Chapter 275
It was near evening.

Compared with yesterday, the time of the dark sky seems to have been pushed forward by nearly an hour.

The heavy atmosphere brought about by the deteriorating environment weighs on the hearts of all those who know the situation, and storms are about to come.

In order to ensure that observations can be made this evening, the Sky Survey has to speed up its progress.

"Node No. [-] is functioning normally."

"Node five is functioning normally."

"The orbital section is in the final stages of testing."

The maintenance personnel use the jet pack made of floating ore to shuttle between the orbits outside the observation station, carry out the last round of troubleshooting on each section with the detector in hand, and report the latest situation with the help of the communicator.

Although it has gone through a round of troubleshooting before, this is the first operation after more than ten years, so we have to be cautious.

"Yo, old Hu, how's the situation?"

The guards responsible for transporting repair materials passed by and said hello.

"It's even better than expected. It's really strange. It's clear that many things haven't changed after so many years."

Looking at the observation orbit that was slowly operating in front of him, the boatman said with a sigh,
"The observation station was taken back just like that. The Venerable's strength is really extraordinary. As you saw just now, he wiped out the monsters entrenched in the observation station with only one person."

"Of course, it's a pity to hear that the Venerable can only stay for three days, and around this time tomorrow, he will leave the Sky Surveyor to save other worlds."

"What. The venerable is leaving tomorrow? Well, how can this be done? Without the venerable in charge, what should we do if we encounter a dark disaster? You have seen the situation in the past two days. Before the dark disaster appeared in the past, there were all kinds of disasters Strange thing."

Hearing the news that Yan Jing was about to leave suddenly, the boatman called Lao Hu was taken aback for a moment, and then said in a panic.

"I heard this from Captain Shen, but Daoist Fu seems to be trying to persuade him to stay. He said that as long as we believe in His Holiness and are willing to sincerely regard him as the hope of Xuntian, when we arrive at the lighthouse, we may be able to meet Li Huo." God communicates and connects with His Holiness."

The guards looked at the backbone members of the repair team in front of them, and "inadvertently" mentioned Fu Daochang's plan,

"Just to do so may have to replace the statue in the lighthouse"

As the presence of the will of the boat people, there can only be one statue in the lighthouse, and a hasty replacement may cause some unpredictable situations, so Shen Qiong wants to test out some news first.

It's not that the boat people don't trust them enough, but God Li Huo has long been everyone's spiritual sustenance.

Coupled with the recent situation is really worrying.

It is hard to be too cautious about making changes at this juncture.

"Of course we believe in the Venerable, don't worry, I will tell other people the news later, as for the statue of God Li Huo, I think it should understand us, after all, the Venerable himself was also sent by him. "

Witnessing Yan Jing expelling Leviathan and taking back the observation station, his prestige in the hearts of the boat people is far higher than imagined.

"That's good, you can continue to work, I have to deliver the goods over there."

Seeing that Lao Hu didn't have much resistance, the guards couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But just as he was about to leave to go elsewhere, he heard a few strange noises in his ears.

Turning his head hastily, he saw the abnormal vibration at the intersection point of the two ring tracks on the right front.

He didn't need to remind, Lao Hu had already stepped forward to check.

"what is this?"

Taking out a metal capsule from the interlaced section of the two ring tracks, Lao Hu looked back and forth, opened the capsule again, and found that Li Bin contained a lot of strange equipment, so he couldn't help asking.

This thing obviously has nothing to do with the Chaos monster, it is clearly a human creation.

But in his impression, there should be no similar parts on the ring track.

"Remote signaling device?"

The guards who hadn't had time to leave saw something in it, raised their hands to take it out, and whispered to themselves.


"This device looks like a device for locating and transmitting simple information, but it is a style from a long time ago. At that time, the airport was still there. My father showed it to me. How did it appear here?"

It is reasonable to say that there is no such device in the orbit outside the observatory, and it is even more impossible for the Xuntian to make such an arrangement before it was evacuated due to a hidden disaster.

"Look here, there is a mark, it's not from our Xun Tian, ​​it's the mark of other air-traveling dragon boats!"

Accidentally glimpsed the lightning icon engraved on the base of the capsule, Old Hu seemed to have thought of something, and added,

"Thunder, I know this sign, it's the icon of Thunder!"

The sudden special discovery quickly spread to the ears of Yan Jing and the others who were inside the observation station, and the mechanical equipment in the metal capsule was also sent over immediately.

"A signaling device, a positioning device, and a chaotic energy detection device. The models are all from a long time ago. This imprint is indeed the emblem of the Thunderbolt. It seems that after we were forced to abandon the observation station, the Thunderbolt Been here before."

Shen Qiong looked at several pieces of equipment neatly arranged on the table, and quickly figured out their functions.

"Leaving this capsule in the orbital position may be to contact us in this way, to help us tide over the difficulties or to regain the observatory together, but unfortunately it was covered by chaotic energy, and we were unable to discover its existence."

Picking up the sending device casually, Zhao Henian could not help but sigh,
"I don't know how the Jinglei is now. Since the airport and the lighthouse fell one after another, we have lost contact. I never expected to see you in this way."

"It should be better than us. After all, Jinglei is one of the few flying dragon boats that has undergone large-scale armed transformation. At least in terms of dealing with Chaos monsters, it must be easier than us."

Due to the extremely large scale of the flying dragon boat, the huge amount of manpower and resources it consumes, it is impossible to build it in the same area. The corresponding builders are completely different, and the design styles are naturally different.

For example, the Xuntian pays more attention to the various facilities in the cabin, so that animals and plants can still be raised in the cabin decades later. On the other hand, the Jinglei is famous for focusing more on combat effectiveness.

This is actually a deliberate arrangement.

The reason is simple. Humans were still able to resist the invasion of Chaos during the initial period, and with the establishment of an airport, the dragon boats in the air had an area where they could communicate and park for rest.

Therefore, in the minds of those in power at that time, it is better to develop their own strengths than to become extremely mediocre.

Air dragon boats can fully utilize their own advantages to the limit through complementary means.

As for the subsequent appearance like this, it can only be said that the sky is unpredictable.

"The preservation of these devices is fairly good, and this transmitter can also be used, why don't you try it?"

After roughly checking the several pieces of equipment at hand, Shen Qiong asked.

"Can it still be used?"

"It should be possible, but this type of transmitter is too old, and the success rate is not high. A dead horse is a living horse doctor."

After taking back the observation station, there is still a lighthouse, which is the key to whether Yan Jing and Xuntian can be left behind in the next stage. It is good to have more help.

"Sir, all the equipment is in good condition and operating normally, and the observatory is ready."

During the discussion between the three, a report from the boat people came from behind.

"Very good, the stargazers will be in place immediately, and a clear enough star map must be drawn tonight!"

Fu Shudao turned around and nodded appreciatively, then looked around and asked,
"Where did His Holiness go?"

"It seems to be above the dome of the observatory. It is said that I want to see the starry sky of the Shenzhou world before I leave."

Shen Qiong on the side gave the answer.

In fact, Yan Jing originally wanted to use the observatory in the observatory to watch the starry sky, but after asking, he learned that the three observatories have their own areas to be responsible for when drawing the star map. If he occupies a position, The finished product of the star map is incomplete.

In order to complete the task, Yan Jing had no choice but to give up her thoughts and head to the dome of the observation station instead.

Sit cross-legged alone on the highest point of the dome.

Yan Jing leaned against Hu Ying who was crouching behind her, and looked up at the fading pink light cluster in the sky.

As time goes by, day and night alternate.

The light cluster gradually disappeared among the thick clouds.

A dark yellow waning moon hangs high in the sky, revealing a slightly uncomfortable halo.

The bitter night wind from high above kept sweeping in for a moment, making a rustling noise in the robe worn by Yan Jing on the dome.

The strange thing is that the stars are not directly visible.

Yan Jing held her head up, but all she could see was the dark night and the thick clouds gathered together.

Is it not yet time?

Just as Yan Jing was about to go down to ask Fu Shudao, the orbit outside the observatory suddenly started to operate.

They revolve around a spherical observatory.

The inscriptions engraved on the surface lit up one by one, and finally formed a mysterious magic circle in three directions. In the orbit, there was an observation lens like a telescope, not to mention different sizes, and they could rotate freely.

Suddenly, as if sensing something, Yan Jing suddenly raised her head.

At this moment, a blue-purple halo first appeared in the deep night.

Immediately, it traversed the night sky like a galloping river, with countless stars shining on both sides.

After just a few seconds.

The bright galaxy came into Yan Jing's eyes!

Yan Jing has seen the starry sky in this life, and it is normal for Qiannan Nature Reserve to be full of stars on clear nights.

However, the starry sky in this Shenzhou world is extremely strange.

The stars seem to have their own lives.

They don't stay in one place, but are constantly changing positions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The number of meteor showers was even more unexpected. Every ten seconds, Yan Jing could see shooting stars across the night sky.

Strangest of all are the nebulae that occupy certain regions of the sky.

Yes, sitting on the dome of the observatory, Yan Jing can clearly see the nebula in the night sky!
Their colors are different, and their shapes are also contrary to common sense.

Even just a brief gaze can make people feel a little restless.

"Nanke" and "Torch" care so much about this starry sky.

What exactly do they want to see from it?
With her hands behind her head, Yan Jing thought about what kind of information the movements of the stars might mean.

The result is nothing.

Even though she had read a lot of star charts last night and learned a lot about the changes in the stars, Yan Jing still couldn't read the clues hidden in them.

Not much depression.

After all, people in the Shenzhou world have been studying the stars for decades, and they have also found nothing.

He took out the spirits from the space and took a sip against the night wind.

For no reason, the source tree that he saw in the torch space not long ago appeared in Yan Jing's mind. He clearly remembered that when he used the search right, what he saw was also the starry sky.
Is there a connection in this?

No one can give an answer, at least no one inside or outside the current observatory knows.

The next step is nothing more than waiting.

The operation of the observatory was very smooth. There were no mechanical failures, and there was no sudden attack by chaos monsters.

The team members who drew the star map worked step by step, and it was a bit boring smoothly.

Spent about an hour and a half on the dome.

Seeing that the drawing of the star map was coming to an end, Yan Jing didn't stay any longer, but returned to the Xuntian.

The transformation ceremony that belongs to him has already been prepared.

Back to the lab again.

Compared with the previous ones, this time the several energy supply towers outside the laboratory were guarded by dedicated personnel, and half of the source blood jars taken from Leviathan were gathered here.

"Her Majesty's physique is different from that of ordinary boat people, and the rank of this Seed of Chaos is completely different from what we have obtained in the past. In fact, I don't know what will happen once the ceremony starts."

Holding the Seed of Chaos with blue-purple radiance like a nebula in both hands, although the promise was very straightforward not long ago, when it came to the ceremony, Fu Shudao was still unavoidably nervous.

There is no way, whether it is the transformed person or the seed of chaos, he has never met before.

However, the transformation ceremony itself has a very high mortality rate.

If Yan Jing had an accident during the renovation process, the future of Xuntian would also be cut off. This is absolutely unacceptable to Fu Shudao.

"Don't worry, I have enough confidence in my will. I killed this guy's body with my own hands. That little mental shock can't affect me!"

With the dragon and tiger Yan Luo statue and the body protection of the holy ember spell seal, Yan Jing was really not afraid of the erosion of chaos during the ceremony, lay down on the operating table, and calmly signaled Fu Shudao to start immediately.

The ability of this Seed of Chaos is urgently needed by Yan Jing for the current and future recruitment missions.

Even if there is a risk, he does not intend to give up.

Seeing that Yan Jing persisted, Fu Shudao naturally had no reason to forcibly stop it.

Taking a deep breath, he turned his head to look at Ah Luo beside him, signaling the beginning of the ceremony.

At the same time, Zhao Henian and Shen Qiong also came outside the cabin.

"I implore God Li Huo to bless me, I will definitely succeed."

Looking at the radiance of the source energy that began to flicker in the cabin, Zhao Henian only felt his palms sweat, and his whole heart lifted, muttering to himself.

"The Venerable is the envoy sent by God Li Huo. With his strength, he will never be affected by chaos."

Shen Qiong was quite confident in Yan Jing, but in the middle of her sentence, she suddenly saw a team member rushing in at the door of the laboratory, she couldn't help frowning, and asked in a low voice,

"what's up?"

"Captain, we activated the transmitter left behind by the Jinglei according to your request, and we got a response just now. They sent us a series of signal codes through the transmitter!"

"What is the content of the response signal code?"

Originally just holding the idea of ​​giving it a try, Shen Qiong couldn't help being surprised when she heard the team members' report, and asked.

"The ship is in danger, urgent help!"

The team member swallowed, took out the note that analyzed the signal code just now, and said solemnly.

 My waist is not very comfortable, I will leave a chapter for today, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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