Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 260 The Corpse in the Lake

Chapter 260 The Corpse in the Lake
The collection operation in the first phase went smoother than expected.

The giant python was beheaded by Yan Jing, coupled with Huying's uninterrupted parade, some threats hidden in the dark were dug out one after another.

The safety of the landing area was guaranteed, and the collectors were able to flex their muscles and quickly collected a considerable part of the resources.

The airbags filled with cargo floated over the island, and were temporarily transferred by two collection ships prepared in advance.

Of course, these resources seem to be quite a lot, but in fact there is still a long way to go before meeting the targets for this operation.

After all, there are nearly a thousand boat people on the Xuntian, which consume a lot of resources every day.

Yan Jing soon got his spoils.

"Foreign object [Seed of Chaos Wisteria] detected."

"You can choose to sell it to the Torch Bazaar, the price is 50 fire points!"

【Seed of Chaos Wisteria Vitex】

Quality: Normal

Special effect: The core stripped from the chaotic monster contains a huge amount of chaotic energy.

Facts have proved that Yan Jing's speculation is correct.

Just after taking over the sarcoma in a metal box from the collector, the prompts from the torch sounded in my mind one after another.

50 salary points are not cheap.

You must know that Yan Jing's first participation in the mission of the otherworldly event only earned a few hundred salary points.

Not to mention that the thing in front of me hasn't been processed in any way.

"Is this where your abilities come from?"

Yan Jing looked at the sarcoma that still had chaotic psychic energy flashing on the surface, raised her eyebrows, and handed it to Shen Qiong.

"No, we used the purified Chaos Seed when we underwent the transformation. Like this kind of core just dug out of the Chaos Demon, only a lunatic would try to fuse it. It will make people degenerate, completely crazy."

After receiving the metal box, Shen Qiong shook her head. There is a limit to the endurance of ordinary people, and it is extremely unwise to try rashly.

"Do you think I can accept transformation?"

Yan Jing looked at the collectors who were cutting wisteria not far away, and suddenly asked.

"Of course, there are enough technical reserves on the Xuntian. As long as His Holiness needs it, we can prepare it immediately, but... you want to use it as a seed of extraordinary power?"

For ordinary people, Wisteria Vitex is the best choice for extraordinary abilities, but Yan Jing obviously does not need these ordinary abilities, and Shen Qiong also does not think that this kind of Chaos Seed can really bring enough benefits to the former. promote.

"Of course not. I don't need these meager abilities. Let's talk about it. Maybe there will be a better choice. It belongs to you."

Yan Jing has indeed considered relying on the seeds of chaos to break the shackles of the Shenzhou world, but that does not mean that he will accept inferior seeds, which will only cause burdens and hidden dangers to his body.

"Thank you for your gift."

Items that are dispensable to Yan Jing are rare treasures on the dragon boat.

Compared to the 50 fire points.

Yan Jing even hoped to witness the transformation of the human body by the Seed of Chaos later.

Over time.

At present, the resources in this area are about to be exhausted, and the collection fleet is preparing to move to other areas.

Yan Jing didn't board the boat to transfer with the team, but set off directly on Huying.

He was going to the newly discovered water source deep in the strange area.

According to the observation of the collection ship at a high place.

The water source is located in the central area of ​​the special area, on the highest island compared to the surrounding islands.

It is a lake.

The strange thing is that the river from it is actually extending to other islands in the form of waterfalls, so it is particularly conspicuous.

It hasn't rained in the past month, and the water resource reserves on the Xuntian are almost exhausted, and it is time to replenish them.

Although there are more or less problems with the water in the special area, the purification facilities of the flying dragon boat in this area are quite complete. Even the flesh and blood of the giant python full of chaotic energy can be treated, and drinking water is naturally no problem. .

Moreover, there will be a large number of creatures in special areas living near the water source, which is also a resource that the Xuntian is currently in short supply.

There must also be top predators in such places.

Huying vibrated its wings, and its flight altitude continued to climb.

Yan Jing looked at the waterfall hanging from the edge of the island ahead. The low-gravity environment made the impact of the water flow not as strong as imagined, and it was more like a gentle water curtain.

It's just because of the reflection of the rose red sky that it looks a little strange.

The effect of [Cave Void] has ended, Yan Jing is considering whether to use the special effect of [Double Pupils] of Chongming Feather Cloak at this time.

Huying's sudden growl interrupted Yan Jing's thinking.

It has sensed the special aura that exists nearby, which is extremely threatening!
As expected, near the water source is hiding the overlord level monster in the special area.

Yan Jing no longer hesitated, and immediately opened [Double Pupils].

Looking up along the waterfall, he was ready to search for a chaotic monster that might be hiding somewhere.

When the tiger firefly flew over the water source, Yan Jing's sight almost immediately locked on to the lake, to be exact, the huge figure lurking in the lake.

Yep, this guy has no hidden intentions at all.

As long as it flies to a certain height, the lake water can't hide the giant black shadow inside.

Engaging in "sneak attacks" aboveboard?
"Shen Qiong, tell all the collection ships to stop approaching. There are chaotic monsters in the lake, at least three times the size of the previous giant python. Let's get water from the nearby waterfall first, and wait for my signal."

Judging by the size alone, the Chaos monsters that may be hidden in the lake are definitely not weak. In addition, their abilities are unknown, so Yan Jing thought about letting himself go forward to test it out.

'Fly low, stick to the lake as much as possible, and hook it out first! '

Giving instructions to Hu Ying through her mind, Yan Jing activated the Holy Ember Seal on the back of her hand, and locked the target of the special effect of [Watch] on the former, ensuring that even if an accident occurs later, she can escape smoothly.

After receiving the order, Huying immediately changed its shape, and two pairs of insect wings grew on its side again, and its body shape changed from a white tiger to a zerg more suitable for high-speed flight.

Yan Jing leaned forward, grabbed the carapace on the back of Huying's neck with both hands, and sank rapidly with it.

The three pairs of insect wings vibrated at full strength, and the buzzing sound spread over the entire lake in an instant.

With the protection of Yan Jing, Huying did not take any defensive measures, deliberately made a gesture of not noticing any danger, and just flew across the lake like this. The strong wind pressure brought the waves to spread to the surrounding area, creating enough stimulation to the depths of the lake. the sound at.

However, until Huying flew around the area where the shadow in the lake was located, the expected attack never happened.

what happened?

Back in the air again, Yan Jing stared at the still motionless giant black figure, and couldn't help frowning.

There should be no problem with Huying's perception of threatening auras. There are no chaotic monsters in the lake. Could it be that it is not interested in small prey and has to wait for the collection ships to approach before it can take action?

Just when Yan Jing was surprised, there was a sudden movement in the lake, as if something was about to burst out of the water.

Pat Huying on the forehead to signal it to lower its flight altitude.

Not long after, a ball of gray-white flesh with a diameter of more than two meters and a bloodshot surface rose from the lake!

这 是
After a brief hesitation, Yan Jing jumped directly from Huying's back and jumped into the lake on her own initiative.

The moment you enter the water, a familiar sense of comfort emerges from all parts of your body.

There is no doubt that the chaotic energy cannot suppress the passive special effects brought by the Hujiao's legacy to Yan Jing.

Even in this different world, [Overlord] still has a very high priority.

The body sank rapidly in the lake, and Yan Jing quickly found the body of the black shadow, and turned to use the Taiqing treasure to create several balls of light to illuminate the situation in the depths of the lake.

Pupils shrink slightly.

Huying's perception is correct, there is indeed a chaotic monster in the lake, and it is a higher-level existence, both in terms of momentum and size, far surpassing the previous giant python.

However, what Huying didn't sense was that this guy was already dying and had already lost the ability to launch an attack!

What appeared in front of Yan Jing at this moment was a giant chaotic monster whose shape was similar to that of a manatee, but with a layer of coral reef-like crystals growing on its surface.

Its head was facing where Yan Jing was, its mosquito-like compound eyes gleamed faintly, and dozens of long and narrow tentacles emerged from its ferocious mouthparts, floating back and forth with the water.

His eyes turned to the middle of the monster's torso, where there were several flesh cavities with a diameter of more than three meters, and a large number of lake creatures were gnawing on the broken flesh.

This guy didn't die a natural death by any means.

It was killed by another monster!

Yan Jing, who realized this, immediately became nervous, but after thinking about it, she felt something was wrong.

It stands to reason that if there is another chaotic monster of the overlord level in the special area nearby, these creatures living in the lake would never dare to approach it, and it would be too late to escape.

Being able to kill a chaotic monster of this level and leave behind these wounds. ,

Obviously not a small role.

(End of this chapter)

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