Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 264 High-Altitude Hunting

Chapter 264 High-Altitude Hunting
During the transformation ceremony, the Piper suddenly invaded.

Although the reformed person finally awakened successfully, this sudden accident still aroused everyone's vigilance.

Due to uncertain reasons, Shen Qiong immediately led people to patrol and investigate the small town in the cabin of Xuntian.

Especially those used to isolate the chaotic energy and the corresponding alarm devices to ensure that there will be no problems elsewhere.

As a result, no abnormal area was found, and it seemed that only the experimental cabin had an accident.

This made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

Arrange for boat people to form small groups to keep on patrol.

Yan Jing, Shen Qiong and a group came out of the elevator, and the front door leading to the deck opened.

Even if the previous experiment succeeded by relying on Yan Jing because of an accident, it still consumed a lot of source blood.

But tomorrow they will try to take back the observatory, and there will be too many places that need to consume source blood by then.

Catching the monsters in the sky to replenish the source blood is a top priority.

"Perhaps it was the abnormal fluctuation of the energy field that attracted the chaotic monster served by the Piper?"

Shen Qiong walked beside Yan Jing, he was still obsessed with figuring out the accident just now, and cast a questioning look at the latter.

With only one night plus half a day, Yan Jing has become their backbone.

There is no way, the current guard force of Xuntian does not exceed 50 people if the ordinary boat people are not counted.

Among them, no more than ten truly possess extraordinary abilities.

If the protection of the cabin is really useless, maybe everything will be safe when Yan Jing is around.

When he left, what the Sky Surveyor had to face was a desperate crisis.

"Daozhang Fu may know something, but he seems to be busy looking up information, and he will ask him after dinner."

Thinking of Fu Shudao's excited words earlier, although Yan Jing didn't know what he was thinking, she didn't intend to forcefully interrupt it.

Exit the room where the lift is located and step onto the deck.

Yan Jing, who was still discussing with Shen Qiong just a second ago, subconsciously turned her eyes to the outside, and couldn't help but stop.

I was busy collecting resources in the morning, and wasted a lot of time in the laboratory in the afternoon.

Unknowingly, the time has come to the evening.

Because the sun is covered by chaotic energy, even though it is not yet five o'clock in the afternoon, the sky is already covered with a layer of rose-red darkness, and at the altitude where the Sky Surveyer is flying, the surrounding clouds have become extra thick and gloomy compared to before.

So much so that the sky can see the obvious layering of tones.

There is still some light projected by the rose-red light cluster at the highest point, and the cloud layer becomes dimmer as it goes down.

Like the sunset before the storm.

Although there is a moment of magnificence, the hidden danger behind it is also revealed.

On the deck of the Sky Surveyor, gray fog is spreading.

The surrounding clouds stirred and churned, and the chaotic energy became more and more active.

Yan Jing originally thought that this was the norm in the world of China, but when she turned her head and saw Shen Qiong's dignified expression, she realized something had happened.

"The timing of the chaotic energy's restlessness should be after six o'clock in the past, and the fog will spread to this extent. My lord, I suspect that there should be a very high-ranking chaotic monster in the nearby area!"

Looking around the surrounding environment of the Xuntian, after years of observation and records, the state of the clouds often reflects the current active state of chaotic energy, and the successive abnormalities made Shen Qiong more vigilant.

However, changes in the environment are one thing. In order to regain the observatory, the hunt for source blood cannot be stopped.

For everyone on the Xuntian, they had to catch Yan Jing for three days, and now there were only about two days left.

Even if there are risks, you have to face the difficulties.

"Adjust the flying height of the dragon boat, avoid the thick clouds, and take advantage of the time before nightfall, we must gain something."

Stepping towards the watchtower in the central area of ​​the deck, Shen Qiong quickly assigned the task.

Chaos monsters from other worlds will also enter an active period after nightfall, and no one can guarantee that the group of winged snakes that attacked the Xuntian yesterday will not reappear.

As for why he waited until the evening to act, it was not a deliberate delay.

Hunting monsters from Chaos that can provide source blood requires a lot of preparations, and some specific materials have just been shipped back to the ship not long ago.

Yan Jing was quite interested in the hunting methods of Shen Qiong and the others, and followed them specially to pass the time. Seeing that the guards were divided into several groups and approached the ship's side of the Xuntian, Yan Jing couldn't help asking,
"How are you going to hunt, do you need my help?"

"Chaos monsters with source blood in their bodies have their own hobbies, which we have figured out over the years, so our hunting method is more like fishing, without the need for the venerable. You will understand after climbing the watchtower."

In order to maintain its daily operation, the Xuntian needs a large amount of energy supply. Over the past few decades, it has long been familiar with how to hunt those special types of chaos monsters.

Seeing that she didn't need her own help, Yan Jing didn't procrastinate, and went straight up to the watchtower with dinner.

When he stood by the outer fence of the watchtower, the Sky Surveyor had already begun to climb upwards.

The huge hull broke through the thick clouds and rose to a higher place, and the rose-red light group appeared in front of my eyes again.

Compared with the daytime period, the closer to the night, the wider the range of this rose-red light group seems to be.

Some nebula-like hazy halos began to appear around.

Not to mention beautiful.

That's where the sunset should have been!

Looking down, the sea in the Shenzhou world has been replaced by a sea of ​​clouds. There are many clouds with lightning flashes and hurricanes in it, and some areas have formed unique life forms. However, facing the sky fortress of Xuntian, Don't dare to approach it.

The longer Yan Jing looked at it, the more she felt that it was like a place where ghosts wandered in hell, and it was so dark that it made one's spine chill.

beep~ beep~ beep~
A mechanical notification sounded in the ear.

Yan Jing turned her head and looked, and saw that the baffles on both sides of the Xuntian ship were lowered, and several baits with a diameter of about two meters were suspended at the top, with the flesh and blood of monsters tied to the top. They should all be equipped with the pumice stones just obtained , otherwise it would be impossible to levitate in this way.

Below these baits are metal spines that open like flowers, which look hollow, and the bottom end of this trap is connected to a camouflaged translucent chain and a straw connected to the spines.

The chain was released continuously, and the trapping device quickly left the vicinity of the ship's side. Relying on the effect of the pumice stone, it was suspended in the air a hundred meters away, swinging back and forth with the strong wind in the sky.

After about ten seconds, a cloud of blood-colored mist erupted around the bait, which was also set in advance.

The strong wind will spread the bloody smell.

Yan Jing took out the binoculars, leaned against Hu Ying behind her, and observed the nearby sea of ​​clouds while eating rice balls.

Facts have proved that Shen Qiong is not talking too much, these years of hunting have allowed them to accumulate enough experience, and they are extremely clear about the methods to "seduce" those chaotic monsters that can provide navigational energy for the Sky Surveyor.

Yan Jing on the watchtower only waited for less than ten minutes, and the bloody smell attracted several large birds and beasts.

You must know that the flesh and blood in the bait comes from the overlord monster at the bottom of the lake, which is fatally alluring to ordinary monsters. However giant.

The trapping device built by Xuntian is also quite efficient. Whenever a prey gets close to eating the bait, it will be pierced by those metal thorns immediately, and these hollow thorns are filled with extremely fast-acting hallucinogenic substances without exception. agent.

It only takes ten seconds, and the blood in the prey's body will be drained, and its corpse will be caught by the net hanging below and pulled back, becoming a source of food for the boat people, while the trapping device will continue to work.

The same process was repeated constantly, and Yan Jing soon got tired of this kind of easy work.

But just as he was about to leave and went to Fu Shudao to ask if there was any result, cheers erupted on the deck.

"My lord! Look to the north, the batwing dragon, the owner of high-purity source blood, the best prey!"

Shen Qiong stood on the top of the tower, cheering full of spirit.

Yan Jing immediately turned the binoculars and looked in the direction of his finger. Sure enough, about one kilometer away to the north, he saw a group of huge dragon-like creatures with bat wings.

To be honest, Yan Jing saw this kind of monster for the first time, so she couldn't help being a little curious. She raised her hand to adjust the focus of the telescope, and kept zooming in on them. At the same time, she thought about letting Hu Ying fly out to catch one and come back to get closer. Take a look.

At this moment, Yan Jing keenly noticed that there seemed to be a change in the sea of ​​clouds below the group of bat pterosaurs.

A cloud vortex with a diameter of more than [-] meters is taking shape.

There's something approaching!

(End of this chapter)

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