Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 262 The operation begins

Chapter 262 The operation begins

Chaos monsters invading from other worlds have the same characteristics without exception.

That's what would corrupt any existence that confronts them.

Not just the body, but the soul too!
Unlike the chaotic energy that can be isolated by wearing protective equipment in normal environments, there is only one way to fight against this pervasive chaotic erosion in front of ordinary people.

Transform your body, acquire abilities similar to those of these chaotic monsters, and then control them. No, it should be said that your body can adapt to chaotic energy.

This technology was handed over to the world of China by 'Nanke' through its apostles.

Its name is "cocoon"!
The extremely high degree of freedom of this recruitment task gave Yan Jing the opportunity to glimpse the technology of 'Nanke', and he didn't want to miss it, so when Shen Qiong proposed to use Wisteria Vitex, the seed of chaos as soon as possible, he agreed without hesitation. and asked to watch.

The host of the experiment was Fu Shidao.

There are many occupations in this old man who is over seventy years old:
The Taoist master of Xuntian, a psychic, a scholar of chaos monsters, a "cocoon" maker, and the mentor of the psychic Ah Luo.

As the best among the group of people who first boarded the air dragon boat.

He who was once selected by 'Nanke' is also the person who respects Yan Jing the envoy the most.

Unlike Shen Qiong and Zhao Henian, who only made statements after learning about Yan Jing's strength and attitude towards Xuntian, Fu Shidao did not have any preconditions for Yan Jing's respect.

Now that he can show Yan Jing a technique that he has not used for more than ten years, he is even more excited, and he started preparations early.

Yan Jing stood outside the experimental cabin, patted the forehead of Hu Ying who was scurrying by her side to calm her down, and focused her gaze on the experimental cabin.

For Yan Jing, this urgent recruitment task in exchange for his status as a promoted is an opportunity unique to him.

If there is no accident, he will continue to participate in the recruitment mission in the future, and the world he will experience is probably the same as today. If he can grasp the chaotic energy in advance, it will definitely benefit the outside world without any harm.

The layout of the entire experimental cabin is completely different from Yan Jing's expectations.

I thought that the advanced technology provided by 'Nanke' would have a lot of equipment that crossed the era, at least it should be higher-end than what I saw in the laboratory in the Tianting of Asgard City.

However, what appeared in front of Yan Jing at this moment was a very simple-looking laboratory.

At first glance, the equipment inside is only an operating table for the reclining person to recline, a few mechanical arms, and nothing else.

"not ready yet?"

Yan Jing looked at Fu Shudao who was wearing a mask beside him in confusion.

"Reporting to Your Honor, the transformation ceremony has already been fully prepared. The technology bestowed by God Li Huo is far from the technology of this world. Please look forward to it. Ah Luo, you come in with me, pay attention to my techniques, and feel the whole process .”

Fu Shudao bowed to pay tribute, then turned around and patted his apprentice on the shoulder, walked a few steps and seemed to think of something, turned around and asked,

"Perhaps His Holiness can go in with me?"

"Won't it bother you?"

Of course Yan Jing wanted to observe closely, but she was worried about destroying the experiment.

"Of course not. In fact, there is a very high probability of failure in the transformation ceremony. I think if you were present, you might be able to save the person who underwent the transformation when something went wrong in the experiment."

The failure probability of the modification experiment is close to [-]%, which is the data accumulated in the past.

It's not that Fu Shudao is not good at learning skills or that the reformation ceremony is too difficult, the key is actually the person being reformed.

If one wants to incorporate the Seed of Chaos into the human body, the person to be transformed will inevitably be affected during the whole process. Even if Fu Shudao does not make any mistakes in the whole process, the person to be transformed may collapse because he cannot bear the energy of chaos.

Since the person in charge of the experiment agreed, Yan Jing did not hesitate, and directly followed up with the laboratory.

In order not to disturb the experiment process, he deliberately chose to stand by the door.

Soon the reformed person came in from outside the door. It looked like a young man in his early twenties with a resolute expression.

"I think you have been taught about the experiment before you came here. I must remind you again that during the experiment, you must stabilize your mind and ensure that your soul is not affected by chaotic energy, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

It is a matter of life and death, and the experiment needs to use a large amount of source blood. Fu Shudao carried out the reminder before the experiment as usual,

"It's too late for you to regret it now!"

"No, I won't back down, there is an envoy here, this is an opportunity God has given me, and I will never allow myself to give up!"

The young man looked at Yan Jing, straightened his waist and saluted, his eyes were full of reverence, and immediately without talking nonsense, he lay down directly on the operating table, allowing Ah Lao to bind his body with a special belt.

This is to prevent him from moving around due to torture during the experiment and causing failure.

"Let's get started, Ah Luo, turn on the energy field!"

Seeing the young man's resolute attitude, Fu Shudao nodded, took a long breath, and looked suddenly stern.

card bang~
Ah Luo flicked the switch at the side.

Yan Jing quickly noticed that many cables connected to the outside of the experimental cabin began to light up dimly.

The other ends of these cables are connected to the three mechanical towers outside the timing laboratory.

It's just that there is really any equipment in this cabin that needs to be powered?
Looking around, the only thing Yan Jing saw was the overhead lights that seemed to need energy.
Wait, the environment is changing!

Her own keen perception made Yan Jing immediately notice that the energy concentration in the cabin began to rise rapidly, not chaotic energy, but more inclined to pure non-attribute energy after processing.

Presumably it should be the energy field that Fu Shudao mentioned.

When the concentration of energy accumulated to a certain level, the bottom of the cabin behind the operating table suddenly opened, and a silver-white metal ball floated up.

Fu Shudao stood in front of the metal ball and chanted an obscure incantation at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, he tapped the metal ball with his ten fingers, and every time he touched, there would be a circle of light spreading.

At first, there were no lines on the surface of the metal ball, only a series of light circles gliding across, but as time went by, more and more strange lines began to appear around the metal ball.

Lines, patterns, and even some weird symbols, they stayed on the surface of the metal ball at first, and soon spread out like butterflies flying among flowers, wandering in the temporarily formed energy field in the cabin.

Before Yan Jing figured out their origin, these miraculous existences flocked to Fu Shudao.

In the next second, Fu Shudao seemed to have received some kind of blessing, his half-closed eyes gradually opened, and pure white light surged between the pupils.

At this time, the metal ball has disappeared, replaced by a set of mysterious robes floating around Fu Shudao.

When the brewing was over, Fu Shudao stretched out his hand like a blessing to his soul.

His arms dissipated into smoke and dust in the pure white light.

above the operating table.

The complex red and blue meridians, blood and flesh quickly build a pair of energy arms that have been magnified several times.

Surgery begins!
(End of this chapter)

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