Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 279 Seed of Chaos Nebula

Chapter 279 Seed of Chaos Nebula
"Meteor" cut through the black mist.

Wrapped in dazzling white light, it fell to the front of Thunderbolt's deck.

There was a brief silence everywhere on the battlefield.

The first ones to react were the soldiers of Xuntian. Knowing that the envoy came to help, they immediately raised their weapons and cheered, and their morale was greatly boosted.

The female warrior looked at the rift giant who had already approached to a certain distance with a face full of astonishment and suddenly turned around.

Crazy, he rushed straight to the figure gradually emerging from the ray of light.

But before it got close to that figure, the giant staggered suddenly, swayed, let out a sharp roar, and beat its head and neck continuously with its four arms.

A silver-gray terrifying zerg with a matte body surface, like a killing machine, appeared from nowhere. Its four legs opened the left and right half jaws of the gap giant, and its sharp tail pierced its throat like a spear.

It is more fierce and evil than the Chaos monster under its feet!

This blow obviously caused a lot of trauma to the Rift Giant, and he was forced to stop and start fighting the Zerg.

"My lord! The obsidian gate guarded by the chaotic monsters is the core of the chaotic black mist, destroying it will break the situation!"

Shen Qiong took a few steps forward, worried that Yan Jing would not know the situation on the Jinglei, so she reminded her loudly.

Looking around, his eyes fell on the group of chaotic monsters in front of him, Yan Jing nodded to express his understanding.

He had just completed the transformation ceremony not long ago and learned about the Jinglei from Fu Shudao as soon as he woke up.

Although the main quest does not involve the Jinglei flying dragon boat, considering what to do next, Yan Jing will naturally not stand by at this time.

Just take this opportunity to experiment with the newly acquired ability:
【Seed of Chaos Nebula】

Quality: special order

Attribute: talent (can grow)

Special effect: Manipulate the gravitational field within a certain range, the specific range and strength depend on the degree of talent evolution.

The torch system regards Seed of Chaos Nebula as a type of skill, but its nature is unprecedented.

There are not many descriptions about this ability, but the growth talent in the attribute column explains everything.

More importantly, this ability will not be affected by the restrictions of the Shenzhou World!

With that in mind, Yan Jing walked straight to where the Obsidian Gate was, and his approach unsurprisingly attracted the attention of the surrounding Chaos monsters, but they didn't take the initiative to attack, but continued to guard in front of the Obsidian Gate. It is intended to buy enough time for the restoration of the Obsidian Gate in this way.

Stopping at a distance of about 15 meters from the obsidian gate, Yan Jing let out a sigh of relief, raised her arms, and sensed the energy in her body.

In an instant, the white light brought by the talisman dissipated, replaced by a nebula-like deep purple glow emerging in front of his chest.

From this moment on, gravity changes!

Yan Jing, who was using abilities for the first time, was not proficient. Fortunately, the abilities derived from the Seed of Chaos would not be suppressed in any way in the Shenzhou world, and it was extremely smooth to use.

Therefore, the moment Yan Jing activated his ability, with him as the center, the objects within a radius of 20 meters seemed to be half attracted by a magnet, lost control after a short delay, and quickly approached Yan Jing.

The plasticine-like chaotic monsters gathered near the obsidian gate were forcibly stripped by Yan Jing. Since they couldn't control their own movement, they simply chose to attack, roaring and launching a surprise attack on Yan Jing.

It's a pity that such a scene had already been predicted by Yan Jing.

The exquisite feather cloak embroidered with black birds unfolded against the wind, and the bright golden energy ripples spread amidst the high-pitched phoenix singing.

Wherever the ripples pass, the black mist is wiped out, and the chaotic monster is like a vampire who has seen the light.

In just a few seconds, the flesh and blood turned to ashes and completely dissipated in the night wind high above.

Before the surrounding chaos monsters formed a new encirclement circle, Yan Jing jumped in front of the obsidian gate.

Looking up at this very special space door, while Shen Qiong and others were restrained by the chaotic monster just now, it has recovered its prototype, with chaotic energy surging on the surface, as if something is brewing.

His eyes fell on the vortex inside the door, which looked quite familiar, which made Yan Jing quickly realize that although the obsidian door has a special appearance, its nature should also be regarded as a kind of rift in different space.

It's just that it's obviously weaker than those encountered in the past. At least Yan Jing hasn't felt that there are chaotic monsters around him that are difficult to solve.

Xu is aware of his own danger.

A large amount of chaotic black mist began to spit out from the vortex in the center of the obsidian gate, and an aura far surpassing the giant of the gap was gushing out from it. Obviously, he was unwilling to fail in the action and wanted to make a final fight.

"Hurry up, destroy it quickly, and never let the monster inside rush out!"

The female warrior who rushed to the vicinity spoke anxiously. Seeing that Yan Jing hadn't made a move for a long time, she was about to come over to help with the long knife in her hand.

Yan Jing looked back, and found that he was someone she had never seen before, and the armor on his body looked handsome.

Without wasting time explaining, he decisively withdrew his steps and retracted his punches, and the phantoms of dragons and tigers flashed behind him one after another.

The fist wrapped in black and white air blasted towards the obsidian door in the next second.

The obsidian gate, which was able to survive a round of artillery fire before, faced the spirit of dragon and tiger, and could no longer maintain its own existence. The cracks spread from the place where the fist fell, and spread to the entire stone gate.

The obsidian door lasted less than five seconds before it completely collapsed under the shocked eyes of the surrounding crew members. The Chaos monsters that hadn't had time to come out of it could only retreat in an unwilling roar.

The rubble fell into the black mist outside the ship and disappeared.

As the core of this attack, the Obsidian Gate was destroyed, so that the chaotic black mist that originally surrounded the Jinglei no longer had the effect of covering the sky and the sun, and the starlight fell from the sky.

The pressure of the soldiers in the bitter battle was quickly relieved, and their morale was boosted for a while, shouting and blowing the horn of counterattack.

"I don't know if you are"

The female soldier looked at the tall and straight man standing at the bow, and asked proactively.

Her tone was visibly trembling.

Even though she had heard Yan Jing's identity from Shen Qiong just now, she still wanted to hear the person in front of her admit it.

"I am the envoy of God Li Huo. I have received an oracle to help you through the crisis."

After a short thought, Yan Jing still chose to follow the Romans, but expanded the scope of the original task of only saving Xuntian. "Just the day before yesterday, our psychic magic circle received a response. His lord helped us repel the invasion of chaotic monsters and complete the resource collection in the special anomalous area. Yesterday we even recaptured the observation station and completed the latest star war. picture!"

Probably because she felt that what Yan Jing said was not clear enough, Shen Qiong hastily added, her words were full of gratitude.


The female soldier stared at Yan Jing, sheathed her knife suddenly, raised her hand to take off her helmet, knelt on the ground, and said in a trembling voice,
"I implore the envoys of God to help Jinglei to overcome the coming crisis, we are willing to dedicate everything to God Li Huo!"

Her long silver-white hair was braided around her neck, and beads of sweat hung on her heroic eyebrows. Her beautiful face was now pale due to previous physical exertion, but her expression was still determined.

Like a white daisy growing in the mountains, it grows in a harsh environment and breeds a unique tenacity.

She looked at Yan Jing with hope in her eyes.

The belief in Li Huo Shangshen is the spiritual pillar for every flying dragon boat to survive in this last days.

Over the past few decades, with the decline of "Nanke", all air-traveling dragon boats have lost their connection with Li Huo Shangshen, that is, the torch, Jinglei is no exception, and the result of this change is that Jinglei also fell into A vicious cycle of decay.

Although there is a relatively intact armed force, in a crisis-ridden environment, complete decline is only a matter of time. The attack tonight is the best proof.

The gap giant not far away knelt down on the deck and made a muffled sound.

Huying shook her head and pulled out a ball of Chaos Seed from its heart, and ran to Yan Jing to put it down as if offering a treasure.

"The time God gave me is limited, and I will leave tomorrow. Before that, I can help you as much as possible. As for other things, we do have some plans here. If you are willing to participate, you can discuss it with Shen Qiong. He I will tell you the next course of action."

Bending to help the female warrior, Yan Jing did not directly mention Fu Shudao's plan, after all, the act of replacing the statue of Li Huo Shangshen in the lighthouse somewhat disrespected the former.

Yan Jing didn't even intend to deceive the other party.

He is not sure about the current situation of Jinglei, and it is undoubtedly irresponsible to them to promise something hastily.

Intuition told Yan Jing that the encounter between Xuntian and Jinglei this time was not a bad thing.

Just compared to him as an "outsider".

Shen Qiong, as the guard captain of the Xuntian, obviously had a smoother communication with the female soldier in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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