not suitable for other people to come here now, they will be rejected, and you are no exception."

Miao Yingshi declined Yan Jing again, and then said,

"In a few hours, I will enter a special area. Before, I was confident that I could finish it. Now because of the chain reaction, accidents may happen. After tonight, if I haven't contacted you, come to me. I'll tell you the current coordinates and where I'm going later. Don't disclose it to others."

Suddenly there was a muffled thunder on the other end of the phone, and Miao Yingshi quickly hung up the phone.

Yan Jing is currently the only friend he can trust, and leaving the coordinates and address can be regarded as leaving a way out for himself.

Guessing what might happen to Miao Yingshi, the yacht speeded up again. Yan Jing also specially looked at the air tickets to the airport near the Kunlun Mountains area after midnight today, and booked all the time slots.

Miao Yingshi was the first friend Yan Jing met who could meet with his real identity, and he was also a companion that he valued very much.

If something happened in the Kunlun Mountains, he would naturally not stand idly by.

The yacht passed through the hazy rain and came near the agreed place.

Yan Jing saw Huying jumping up and down on the bank and Wu Senyan waving beside him.

Before the boat stopped, this guy plunged into the river, swam across the upper deck, and rushed straight to Yan Jing in the cockpit.

Since there is no effect of the riding seal, Huying's current state is still that terrifying and ferocious zerg. Coupled with the gloomy sky, this scene of suddenly touching the boat from the river may scare many children to pee.

As a result, when he rushed to Yan Jing's side, the guy circled around him like a puppy, turned back into a white tiger, rolled back and forth in the cabin, purring excitedly.

From birth to now, this is the first time that Hu Ying has been separated from Yan Jing for a long time.

Although it looks like a nightmarish creature, it's actually only a few months old.

Still a "child" in the true sense!
Seeing Huying's appearance, Yan Jing couldn't help but laugh.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, the movement of the hand froze, and he raised his hand to signal it to approach.

"Three poisonous stones in the stomach, spit them out to me."

Tell Huying what she thinks with her mind, and the latter immediately spits out the three poisonous stones that she has always carried "with her".

As a legendary material, even if the Three Poison Stones existed for a long time in Huying's stomach, which could corrode steel and even evil flesh and blood, it would still not be damaged in the slightest.

The latter can only strengthen itself by absorbing the evil energy that it emits all the time, but cannot touch the root.

It is also because of this that after seeing Huying, Yan Jing immediately thought of a dead core with a similar nature!
【Three Poison Stones (Material)】

Quality: Legendary

Special effects: The high-concentration desire energy crystals left after the demise of the evil Buddha can be fused with specific equipment, endowing it with three special effects of [greed], [anger], and [foolish]. At the same time, it will inevitably sublimate the equipment and strengthen its original ability !

(Identification: Those who are not strong-willed should not carry the three poisonous stones with them. It will continuously release energy, pollute everything around and have a strong negative emotional impact on any living body. At the same time, some specific creatures can also be in the gain in the process.)
Different from the three poisonous stones, the dead core is a foreign object and belongs to the ranks of equipment.

However, the energy of both tends to be on the dark side.

The former is evil, while the latter is the dead spirit of the undead, and both come from monsters in different spaces.

The special effect of the Three Poison Stone clearly mentions that it can be fused with specific equipment, and Yan Jing has been looking for equipment that can be compatible with this legendary material.
At least so far, Yan Jing couldn't find anything more suitable than Dead Core.

Besides, the dead core is currently in a sealed state, and Yan Jing is worried that he can't find a way to try to unseal it.

Pick up the three poisonous stones, and then take out the dead core from the ember space.

Yan Jing tried to bring the two closer together.

as predicted.

As the two legendary items approached to a certain distance, abnormalities appeared on the surface.

Immediately, evil energy overflowed from the side of the Three Poison Stones, condensing into several energy tentacles, approaching the dead core. The latter was in the same state, except that the death energy of the undead appeared.

Although it is uncertain whether the three poisonous stones can undo the seal of the dead core, it is always a good thing since the two items can be connected.

Of course, Yan Jing did not intend to continue the fusion of these two items at this time.

Seeing that the yachts were about to dock, they quickly returned them to the embers space.

"It is only at this time that people can feel that it will live in peace with humans. You don't know that every time a new defense unit comes to the base, you have to be frightened by the elusive Huying."

When the yacht docked, Wu Senyan stepped onto the deck holding an umbrella, saw Huying rolling around and begging to be hugged, and recalling its behavior near the insect nest, he said helplessly.

"After a while, the worm nest will be officially operational. I will let it give instructions to all the zerg. At that time, you can choose a group of people to start receiving the zerg as mounts or companions."

Yan Jing shut down the yacht, raised her hand to disperse the moisture on Wu Senyan's body, and signaled him to enter the cabin and sit down.

Although Tiger Firefly can control the swarm, it does not have the ability to breed zerg like the worm mother, and prefers to rely on the hatching room to cultivate zerg like the worm beast.

The advantage of this is that as long as the hatch is up and running, Tigerfly can actually repeat the process by giving instructions to the original batch of zerg.

In other words, most of the time, what Tiger Firefly has to do is to inject its own genes into the hatching room, and give various instructions to the Zerg worms when they are born. inside the nest.

As the "mother" of all Zerg, it exists like a king of bugs.

Huying has absolute control over the zerg bred with his own genes.

Yan Jing didn't intend to keep Huying in the special area for such a long time. After all, this guy's combat power has been improving at a speed visible to the naked eye recently, and some characteristics can help him in many cases.

Therefore, when the site selection of the insect nest is completed and it starts to operate normally, Huying will naturally return to him.

"The reason for my coming this time, I told you on the phone earlier, the location of the worm nest!"

Since Yan Jing revealed his real identity, Wu Senyan has also been to the yacht a few times, sat on the sofa with ease, took out a projector and placed it on the table.

The Special Affairs Bureau and Yan Jing have reached an agreement to give the green light for the establishment of the insect nest.

Not only entrusted Yan Jing with the hatching room and other structures left over from the old insect nest, but also dispatched a large number of drones to search the Luojiang Mountains and even the entire Qiannan Nature Reserve to find suitable nesting sites.

Trust is mutual, and Yan Jing also has no intention of hiding the location of the insect nest from the authorities.

After all, the purpose of his establishment of the worm nest itself is to better protect Sanqing City, which is completely consistent with the goal of the Special Affairs Bureau.

 There is no leave of absence for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there are currently three chapters on file.

(End of this chapter)

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