Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 267 The Atmosphere Has Arrived

Chapter 267 The Atmosphere Is Here (Please Subscribe~)

The cabin of Xuntian, with an extended viewing platform on the left.

It was originally built to help the boat people get rid of the gloomy mood of waiting on the boat for a long time.

Now it has become an excellent area for them to observe the attack of Leviathan.

Hundreds of boat people gathered here to watch the enlarged Leviathan area through the special device installed on the viewing platform.

Although it was still unclear what Yan Jing was doing, Leviathan's wailing, tumbling, and a series of movements of giving up attacking the Xuntian were clearly presented in front of everyone.

"The envoy completed the interception target!"

"The Sky Surveyor has successfully escaped the Leviathan!"

"Danger alert cancelled!"

Successive broadcasts sounded on the left and right sides of the Sky Survey cabin.

The excitement of the rest of the life after the catastrophe made the boat people cheer, and they shouted titles such as "God Envoy" and "Yan Venerable".

Even though the personnel who participated in the collection operation had previously learned about the power of the envoy, hearing it was not as good as seeing it with their own eyes. Now that he single-handedly forced Leviathan to change course, he became more and more convinced that Yan Jing could bring dawn to Xuntian.

For the boat people who have been drifting at high altitude for decades, "hope" is an extremely precious thing.

They can save food and clothing, and stay in the cabin all day without thinking about why the sun has disappeared, or why there are always various strange sounds outside the cabin at night.

But there must be no hope, or thoughts about the future.

That is more important than any resource.

After all, I watched the Xuntian gradually change from a population of tens of thousands to only a few hundred, the bustling and lively streets in the past became silent, and familiar people disappeared as they left the cabin and boarded the deck again and again.

Most people's will is being tested, and no matter who they are, there is a limit to the pressure they can withstand.

This itself is also one of the reasons why Fu Shudao is so concerned about and strongly promotes this action.

What Shen Qiong cared about was the safety of the dragon boat, and Zhao Henian was responsible for the deployment of resources.

Fu Shudao was the one who helped the boat people stabilize their minds.

Different from the worries in the hearts of the first two, what Fu Shudao saw was the string named "sense" in the cabin of Xuntian.

He clearly knew that this "string" was reaching its limit under the impact of chaos. If he couldn't think of a way to relieve this pressure, the Xuntian didn't even need external enemies, and it would begin to collapse from within in a short period of time.

Without seeing the road ahead and the voyage ahead, it is a one-way boat to hell.

It's going to drive people crazy!

Of course, this decision itself was a gamble.

If Yan Jing, acting as an envoy of God, failed, he would not be able to get close to Leviathan or be repelled or even killed after getting close.

The cheer of the moment can immediately become a source of pain.

At that time, it will become an impossible task for the Sky Surveyor to return to the normal state of the past.

But once Yan Jing died, it didn't really matter whether she could go back or not.

deck platform.

Seeing that Leviathan was gradually moving away, Shen Qiong and the others were equally excited.

"Successful, there is no doubt about Yan Zun's strength, I know he can definitely do it!"

Fu Shudao paced back and forth on the tower, his face was full of excitement, and he couldn't stop deducing,

"This is an excellent start. It only took one day to successfully establish prestige, the trust of the boat people, and strong strength. Taking back the observation station and lighthouse may give him a chance to keep him."

After muttering to himself for a while, but never heard the voice next to him, Fu Shudao couldn't help but looked up at the two of them, only to find that their eyes were still focused on Leviathan.

"What's going on, why hasn't the venerable come back? I've asked Archie to contact him to retreat, haven't you received any news?"

Shen Qiong leaned against the fence, holding the telescope in front of her right hand, with a serious expression.

As soon as Xuntian was out of danger, he sent a message to the pilot who had sent Yan Jing there, that is, Archie in his mouth, asking Archie to pick up the envoy immediately.

However, after waiting for a while, Archie's feedback was that the envoy showed no signs of retreating.

"It seems His Holiness is fighting Leviathan?"

Zhao Henian, who was also observing Leviathan, noticed the rising crimson energy from the former's back, as well as those flailing tentacles, and asked with some uncertainty,
"Didn't you tell His Holiness that Leviathan is extremely difficult to kill, you just need to drive it away?"

"Of course I said it. When His Holiness decided to go to the battle alone, I specifically reminded him. His Holiness also said that as long as it is safe here, send him a message immediately, and he will find a chance to evacuate and return on a collection ship."

If before Shen Qiong only regarded Yan Jing as a powerful support staff, then Yan Jing's step forward just now had completely conquered him, and now he is also worried about Yan Jing's safety.

"What should we do now? In case His Holiness encounters danger on Leviathan's back and cannot retreat, we can't just watch here!"

Fu Shudao's tone was anxious.

"I led the team to respond. Now that the Xuntian is out of danger, we can let go and fight later."

Halfway through the conversation, the communicator at the waist rang, Shen Qiong picked it up hastily, and asked with a surprised expression,
"What did you say. His Holiness said he would stay on Leviathan's back for a while longer?"

It's not that I can't go, but that I don't want to go?
Is there anything on Leviathan's back worth resting on?

The news that Yan Jing sent back surprised the few people on the tower for a while.

For other people, let alone staying, the first reaction when meeting Leviathan is to run as far as possible, for fear of being targeted by this monster.

Why do you still take the initiative to go up and stay for a while?
"His Holiness said why he stayed, so what is he doing now?"

Shen Qiong grabbed the communicator and asked about the situation on the other side. After a short silence, she turned to the other people nearby and said,

"Archie found that the Venerable was destroying the skin on Leviathan's back, constantly creating various wounds, and Leviathan seemed to be in extreme pain, beating the Venerable frantically."

"Does His Holiness want to kill Leviathan?"

When Zhao Henian came to this conclusion, he felt absurd again, rubbed his hair with a strange expression, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Wait, slow down the Sky Surveyor. I believe His Excellency, since he chose to stay there, he must have his own reasons. Leviathan won't be coming anytime soon anyway."

In the current situation, it is absolutely impossible to evacuate directly, they can only choose to wait, and Yan Jing did not let them go to help, which means that the situation is still under control.

This made the Xuntian completely a spectator now, and everyone on board could only watch the various changes in Leviathan's back, imagine the various dangers that Venerable Yan might experience at present, and cheer for him.

Fortunately they didn't have to wait too long.

About half an hour later, the collection ship returned, and Yan Jing returned smoothly.

As soon as the collection ship here landed, Yan Jing saw Fu Shudao and others who were walking quickly not far away and wanted to get close to him.

"Here, this is the source blood I collected for you, it should be enough for a while."

Opening the storage scroll, fifteen adult-sized special mechanical tanks for storing origin blood were spread out on the deck. Yan Jing looked at the people who ran up to them and said.

The main line [Support] mission skipped a lot, which shows that his actions this time are extremely critical to Xuntian.

After all, it is Leviathan's blood, and the energy contained in it is simply incomparable to the blood of other monsters.

"You stayed on Leviathan's back for so long, and fought hard against it, to collect enough source blood for the Sky Surveyor?"

Shen Qiong froze on the spot, her face full of disbelief, and she asked with red eyes.

Originally full of confusion and incomprehensible to Yan Jing's behavior of staying on Leviathan's back for a long time, the few people looked at the mechanical blood storage tanks shining with bloody light all over the floor.

I just felt like my throat was blocked by something.

Even those envoys who descended decades ago, who could do this for Xun Tian?

Yan Jing, who was about to walk down from the top of the collection ship, saw this scene and stopped involuntarily.

He swallowed back the words that were almost on his lips.

At the same time, he hid the half-hardened tentacle-shaped object held in his right hand behind his back.

Not only was I not in danger on the back of Leviathan, but I also got some unexpected gains
The atmosphere is here.

Is this not the right time to speak out?
It was originally intended to use [Death Core Evil] as a bomb.

As a result, Leviathan was used as a special medicine to drive out the pustule tumor on its body surface.

Faced with a group of people who mistakenly thought that they had fought Leviathan for [-] rounds before returning with difficulty.

Yan Jing's mood at this time is also very strange.

Fortunately, the final result was good, Leviathan retreated, and the Xuntian also got enough source blood, enough to continue sailing for a period of time, and Yan Jing also gained something.

Xu felt that his service was too good, and Leviathan seemed to be a little bit reluctant before leaving, so he specially left a little thing for him.

Facts have proved that Yan Jing's previous speculation is correct.

Leviathan itself has not been completely eroded by chaos, but is in the process of alienation. The many worms attached to its body surface are the best proof.

During the cleaning process, Yan Jing also had a certain understanding of these chaotic monsters that were somewhat similar to "barnacles".

They erode Leviathan's flesh and blood all the time, and expel chaotic energy from the latter's body at the same time.

In this way, Leviathan is gradually turned into a real Chaos monster.

This is the main reason Leviathans hate them so much.

But there is still a little sense.

It is impossible for the creatures in the Shenzhou world to be willing to become those monsters transformed by madness and grotesques.

Because of this, Yan Jing did Leviathan a big favor by mistake, and more importantly, he didn't really clean up the chaotic worms from Leviathan's body before leaving Leviathan's back.

After all, its size is so huge, if every inch of its flesh is swept away, Yan Jing won't have to do anything for the next few days.

in other words.

Leviathan now has a request from Yan Jing.

There are many times when this "friendship" can come in handy.

(End of this chapter)

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