Chapter 70 Savage Growth
Successfully rescued several members of the scientific expedition team.

According to the request of the Public Security Bureau, Yan Jing had to send them to the port.

With the presence of outsiders, Yan Jing could only sit in the driving seat, pretending to concentrate on sailing, but in fact, all her attention was on the people behind her.

The giant python seen by the river earlier and the emergency communication from the Public Security Bureau are enough to prove that their investigation has definitely paid off.

The return journey takes at least half an hour.

After the few people who managed to escape were notified of their safety, they immediately couldn't help but began to exchange their findings.

"It can't be wrong, there is only one explanation for the recovery of spiritual energy."

Professor Lin, who was paralyzed in the rubber boat before, blushed at this moment, and said in an excited tone,

"Do you still remember that red spruce tree? When we visited last time, I marked it. Only half a month later, its trunk expanded from one meter in diameter to about two meters in height. It has increased significantly, which is a miracle!"

"This growth rate is indeed extraordinary. Everyone has been to Longshan Mountain in the past few years. The abnormal growth of plants has obviously occurred in the last one to two months. I think that the entire Luojiang Mountain Range, including Longshan Mountain, is very There may be similar situations.”

Another professor took over the conversation, took out the only mobile phone left on his body, opened the map, pointed and said,

"Have you ever thought about the number of animals and plants in this area? If they are all affected by the so-called aura recovery, then the primitive jungle and giant pythons we have seen are probably just the tip of the iceberg. You must know that we have not entered the deep mountains at all. area!"

Speaking of this, the faces of several professors sitting around the table quickly showed excitement. They are all experts in the field of natural sciences, and they are naturally very concerned about the changes of this kind of animals and plants.

But soon someone poured a basin of cold water.

"How could this be? The supernatural events that happened recently, I used to think of them as rumors, but the blood-clothed soul hunt some time ago, coupled with the giant python we encountered today, the recovery of spiritual energy brought not only research materials, but also a huge crisis!"

With the expansion of the primeval forest, the beasts living in it have also evolved. Who can guarantee that there will not be some extremely ferocious monsters?

Yan Jing, who was sitting in the front, wrote down the conversations of several people, and subconsciously appeared in his mind the sword marks that he noticed during the morning exercise not long ago.

Now that I think about it, that wasn't an illusion at all.

The tree had grown up in just a few days, which caused the sword marks to be misplaced!
The Gannan Nature Reserve where the Luojiang Mountains are located stretches for nearly a thousand kilometers. If this giant primeval forest begins to grow wildly under the stimulation of aura, Yan Jing is almost certain that there will inevitably be giant beasts and a huge herd of beasts inside. .

Shanqing City is separated from the Luojiang Mountains by the Luofeng River!

Of course, with crisis comes opportunity.

This forest is certainly dangerous, but it will inevitably produce a large amount of supernatural resources, which is the so-called "heavenly materials and earthly treasures".

If it is used properly, it can also make many people who have not obtained the qualifications of ember apostles become superhumans.

Yan Jing can already imagine that with the frequent occurrence of supernatural events in the future, once the news here spreads, the whole people will set off an upsurge of exploring the Luojiang Mountains.

The wave of the new age has trended.

No one wants to be the one to be drowned by the tide.

"By the way, Lao He, what about those bugs you caught in the woods earlier, do you still keep them?"

The conversation in the cabin was still going on, and someone seemed to have remembered something, and turned to ask Professor He, who had been taciturn since just now,

"That is a special species that has never been seen before. If it is brought back, it will definitely cause a shock in the academic world."

"Run too fast, the bug box is broken, and there is nothing left."

Throwing a half-broken plastic box onto the table, the middle-aged professor known as Lao He leaned against the cabin, his face extremely ugly, and even his breathing was somewhat difficult.

At this time, other people noticed his abnormality and came closer to check. A professor sitting next to him noticed that there was a gash on the inside of Professor He's left arm. There was no bleeding, but the flesh was turned outward. Looking hideous, he hurriedly asked ,
"Old He, your left arm is injured. Brother Yan, is there anything on board to treat the wound?"

"In the box next to you, there are some basic things that should come in handy."

Yan Jing looked back at Professor He's wound, it wasn't serious, and it wouldn't be life-threatening, so she turned her head and said.

"Thank you."

The professor closest to the medical box got up to get it, but when he picked up the box, his eyes were immediately attracted by the scene outside the window on the side of the cabin, he paused, and suddenly pointed out the window and exclaimed,
"Come and see, the river bank over there!"

Yan Jing, who was sitting in the driving seat in front, heard the movement, turned around and looked out, and immediately frowned subconsciously.

On the left side of the river bank, at some point, a few extraordinarily large wild boars gathered, wandering in the woods over there.

Although these wild boars are not as exaggerated as the giant python we met earlier, they still have the shape of an ordinary car, and are obviously influenced by this jungle. The two yellowish fangs protruding from their lips are particularly narrow, long and sharp.

Regardless of why these wild boars can grow so big, what really caught Yan Jing's attention was that they kept knocking over the trees on the river bank, digging through the soil, and screaming for a while. They looked very irritable, as if they were trying to deter what.

Before Yan Jing could figure out the situation, the wild boars closest to the river bank suddenly rushed forward, plunged directly into the river, and began to try to swim across the Luofeng River. Looking at the direction they swam out, they obviously wanted to go to the river. The forest on the other side.

Yan Jing has seen wild boars rolling in mud puddles on the Internet, but he has never seen this kind of wild boars jumping directly into the river.

"Also, there's more over there, look at these wild boars, what happened to this forest?"

The cruise ship continued to move forward, and the professors in the cabin held up their mobile phones and shouted loudly during the filming process.

The number of beasts appearing on the banks of the river is constantly increasing, most of them are ordinary beasts, and their voices are unusually noisy.

Their behavior was exceptionally uniform, that is, hesitating on the bank for a while, and then jumping directly into the Luofeng River.

"Something happened, something must have happened in the nearby forest, otherwise it would be impossible to cause such a large-scale migration of beasts!"

Except for Yan Jing, all the people present were experts in the natural field, and they quickly realized that there must be special incentives behind this abnormal phenomenon.

Immediately, someone stopped filming and called the Public Security Bureau instead, trying to convey the situation here.

Yan Jing's eyes fell on the deep and dense forest in the distance, and quickly took out the phone to locate it, and then took a screenshot of the location map here.

Just when he turned on the camera function and wanted to take a part of the content.

His eyes suddenly stopped at the center of the herd in front of him.

There was a white tiger standing there with its head held high, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yan Jing was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly looked at her phone.

The video camera only captures the herd
(End of this chapter)

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