Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 286: Pathways to Evolution

Chapter 286: Pathways to Evolution
Whether it is Fu Shudao or Wu Chaoxian, they are all people who are keen to bury their heads in work.

Both of them are very clear.

than flimsy words.

Music is undoubtedly more touching.

The Jingzhu rotates at a specific frequency, and the psionic light patterns projected from the top spread toward the surroundings.

The soothing mysterious tone, like a mysterious chant across dimensions, heals all wounds in people's hearts.

Without any extra guidance, the boat people were immersed in the warmth brought by the music, and immediately fell down like wheat waves in the wind.

Nearly [-] boat people spontaneously silenced and turned to the statue. They did not kowtow or other kneeling movements in a uniform manner, but greeted the statue in the center of the hall in their own ways.

Pray softly for the future of the flying dragon boat, and implore the protection of Taoist Lord Yama, the dragon and the tiger.

Yan Jing, who was paying attention to the situation inside the lighthouse, quietly turned on the special effect of Lu Wu's golden eyes [Hole Void].

Sure enough, in Yan Jing's field of vision, nearly half of the boat people present began to have light golden spots around them.

Every time the psionic light pattern projected from the top of the scripture pillar diffused over a person, these light spots would be taken away and gathered into the scripture pillar.

Observation over a period of time.

Yan Jing noticed that there were still quite a few boat people with no light spots around them.

According to their positions, they can be roughly identified, and they are undoubtedly the boat people of the Jinglei, and most of them are elderly.

Rather than saying that they are not devout enough or lack belief, it is better to say that they currently do not understand the meaning of the image of Dragon and Tiger Yama. They still believe in Li Huo Shangshen, and now they pray to the latter subconsciously.

This is to be expected.

It is not easy to change the habits of these seniors for more than ten or even decades overnight.

Turning his gaze to the position of the statue, with the collection of the power of faith, the scripture building has new movements.

Mysterious incantations and magic circles emerged on the surface of the central pillar of the scripture building that kept rotating, just like a textile machine, continuously pulling out silk threads from the light golden spots condensed by the power of faith, guiding them to flow to the central area of ​​the lighthouse. idol.

The pure white stone carvings contain the silk threads condensed by the power of faith. Not only Yan Jing, but all the boat people present saw that the Dragon and Tiger Yan Luo Daojun in front of him was emitting a faint light.

The boat people looked up involuntarily, and the whole picture of the Dragon Tiger Yama came into view.

Wei Su's roar sounded.

The tiger bowed its head, its head poked forward, and its furious eyes seemed to be scanning the lighthouse.

Sitting sideways on its back was a Taoist man wearing a robe and a feather cloak, with a simple long sword hanging from his waist.

The Taoist's upper body is straight, shoulders are stretched, his right arm is in front of him and his sword fingers are stretched out, and his left arm is pinching out a formula in front of him. His chin is slightly raised and he looks at the dome of the lighthouse. Behind him, the dragon rises to guard.

The huge dragon's head leaned against the Taoist's right shoulder, and his eyes shone with a dark golden light.

The power of faith is still pouring into the statue, and in the process of absorbing and condensing this power, colors gradually emerge on the surface, as if someone is holding a paintbrush to paint the statue's unique charm.

It worked!
Standing aside, Wu Chaoxian was staring at the changing image of Dragon and Tiger Yama, clenched his hands hanging by his side, his face was full of excitement.

The implementation of the asylum program was not only a great success, but even smoother than imagined.

Lord Yan.

Exactly how does it exist?
Confused eyes turned to where Yan Jing was before, only to find that he had long since disappeared.

In fact, Yan Jing was aware of his own abnormality the first time Dragon and Tiger Yama began to accept the power of faith with the help of scriptures.

In order not to disturb the ceremony in the lighthouse, he chose to leave quietly.

Stand at the corner of the corridor outside the fortress.

Yan Jing leaned against the railing, her whole body was drenched by the torrential rain, she didn't care about it, she held her chest with her right hand, panting violently.

Every time he takes a breath, a thin golden light will emerge from the mouth, the wings of the nose and even the pores of the skin, and then it will be sucked back into his body, repeating this cycle.

For Yan Jing, this change verified his previous speculation.

The Dragon Tiger Yama Statue is by no means just a prop.

As Yan Jing's exclusive legend, the method of obtaining it and the appearance it presents undoubtedly contain some special meaning.

However, the sudden accident at this time was not a good thing.

Yan Jing could feel an out-of-control force rampaging in her body.

They appear out of thin air.

Has a quality he is quite familiar with.

It is exactly the same as the power of faith that I endured in Jingjiang Town!
Herein lies the crux of the matter.

The power of faith that Yan Jing accommodated in Jingjiang Town belonged to Sandu Buddha, he only borrowed it temporarily with the help of the golden thread, and immediately consumed this part of the power, either filling it into the Haoxuan Scripture, or using it for the next battle.

This time the situation is very different.

There is no gold thread to rely on, and the magic circle on the dome has not been repaired, making it difficult to release the power of faith.

You must know that in Fu Shudao's asylum plan, the scripture building is a device to activate and collect the power of faith, and the dragon, tiger and Yama statue is the "container" that carries the power of faith. He didn't think about what would happen to Yan Jing.

Yan Jing was alert to this aspect, but he never thought that the power of faith would appear directly in his body!

This led to the fact that even though the power of faith appearing in Yan Jing's body at this time was only a very small part, he still had no way to control it, and could only watch them rampage.

To put it bluntly.

As a human being, Yan Jing is not enough to bear the power of faith without auxiliary props.

at least not now
Huying anxiously walked around in circles, wanting to come up to help, but seemed to be afraid of something, so she could only lie down and whimper.

Vomit a mouthful of golden blood.

Yan Jing raised her hand and grabbed the railing to barely stabilize her figure, the veins on her forehead popped out.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sat cross-legged on the spot.

Black and white dragon and tiger energy surged from the body!

Since you can't control this power of faith, then find a way to mobilize what you can control.

The statue of Dragon and Tiger Yama, which has long been integrated with Yan Jing, finally played a role at this moment.

With the activation of Dragon and Tiger Qi, the power of faith in Yan Jing's body suddenly seemed to find its destination, gathering towards his chest.

That's where the dragon and tiger Yama statues are!

Sensing the changes in his body, Yan Jing summoned the Dragon and Tiger Yama statue without hesitation after a short thought.

In an instant, the surrounding rainstorm receded, and Huying also retreated a certain distance.

Yan Jing stared at the statue, a look of joy gradually appeared in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but grin.

Originally infused by the spirit of the white tiger, the statue of Dragon, Tiger and Yama, which has been transformed from the four-faced clay tire pinched by the little girl, has obtained these powers of faith, and light golden light patterns began to emerge on the surface like the statue in the lighthouse !

Soon all the power of faith in Yan Jing's body poured into it, and this was not the end.

As time passes and the prayer ceremony inside the lighthouse continues.

Yan Jing could clearly feel the power of faith being continuously generated in her body.

It's just that compared to the dragon and tiger Yan Luo statue in the lighthouse, the one produced in Yan Jing's body may be only one percent or even less.

The reason is simple, Yan Jing is not the real Daojun Yan Luo, the dragon and tiger.

He can only barely establish a connection with it with the help of the image of Dragon and Tiger Yama, and can only share a small part of the power of faith.

[Dragon Tiger Yama Statue (Exclusive Foreign Object)]

Quality: Legendary (Growable)
Special effects:

[Legendary] Your prestige spreads all over the world, your deeds are praised by others, and you will be given a special status when you enter any other world event.

[Spiritual Sense] Most of the exemptions involve negative states at the level of consciousness!
[Tiger Hunting] Summons the White Tiger Spirit God, providing a variety of buff effects.

Constructing a converging channel between the power of faith generated in the body and the statue of Dragon and Tiger Yama, Yan Jing's eyes moved away from the statue emitting light golden shimmer, and fell on the information that appeared on the torch panel.

Obviously, the power of faith gathered just now is not enough to complete the upgrade of the image of Dragon and Tiger Yama in the body, and no new special effects have appeared until now.

Even so, Yan Jing still sees the hope that the image of Dragon and Tiger Yama can continue to grow. As long as the lighthouse is not extinguished, and the boat people on the two dragon boats Xuntian and Jinglei still keep praying, then the power of faith will continue to emerge .

This is undoubtedly one of the biggest gains of this trip for him.

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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