Chapter 247

The nest site selection is complete.

The remaining steps are nothing more than the relocation of the old nest.

This part no longer required Yan Jing and Hu Ying to watch from the sidelines. If the Special Affairs Bureau wanted to obtain the Zerg mount, it would naturally have to pay.

Mere gifting has never been able to create a strong enough bond.

Besides, for Yan Jing, the task of the torch is the most important thing, it is the way for him to further grow.

The yacht sailed away from the river bank.

Enter the depths of Qiannan Nature Reserve.

Yan Jing was making final preparations in the cabin.

He was about to start his first recruiting mission, and he didn't want anyone to disturb him.

Sit back on the sofa.

Yan Jing thought about the special features of this mission, and the information previously given by Mozhu Society undoubtedly had extremely high reference value.

Judge through the task prompt of this torch.

The world environment where the recruiting mission is located is completely different from any other world in the past.

Even the torch has to give an extra reminder for this: Elemental powers and related items have been greatly suppressed.

In Yan Jing's view, the torch is hinting to him that the world order or certain rules of the recruiting mission have collapsed, so that chaos invaded and disrupted the original environment.

As a matter of fact, the first time Yan Jing saw this reminder, the dim stars he had seen at the top of the source tree immediately appeared in Yan Jing's mind. In addition to what Yue Qianren had mentioned, every recruiting task was particularly difficult and dangerous.

Intuition told him that the recruiting mission was probably to go to these dim stars.

That is, the world captured by the so-called "extraterritorial demons".

Especially with only three hours of prep time.

Yan Jing thought about it carefully on the way back, and felt more and more that the trigger mechanism of the call-up mission was different from the previous otherworldly events, and even the torch couldn't calmly set the time.

Of course, this is just Yan Jing's conjecture, and the specific situation can only be further verified after the arrival.

In any case, corresponding preparations cannot be less.

Since the elemental psychic power will be suppressed in the other world, the power of the two attributes of [Royal Tide] and [Crying Wind] brought to Yan Jing by Hujiao's Remains may be greatly reduced.

Dragon and Tiger Qi does not belong to elemental psionic power, but the torch did not mention related changes, and Yan Jing is not sure whether this part of ability will be suppressed like elemental psionic power.

Fortunately, there is a high probability that the individual's physical strength can remain the same. As long as the body is not replaced when it comes, then Yan Jing's combat power can be preserved. This is obviously good news for him.

Maybe it's time to start preparing for this?
Yan Jing opened the torch bazaar and looked through some props that might be helpful for the recruitment mission.

One minute later, as if thinking of something, he silently closed the market page.

The salary point is gone.
The fire point that Yan Jing saved during this period of time traveled through the gaps in different spaces before, and it took a lot of time to identify the dead core.

The remaining few hundred fire points can only buy common items in the low-level torch market.

To the current Yan Jing, they are just tasteless.

While there was still some time, Yan Jing decisively took out the dead core and the three poisonous stones, and placed them on the table in front of him.

Not surprisingly, the fusion process interrupted by Yan Jing started again.

At first it was just trying.

Different from other props that Yan Jing currently holds, these two items come from different space monsters. If they can get together to unlock the seal, they will probably be of great help in the recruitment mission.

Just over time.

Yan Jing gradually realized that she seemed to have made a correct decision by mistake.

These two items are in some ways a match made in heaven.
The Three Poison Stones are the source of the power of the evil Buddha. Since the evil Buddha was killed by Yan Jing with the power of faith, it was forced to lose the way to vent its power.

On the other hand, the dead core is the core of the bone armor worn by the alien monster, and its energy source comes from the bone dragon.

Now being captured by Yan Jing, it has lost its source of energy and can only exist in this form.

This caused them to get together, the evil energy overflowing from the three poisonous stones did not need any guidance, and began to pour into the dead core continuously, occupying the role that should have been played by the skeleton dragon, and would become the dead core of the polyhedron The exterior renders in fancy colors.

The crystal nuclei that should have been filled with the dead energy of the undead were labeled evil.

Can it be successful?

Yan Jing stared at the polyhedron with a strange color on the table.

After the Three Poison Stones were completely integrated into it, he hurriedly reached out to grab it, but the moment his fingers touched it, an accident suddenly happened.

Huying on the side seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly lowered her body, letting out a menacing growl, while Yan Jing's figure froze, and an inexplicably familiar roar sounded in her ears.

The air wave scattered the objects everywhere in the cabin, and even brought the whole yacht down a bit.

The phantom of the skeletal dragon flashed in front of Yan Jing, which was a warning from it, but Yan Jing, who had the dragon and tiger Yan Luo statue, didn't care about this kind of spiritual offensive at all, and picked up again dead core.

Information about it has changed.

【Death Core · E (Foreign Object)】

Quality: Legendary (Seal)

Special effects:

【Greed, hatred and ignorance】(unknown)

This item is sealed by an unknown force, all special effects cannot be used, and certain conditions must be met to unseal it.

"Tsk, is it still one step away?"

Looking at the updated information about [Death Core Evil], Yan Jing sighed in disappointment.

The transformation of the dead core by the three poisonous stones is not only smooth, but even makes it a lot of improvement. The name of the dead core and an added special effect are the best proof.

However, the three poisonous stones, which are not conscious themselves, obviously cannot break through the seal of the bone dragon on the dead core.

The skeleton dragon is the top existence of another world.

Its will is obviously not so easily broken.

In fact, if it were an ordinary apostle, the mental shock just now would have severely injured him!
But look at it from another angle.

Doesn't the bone dragon's painstaking efforts to seal it show how much it attaches importance to this dead core?
Yan Jing half-closed his eyes as he looked at the death core emitting a hazy light in his hand.

Although breaking the seal failed, this attempt is undoubtedly beneficial, at least let him understand the method of breaking the seal.

That is to wipe out the will of the skeleton dragon and completely liberate the power of the dead core!
jingle bell~
The phone alarm clock rang suddenly.

There are only 5 minutes left until the start of the call-up mission.

Yan Jing put away the dead core E, picked up the wine on the table and drank it down, and motioned for Hu Ying, who was still on guard, to come over.

Noticing that the terrifying aura had disappeared, Hu Ying shook her head when she stood up again, jumped onto the sofa, put her head in Yan Jing's arms, and let out a low "hulu~" sound.

"This time the mission is much more dangerous than before, and the psychic power is suppressed. It's time for you to display it."

Patting Huying's neck, Yan Jing glanced at the countdown on the screen, and there were 2 minutes left.

Lean back on the couch.

Yan Jing enjoyed the peace and adjusted her state to the peak.

Outside the yacht is still a misty and hazy scene.

Fine rain fell on the yacht deck.

tick tick ~ tick tick ~ tick tick ~
The metal gate nearly two meters long and wide trembled under the heavy blow.

The door god lacquer painted on the door panel was seriously peeled off, and the debris kept falling in the tremors.

The slender pipe next to the door frame was affected, white gas spewed out from the crack, and the dial pointer connected to the middle of the pipe swayed back and forth in the red warning zone.

Accompanied by several screams, a strange roar came from between the cracks in the door.

The sharp whistle sounded suddenly.

There were dense footsteps in the darkness on both sides of the room.

Under the dim light.

Fully armed, a brawny man with a bronze medal engraved with the word "Jing'an" hanging from his waist rushed to the front.

After reaching the door, the skin on the forehead and between the brows squirmed.

First there was a streak of blood, and then narrow and long eyeballs protruded from it, staring forward, but what he was holding in his hand was a mechanical chainsaw sword with a blood-colored crystal nucleus embedded in the hilt.

Raising his hand to wipe it, the energy flowed through the blade, and there was a low buzzing sound from the edge. The strong man stared at the door and said in a deep voice,

"Be sure to guard this place. Once the Wrecking Demon breaks through the door, don't save your bullets. Kill him immediately. Without my order, you are not allowed to take a step back!"

As soon as the words fell, several shields with dragon patterns engraved on the front gathered around him.

The soldiers stepped forward over the strong man, the shields hitting the ground made a muffled sound, and they drew out the broadswords across their waists with their empty hands, and waited for them seriously. Raise the gun and aim at the gate.

"Fight to the death, don't retreat!"

The strong man who was the captain of the guard raised his hand and slapped his chest, letting out a muffled growl.

A crowd of soldiers responded.

Taking a deep breath, the captain who temporarily withdrew to the back turned and walked towards the inside of the room.

In the central area of ​​the room, several seven-star lamps surround a magic circle with a diameter of about two meters.

The blue-red candlelight was still swaying in the windless room, as if some kind of air mechanism was hovering.

In front of the magic circle is an altar.

A pair of red table candles on the left and right, sandalwood stove, sandalwood dish, water purification cup, law slips, tokens, wooden fish, yellow table paper, etc. are all available.

In front of the sandalwood burner sits a statue of a god, sitting on the celestial chair, but the whisk in his hand is replaced by a torch.

"Daozhang, haven't you contacted Li Huo Shenjun yet?"

Holding the chainsaw sword upside down, the captain of the guard first bowed and saluted the god, then half-kneeled on the ground, looking at the old Taoist with white beard and hair sitting cross-legged in front of the altar, with some hope in his words asked,
"We don't have much time left, the dragon boat lacks energy, and now it's being attacked by the winged snake again, the demon of the heart. The gate won't last long. If we can't get the help of Li Huo Shenjun, the dragon boat Xuntian may be lost."

"Give me some more time, I can feel Li Huo Shangshen's response, only one step away, the Shangshen has given guidance, within half a quarter of an hour, there must be a descendant of the gods coming to the world, Ah Luo, the Taishang's induction spell! "

The old man in a black Taoist robe held a mahogany sword in his hand and muttered something, and suddenly turned to look at the girl on the right who was standing with her arms tied.

Without any hesitation, the girl named Ah Luo stepped forward and bit off the index fingers of both hands, forming a seal.

A look of pain suddenly appeared on her face, and dark red meridians spread from her neck to her cheeks.

An obscure spell resounded in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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